public void HelpFlagIsSpecified_ShowUsageInformation()
                // Arrange
                string[] args = { "--help" };
                IDailyLeaderboardsSettings settings = Settings.Default;


                // Act
                parser.Parse(args, settings);

                // Assert
                var output = outWriter.ToString();

Usage: DailyLeaderboardsService.exe [options]

  --help                Shows usage information.
  --interval=VALUE      The minimum amount of time that should pass between each cycle.
  --delay=VALUE         The amount of time to wait after a cycle to perform garbage collection.
  --ikey=VALUE          An Application Insights instrumentation key.
  --iterations=VALUE    The number of rounds to execute a key derivation function.
  --connection[=VALUE]  The connection string used to connect to the leaderboards database.
  --username=VALUE      The user name used to log on to Steam.
  --password[=VALUE]    The password used to log on to Steam.
  --dailies=VALUE       The maxinum number of daily leaderboards to update per cycle.
  --timeout=VALUE       The amount of time to wait before a request to the Steam Client API times out.
", output, ignoreLineEndingDifferences: true);