private static string Search(string criteria, ICommandHistory history) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); history.GetMatching(criteria).ForEach(record => sb.AppendLine(record)); sb.AppendLine(""); return sb.ToString(); }
public MoveCommand(IGame game, Direction direction, IManipulator manipulator, ICommandHistory history) { _game = game; _direction = direction; _manipulator = manipulator; _history = history; }
public ResGroupEditor(IEditorEnvironment editorEnvironment, ICommandHistory history) { this.editorEnvironment = editorEnvironment; this.history = history; this.AutoSize = true; this.Padding = new Padding(10); this.SuspendLayout(); this.split = new SplitContainer { Dock = DockStyle.Fill }; this.split.Panel2Collapsed = true; this.Controls.Add(this.split); var sp = new StackPanel { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, AutoSize = true }; this.split.Panel1.Controls.Add(sp); var collectionView = new CollectionView<IResourceFile>(a => editorEnvironment.EditorFor(a, history)) { AutoSize = true }; collectionView.ItemsPanel.AutoSize = true; collectionView.ItemsPanel.AutoScroll = false; new PropertyBinding<ResGroup, IList<IResourceFile>>(collectionView, this.dataContext, m => m.ExternalResources, null); sp.Controls.Add(collectionView); var embCollectionView = new CollectionView<Managed>(a => this.CreateButtonForResource(a)) { AutoSize = true }; embCollectionView.ItemsPanel.AutoSize = true; embCollectionView.ItemsPanel.AutoScroll = false; new PropertyBinding<ResGroup, IList<Managed>>(embCollectionView, this.dataContext, m => m.EmbeddedResources, null); sp.Controls.Add(embCollectionView); this.ResumeLayout(); this.PerformLayout(); }
public MenuEntry(ICommandHistory commandHistory, string name, Keys shortcutKeys) { CommandHistory = commandHistory; Name = name; ShortcutKeys = shortcutKeys; Enabled = true; }
public CommandInputForm(ICommandProvider commandProvider, ICommandHistory history) { InitializeComponent(); Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width; Font = new Font(Gentium.FontFamily, 30, FontStyle.Regular); DoubleBuffered = true; SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); _commandProvider = commandProvider; _commandHistory = history; _historicCommand = _commandHistory.GetEnumerator(); _backBrush = new SolidBrush(BackColor); _foreBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 10, 40)); _dropDownForm = new DropDownForm(); _dropDownForm.Font = Font; _dropDownForm.Top = Bottom; _mouseHook = new MouseHook(); _mouseHook.MouseMove += new MouseMoveEventHandler(OnMouseMove); _mouseHook.MouseClick += new MouseClickEventHandler(Cancel); _inputTextBox.TextChanged += delegate { OnInputChanged(); }; _inputTextBox.SelectionChanged += delegate { OnInputChanged(); }; MakeForeground(); }
public UndoMenuEntry(ICommandHistory commandHistory) : base(commandHistory, string.Format("Undo {0}", commandHistory.PreviousCommand), Keys.Control | Keys.Z) { var prevCommand = commandHistory.PreviousCommand; Enabled = prevCommand != null && prevCommand.HasUndo; }
public TLViewBase(TLModelBase model, TLViewBase parent) { FGroup.Transforms = new SvgTransformCollection(); Parent = parent; Model = model; History = Model.Mapper.Map <ICommandHistory>(); FGroup.ID = GetGroupID(); }
public DropObjectCommand( ICommandHistory commandHistory, IVariables variables, IObjectDroppedAction objectDropped) { _commandHistory = commandHistory; _variables = variables; _objectDropped = objectDropped; }
public ShaderEditor(IEditorEnvironment editorEnvironment, ICommandHistory history, IComponentContext context) { this.editorEnvironment = editorEnvironment; this.history = history; this.context = context; this.InitializeComponent(); this.InitializeEditor(); }
private static string List(ICommandHistory history) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List<string> records = history.Records; records.ForEach(record => sb.AppendLine(record)); sb.AppendLine(""); sb.AppendLine(String.Format("{0} entries in history", records.Count)); return sb.ToString(); }
public void SetUp() { _mocks = new MockRepository(); _view = new AutoCompleteView(); _attachedTo = new Control(); _commandHistory = _mocks.DynamicMock<ICommandHistory>(); _presenter = new AutoCompletePresenter(_view, _attachedTo, _commandHistory); _presenter.Init(); }
public ResourceFileEditor(IEditorEnvironment editorEnvironment, IResourceManager resourceManager, TextResourceWriter textResourceWriter) { this.history = new CommandHistory(); this.editorEnvironment = editorEnvironment; this.resourceManager = resourceManager; this.textResourceWriter = textResourceWriter; this.history.PropertyChanged += this.NotifyHistoryChanged; this.InitializeComponent(); this.InitializeEditor(); this.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; }
public Controller(IGameCreator gameCreator, IManipulator manipulator, ICommandHistory history, ICommandManager commandManager, IGameMessageHolder gameMessageHolder, IConsoleManager console) { gameCreator.NotifyOnGameCreated += OnNewGameCreated; manipulator.NotifyOnPlayfieldChange += OnPlayfieldChanged; _history = history; _commandManager = commandManager; _gameMessageHolder = gameMessageHolder; _console = console; }
public EditResourceReferenceView( IEditorEnvironment editorEnvironment, IResourceManager resourceManager, ICommandHistory history, IComponentContext context, bool fileReferencesAllowed) : this() { this.editorEnvironment = editorEnvironment; this.resourceManager = resourceManager; this.history = history; this.context = context; this.fileReferencesAllowed = fileReferencesAllowed; }
public IView EditorFor(object itemToEdit, ICommandHistory history) { var typedParameters = new Parameter[] { TypedParameter.From(history) }; IView view = this.context.ResolveOptionalKeyed<IView>(itemToEdit.GetType(), typedParameters); if (view != null) { return view; } view = this.context.ResolveOptionalKeyed<IView>(itemToEdit.GetType().BaseType, typedParameters); if (view != null) { return view; } return new StringView(); }
public GenericSceneEditor( IEditorEnvironment editorEnvironment, IComponentContext context, ToeGraphicsContext graphicsContext, IEditorOptions<Base3DEditorOptions> options) { this.editorEnvironment = editorEnvironment; this.context = context; this.graphicsContext = graphicsContext; this.options = options; this.history = new CommandHistory(); this.InitializeComponent(); this.InitializeEditor(); }
public SkinEditor( IEditorEnvironment editorEnvironment, IResourceManager resourceManager, ICommandHistory history, ToeGraphicsContext graphicsContext, IComponentContext context) { this.editorEnvironment = editorEnvironment; this.resourceManager = resourceManager; this.history = history; this.graphicsContext = graphicsContext; this.context = context; this.InitializeComponent(); this.InitializeEditor(); this.base3DEditor1.RenderScene += this.RenderScene; }
public MaterialEditor( IEditorEnvironment editorEnvironment, IResourceManager resourceManager, ICommandHistory history, ToeGraphicsContext graphicsContext, IComponentContext context) { this.editorEnvironment = editorEnvironment; this.resourceManager = resourceManager; this.history = history; this.graphicsContext = graphicsContext; this.context = context; this.InitializeComponent(); this.InitializeEditor(); }
public ModelEditor( IEditorEnvironment editorEnvironment, IResourceManager resourceManager, IComponentContext context, ToeGraphicsContext graphicsContext, IEditorOptions<Base3DEditorOptions> options, ICommandHistory history) { this.editorEnvironment = editorEnvironment; this.resourceManager = resourceManager; this.context = context; this.graphicsContext = graphicsContext; this.options = options; this.history = history; this.dataContext.DataContextChanged += ResetModel; this.InitializeComponent(); this.InitializeEditor(); }
public RemoveMenuEntry(ICommandHistory commandHistory, TOwner owner, TItem item) : this(commandHistory, owner, item, "Remove") { }
public static void SetByCommand(this IEditableProperty property, object newValue, ICommandHistory history) { if (property.AcceptValueObject(newValue)) { var command = Command.Set(property, newValue); history.Insert(command); } }
public SetPropertyMenuEntry(ICommandHistory commandHistory, IEditableProperty property) : base(commandHistory, "Change Value") { Property = property; }
public LoadMenuEntry(ICommandHistory history, IPersistent persistent, ILogger logger) : base(history, "Open") { FPersistent = persistent; FLogger = logger; }
public ShellState(ICommandDispatcher commandDispatcher, ISuggestionManager suggestionManager = null, IInputManager inputManager = null, ICommandHistory commandHistory = null, IConsoleManager consoleManager = null) { InputManager = inputManager ?? new InputManager(); CommandHistory = commandHistory ?? new CommandHistory(); ConsoleManager = consoleManager ?? new ConsoleManager(); CommandDispatcher = commandDispatcher; SuggestionManager = suggestionManager ?? new SuggestionManager(); }
public ReferencesViewProvider(IProject project, IEditableIDList <IReference> references) { FProject = project; FReferences = references; FCommandHistory = FReferences.Mapper.Map <ICommandHistory>(); }
public RenameMenuEntry(ICommandHistory commandHistory, IRenameable renameable) : this(commandHistory, renameable, null) { }
public ReferenceProvider(ICommandHistory history) { FHistory = history; }
public RemoveMenuEntry(ICommandHistory commandHistory, TOwner owner, TItem item, string name) : base(commandHistory, name, Keys.Delete) { FOwner = owner; FItem = item; }
public AddMenuEntry(ICommandHistory commandHistory) : base(commandHistory, "Add") { }
public TimelineView(TLDocument tl, ICommandHistory history, Timer timer) { History = history; History.CommandInserted += History_Changed; History.Undone += History_Changed; History.Redone += History_Changed; Document = tl; Timer = timer; //replace id manager before any svg element was added var caller = Document.Mapper.Map <ISvgEventCaller>(); var manager = new SvgIdManager(SvgRoot, caller, Document.Mapper.Map <RemoteContext>()); SvgRoot.ID = "svg"; SvgRoot.OverwriteIdManager(manager); Background.Width = new SvgUnit(SvgUnitType.Percentage, 100); Background.Height = 500; Background.ID = Document.GetID() + "_Background"; Background.Opacity = 0; Background.MouseDown += Default_MouseDown; Background.MouseMove += Default_MouseMove; Background.MouseUp += Default_MouseUp; Selection.ID = "Selection"; Selection.CustomAttributes["pointer-events"] = "none"; Selection.CustomAttributes["class"] = "selection"; Ruler = new RulerView(Document.Ruler, this); MouseTimeLine.ID = "MouseTime"; MouseTimeLine.StartX = 0; MouseTimeLine.StartY = 0; MouseTimeLine.EndX = 0; TimeBar.ID = "Timebar"; TimeBar.Y = -Ruler.Height; TimeBar.X = -1; TimeBar.Width = 2; TimeBar.MouseDown += Default_MouseDown; TimeBar.MouseMove += Default_MouseMove; TimeBar.MouseUp += Default_MouseUp; MainMenu = new SvgMenuWidget(120); MainMenu.ID = "MainMenu"; var addValueTrack = new SvgButtonWidget(0, 20, "Add Value Track"); addValueTrack.ValueChanged += AddValueTrack; var addStringTrack = new SvgButtonWidget(0, 20, "Add String Track"); addStringTrack.ValueChanged += AddStringTrack; MainMenu.AddItem(addValueTrack, 0); MainMenu.AddItem(addStringTrack, 1); FRulerGroup.ID = "Ruler"; FRulerGroup.CustomAttributes["class"] = "fixed"; FRulerGroup.Transforms = new SvgTransformCollection(); FRulerGroup.Transforms.Add(new SvgTranslate(0, 0)); FTrackGroup.ID = "Tracks"; FTrackGroup.Transforms = new SvgTransformCollection(); FOverlaysGroup.ID = "Overlays"; FOverlaysGroup.Transforms = new SvgTransformCollection(); //initialize svg tree BuildSVGRoot(); Syncer = Tracks.SyncWith(Document.Tracks, tm => { TrackView tv; if (tm is TLValueTrack) { tv = new ValueTrackView(tm as TLValueTrack, this, Ruler); } else if (tm is TLStringTrack) { tv = new StringTrackView(tm as TLStringTrack, this, Ruler); } else { tv = new AudioTrackView(tm as TLAudioTrack, this, Ruler); } if (ActiveTrack == null) { ActiveTrack = tv; } tv.AddToSceneGraphAt(FTrackGroup); //update Order on all tracks below the one added var order = tv.Model.Order.Value; foreach (var track in Tracks.Where(x => x.Model.Order.Value >= order)) { track.Model.Order.Value += 1; } return(tv); }, tv => { var order = tv.Model.Order.Value; tv.Dispose(); //update Order on all tracks below the one removed foreach (var track in Tracks.Where(x => x.Model.Order.Value > order)) { track.Model.Order.Value -= 1; } }); }
public MenuEntry(ICommandHistory commandHistory, string name) : this(commandHistory, name, Keys.None) { }
public UndoCommand(ICommandHistory history) { _history = history; }
public RedoMenuEntry(ICommandHistory commandHistory) : base(commandHistory, string.Format("Redo {0}", commandHistory.NextCommand), Keys.Control | Keys.Y) { Enabled = commandHistory.NextCommand != null; }
public UnloadMenuEntry(ICommandHistory history, /*IPersistent persistent,*/ ILogger logger) : base(history, "Close") { //FPersistent = persistent; FLogger = logger; }
public RenameMenuEntry(ICommandHistory commandHistory, IRenameable renameable, ILabelEditor labelEditor) : base(commandHistory, "Rename", Keys.F2) { Renameable = renameable; LabelEditor = labelEditor; }
public BoardWorker(IManipulator manipulator, ICommandHistory history) { _manipulator = manipulator; _history = history; }
public CommandManager(IGameCreator creator, IManipulator manipulator, ICommandHistory history) { _gameCreator = creator; _manipulator = manipulator; _history = history; }
public AddReferenceMenuEntry(ICommandHistory history, IProject project, IEditableIDList <IReference> references) : base(history, "Reference", Keys.Control | Keys.N) { FProject = project; FReferences = references; }