Example #1
        // Once we allow LanguageForge to create optionlist items with "canonical" values (parts of speech, semantic domains, etc.), uncomment this block
                #if false  // Once we are populating Lcm from LF OptionLists, the entire block of functions below will be useful. Until then, they're commented out.
        public ICmPossibility FromAbbrevAndName(string abbrev, string name, string userWs)
            ICmPossibility poss = _parentList.FindPossibilityByName(_parentList.PossibilitiesOS, abbrev, _wsForKeys);

            if (poss == null)
                poss = _parentList.FindPossibilityByName(_parentList.PossibilitiesOS, name, _wsForKeys);
            return(poss);    // If it's still null, we just return null for "not found"
            // NOTE: If LF can create new OptionList items, might want to use FindOrCreatePossibilityByName above.