Example #1
        internal static void HandleCommandProp(Command command, PropertyInfo prop, out ICommandParameter parameter)
            parameter = null;

            var definedArgument = prop.IsDefined(typeof(CommandArgumentAttribute), false);
            var definedProperty = prop.IsDefined(typeof(CommandPropertyAttribute), false);

            if (definedArgument && definedProperty)
                var message = "Command parameter cannot be defined as argument and property simultaneously";
                throw new CommandParameterException(message, prop.Name);

            if (definedArgument)
                var attribute = prop.GetCustomAttribute <CommandArgumentAttribute>();
                parameter = GetCommandParameter(command, prop, attribute);
                command.Context.arguments[prop.Name] = parameter;

            if (definedProperty)
                var attribute = prop.GetCustomAttribute <CommandPropertyAttribute>();
                parameter = GetCommandParameter(command, prop, attribute);
                command.Context.properties[prop.Name] = parameter;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Command handler which adds a new gtype to the project that is derived from the gtype currently being edited
        /// </summary>
        public static void OnAddNewDerviedType(ICommandParameter parameter, ICompositionHost host, DocumentEditSite site)
            // Check to see that the user is currently editing a type and if not do nothing.
            // The edit site provides access to the state of the editor.  Here we are checking to see of the active document
            // is a gtype by looking at the definition that is being edited.  The definition is the model of the object being
            // edited
            var gType = (GTypeDefinition)site?.ActiveDocument?.Envoy?.ReferenceDefinition;

            if (gType == null)
            // Get the project being edited
            var project = host.GetSharedExportedValue <IDocumentManager>().ActiveProject;
            // Setup the create info for a gtype.
            var createInfo = EnvoyCreateInfo.CreateForNew(GTypeDefinition.ModelDefinitionTypeString, new QualifiedName("New Derived Type.gtype"));
            // The LockedSourceFile is an object which holds a document in memory
            ILockedSourceFile lockSourceFile;

            // Always perform modifications from within a transaction
            // Here we are creating a user transaction which means it is undoable
            using (var transaction = project.TransactionManager.BeginTransaction("Add A Type", TransactionPurpose.User))
                lockSourceFile = project.CreateNewFile(null, createInfo);
            // Here we are setting the base type based on the type that is currently being edited.
            using (var transaction = lockSourceFile.Envoy.ReferenceDefinition.TransactionManager.BeginTransaction("Make Type A Class", TransactionPurpose.NonUser))
                ((GTypeDefinition)lockSourceFile.Envoy.ReferenceDefinition).BaseTypeQualifiedName = gType.Name;
        /// <summary>
        /// Release lock
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameter"></param>
        /// <param name="host"></param>
        /// <param name="site"></param>
        public static void ReleaseLock(ICommandParameter parameter, ICompositionHost host, DocumentEditSite site)
            var debugHost = host.GetSharedExportedValue <IDebugHost>();

                var filePath   = ((Envoy)parameter.Parameter).GetFilePath();
                var svnManager = host.GetSharedExportedValue <SvnManagerPlugin>();
                var success    = svnManager.ReleaseLock(filePath);

                if (success)
                    var envoy       = ((Envoy)parameter.Parameter);
                    var projectItem = envoy.GetProjectItemViewModel(site);
                    if (null != projectItem)
                    debugHost.LogMessage(new DebugMessage("Viewpoint.Svn", DebugMessageSeverity.Information, $"Release Lock {filePath}"));
            catch (Exception e)
                debugHost.LogMessage(new DebugMessage("Viewpoint.Svn", DebugMessageSeverity.Error, $"Failed to Release Lock {e.Message}"));
                const string caption = "Error SVN";
                var          result  = MessageBox.Show(e.Message, caption,
Example #4
        internal static void BuildParameterDictionary(Command command)
            var propertyType = command.GetType();
            var props        = propertyType.GetProperties()
                               .Where((prop) => prop.CanWrite && prop.CanRead);

            ICommandParameter previousParameter = null;

            foreach (var prop in props)
                HandleCommandProp(command, prop, out var parameter);

                if (parameter != null)
                    if (previousParameter != null)
                        var prevRequired = previousParameter.Context.Required;
                        var currRequired = parameter.Context.Required;

                        if (!prevRequired && currRequired)
                            var prevName = previousParameter.Context.Name;
                            var message  = $"Required parameter: \"{prop.Name}\" is preceded by a non required parameter: \"{prevName}\"";
                            throw new CommandParameterException(message, prop.Name);

                    previousParameter = parameter;
Example #5
        protected virtual void AssignDynamicValue(ICommandParameter parameter, string value, Parameter model)
            var expressions  = model.Expressions.Select(e => e.Text);
            var dynamicValue = new DynamicValue(Command.PlaybackSpot, value, expressions);

        /// <summary>
        /// This is the command handler that will add the code to multiple the output of the random number primitive by 10
        /// This is called when the user presses the Multiply By 10 button
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameter">The command parameter associated with instance of the command</param>
        /// <param name="selection">The current selection</param>
        /// <param name="host">The Composition host for the session</param>
        /// <param name="site">The document edit site which is managing the edit session</param>
        public static void OnMultipleBy10(ICommandParameter parameter, IEnumerable <IViewModel> selection, ICompositionHost host, DocumentEditSite site)
            // The selected item will be the random number node since we only add this command for random numbers
            var node = selection.First().Model as Node;

            if (node == null)

            // Start a transaction and add content to multiply the output by 10
            using (var transaction = node.TransactionManager.BeginTransaction("Multiple By 10", TransactionPurpose.User))
                // Create a multiple node, position it nicely to the right ot the random number, and add it to the same diagram
                var multiply = Multiply.Create(ElementCreateInfo.ForNew);
                multiply.TopLeft = new SMPoint(node.Bounds.Right + StockDiagramGeometries.StandardNodeWidth, node.Top + (2 * StockDiagramGeometries.GridSize));

                // Wire the random number output to the first input on the multiple node
                node.Diagram.WireWithin((NodeTerminal)node.OutputTerminals.First(), (NodeTerminal)multiply.InputTerminals.First());

                // Create a Double Numeric Constant with an initial value of 10.0
                var literal = Literal.Create(NITypes.Double, 10.0);

                // Position the constant nicely and add it to the diagram
                literal.TopLeft = new SMPoint(node.Left + StockDiagramGeometries.TinyNodeWidth, node.Bounds.Bottom + (2 * StockDiagramGeometries.GridSize));

                // Wire the constant to the multiply node
                node.Diagram.WireWithin(literal.OutputTerminal, (NodeTerminal)multiply.InputTerminals.ElementAt(1));

                // Commit the transaction to finish the operation
Example #7
        private static void ChangeHeader(ICommandParameter parameter, ICompositionHost host, DocumentEditSite site)
            var  document   = (FunctionDocument)site.ActiveDocument;
            bool showHeader = true;

            switch ((string)parameter.Parameter)
            case "ToggleHeader":
                showHeader = document._alertId == Guid.Empty;

            case "ToggleDone":
                document._showHideDoneButton ^= true;

            case "ChangeText":
                document._headerText = TextCommandParameter.GetText(parameter);

            document._alertId = Guid.Empty;
            if (showHeader)
                string tooltip = "Here you will see additional information";
                document._alertId = site.ActiveDocumentEditor.AddAlert(null, document._headerText, tooltip, null, document._showHideDoneButton);
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Command handler which adds a new gtype to the project
        /// </summary>
        public static void OnAddNewType(ICommandParameter parameter, ICompositionHost host, DocumentEditSite site)
            var project    = host.GetSharedExportedValue <IDocumentManager>().ActiveProject;
            var createInfo = EnvoyCreateInfo.CreateForNew(GTypeDefinition.ModelDefinitionTypeString, new QualifiedName("New Type.gtype"));
            ILockedSourceFile lockSourceFile;

            using (var transaction = project.TransactionManager.BeginTransaction("Add A Type", TransactionPurpose.User))
                lockSourceFile = project.CreateNewFile(null, createInfo);
                lockSourceFile.Envoy.UpdateStoragePath("Classes\\New Member VI.gvi");
            // To create a class we need to set the base type to whatever we want.  The default base type for a class is GObject
            // We don't point to the base directly and instead we set the QualifiedName of the base class we want.  The linker will then
            // find the base type by name and hook everything up based on the project configuration.
            using (var transaction = lockSourceFile.Envoy.ReferenceDefinition.TransactionManager.BeginTransaction("Make Type A Class", TransactionPurpose.NonUser))
                ((GTypeDefinition)lockSourceFile.Envoy.ReferenceDefinition).BaseTypeQualifiedName = TargetCommonTypes.GObjectQualifiedName;

            // After editing dispose our lock in the file
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// This will be called in response to a user making a selection in the command bar/popup menu, which is were we want to update the model. We have provided
        /// some extensions that encapsulate this process which involves transactions.
        /// </summary>
        private static void ChangeTemperatureScale(ICommandParameter parameter, IEnumerable <IViewModel> selection, ICompositionHost host, DocumentEditSite site)
            var fanSpeed = (FanSpeed)parameter.QueryService <ControlCommandParameter>().FirstOrDefault().Parameter;
            var models   = selection.GetSelectedModels <FanModel>();

            // useful extension to easily perform updates on models through transactions
            ITransactionManagerExtensions.TransactOnElements(models, "Change fan speed", model => model.FanSpeed = fanSpeed);
        public static void OnOpenInNotepad(ICommandParameter parameter, ICompositionHost host, DocumentEditSite site)
            var text     = (site.EditControl.Document.Envoy.ReferenceDefinition as TextDocumentDefinition).Text;
            var fileName = Path.GetTempFileName();

            File.WriteAllText(fileName, text);
            Process.Start("Notepad.exe", fileName);
Example #11
 protected virtual void AssignValue(ICommandParameter parameter, string value)
     parameter.SetValue(value, out var errors);
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errors))
Example #12
        private void init()
            _empty = CommandParameter.CreateEmpty(Constants.BasicSuccessfulResponse);

            _generalInfo = new SimpleATCommand(ATCommand.DefaultInfo.Command(), _empty);
            _rssi        = new SimpleATCommand(ATCommand.ReceivedSignalStrengthInfo.Command(), _empty);
            _rscp        = new SimpleATCommand(ATCommand.ReceivedSignalCodePowerInfo.Command(), _empty);
            _sysInfo     = new SimpleATCommand(ATCommand.SystemInfo.Command(), _empty);
        /// <summary>
        /// Command handler which shows the data type of the selected terminal
        /// </summary>
        public static void OnShowTerminalType(ICommandParameter parameter, ICompositionHost host, DocumentEditSite site)
            var viewModel = parameter.QueryService <NodeTerminalViewModel>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (viewModel != null)
                NIMessageBox.Show("The terminal type is: " + viewModel.DataType.ToString());
        private static void OnSoundCommand(ICommandParameter parameter, IEnumerable <IViewModel> selection, ICompositionHost host, DocumentEditSite site)
            var viewModel = selection.FirstOrDefault() as InteractiveNodeViewModel;

            if (viewModel != null)
                viewModel.Sound = string.Concat(parameter.LabelTitle.Split(new[] { ' ' }, 3).Skip(2));
Example #15
 protected virtual bool TryCreateParameter(FieldInfo field, out ICommandParameter parameter)
     parameter = Activator.CreateInstance(field.FieldType) as ICommandParameter;
     if (parameter is null)
         AddError($"Failed to create instance of `{field.FieldType}` parameter for `{CommandId}` command.");
     return(parameter != null);
Example #16
 private static void FanSpeedHighAttach(PlatformVisual visual, ICommandParameter parameter, IEnumerable <IViewModel> selection, ICompositionHost host, DocumentEditSite site)
     if (!parameter.QueryService <ControlCommandParameter>().Any())
         parameter.AttachService(new ControlCommandParameter()
             Parameter = FanSpeed.High
Example #17
        public static bool UpdateIsActive(ICommandParameter parameter, IEnumerable <IViewModel> selection, ICompositionHost host, DocumentEditSite site)
            var checkableParameter = parameter as ICheckableCommandParameter;

            if (checkableParameter != null)
                checkableParameter.IsChecked = CommandHelpers.GetCheckedState(selection.OfType <InteractiveNodeViewModel>(), vm => vm.IsActive);
        /// <summary>
        /// Command handler which writes the active definition to a temporary merge script and opens that script in notepad.
        /// </summary>
        public static void OnOpenInNotepad(ICommandParameter parameter, ICompositionHost host, DocumentEditSite site)
            var activeDefinition = site?.EditControl?.Document?.Envoy?.ReferenceDefinition;

            if (activeDefinition != null)
                var fileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
                File.WriteAllText(fileName, MergeScriptBuilder.Create(activeDefinition.ToEnumerable(), host).ToString());
                Process.Start("Notepad.exe", fileName);
Example #19
        private async Task <bool> executeStep(ICommandParameter step, IPortPlug port)
            _currentCommand  = step.IsNextParameter ? string.Empty : Command;
            _currentOperator = step.IsNextParameter ? string.Empty : "=";
            _currentParam    = step.Value;
            Parameter        = step;

            await base.ExecuteAsync(port);

Example #20
        public SimpleATCommand(string command, ICommandParameter emptyParameter)

            if (emptyParameter == null || !emptyParameter.IsEmpty || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(emptyParameter.SuccessfulResponsePattern))
                throw new ArgumentException("Parameter not empty or not specified.");

            Parameter = emptyParameter;
Example #21
 private static void FanSpeedLowAttach(PlatformVisual visual, ICommandParameter parameter, IEnumerable <IViewModel> selection, ICompositionHost host, DocumentEditSite site)
     // This allows us to pass specific information to a common handler used by multiple commands. Otherwise, we would have redundant code for
     // three different commands
     if (!parameter.QueryService <ControlCommandParameter>().Any())
         parameter.AttachService(new ControlCommandParameter()
             Parameter = FanSpeed.Low
Example #22
        public ParamATCommand(string command, ICommandParameter parameter)
            : base(command)
            if (parameter == null || parameter.IsEmpty || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameter.Value) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameter.SuccessfulResponsePattern))
                throw new ArgumentException("Parameter not specified or empty.");

            Command       = Command.TrimEnd('=');
            Parameter     = parameter;
            HasParameters = true;
        private ICommandParameter <TDynamic>[] createColumn()
            var type       = typeof(TDynamic);
            var properties = type.GetProperties();
            var array      = new ICommandParameter <TDynamic> [properties.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)
                array[i] = createParameter(properties[i]);
Example #24
        private static bool UpdateParameterFromModeValue(ICommandParameter parameter, IEnumerable <IViewModel> selection, SelfTypeMode mode)
            var selfType = FindSelfType(selection);

            if (selfType == null)

            ((ICheckableCommandParameter)parameter).IsChecked = selfType.Mode == mode;
            return(mode != SelfTypeMode.Variant || RebarFeatureToggles.IsVariantTypesEnabled);
Example #25
        private void init()
            _empty        = CommandParameter.CreateEmpty(Constants.BasicSuccessfulResponse);
            _storageQuery = new SimpleATCommand(ATCommand.MessageStorageInfo.Command(), _empty);

            var listParam = new CommandParameter(Constants.MessageStatus.Any.ToValueString(), Constants.BasicSuccessfulResponse);

            _listQuery = new ParamATCommand(ATCommand.MessageList.Command(), listParam);

            var mfParam = new CommandParameter(Constants.MessageFormat.Pdu.ToValueString(), Constants.BasicSuccessfulResponse);

            _mfCmd = new ParamATCommand(ATCommand.MessageFormat.Command(), mfParam);
Example #26
        private static void ChangeFanSpeedCombo(ICommandParameter parameter, IEnumerable <IViewModel> selection, ICompositionHost host, DocumentEditSite site)
            var choiceParameter = parameter.QueryService <ChoiceCommandParameter>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (choiceParameter != null)
                var model = ((FanModel)((FanViewModel)selection.First()).Model);
                using (var transaction = model.TransactionManager.BeginTransaction("Change Spped", TransactionPurpose.User))
                    model.FanSpeed = (FanSpeed)choiceParameter.Chosen;
Example #27
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public static void OnSaveBetter(ICommandParameter parameter, ICompositionHost host, DocumentEditSite site)
            var     path       = parameter.Parameter as string;
            Process saveBetter = new Process();

            saveBetter.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
            saveBetter.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow  = true;
            saveBetter.StartInfo.WindowStyle     = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
            saveBetter.StartInfo.Arguments       = path;
            saveBetter.StartInfo.FileName        = "SaveBetter.jar";
            /// NIMessageBox.Show(path);
Example #28
        /// <summary>
        /// This command create a merge script string from the selection of the active editor.  Merge scripts are what are used
        /// for the clipboard, palette entries, and drag drop.  Merge scripts are basically mini versions of our persisted source
        /// file format.  Merge scripts are also useful for scripting use cases where merge scripts can be pased onto a diagram,
        /// wired together and modified.  Using merge scripts as templates is easier than writing a bunch on scripting code by hand.
        /// </summary>
        public static void OnCreateMergeScriptFromSelection(ICommandParameter parameter, ICompositionHost host, DocumentEditSite site)
            var selection = site.ActiveSelection.OfType <IElementViewModel>();

            if (!selection.Any())
            // Create an Element selection is which a selection model for the selected view models
            var elementSelection = SelectionToolViewModel.CreateElementSelection(selection, true);

            // Get the text from the merge script
            _lastMergeScript = elementSelection.CopyMergeScript(host);
Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// SVN Commit
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameter"></param>
        /// <param name="host"></param>
        /// <param name="site"></param>
        public static void Commit(ICommandParameter parameter, ICompositionHost host, DocumentEditSite site)
            var debugHost = host.GetSharedExportedValue <IDebugHost>();

                var filePath = ((Envoy)parameter.Parameter).GetFilePath();
                //moved up here, after ShowDialog() envoy returns null
                var envoy       = ((Envoy)parameter.Parameter);
                var projectItem = envoy.GetProjectItemViewModel(site);

                //note - no built in service to manage creating view/viewmodels, done by hand
                var commitViewModel = new CommitViewModel();
                commitViewModel.FilePath = filePath;
                var commitView = new CommitView(commitViewModel);
                commitView.Owner = (Window)site.RootVisual;

                if (commitViewModel.OkButtonClicked)
                    var svnManager = host.GetSharedExportedValue <SvnManagerPlugin>();
                    var success    = svnManager.Commit(filePath, commitViewModel.CommitMessage);

                    if (success)
                        //if uncommented and done here null ref
                        //var envoy = ((Envoy)parameter.Parameter);
                        //var projectItem = envoy.GetProjectItemViewModel(site);
                        if (null != projectItem)

                        debugHost.LogMessage(new DebugMessage("Svn", DebugMessageSeverity.Information, $"Commit {filePath}"));
            catch (Exception e)
                debugHost.LogMessage(new DebugMessage("Svn", DebugMessageSeverity.Error, $"Failed to Commit {e.Message}"));

                const string caption = "Error SVN";
                var          result  = MessageBox.Show(e.Message, caption,
        private static void SelectChannels(ICommandParameter parameter, IEnumerable <IViewModel> selection, ICompositionHost host, DocumentEditSite site)
            IEnumerable <string> frequencyChannels = selection.Select(item => item.Model)
                                                     .OfType <PulseWidthModulationControlModel>()
                                                     .Select(model => model.FrequencyChannel)
                                                     .Where(channel => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(channel))
            IEnumerable <string> dutyCycleChannels = selection.Select(item => item.Model)
                                                     .OfType <PulseWidthModulationControlModel>()
                                                     .Select(model => model.DutyCycleChannel)
                                                     .Where(channel => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(channel))
            var systemDefinitionPalette = SystemDefinitionPaletteControl.Activate(site);
