static void Main(string[] args)
            IGameBoard   board = ...;
            IConsoleView view  = ...;

            //Game Loop
            while (!board.IsFinished)
                //Print Board

                //Print Possible Moves
                Console.WriteLine("Possible moves:");
                IEnumerable <IGameMove> possibleMoves = board.GetPossibleMoves();
                Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", possibleMoves.Select(view.MoveToString)));

                //Print the current player and input their move.
                Console.WriteLine("It is {0}’s turn.", view.PlayerToString(board.CurrentPlayer));
                Console.WriteLine("Enter a move: ");
                string input = Console.ReadLine();

                // Parse move and check if it's possible/valid
                IGameMove toApply   = view.ParseMove(input);
                IGameMove foundMove = possibleMoves.FirstOrDefault(toApply.Equals);
                if (foundMove == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Sorry, that move is invalid.");