Example #1
        /* Variable             Type            Purpose
         * boolChoose           bool            used in the switch under case P
         *                                      used to determine which put method to choose
         * boolPF               bool            used in the switch under case P
         *                                      It determines the success or failure ot the put method
         * charArray            char[]          It used in several places to as the value of the split operatoin of strings
         * FileStream           StreamReader    for reading data from the file
         * idEntry              IDENTIFIER      Used in the switch under case I
         *                                      It stores the Lexeme to be stored in the hash table
         * intValue             int             used in the switch under case G
         *                                      it is used to store the index number of an array that is to be retreived
         * strArray             string[]        it is used through out the method to store substrings derived from a split
         *                                      operation.
         * strEntry             string          it is used through out the method to store the hash key of interest
         * strRetVal            string          it is used in the switch under case G
         *                                      it is used to store the returned value
         * strScope             string          it id used through out the switch statement to store the scope of interest
         * strToken             string          it is used in the switch under case P
         *                                      it store the token to be put into the desired IDENTIFIER
         * strValue             string          it is used in the switch under case P
         *                                      it stores the value to be put into the desired IDENTIFIER
        static void DebugSymbolTable(string strFilename)
            StreamReader FileStream;                 //used for reading the file
            string       strEntry,                   //used for querries of the table
                         strScope,                   //used for keep track of scope
                         strRetVal = "NOT_FOUND";    //used to catch the return value of get operation

            string[]   strArray  = new string[1];    //used for string splitting
            char[]     charArray = new char[1];      //used for string splitting
            int        intValue  = 0;                //used for store value for get operation
            IDENTIFIER idEntry   = new IDENTIFIER(); //used for inserting item to table
            string     strToken  = "",               //used in the put operation
                       strValue  = "";               //used in the put operation
            bool boolChoose      = false,            //used in the put operation to choose put method
                 boolPF          = false;            //used in the put operation to determine sucess or failure of put method

            charArray[0] = ' ';                      //space delimited strings

                FileStream = new StreamReader(strFilename);
            catch (FileNotFoundException exceptionFileNotFound)
                Console.WriteLine(exceptionFileNotFound.Message + "\nInput File Not Found");

            string strReadLine;

            strReadLine = FileStream.ReadLine();

            while (strReadLine != null)
                Console.Write("\n" + strReadLine + "\n");

                //determine action to be preformed
                switch (strReadLine[0])
                case 'B':
                    //begin a scope
                    objSymbolTable.scopeTracker.Begin(strReadLine.Substring(2, strReadLine.Length - 2));

                    break;     //end of case 'B'

                case 'C':
                    //check current scope for desired entry
                    //it must be provided with a scope as stated in class
                    strEntry = objSymbolTable.hashKey(strReadLine);

                    if (objSymbolTable.contains(strEntry))
                        Console.Write("Found entry " + strEntry + "\n");
                        Console.Write("Did not find entry " + strEntry + "\n");

                    break;     //end of case 'C'

                case 'D':
                    //dump the hash table to the screen


                case 'E':
                    //end the scope

                    break;     //end of case 'E'

                case 'G':

                    //get the value from the hash table

                    strEntry = objSymbolTable.hashKey(strReadLine);      //get hash table key

                    //determine if there is a given value in the string

                    strArray = strReadLine.Split(charArray);

                    bool looper = true;

                    if (strArray.Length > 3)     //check for value
                        boolChoose = true;

                        if (strArray.Length > 8)    //get value
                            intValue = Int32.Parse(strArray[8]);
                        else if (strArray.Length > 6 && strArray[5] == "V")
                            intValue = Int32.Parse(strArray[6]);
                        else if (strArray[3] == "V")
                            intValue = Int32.Parse(strArray[4]);
                            boolChoose = false;

                        //strRetVal = objSymbolTable.get(strEntry, intValue);

                        strScope = objSymbolTable.scopeTracker.Current();

                        while (looper && strScope != objSymbolTable.scopeTracker.NO_SCOPE)
                                looper = false;

                                if (boolChoose)
                                    strRetVal = objSymbolTable.get(strEntry, intValue);
                                    strRetVal = objSymbolTable.get(strEntry);
                            //if the search fails to find the item in the table
                            //then search the parent scopes of the current scope
                            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                                looper = true;

                                strScope = objSymbolTable.scopeTracker.Parent(strScope);

                                strEntry = objSymbolTable.hashKey(strReadLine, strScope);     //rehash
                    else     // no scope  or no value provided
                        //strRetVal = objSymbolTable.get(strEntry);

                        strScope = objSymbolTable.scopeTracker.Current();

                        while (looper && strScope != objSymbolTable.scopeTracker.NO_SCOPE)
                            //if the search fails to find the item in the table
                            //then search the parent scopes of the current scope
                                looper = false;

                                strRetVal = objSymbolTable.get(strEntry);
                            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                                looper   = true;
                                strEntry = objSymbolTable.hashKey(strReadLine, strScope);     //rehash
                                strScope = objSymbolTable.scopeTracker.Parent(strScope);

                    Console.Write("The returned value is " + strRetVal + "\n");

                    strRetVal = "NOT_FOUND";

                    break;      //end of case 'G'

                case 'I':
                    //insert new item to the table
                    strEntry = objSymbolTable.hashKey(strReadLine); //get hash table key

                    idEntry = new IDENTIFIER(strReadLine);          //set up lexeme

                    if (!objSymbolTable.contains(strEntry))         //check if lexeme is in table
                        objSymbolTable.Insert(idEntry, strEntry);   //if unique insert
                        Console.Write("Added to table: " + idEntry.Scope + " "
                                      + idEntry.Lexeme + " "
                                      + idEntry.Token + " "
                                      + idEntry.Value + "\n");
                        Console.Write("The Lexeme " + strEntry + " is already in the table\n");

                    break;     //end of case 'I'

                case 'P':
                    // change the value of an table item

                    strArray = strReadLine.Split(charArray);          //split the sub strings

                    strEntry = objSymbolTable.hashKey(strReadLine);   //get first hash key

                    strScope = objSymbolTable.scopeTracker.Current(); //get the current scope

                    if (strArray.Length > 8)
                    {     // provided scope
                        if (strArray.Length > 9)
                        { // two values
                            strToken   = strArray[6];
                            intValue   = Int32.Parse(strArray[8]);
                            strValue   = strArray[9];
                            boolChoose = false;
                        {    // one value
                            boolChoose = true;
                            strValue   = strArray[8];
                            strToken   = strArray[6];
                    //no scope provided for the following cases
                    else if (strArray.Length > 6)
                    {     // Provided token and value
                        if (strArray.Length > 7)
                        { // two values
                            strToken   = strArray[4];
                            intValue   = Int32.Parse(strArray[6]);
                            strValue   = strArray[7];
                            boolChoose = false;
                        {    // one value
                            boolChoose = true;
                            strValue   = strArray[6];
                            strToken   = strArray[4];
                        if (strArray[3] == "T")
                        {     //provided a token change
                            boolChoose = false;
                            strValue   = objSymbolTable.KEEP;
                            strToken   = strArray[4];
                        {     //provided a value change
                            if (strArray.Length > 5)
                            //two values provided
                                intValue   = Int32.Parse(strArray[4]);
                                boolChoose = false;
                                strToken   = objSymbolTable.KEEP;
                                strValue   = strArray[5];
                            {     // one value provided
                                boolChoose = true;
                                strValue   = strArray[4];
                                strToken   = objSymbolTable.KEEP;

                    boolPF = false;

                    if (boolChoose)
                    {    //one value put
                        while (!boolPF && strScope != objSymbolTable.scopeTracker.NO_SCOPE)
                                boolPF = objSymbolTable.put(strEntry, strToken, strValue);
                            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)

                            strScope = objSymbolTable.scopeTracker.Parent(strScope);

                            strEntry = objSymbolTable.hashKey(strReadLine, strScope);
                    {    //two value put
                        while (!boolPF && strScope != objSymbolTable.scopeTracker.NO_SCOPE)
                                boolPF = objSymbolTable.put(strEntry, strToken, intValue, strValue);
                            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)

                            strScope = objSymbolTable.scopeTracker.Parent(strScope);

                            strEntry = objSymbolTable.hashKey(strReadLine, strScope);

                    if (boolPF)
                        Console.Write("Operation Sucessful\n");
                        Console.Write("Operation Failed\n");

                    break;     //end of case 'P'

                strReadLine = FileStream.ReadLine(); //get next command from the file
Example #2
 public Mail()
     identifier = NONE;