internal WordCompletionPresenter(IPopupIntellisensePresenter source)
     _popupIntellisensePresenter = source;
     _intellisenseCommandTarget = source as IIntellisenseCommandTarget;
     _mouseProcessor = source as IMouseProcessor;
     _disposable = source as IDisposable;
     _componentConnector = source as IComponentConnector;
Example #2
 internal WordCompletionPresenter(IPopupIntellisensePresenter source)
     _popupIntellisensePresenter = source;
     _intellisenseCommandTarget  = source as IIntellisenseCommandTarget;
     _mouseProcessor             = source as IMouseProcessor;
     _disposable         = source as IDisposable;
     _componentConnector = source as IComponentConnector;
Example #3
        // Token: 0x06007974 RID: 31092 RVA: 0x002273F8 File Offset: 0x002255F8
        private void InitializeComponent(PageFunctionBase pageFunction)
            IComponentConnector componentConnector = pageFunction as IComponentConnector;

            if (componentConnector != null)
Example #4
        private void InitializeComponent(PageFunctionBase pageFunction)
            // Need to explicitly add a call to InitializeComponent() for Page
            IComponentConnector iComponentConnector = pageFunction as IComponentConnector;

            if (iComponentConnector != null)
Example #5
 public override void SetConnectionId(object root, int connectionId, object instance)
         IComponentConnector connector = root as IComponentConnector;
         if (connector != null)
             connector.Connect(connectionId, instance);
     catch (Exception exception)
         if (CriticalExceptions.IsCriticalException(exception))
         throw this.CreateException(System.Xaml.SR.Get("SetConnectionId"), exception);
Example #6
        // The ordering of how things are created and which methods are called are ABSOLUTELY critical
        // Getting this order slightly off will result in several issues that are very hard to debug.
        // The order must be:
        //      Register name to the TemplateNameScope (Either the real name specified by x:Name or
        //              RuntimeNameProperty or a fake name that we have to generate to call
        //              RegisterName.  This is CRUCIAL since RegisterName sets the TemplatedParent
        //              and the TemplateChildIndex on the object
        //      If we're dealing with the root, wire the object to the parent (via FE.TemplateChild
        //          if we're dealing with an FE as the container or using FEF if it's not an FE)
        //      Invalidate properties on the object
        private DependencyObject LoadOptimizedTemplateContent(DependencyObject container,
            IComponentConnector componentConnector,
            IStyleConnector styleConnector, List<DependencyObject> affectedChildren, UncommonField<Hashtable> templatedNonFeChildrenField)
            if (Names == null)
                Names = new XamlContextStack<Frame>(() => new Frame());
            DependencyObject rootObject = null;

            if (TraceMarkup.IsEnabled)
                TraceMarkup.Trace(TraceEventType.Start, TraceMarkup.Load);

            FrameworkElement feContainer = container as FrameworkElement;
            bool isTemplatedParentAnFE = feContainer != null;

            TemplateNameScope nameScope = new TemplateNameScope(container, affectedChildren, this);
            XamlObjectWriterSettings settings = System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.CreateObjectWriterSettings(_templateHolder.ObjectWriterParentSettings);
            settings.ExternalNameScope = nameScope;
            settings.RegisterNamesOnExternalNamescope = true;

            IEnumerator<String> nameEnumerator = ChildNames.GetEnumerator();

            // Delegate for AfterBeginInit event
            settings.AfterBeginInitHandler =
                delegate(object sender, System.Xaml.XamlObjectEventArgs args)
                    HandleAfterBeginInit(args.Instance, ref rootObject, container, feContainer, nameScope, nameEnumerator);
                    if (XamlSourceInfoHelper.IsXamlSourceInfoEnabled)
                        XamlSourceInfoHelper.SetXamlSourceInfo(args.Instance, args, null);
            // Delegate for BeforeProperties event
            settings.BeforePropertiesHandler =
                delegate(object sender, System.Xaml.XamlObjectEventArgs args)
                    HandleBeforeProperties(args.Instance, ref rootObject, container, feContainer, nameScope);
            // Delegate for XamlSetValue event
            settings.XamlSetValueHandler =
                delegate(object sender, System.Windows.Markup.XamlSetValueEventArgs setArgs)
                setArgs.Handled = ReceivePropertySet(sender, setArgs.Member, setArgs.Value, container);

            XamlObjectWriter objectWriter = _templateHolder.ObjectWriterFactory.GetXamlObjectWriter(settings);

                if (TraceMarkup.IsEnabled)
                    TraceMarkup.Trace(TraceEventType.Stop, TraceMarkup.Load, rootObject);
            return rootObject;
 internal TemplateComponentConnector( IComponentConnector componentConnector, IStyleConnector styleConnector )
     _styleConnector = styleConnector;
     _componentConnector = componentConnector;
 // Token: 0x06002256 RID: 8790 RVA: 0x000AAC86 File Offset: 0x000A8E86
 internal TemplateComponentConnector(IComponentConnector componentConnector, IStyleConnector styleConnector)
     this._styleConnector     = styleConnector;
     this._componentConnector = componentConnector;
 private void Clear()
     _connector = null;
 public LoadContext(IComponentConnector connector)
     _connector = connector;