public IHttpActionResult GetAvailablePaymentMethods([FromUri] UserPaymentModel requestModel)
            if (requestModel == null || !ModelState.IsValid)
                return(Json(new { Success = false, Message = "Invalid data supplied" }));
            //first check if the customer has an address, otherwise first address form will be shown

            var currentUser = ApplicationContext.Current.CurrentUser;

            var battleId     = requestModel.BattleId;
            var battleType   = requestModel.BattleType;
            var purchaseType = requestModel.PurchaseType;

            //TODO: Remove comment when picture battles are ready
            var battle = _videoBattleService.Get(battleId); // Model.BattleType == BattleType.Video ? _videoBattleService.GetById(Model.BattleId) : null;

            var responseModel = new UserPaymentPublicModel {
                IsAmountVariable     = purchaseType == PurchaseType.SponsorPass || battle.CanVoterIncreaseVotingCharge,
                MinimumPaymentAmount = purchaseType == PurchaseType.SponsorPass ? battle.MinimumSponsorshipAmount : battle.MinimumVotingCharge,
                PurchaseType         = requestModel.PurchaseType

            //if purchase type is sponsor and customer is already a sponsor, he should not have a minimum amount criteria
            if (purchaseType == PurchaseType.SponsorPass)
                var alreadySponsor = _sponsorService.Get(x => x.BattleId == battleId && x.BattleType == battleType, null).Any();
                if (alreadySponsor)
                    responseModel.MinimumPaymentAmount = 1;

            //get available credits
            responseModel.AvailableCredits = _creditService.GetAvailableCreditsCount(currentUser.Id, null);

            //set the usable credits now
            responseModel.UsableCredits = _creditService.GetUsableCreditsCount(currentUser.Id);

            //let's get the payment methods for the logged in user
            var paymentMethods = _paymentMethodService.GetCustomerPaymentMethods(currentUser.Id);

            foreach (var pm in paymentMethods)
                responseModel.UserPaymentMethods.Add(new System.Web.Mvc.SelectListItem()
                    Text  = pm.NameOnCard + " (" + pm.CardNumberMasked + ")",
                    Value = pm.Id.ToString()
            if (battle.VideoBattleStatus == BattleStatus.Complete)
                return(Json(new { Success = false, Message = "Battle completed" }));
            //battle should not be complete before payment form can be opened
            return(Json(new { Success = true, AvailablePaymentMethods = responseModel }));