/// <summary>
        /// Selects a decorator type using a generic type parameter.  The implementation directly
        /// before this point in the decorator 'stack' (be it the initial implementation or a
        /// decorator itself) will be passed to the selected implementation.  Thus this implementation
        /// will 'wrap' the one before it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A customisation helper by which further implementations may be added to the decorator 'stack'.</returns>
        /// <param name="parameters">An optional collection of <see cref="TypedParam"/>.</param>
        /// <typeparam name="TDecorator">The type of the concrete implementation to use as a decorator.</typeparam>
        public ICustomizesDecorator ThenWrapWith <TDecorator>(params TypedParam[] parameters) where TDecorator : class
            var customizer = builder.ThenWrapWith <TDecorator>(parameters?.Select(x => new TypedParameter(x.Type, x.Value)).ToArray() ?? new TypedParameter[0]);

            return(new DecoratorCustomizerAdapter(customizer));