// TODO -- think this one might have to change w/ FK's public void WritePatch(DocumentMapping mapping, IDDLRunner runner) { runner.Apply(mapping, $"ALTER TABLE {mapping.Table.QualifiedName} ADD COLUMN {ColumnName} {PgType};"); var jsonField = new JsonLocatorField(_enumStorage, Members); // HOKEY, but I'm letting it pass for now. var sqlLocator = jsonField.SqlLocator.Replace("d.", ""); runner.Apply(mapping, $"update {mapping.Table.QualifiedName} set {ColumnName} = {sqlLocator}"); }
public void CreatePatch(IDDLRunner runner) { TableDiff.CreatePatch(_mapping, runner); if (HasFunctionChanged()) { _existing.FunctionDropStatements.Each(x => runner.Apply(this, x)); runner.Apply(this, expectedUpsertFunction()); } IndexChanges.Each(x => runner.Apply(this, x)); }
public void WritePatch(IDocumentSchema schema, IDDLRunner runner) { if (functionShouldBeReloaded(schema)) { runner.Apply(this, GenerateFunction()); } }
public void GenerateSchemaObjectsIfNecessary(AutoCreate autoCreateSchemaObjectsMode, IDocumentSchema schema, IDDLRunner runner) { if (_checked) { return; } var shouldReload = functionShouldBeReloaded(schema); if (!shouldReload) { _checked = true; return; } if (autoCreateSchemaObjectsMode == AutoCreate.None) { string message = $"The transform function {Function.QualifiedName} and cannot be created dynamically unless the {nameof(StoreOptions)}.{nameof(StoreOptions.AutoCreateSchemaObjects)} is higher than \"None\". See http://jasperfx.github.io/marten/documentation/documents/ for more information"; throw new InvalidOperationException(message); } runner.Apply(this, GenerateFunction()); }
public void GenerateSchemaObjectsIfNecessary(AutoCreate autoCreateSchemaObjectsMode, IDocumentSchema schema, IDDLRunner runner) { if (_checkedSchema) { return; } _checkedSchema = true; var tableExists = schema.DbObjects.TableExists(_parent.Table); if (tableExists) { return; } if (autoCreateSchemaObjectsMode == AutoCreate.None) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "The EventStore schema objects do not exist and the AutoCreateSchemaObjects is configured as " + autoCreateSchemaObjectsMode); } lock (_locker) { if (!schema.DbObjects.TableExists(_parent.Table)) { var writer = new StringWriter(); writeBasicTables(schema, writer); runner.Apply(this, writer.ToString()); } } }
public void CreatePatch(DocumentMapping mapping, IDDLRunner runner) { var systemFields = new string[] { DocumentMapping.LastModifiedColumn, DocumentMapping.DotNetTypeColumn, DocumentMapping.VersionColumn }; var missingNonSystemFields = Missing.Where(x => !systemFields.Contains(x.Name)).ToArray(); var fields = missingNonSystemFields.Select(x => mapping.FieldForColumn(x.Name)).ToArray(); if (fields.Length != missingNonSystemFields.Length) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The expected columns did not match with the DocumentMapping"); } var missingSystemColumns = Missing.Where(x => systemFields.Contains(x.Name)).ToArray(); if (missingSystemColumns.Any()) { missingSystemColumns.Each(col => { var patch = $"alter table {_tableName.QualifiedName} add column {col.ToDeclaration(col.Name.Length + 1)};"; runner.Apply(this, patch); }); } fields.Each(x => x.WritePatch(mapping, runner)); }
public static void OwnershipToTable(this IDDLRunner runner, StoreOptions options, TableName table) { if (options.OwnerName.IsNotEmpty()) { runner.Apply(table, $"ALTER TABLE {table.QualifiedName} OWNER TO {options.OwnerName};"); } }
private void runDependentScripts(IDDLRunner runner) { DependentScripts.Each(script => { var sql = SchemaBuilder.GetSqlScript(_mapping.DatabaseSchemaName, script); runner.Apply(this, sql); }); }
public void WritePatch(IDocumentSchema schema, IDDLRunner runner) { if (!schema.DbObjects.TableExists(Table)) { var sqlScript = SchemaBuilder.GetSqlScript(Table.Schema, "mt_hilo"); runner.Apply(this, sqlScript); } }
private void rebuildTableAndUpsertFunction(IDocumentSchema schema, IDDLRunner runner) { var writer = new StringWriter(); WriteSchemaObjects(schema, writer); var sql = writer.ToString(); runner.Apply(this, sql); }
public void WritePatch(IDocumentSchema schema, IDDLRunner runner) { var tableExists = schema.DbObjects.TableExists(_parent.Table); if (tableExists) { return; } runner.Apply(this, SchemaBuilder.GetSqlScript(_parent.DatabaseSchemaName, "mt_stream")); }
public static void Drop(this IDDLRunner runner, object subject, DbObjectName table) { var sql = $"drop table if exists {table.QualifiedName} cascade;"; runner.Apply(subject, sql); }
public static void RemoveColumn(this IDDLRunner runner, object subject, DbObjectName table, string columnName) { var sql = $"alter table if exists {table.QualifiedName} drop column if exists {columnName};"; runner.Apply(subject, sql); }