Example #1
        protected static void RegisterQuery(string name, Func <IMatchQuery, q.SalesOrderDetailAlias, IWhereQuery> query)
            q.SalesOrderDetailAlias alias;

            IMatchQuery matchQuery = Blueprint41.Transaction.CompiledQuery.Match(q.Node.SalesOrderDetail.Alias(out alias));
            IWhereQuery partial    = query.Invoke(matchQuery, alias);
            ICompiled   compiled   = partial.Return(alias).Compile();

            RegisterQuery(name, compiled);
Example #2
        public int Compare(object x, object y)
            if (!(x is ICompiled) || !(y is ICompiled))
            ICompiled X = x as ICompiled;
            ICompiled Y = y as ICompiled;

            return(string.Compare(X.Name, Y.Name));
Example #3
        public override List <T> LoadWhere <T>(Entity entity, ICompiled query, Parameter[] parameters, int page = 0, int pageSize = 0, bool ascending = true, params Property[] orderBy)
            Transaction trans = Transaction.RunningTransaction;

            QueryExecutionContext context = query.GetExecutionContext();

            foreach (Parameter queryParameter in parameters)
                if (queryParameter.Value is null)
                    context.SetParameter(queryParameter.Name, null);
                    context.SetParameter(queryParameter.Name, entity.Parent.PersistenceProvider.ConvertToStoredType(queryParameter.Value.GetType(), queryParameter.Value));

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (orderBy != null && orderBy.Length != 0)
                Property odd = orderBy.FirstOrDefault(item => !entity.IsSelfOrSubclassOf(item.Parent));
                if (odd != null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Order property '{0}' belongs to the entity '{1}' while the query only contains entities of type '{2}'.", odd.Name, odd.Parent.Name, entity.Name));

                sb.Append(" ORDER BY ");
                sb.Append(string.Join(", ", orderBy.Select(item => string.Concat("node.", item.Name))));
                if (ascending == false)
                    sb.Append(" DESC ");

            if (pageSize > 0)
                sb.Append(" SKIP ");
                sb.Append(page * pageSize);
                sb.Append(" LIMIT ");
            Dictionary <string, object?>?customState = null;
            var args = entity.RaiseOnNodeLoading(trans, null, sb.ToString(), context.QueryParameters, ref customState);

            var result = trans.Run(args.Cypher, args.Parameters);

            return(Load <T>(entity, args, result, trans));
        public object ExecMethodResult(int id, string method_name)
            CachedObjects.CachedEntities[id] = null;
            DersaSqlManager M = new DersaSqlManager();

            System.Data.DataTable t = M.GetEntity(id.ToString());
            if (t == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Table is null for entity {0}", id));
            if (t.Rows.Count < 1)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Table is empty for entity {0}", id));
            Entity ent = new Entity(t, M);

            CachedObjects.CachedCompiledInstances[ent.StereotypeName + id.ToString()] = null;
            foreach (Entity child in ent.Children)
                CachedObjects.CachedCompiledInstances[child.StereotypeName + child.Id.ToString()] = null;
            Logger.LogStatic("ExecMethodResult clear cache Entity" + ent.Id.ToString());
            //Type nType = Type.GetType("DersaStereotypes." + ent.Stereotype.Name);

            ICompiled  cInst = ent.GetCompiledInstance();
            MethodInfo mi    = cInst.GetType().GetMethod(method_name);

            if (mi == null)
                string excMessage = "Method " + method_name + " not found ";
                throw new Exception(excMessage);
            //string userName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
            //System.Data.DataTable T = M.ExecuteSPWithParams("dbo.ENTITY$GetMethodParams", new object[] { id, method_name, userName, Util.GetPassword(userName) });
            //string Params = "";
            //if (T.Rows.Count > 0)
            //    Params = T.Rows[0][0].ToString();
            //object[] ParamValues = Util.GetMethodCallParameterValues(Params);
            //return mi.Invoke(cInst, ParamValues);
            return(mi.Invoke(cInst, new object[] {}));
            //object res = mi.Invoke(cInst, ParamValues);
            //string resultText = "";
            //if (res != null)
            //    resultText = res.ToString();
            //return resultText;
        public static void SetImagePath(int id, string fileName)
            string          userName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
            string          path     = "/user_resources/" + userName + "/" + fileName;
            StereotypeBaseE target   = StereotypeBaseE.GetSimpleInstance(id);

            CachedObjects.CachedEntities[id] = null;
            DersaSqlManager M = new DersaSqlManager();

            System.Data.DataTable t = M.GetEntity(id.ToString());
            if (t == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Table is null for entity {0}", id));
            if (t.Rows.Count < 1)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Table is empty for entity {0}", id));
            Entity ent = new Entity(t, M);

            CachedObjects.CachedCompiledInstances[ent.StereotypeName + id.ToString()] = null;
            foreach (Entity child in ent.Children)
                CachedObjects.CachedCompiledInstances[child.StereotypeName + child.Id.ToString()] = null;

            ICompiled  cInst = ent.GetCompiledInstance();
            MethodInfo mi    = cInst.GetType().GetMethod("SetPath");

            if (mi == null)
                string excMessage = "Method SetPath not found ";
                throw new Exception(excMessage);
            object[] callParams = new object[2];
            callParams[0] = userName;
            callParams[1] = path;
            mi.Invoke(cInst, callParams);
 public abstract List <T> LoadWhere <T>(Entity entity, ICompiled query, Parameter[] parameters, int page   = 0, int pageSize = 0, bool ascending = true, params Property[] orderBy) where T : class, OGM;
 public static List <TWrapper> LoadWhere(ICompiled query, Parameter[] parameters, int page, int pageSize, bool ascending = true, params Property[] orderBy)
     return(Transaction.RunningTransaction.NodePersistenceProvider.LoadWhere <TWrapper>(Entity, query, parameters, page, pageSize, ascending, orderBy));
 public static List <TWrapper> LoadWhere(ICompiled query, Parameter[] parameters, int page, int pageSize, params Property[] orderBy)
     return(LoadWhere(query, parameters, page, pageSize, true, orderBy));
 public static List <TWrapper> LoadWhere(ICompiled query, params Parameter[] parameters)
     return(Transaction.RunningTransaction.NodePersistenceProvider.LoadWhere <TWrapper>(Entity, query, parameters));
 public static List <TWrapper> LoadWhere(ICompiled query)
     return(LoadWhere(query, new Parameter[0]));
Example #11
        public static ICompiled CreateInstance(IStereotypedObject obj, DersaSqlManager M)
            if (obj == null)
                throw new Exception("obj == null");
            if (CachedObjects.CachedCompiledInstances[obj.Stereotype.Name + obj.Id.ToString()] != null)
                return((ICompiled)CachedObjects.CachedCompiledInstances[obj.Stereotype.Name + obj.Id.ToString()]);
            if (obj.Stereotype == null)
                throw new Exception("obj.Stereotype == null, obj.name = " + obj.Name);
            Type      nType = GetDynamicType("DersaStereotypes." + obj.Stereotype.Name);
            ICompiled res   = (ICompiled)Activator.CreateInstance(nType, new object[] { obj });

            System.Data.DataTable t = null;
            if (res is ICompiledRelation)
                t = M.GetAttributesForRelation(obj.Id.ToString());
            else if (res is ICompiledEntity)
                t = M.GetAttributesForEntity(obj.Id.ToString());
            if (t == null)
                throw new Exception("Не смогли определиться между E и R");
            foreach (System.Data.DataRow r in t.Rows)
                //res[r["name"].ToString()] = r["value"].ToString();
                System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fis = nType.GetFields();
                foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo fi in fis)
                    if (fi.Name == r["name"].ToString())
                        object value_type = r["value_type"];
                        object value      = null;
                        if (value_type == null || value_type.ToString() == "1")
                            value = r["value"];
                            value = r["text_value"];
                        if (value == null || value is System.DBNull)
                            value = "";
                        if (value != null)
                            object ConvertedValue = DIOS.Common.TypeUtil.Convert(value, fi.FieldType);
                            fi.SetValue(res, ConvertedValue);
            CachedObjects.CachedCompiledInstances[obj.Stereotype.Name + obj.Id.ToString()] = res;

             * if (obj.Stereotype.Name == "Attribute")
             * {
             *  Type nType = Type.GetType("DersaStereotypes." + obj.Stereotype.Name);
             *  //Type type = typeof(DersaStereotypes.Attribute);
             *  SqlManager M = new SqlManager();
             *  DersaStereotypes.Attribute res = new DersaStereotypes.Attribute((IEntity)obj);
             *  System.Data.DataTable t = M.GetAttributesForEntity(obj.Id.ToString());
             *  foreach (System.Data.DataRow r in t.Rows)
             *  {
             *      //res[r["name"].ToString()] = r["value"].ToString();
             *      System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fis = type.GetFields();
             *      foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo fi in fis)
             *      {
             *          if (fi.Name == r["name"].ToString())
             *          {
             *              object value = r["value"];
             *              if (value != null)
             *              {
             *                  object ConvertedValue = Dersa.Common.Util.Convert(value, fi.FieldType);
             *                  fi.SetValue(res, ConvertedValue);
             *              }
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }
             *  return res;
             * }
             * if (obj.Stereotype.Name == "Entity")
             * {
             *  Type type = typeof(DersaStereotypes.Entity);
             *  SqlManager M = new SqlManager();
             *  DersaStereotypes.Entity res = new DersaStereotypes.Entity((IEntity)obj);
             *  System.Data.DataTable t = M.GetAttributesForEntity(obj.Id.ToString());
             *  foreach (System.Data.DataRow r in t.Rows)
             *  {
             *      //res[r["name"].ToString()] = r["value"].ToString();
             *      System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fis = type.GetFields();
             *      foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo fi in fis)
             *      {
             *          if (fi.Name == r["name"].ToString())
             *          {
             *              object value = r["value"];
             *              if (value != null)
             *              {
             *                  object ConvertedValue = Dersa.Common.Util.Convert(value, fi.FieldType);
             *                  fi.SetValue(res, ConvertedValue);
             *              }
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }
             *  return res;
             * }*/

            //if (_stereotypesAssembly == null)
            //    throw new NullReferenceException("Библиотека стереотипов не скомпилирована");
            //Type type = _stereotypesAssembly.GetType("DersaStereotypes." + obj.Stereotype.Name);
            //ICompiled cs = (ICompiled)Activator.CreateInstance(type, new object[] { obj });
            //System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fis = type.GetFields();
            //    foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo fi in fis)
            //    {
            //        object value = obj.GetAttribute(fi.Name).GetValue();
            //        if (value != null)
            //        {
            //            fi.SetValue(cs, value);
            //        }
            //    }
            //    return cs;
            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    throw new Exception("Ошибка создания экземпляра объекта " + obj.Stereotype.Name + " : " + obj.Name + " : " + obj.Id + "\n" + ex.Message, ex);
        public string GetAction(string MethodName, int id, string paramString = null)
            string          userName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
            StereotypeBaseE target   = StereotypeBaseE.GetSimpleInstance(id);

            if (!target.AllowExecuteMethod(userName, MethodName))
                return(string.Format("You are not allowed to execute method {0}", MethodName));
            CachedObjects.CachedEntities[id] = null;
            DersaSqlManager M = new DersaSqlManager();

            System.Data.DataTable t = M.GetEntity(id.ToString());
            if (t == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Table is null for entity {0}", id));
            if (t.Rows.Count < 1)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Table is empty for entity {0}", id));
            Entity ent = new Entity(t, M);

            CachedObjects.CachedCompiledInstances[ent.StereotypeName + id.ToString()] = null;
            foreach (Entity child in ent.Children)
                CachedObjects.CachedCompiledInstances[child.StereotypeName + child.Id.ToString()] = null;

            ICompiled  cInst = ent.GetCompiledInstance();
            MethodInfo mi    = cInst.GetType().GetMethod(MethodName);

            if (mi == null)
                string excMessage = "Method " + MethodName + " not found ";
                throw new Exception(excMessage);
            object[] externalParams = new object[0];
            if (paramString != null)
                externalParams = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <object[]>(paramString);
            object[] callParams = new object[externalParams.Length + 1];
            callParams[0] = userName;
            for (int i = 0; i < externalParams.Length; i++)
                callParams[i + 1] = externalParams[i];
            //Logger.LogStatic(string.Format("method {0}, params count {1}", MethodName, callParams.Length));
            object result = mi.Invoke(cInst, new object[] { callParams });

            if (result == null)
            if (result is string)
Example #13
        public void OGMImplPlannerHitsUsing()
            using (ConsoleOutput output = new ConsoleOutput())
                using (Transaction.Begin(true))
                    Person p1 = new Person
                        Name = "Martin Sheen",

                    Person p2 = new Person
                        Name = "Michael Douglas",

                    Person p3 = new Person
                        Name = "Oliver Stone",

                    Person p4 = new Person
                        Name = "Rob Reiner",

                    Movie wallstreet = new Movie
                        Title = "Wall Street"

                    Movie tap = new Movie
                        Title = "The American President"





            using (ConsoleOutput output = new ConsoleOutput())
                string consoleOutput;
                using (Transaction.Begin())
                    // Force to use index
                    ICompiled compiled = Transaction.CompiledQuery
                                         .Match(node.Movie.Alias(out MovieAlias m))
                                         .Where(m.Title == "Wall Street")

                    var result = compiled.GetExecutionContext().Execute();

                    var a = result[0] as IDictionary <string, object>;
                    Assert.AreEqual(a["Column1"], "Wall Street");

                    consoleOutput = output.GetOuput();
                    Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(consoleOutput, @"(MATCH \(n0:Movie\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(USING INDEX n0:Movie\(Title\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(WHERE \(n0.Title = ""Wall Street""\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(RETURN DISTINCT n0.Title AS Column1)"));

                    // With relationship
                    compiled = Transaction.CompiledQuery
                               .Match(node.Movie.Alias(out MovieAlias ma).Out.PERSON_DIRECTED.In.Person.Alias(out PersonAlias p))
                               .Where(ma.Title == "Wall Street")
                               .Return(ma.Title, p.Name)

                    result = compiled.GetExecutionContext().Execute();

                    a = result[0] as IDictionary <string, object>;
                    Assert.AreEqual(a["Column1"], "Wall Street");
                    Assert.AreEqual(a["Column2"], "Oliver Stone");

                    consoleOutput = output.GetOuput();
                    Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(consoleOutput, @"(MATCH \(n0:Movie\)<-\[:DIRECTED_BY\]-\(n1:Person\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(USING INDEX n0:Movie\(Title\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(WHERE \(n0.Title = ""Wall Street""\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(RETURN DISTINCT n0.Title AS Column1, n1.Name AS Column2)"));

                    // Use label scan
                    compiled = Transaction.CompiledQuery
                               .Match(node.Movie.Alias(out MovieAlias mas))
                               .Where(mas.Title == "Wall Street")

                    result = compiled.GetExecutionContext().Execute();

                    a = result[0] as IDictionary <string, object>;
                    Assert.AreEqual(a["Column1"], "Wall Street");

                    consoleOutput = output.GetOuput();
                    Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(consoleOutput, @"(MATCH \(n0:Movie\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(USING SCAN n0:Movie)[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(WHERE \(n0.Title = ""Wall Street""\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(RETURN DISTINCT n0.Title AS Column1)"));

                    // use label scan with relationship
                    compiled = Transaction.CompiledQuery
                               .Match(node.Movie.Alias(out MovieAlias mar).Out.PERSON_DIRECTED.In.Person.Alias(out PersonAlias par))
                               .Where(mar.Title == "Wall Street")
                               .Return(mar.Title, par.Name)

                    result = compiled.GetExecutionContext().Execute();

                    a = result[0] as IDictionary <string, object>;
                    Assert.AreEqual(a["Column1"], "Wall Street");
                    Assert.AreEqual(a["Column2"], "Oliver Stone");

                    consoleOutput = output.GetOuput();
                    Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(consoleOutput, @"(MATCH \(n0:Movie\)<-\[:DIRECTED_BY\]-\(n1:Person\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(USING SCAN n0:Movie)[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(USING SCAN n1:Person)[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(WHERE \(n0.Title = ""Wall Street""\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(RETURN DISTINCT n0.Title AS Column1, n1.Name AS Column2)"));

                    // use label scan and index
                    compiled = Transaction.CompiledQuery
                               .Match(node.Movie.Alias(out MovieAlias msi).Out.PERSON_DIRECTED.In.Person.Alias(out PersonAlias psi))
                               .Where(msi.Title == "Wall Street")
                               .Return(msi.Title, psi.Name)

                    result = compiled.GetExecutionContext().Execute();

                    a = result[0] as IDictionary <string, object>;
                    Assert.AreEqual(a["Column1"], "Wall Street");
                    Assert.AreEqual(a["Column2"], "Oliver Stone");

                    consoleOutput = output.GetOuput();
                    Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(consoleOutput, @"(MATCH \(n0:Movie\)<-\[:DIRECTED_BY\]-\(n1:Person\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(USING INDEX n0:Movie\(Title\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(USING SCAN n1:Person)[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(WHERE \(n0.Title = ""Wall Street""\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(RETURN DISTINCT n0.Title AS Column1, n1.Name AS Column2)"));
Example #14
        public void OGMImplQueryOptionalMatch()
            using (ConsoleOutput output = new ConsoleOutput())
                using (Transaction.Begin(true))
                    Person p1 = new Person
                        Name = "Martin Sheen",

                    Person p2 = new Person
                        Name = "Michael Douglas",

                    Person p3 = new Person
                        Name = "Oliver Stone",

                    Person p4 = new Person
                        Name = "Rob Reiner",

                    Movie wallstreet = new Movie
                        Title = "Wall Street"

                    Movie tap = new Movie
                        Title = "The American President"





            using (ConsoleOutput output = new ConsoleOutput())
                string outputConsole;
                using (Transaction.Begin())
                    ICompiled compiled = Transaction.CompiledQuery
                                         .Match(node.Person.Alias(out PersonAlias p))
                                         .Where(p.Name.Contains("Martin Sheen"))
                                         .OptionalMatch(node.Movie.Alias(out MovieAlias m))

                    var result = compiled.GetExecutionContext().Execute();

                    var a = result[0] as IDictionary <string, object>;
                    var b = result[1] as IDictionary <string, object>;

                    Assert.AreEqual(a["Column1"], "The American President");
                    Assert.AreEqual(b["Column1"], "Wall Street");

                    outputConsole = output.GetOuput();

                    Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(outputConsole, @"(MATCH \(n0:Person\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(WHERE \(n0\.Name CONTAINS ""Martin Sheen""\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(OPTIONAL MATCH \(n1:Movie\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(RETURN DISTINCT n1\.Title AS Column1)[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(ORDER BY n1\.Title)"));

                    compiled = Transaction.CompiledQuery
                               .Match(node.Person.Alias(out PersonAlias pa))
                               .Where(pa.Name.Contains("Martin Sheen"))
                               .OptionalMatch(pa.In.PERSON_DIRECTED.Out.Movie.Alias(out MovieAlias ma))
                               .Return(pa.Name, ma.Title)

                    result = compiled.GetExecutionContext().Execute();

                    a = result[0] as IDictionary <string, object>;
                    Assert.AreEqual(a["Column1"], "Martin Sheen");

                    outputConsole = output.GetOuput();
                    Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(outputConsole, @"(MATCH \(n0:Person\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(WHERE \(n0\.Name CONTAINS ""Martin Sheen""\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(OPTIONAL MATCH \(n0\)-\[\:DIRECTED_BY\]\-\>\(n1:Movie\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(RETURN DISTINCT n0\.Name AS Column1, n1\.Title AS Column2)[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(ORDER BY n1\.Title)"));

                    compiled = Transaction.CompiledQuery
                               .Match(node.Person.Alias(out PersonAlias pap).In.PERSON_DIRECTED.Out.Movie.Alias(out MovieAlias mam))
                               .Where(pap.Name.Contains("Martin Sheen"))

                    result = compiled.GetExecutionContext().Execute();

                    outputConsole = output.GetOuput();
                    Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(outputConsole, @"(MATCH \(n0:Person\)-\[\:DIRECTED_BY\]\-\>\(n1:Movie\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(WHERE \(n0\.Name CONTAINS ""Martin Sheen""\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(RETURN DISTINCT n1\.Title AS Column1)[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(ORDER BY n1\.Title)"));
Example #15
        public void OGMImplQuery()
            using (ConsoleOutput output = new ConsoleOutput())
                using (Transaction.Begin(true))
                    Person p1 = new Person
                        Name = "Joe Smith",
                        City = new City()
                            Name = "New York"

                    p1.City.Restraurants.Add(new Restaurant {
                        Name = "Mcdonalds"
                    p1.City.Restraurants.Add(new Restaurant {
                        Name = "Shakeys"
                    p1.City.Restraurants.Add(new Restaurant {
                        Name = "Starbucks"
                    p1.City.Restraurants.Add(new Restaurant {
                        Name = "Bo's Coffee"
                    p1.City.Restraurants.Add(new Restaurant {
                        Name = "Chattime"

                    Person p2 = new Person
                        Name = "Jane Smith",
                        City = new City()
                            Name = "California"

                    Person p3 = new Person
                        Name = "Bob Smith",
                        City = p1.City

                    p2.City.Restraurants.Add(new Restaurant {
                        Name = "Pink's Hot Dogs"
                    p2.City.Restraurants.Add(new Restaurant {
                        Name = "World Famous"
                    p2.City.Restraurants.Add(new Restaurant {
                        Name = "Barone's"
                    p2.City.Restraurants.Add(new Restaurant {
                        Name = "Providence"
                    p2.City.Restraurants.Add(new Restaurant {
                        Name = "La Taqueria"






            string outputConsole;

            using (ConsoleOutput output = new ConsoleOutput())
                using (Transaction.Begin())
                    ICompiled compiled = Transaction.CompiledQuery
                                         .Match(node.Person.Alias(out PersonAlias p))

                    List <Person> searchResult = Person.LoadWhere(compiled);
                    Assert.Greater(searchResult.Count, 0);

                    outputConsole = output.GetOuput();

                    Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(outputConsole, @"(MATCH \(n0:Person\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(WHERE \(n0\.Name CONTAINS ""Smith""\)[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*RETURN DISTINCT n0 AS Column1)"));

                    compiled = Transaction.CompiledQuery
                               .Match(node.Person.Alias(out PersonAlias pWithLimit))

                    searchResult = Person.LoadWhere(compiled);
                    Assert.AreEqual(searchResult.Count, 1);

                    outputConsole = output.GetOuput();

                    Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(outputConsole, @"(MATCH \(n0:Person\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(WHERE \(n0.Name CONTAINS ""Smith""\)[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*RETURN DISTINCT n0 AS Column1)[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(LIMIT 1)"));

                    compiled = Transaction.CompiledQuery
                               .Match(node.Person.Alias(out var pR).In.PERSON_EATS_AT.Out.Restaurant.Alias(out var rP))
                               .Where(rP.Name == "Shakeys")

                    searchResult = Person.LoadWhere(compiled);
                    Assert.AreEqual(searchResult.Count, 2);

                    Assert.AreEqual(searchResult[0].Name, "Jane Smith");
                    Assert.AreEqual(searchResult[1].Name, "Joe Smith");

                    outputConsole = output.GetOuput();

                    Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(outputConsole, @"(MATCH \(n0:Person\)-\[:EATS_AT\]->\(n1:Restaurant\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(WHERE \(n1\.Name = ""Shakeys""\))[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(RETURN DISTINCT n0 AS Column1)[^a-zA-Z,0-9]*(ORDER BY n0.Name)"));