public GenerateClassesCommand(ICsToTsConverter converter)
            _converter = converter;
            IsCommand("Classes", "Generate TS Classes from CS model");

            HasRequiredOption("f|file=", "The {path} of the CS file to transform (Multiple possible)", p => _fileLocations.Add(p));
            HasRequiredOption("o|out=", "The {path} of output TS file", p => _outLocation    = p);
            HasOption("e|export", "The generated TS type should be exported", p => _exported = p != null);
        public GenerateInterfacesCommand(ICsToTsConverter converter)
            _converter = converter;
            IsCommand("Interfaces", "Generate TS interface from CS model");

            HasRequiredOption("f|file=", "The {path} of the CS file to transform (Multiple possible)", p => _fileLocations.Add(p));
            HasRequiredOption("o|out=", "The {path} of output TS file", p => _outLocation = p);
            HasOption("p|prefixinterface", "Output interface type names with a I-prefix", p => _prefixInterfaces = p != null);
            HasOption("e|export", "The generated TS type should be exported", p => _exported = p != null);