public async Task <IActionResult> Handle()
            Output = new JoinMapByCharName();

            //If ZoneName is empty, look it up from the character.  This is used for the inital login.
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ZoneName) || ZoneName == "GETLASTZONENAME")
                GetCharByCharName character = await charactersRepository.GetCharByCharName(CustomerGUID, CharacterName);

                //If we can't find the character by name, then return BadRequest.
                if (character == null)
                    return(new BadRequestResult());

                ZoneName = character.MapName;

            //If the ZoneName is empty, return an error
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ZoneName))
                Output.Success      = false;
                Output.ErrorMessage = "GetServerToConnectTo: ZoneName is NULL or Empty.  Make sure the character is assigned to a Zone!";
                return(new OkObjectResult(Output));

            JoinMapByCharName joinMapByCharacterName = await charactersRepository.JoinMapByCharName(CustomerGUID, CharacterName, ZoneName, PlayerGroupType);

            bool readyForPlayersToConenct = false;

            if (joinMapByCharacterName == null || joinMapByCharacterName.WorldServerID < 1)
                Output.Success      = false;
                Output.ErrorMessage = "GetServerToConnectTo: WorldServerID is less than 1.  Make sure you setup at least one valid World Server and that it is currently running!";
                return(new OkObjectResult(Output));

            //There is no zone server running that will accept our connection, so start up a new one
            if (joinMapByCharacterName.NeedToStartupMap)
                bool requestSuccess = await RequestServerSpinUp(joinMapByCharacterName.WorldServerID, joinMapByCharacterName.MapInstanceID, joinMapByCharacterName.MapNameToStart, joinMapByCharacterName.Port);

                //Wait OWSGeneralConfig.SecondsToWaitBeforeFirstPollForSpinUp seconds before the first CheckMapInstanceStatus to give it time to spin up

                readyForPlayersToConenct = await WaitForServerReadyToConnect(CustomerGUID, joinMapByCharacterName.MapInstanceID);
            //We found a zone server we can connect to, but it is still spinning up.  Wait until it is ready to connect to (up to OWSGeneralConfig.SecondsToWaitForServerSpinUp seconds).
            else if (joinMapByCharacterName.MapInstanceID > 0 && joinMapByCharacterName.MapInstanceStatus == 1)
                //CheckMapInstanceStatus every OWSGeneralConfig.SecondsToWaitInBetweenSpinUpPolling seconds for up to OWSGeneralConfig.SecondsToWaitForServerSpinUp seconds
                readyForPlayersToConenct = await WaitForServerReadyToConnect(CustomerGUID, joinMapByCharacterName.MapInstanceID);
            //We found a zone server we can connect to and it is ready to connect
            else if (joinMapByCharacterName.MapInstanceID > 0 && joinMapByCharacterName.MapInstanceStatus == 2)
                //The zone server is ready to connect to
                readyForPlayersToConenct = true;

            //The zone instance is ready, so connect the character to the map instance in our data store
            if (readyForPlayersToConenct)
                await charactersRepository.AddCharacterToMapInstanceByCharName(CustomerGUID, CharacterName, joinMapByCharacterName.MapInstanceID);

            Output              = joinMapByCharacterName;
            Output.Success      = true;
            Output.ErrorMessage = "";
            return(new OkObjectResult(Output));