clearStyles() public method

public clearStyles ( ) : void
return void
Example #1
    override public void Process(IDE ide)
        //Right now we just print out the build errors and the completions
        //  Ulitimately, we'll need to parse this (on the Euclid side) and display the information to the user somehow.
        //  But I'm not really sure where to put the build errors in our IDE.
        //  And I'm not sure how I want to implement the drop-down menu for the code completion.
        //In any event, we are fetching the info we need.  We just need to massage it and display.

         * string messages = eclipse.JavaSrcUpdateString(short_file_name,project_name);
         * Debug.Log(messages);
         * int cursor = ide.GetCursorPosition();
         * string completions=eclipse.JavaCompleteString(short_file_name,project_name,cursor);
         * Debug.Log(completions);




        string pat = @":([0-9]+)";

        // Instantiate the regular expression object.
        Regex r = new Regex(pat);

        // Match the regular expression pattern against a text string.
        Match m          = r.Match(current_error);
        int   matchCount = 0;

        while (m.Success)
            Capture c = m.Groups[1].Captures[0];

            int line_num = int.Parse(c.ToString());

            ide.addStyle(line_num - 1, "error");

            m = m.NextMatch();
Example #2
    public override void Process(IDE ide)
        //Right now we just print out the build errors and the completions
        //  Ulitimately, we'll need to parse this (on the Euclid side) and display the information to the user somehow.
        //  But I'm not really sure where to put the build errors in our IDE.
        //  And I'm not sure how I want to implement the drop-down menu for the code completion.
        //In any event, we are fetching the info we need.  We just need to massage it and display.

        string messages = eclipse.JavaSrcUpdateString(short_file_name,project_name);

        int cursor = ide.GetCursorPosition();

        string completions=eclipse.JavaCompleteString(short_file_name,project_name,cursor);




          	string pat = @":([0-9]+)";

          	// Instantiate the regular expression object.
         	Regex r = new Regex(pat);

          	// Match the regular expression pattern against a text string.
         	Match m = r.Match(current_error);
          	int matchCount = 0;
          	while (m.Success)
            Capture c = m.Groups[1].Captures[0];

            int line_num = int.Parse(c.ToString());

            ide.addStyle(line_num - 1, "error");

            m = m.NextMatch();