public static double DFFromRate(
            [QuantSAExcelArgument(Description = "The rate to use in finding the discount factor.")]
            double rate,
            [QuantSAExcelArgument(Description = "The compounding convention of the input rate.")]
            ICompoundingConvention compounding,
            [QuantSAExcelArgument(Description = "The year fraction over which the rate applies.")]
            double yearFraction)

            return(compounding.DfFromRate(rate, yearFraction));
Example #2
        public void SingleInstance()
            ICompoundingConvention annual1 = CompoundingStore.Annual;
            ICompoundingConvention annual2 = CompoundingStore.Annual;

            Assert.IsTrue(annual1 == annual2);

            ICompoundingConvention cont1 = CompoundingStore.Continuous;
            ICompoundingConvention cont2 = CompoundingStore.Continuous;

            Assert.IsTrue(cont1 == cont2);
        public static double RateConvert([QuantSAExcelArgument(Description = "The rate to convert.")]
                                         double rate,
                                         [QuantSAExcelArgument(Description = "The compounding convention of the input rate.")]
                                         ICompoundingConvention compoundingFrom,
                                         [QuantSAExcelArgument(Description = "The compounding convention that the output rate should be in.")]
                                         ICompoundingConvention compoundingTo,
                                              Description =
                                                  "(Optional) The yearfraction over which the rate applies.  Only required if one of the conventions is 'Simple' or 'Discount'",
                                              Default = null)]
                                         double yearFraction)

            if (compoundingFrom == CompoundingStore.Simple && double.IsNaN(yearFraction))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Cannot convert from a 'Simple' convention without the year fraction being specified.");
            if (compoundingFrom == CompoundingStore.Discount && double.IsNaN(yearFraction))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Cannot convert from a 'Discount' convention without the year fraction being specified.");
            if (compoundingTo == CompoundingStore.Simple && double.IsNaN(yearFraction))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Cannot convert from a 'Simple' convention without the year fraction being specified.");
            if (compoundingTo == CompoundingStore.Discount && double.IsNaN(yearFraction))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Cannot convert to a 'Discount' convention without the year fraction being specified.");

            if (double.IsNaN(yearFraction))
                yearFraction = 1.0;
            var df         = compoundingFrom.DfFromRate(rate, yearFraction);
            var resultRate = compoundingTo.RateFromDf(df, yearFraction);
