public void GetAverageBuildingFromMasses(Document doc, int nFloors, IDFFile.BuildingConstruction constructions, IDFFile.WWR WWR, IDFFile.BuildingOperation buildingOperations, out Dictionary <string, Element> masses) { AvgBuildings = new Dictionary <string, IDFFile.Building>(); masses = new Dictionary <string, Element>(); List <View3D> views = (new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(View3D)).Cast <View3D>()).Where(v => v.Name.Contains("Op - ")).ToList(); foreach (View3D v1 in views) { //Initialize building elements FilteredElementCollector massElement = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, v1.Id).WhereElementIsNotElementType().OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Mass); List <IDFFile.XYZ> groundPoints = new List <IDFFile.XYZ>(); List <IDFFile.XYZ> roofPoints = new List <IDFFile.XYZ>(); double floorArea = 0; foreach (Element mass in massElement) { Options op = new Options() { ComputeReferences = true }; GeometryElement gElement = mass.get_Geometry(op); foreach (GeometryObject SolidStructure in gElement) { Solid GeoObject = SolidStructure as Solid; if (GeoObject != null) { FaceArray AllFacesFromModel = GeoObject.Faces; if (AllFacesFromModel.Size != 0) { foreach (Face face1 in AllFacesFromModel) { XYZ fNormal = (face1 as PlanarFace).FaceNormal; //checks if it is indeed a wall by computing the normal with respect to 001 if (Math.Round(fNormal.Z, 3) == -1) { groundPoints.AddRange(Utility.GetPoints(face1)); floorArea = Utility.SqFtToSqM(face1.Area); } if (Math.Round(fNormal.Z, 3) == 1) { roofPoints.AddRange(Utility.GetPoints(face1)); } } } } } masses.Add(v1.Name.Remove(0, 5), mass); } IDFFile.Building building = InitialiseModelBuilding(groundPoints, roofPoints, floorArea, nFloors, constructions, WWR, buildingOperations); AvgBuildings.Add(v1.Name.Remove(0, 5), building); } }
public static IDFFile.Building InitialiseModelBuilding(List <IDFFile.XYZ> groundPoints, List <IDFFile.XYZ> roofPoints, double area, int nFloors, IDFFile.BuildingConstruction constuction, IDFFile.WWR wwr, IDFFile.BuildingOperation operation) { IDFFile.ZoneList zoneList = new IDFFile.ZoneList("Office"); double[] heatingSetPoints = new double[] { 10, 20 }; double[] coolingSetPoints = new double[] { 28, 24 }; double equipOffsetFraction = 0.1; IDFFile.Building bui = new IDFFile.Building { buildingConstruction = constuction, WWR = wwr, buildingOperation = operation }; bui.UpdataBuildingOperations(); bui.CreateSchedules(heatingSetPoints, coolingSetPoints, equipOffsetFraction); bui.GenerateConstructionWithIComponentsU(); IDFFile.ScheduleCompact Schedule = bui.schedulescomp.First(s =>"Occupancy")); double baseZ = groundPoints.First().Z; double roofZ = roofPoints.First().Z; double heightFl = (roofZ - baseZ) / nFloors; IDFFile.XYZList dlPoints = Utility.GetDayLightPointsXYZList(groundPoints, Utility.GetAllWallEdges(groundPoints)); for (int i = 0; i < nFloors; i++) { double floorZ = baseZ + i * heightFl; IDFFile.XYZList floorPoints = new IDFFile.XYZList(groundPoints).ChangeZValue(floorZ); IDFFile.Zone zone = new IDFFile.Zone(bui, "Zone_" + i, i); = "Zone_" + i; IDFFile.People newpeople = new IDFFile.People(10); zone.people = newpeople; if (i == 0) { IDFFile.BuildingSurface floor = new IDFFile.BuildingSurface(zone, floorPoints, area, IDFFile.SurfaceType.Floor); } else { IDFFile.BuildingSurface floor = new IDFFile.BuildingSurface(zone, floorPoints, area, IDFFile.SurfaceType.Floor) { ConstructionName = "General_Floor_Ceiling", OutsideCondition = "Zone", OutsideObject = "Zone_" + (i - 1).ToString() }; } floorPoints.createWalls(zone, heightFl); if (i == nFloors - 1) { roofPoints.Reverse(); IDFFile.BuildingSurface roof = new IDFFile.BuildingSurface(zone, new IDFFile.XYZList(roofPoints), area, IDFFile.SurfaceType.Roof); } IDFFile.DayLighting DayPoints = new IDFFile.DayLighting(zone, Schedule, dlPoints.ChangeZValue(floorZ + 0.9).xyzs, 500); bui.AddZone(zone); zoneList.listZones.Add(zone); } bui.AddZoneList(zoneList); bui.CreateShadingControls(); bui.GeneratePeopleLightingElectricEquipment(); bui.GenerateInfiltraitionAndVentillation(); bui.GenerateHVAC(true, false, false); return(bui); }