//static ConsoleIO io = new ConsoleIO(true);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            IConsoleIO io         = Dependencies.consoleIO.make();
            int        gamesWon   = 0;
            int        totalGames = 0;

            //Process proc1 = Process.Start("cmd.exe");

            //Process proc = new Process();
            //proc.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";

            string playerName = io.PromptForString("Enter you name:");

            bool playAgain = true;

                BlackjackGame game = new BlackjackGame();
                Dealer  dealer = new Dealer();
                IPlayer player = new HumanPlayer(playerName);
                IDeck   deck   = BlackjackOperations.GetAndShuffleNewDeck();

                GameResult result = game.play(deck, dealer, player);
                if (result == GameResult.PlayerWin || result == GameResult.PlayerBlackjack)

                string askPlayAgain = io.PromptForString("Play again?");
                playAgain = askPlayAgain.Length > 0 && (askPlayAgain.ToUpper().First() == 'Y');
            } while (playAgain);
            io.WriteLine("Thanks for playing!");
            io.WriteLine($"You won {gamesWon} out of {totalGames} games");

            // use when debugging to keep window open