public static IComparisonWithAdvance HTMLTag( ILog log, Options options, string tagName, OrComparison attributes, string name = null) { ICharComparison isWhitespace = IsWhitespace(log); IOperation skipWhitespace = SkipWhitespace(log); StatementList statementList = new StatementList(log); statementList.Name = name; statementList.Add(new CharComparison(log, options, '<')); statementList.Add(new StringComparison(log, options, tagName)); statementList.Add(isWhitespace); // The reason for the or list is in case the tags appear in a different order on different browsers DelimitedListComparison list = new DelimitedListComparison(log, options, attributes, isWhitespace); statementList.Add(list); list.MinAmount = attributes.Count; list.MaxAmount = attributes.Count; statementList.Add(skipWhitespace); statementList.Add(new CharComparison(log, options, '>')); return(statementList); }
//~V public NotCharComparison( ILog log, ICharComparison charComparison) : base(log) { m_CharComparison = charComparison; }