// public static string getbyid(Message m) { string json = "{}"; try { var jobject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(m.input); string id = jobject.getValue(_LITEDB_CONST.FIELD_ID); if (id.Length == 24) { IDB db = dbi.Get(m.model); { var result = db.FindById(id); json = @"{""ok"":true,""total"":" + db.Count().ToString() + @",""count"":" + (result == null ? "0" : "1") + @", ""items"":" + (result == null ? "null" : result.toJson) + @"}"; } } else { json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { ok = false, output = "The field _id should be 24 hex characters" }); } } catch (Exception ex) { json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { ok = false, output = ex.Message }); } return(json); }
// // public static string fetch(Message m) { var jobject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(m.input); string json = @"{""ok"":false,""total"":-1,""count"":-1,""msg"":""Can not find model [" + m.model + @"]""}"; string skip = jobject.getValue("skip"); string limit = jobject.getValue("limit"); long _skip = 0; long _limit = 0; long.TryParse(skip, out _skip); long.TryParse(limit, out _limit); if (_skip < 0) { _skip = _LITEDB_CONST._SKIP; } if (_limit <= 0) { _limit = _LITEDB_CONST._LIMIT; } IDB db = dbi.Get(m.model); if (db != null) { var result = db.Fetch(_skip, _limit).Select(x => x.toJson).ToArray(); json = @"{""ok"":true,""total"":" + db.Count().ToString() + @",""count"":" + result.Length.ToString() + @",""items"":[" + string.Join(",", result) + @"]}"; } return(json); }
private static long _total(string model) { IDB db = Get(model); if (db != null) { return(db.Count()); } return(0); }
// public static string count(Message m) { string json = @"{""ok"":false,""model"":""" + m.model + @""",""count"":-1}"; IDB db = dbi.Get(m.model); if (db != null) { json = @"{""ok"":true,""model"":""" + m.model + @""",""count"":" + db.Count().ToString() + @"}"; } return(json); }
// [{ "model":"test", "action":"insert", "data":[{"key":"value1", "key2":"tiếng việt"}] }] public static string insert(Message m) { if (m.method != "POST") { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { ok = false, total = 0, count = 0, msg = "The method action [" + m.action + "] for model [" + m.model + "] must be POST" })); } string json = "{}"; var ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject[]>(m.input); if (ips.Length > 0) { IDB db = dbi.Get(m.model); if (db != null) { string[] IDs = db.InsertBulk(ips.convertBsonDocument(true)); json = @"{""ok"":true,""total"":" + db.Count().ToString() + @",""count"":" + IDs.Length.ToString() + @",""items"":" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(IDs) + @"}"; } } return(json); }
// public static string removebyid(Message m) { if (m.method != "POST") { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { ok = false, total = 0, count = 0, msg = "The method action [" + m.action + "] for model [" + m.model + "] must be POST" })); } string json = "{}"; try { string[] ids = new string[] { }; try { ids = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string[]>(m.input); } catch (Exception ex) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { ok = false, output = "The IDs is invalid format JSON" })); } if (ids.Length > 0) { IDB db = dbi.Get(m.model); { string id = string.Empty; List <string> lsOk = new List <string>() { }; List <string> lsFail = new List <string>() { }; for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++) { id = ids[i]; if (id.Length == 24) { bool result = db.RemoveById(id); if (result) { lsOk.Add(id); } else { lsFail.Add(id); } } else { lsFail.Add(id); } //json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { ok = false, output = "The field _id should be 24 hex characters" }); } json = @"{""ok"":true,""total"":" + db.Count().ToString() + @",""remove"":{""ok"":" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(lsOk) + @", ""fail"":" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(lsFail) + @"}}"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { ok = false, output = ex.Message }); } return(json); }