public Link Add(Link link)
            using (var connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection())
                                           "INSERT INTO links(UserId, Url, Redirects, CreationDate)" +
                                           "VALUES($userId, $url, 0, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)",
                                           new Parameter("userId", link.UserId),
                                           new Parameter("url", link.Url));

                link.Id = helperService.GetScalar <long>(connection, "SELECT last_insert_rowid()");
Example #2
        public void Seed()
            using (var connection = dataConnectionFactory.CreateConnection())

                if (!helperService.IsTableExists(connection, "links"))
                                               "CREATE TABLE links (" +
                                               "UserId INT," +
                                               "Url TEXT," +
                                               "Redirects INT," +
                                               "CreationDate INT" +

                if (!helperService.IsTableExists(connection, "users"))
                                               "CREATE TABLE users (" +
                                               "Username TEXT UNIQUE," +
                                               "Password TEXT," +
                                               "Salt TEXT," +
                                               "CreationDate INT" +
        public async Task <List <TEntity> > Process <TEntity>(RequestModel requestModel) where TEntity : class
            var entityType             = typeof(TEntity);
            List <PropertyInfo> fields = entityType.GetProperties().Where(e => Attribute.IsDefined(e, typeof(PrimaryKeyAttribute))).ToList();

            if (fields.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("POCO class should have PrimaryKey attribute");

            if (fields.Count > 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("The library doesn't support composite key. Use only 1 PrimaryKey attribute in POCO class");

            if (requestModel.Paging == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Paging mustn't be null");

            if (requestModel.Paging.PageSize > _pageSizeLimit || requestModel.Paging.PageSize < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect page size");

            PropertyInfo primaryKey = fields.First();

            var keys = await GetKeys <TEntity>(requestModel, primaryKey);

            int   skipCount  = requestModel.Paging.PageNumber * requestModel.Paging.PageSize;
            var   dynamicIds = keys.Skip(skipCount).Take(requestModel.Paging.PageSize).ToList();
            Type  type       = primaryKey.PropertyType;
            Type  listType   = typeof(List <>).MakeGenericType(type);
            IList resultIds  = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(listType);

            foreach (var id in dynamicIds)

            using (DataConnection connection = _dataConnectionFactory.CreateConnection()) {
                var table = connection.GetTable <TEntity>();
                IQueryable <TEntity> resultQuery = table.Where($"@0.Contains({primaryKey.Name})", resultIds);
                return(await resultQuery.ToListAsync());
        public User Register(string username, string password)
            using (var connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection())
                var salt         = CreateSalt();
                var passwordHash = Sha256(Sha256(password) + salt);

                                           "INSERT INTO users(Username, Password, Salt, CreationDate)" +
                                           "VALUES($username, $password, $salt, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)",
                                           new Parameter("username", username),
                                           new Parameter("password", passwordHash),
                                           new Parameter("salt", salt));

                return(new User
                    Id = helperService.GetScalar <long>(connection, "SELECT last_insert_rowid()"),
                    Username = username