Example #1
            public IPredictor Calibrate(IChannel ch, IDataView data, ICalibratorTrainer caliTrainer, int maxRows)
                Host.CheckValue(ch, nameof(ch));
                ch.CheckValue(data, nameof(data));
                ch.CheckValue(caliTrainer, nameof(caliTrainer));

                if (caliTrainer.NeedsTraining)
                    var bound = new Bound(this, new RoleMappedSchema(data.Schema));
                    using (var curs = data.GetRowCursor(col => true))
                        var scoreGetter = (ValueGetter <Single>)bound.CreateScoreGetter(curs, col => true, out Action disposer);

                        // We assume that we can use the label column of the first predictor, since if the labels are not identical
                        // then the whole model is garbage anyway.
                        var labelGetter = bound.GetLabelGetter(curs, 0, out Action disp);
                        disposer += disp;
                        var weightGetter = bound.GetWeightGetter(curs, 0, out disp);
                        disposer += disp;
                            int num = 0;
                            while (curs.MoveNext())
                                Single label = 0;
                                labelGetter(ref label);
                                if (!FloatUtils.IsFinite(label))
                                Single score = 0;
                                scoreGetter(ref score);
                                if (!FloatUtils.IsFinite(score))
                                Single weight = 0;
                                weightGetter(ref weight);
                                if (!FloatUtils.IsFinite(weight))

                                caliTrainer.ProcessTrainingExample(score, label > 0, weight);

                                if (maxRows > 0 && ++num >= maxRows)

                var calibrator = caliTrainer.FinishTraining(ch);

                return(CalibratorUtils.CreateCalibratedPredictor(Host, this, calibrator));
        private MatrixFactorizationPredictor TrainCore(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data, RoleMappedData validData = null)

            ColumnInfo matrixColumnIndexColInfo;
            ColumnInfo matrixRowIndexColInfo;
            ColumnInfo validMatrixColumnIndexColInfo = null;
            ColumnInfo validMatrixRowIndexColInfo    = null;

            ch.CheckValue(data.Schema.Label, nameof(data), "Input data did not have a unique label");
            RecommenderUtils.CheckAndGetMatrixIndexColumns(data, out matrixColumnIndexColInfo, out matrixRowIndexColInfo, isDecode: false);
            if (data.Schema.Label.Type != NumberType.R4 && data.Schema.Label.Type != NumberType.R8)
                throw ch.Except("Column '{0}' for label should be floating point, but is instead {1}", data.Schema.Label.Name, data.Schema.Label.Type);
            MatrixFactorizationPredictor predictor;

            if (validData != null)
                ch.CheckValue(validData, nameof(validData));
                ch.CheckValue(validData.Schema.Label, nameof(validData), "Input validation data did not have a unique label");
                RecommenderUtils.CheckAndGetMatrixIndexColumns(validData, out validMatrixColumnIndexColInfo, out validMatrixRowIndexColInfo, isDecode: false);
                if (validData.Schema.Label.Type != NumberType.R4 && validData.Schema.Label.Type != NumberType.R8)
                    throw ch.Except("Column '{0}' for validation label should be floating point, but is instead {1}", data.Schema.Label.Name, data.Schema.Label.Type);

                if (!matrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type.Equals(validMatrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type))
                    throw ch.ExceptParam(nameof(validData), "Train and validation sets' matrix-column types differed, {0} vs. {1}",
                                         matrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type, validMatrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type);
                if (!matrixRowIndexColInfo.Type.Equals(validMatrixRowIndexColInfo.Type))
                    throw ch.ExceptParam(nameof(validData), "Train and validation sets' matrix-row types differed, {0} vs. {1}",
                                         matrixRowIndexColInfo.Type, validMatrixRowIndexColInfo.Type);

            int colCount = matrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type.KeyCount;
            int rowCount = matrixRowIndexColInfo.Type.KeyCount;

            ch.Assert(rowCount > 0);
            ch.Assert(colCount > 0);

            // Checks for equality on the validation set ensure it is correct here.
            using (var cursor = data.Data.GetRowCursor(c => c == matrixColumnIndexColInfo.Index || c == matrixRowIndexColInfo.Index || c == data.Schema.Label.Index))
                // LibMF works only over single precision floats, but we want to be able to consume either.
                var labGetter = RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <float>(NumberType.R4, cursor, data.Schema.Label.Index);
                var matrixColumnIndexGetter = RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <uint>(NumberType.U4, cursor, matrixColumnIndexColInfo.Index);
                var matrixRowIndexGetter    = RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <uint>(NumberType.U4, cursor, matrixRowIndexColInfo.Index);

                if (validData == null)
                    // Have the trainer do its work.
                    using (var buffer = PrepareBuffer())
                        buffer.Train(ch, rowCount, colCount, cursor, labGetter, matrixRowIndexGetter, matrixColumnIndexGetter);
                        predictor = new MatrixFactorizationPredictor(Host, buffer, matrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type.AsKey, matrixRowIndexColInfo.Type.AsKey);
                    using (var validCursor = validData.Data.GetRowCursor(
                               c => c == validMatrixColumnIndexColInfo.Index || c == validMatrixRowIndexColInfo.Index || c == validData.Schema.Label.Index))
                        ValueGetter <float> validLabelGetter = RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <float>(NumberType.R4, validCursor, validData.Schema.Label.Index);
                        var validMatrixColumnIndexGetter     = RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <uint>(NumberType.U4, validCursor, validMatrixColumnIndexColInfo.Index);
                        var validMatrixRowIndexGetter        = RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <uint>(NumberType.U4, validCursor, validMatrixRowIndexColInfo.Index);

                        // Have the trainer do its work.
                        using (var buffer = PrepareBuffer())
                            buffer.TrainWithValidation(ch, rowCount, colCount,
                                                       cursor, labGetter, matrixRowIndexGetter, matrixColumnIndexGetter,
                                                       validCursor, validLabelGetter, validMatrixRowIndexGetter, validMatrixColumnIndexGetter);
                            predictor = new MatrixFactorizationPredictor(Host, buffer, matrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type.AsKey, matrixRowIndexColInfo.Type.AsKey);
Example #3
        // Returns true if a normalizer was added.
        public static bool AddNormalizerIfNeeded(IHostEnvironment env, IChannel ch, ITrainer trainer, ref IDataView view, string featureColumn, NormalizeOption autoNorm)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            env.CheckValue(ch, nameof(ch));
            ch.CheckValue(trainer, nameof(trainer));
            ch.CheckValue(view, nameof(view));
            ch.CheckUserArg(Enum.IsDefined(typeof(NormalizeOption), autoNorm), nameof(TrainCommand.Arguments.NormalizeFeatures),
                            "Normalize option is invalid. Specify one of 'norm=No', 'norm=Warn', 'norm=Auto', or 'norm=Yes'.");

            if (autoNorm == NormalizeOption.No)
                ch.Info("Not adding a normalizer.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(featureColumn))

            int featCol;
            var schema = view.Schema;

            if (schema.TryGetColumnIndex(featureColumn, out featCol))
                if (autoNorm != NormalizeOption.Yes)
                    var    nn           = trainer as ITrainerEx;
                    DvBool isNormalized = DvBool.False;
                    if (nn == null || !nn.NeedNormalization ||
                        (schema.TryGetMetadata(BoolType.Instance, MetadataUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized, featCol, ref isNormalized) &&
                        ch.Info("Not adding a normalizer.");
                    if (autoNorm == NormalizeOption.Warn)
                        ch.Warning("A normalizer is needed for this trainer. Either add a normalizing transform or use the 'norm=Auto', 'norm=Yes' or 'norm=No' options.");
                ch.Info("Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.");
                // Quote the feature column name
                string        quotedFeatureColumnName = featureColumn;
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                if (CmdQuoter.QuoteValue(quotedFeatureColumnName, sb))
                    quotedFeatureColumnName = sb.ToString();
                var component = new SubComponent <IDataTransform, SignatureDataTransform>("MinMax", string.Format("col={{ name={0} source={0} }}", quotedFeatureColumnName));
                var loader    = view as IDataLoader;
                if (loader != null)
                    view = CompositeDataLoader.Create(env, loader,
                                                      new KeyValuePair <string, SubComponent <IDataTransform, SignatureDataTransform> >(null, component));
                    view = component.CreateInstance(env, view);
        private MatrixFactorizationModelParameters TrainCore(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data, RoleMappedData validData = null)

            ch.CheckParam(data.Schema.Label.HasValue, nameof(data), "Input data did not have a unique label");
            RecommenderUtils.CheckAndGetMatrixIndexColumns(data, out var matrixColumnIndexColInfo, out var matrixRowIndexColInfo, isDecode: false);
            var labelCol = data.Schema.Label.Value;

            if (labelCol.Type != NumberDataViewType.Single && labelCol.Type != NumberDataViewType.Double)
                throw ch.Except("Column '{0}' for label should be floating point, but is instead {1}", labelCol.Name, labelCol.Type);
            MatrixFactorizationModelParameters predictor;

            if (validData != null)
                ch.CheckValue(validData, nameof(validData));
                ch.CheckParam(validData.Schema.Label.HasValue, nameof(validData), "Input validation data did not have a unique label");
                RecommenderUtils.CheckAndGetMatrixIndexColumns(validData, out var validMatrixColumnIndexColInfo, out var validMatrixRowIndexColInfo, isDecode: false);
                var validLabelCol = validData.Schema.Label.Value;
                if (validLabelCol.Type != NumberDataViewType.Single && validLabelCol.Type != NumberDataViewType.Double)
                    throw ch.Except("Column '{0}' for validation label should be floating point, but is instead {1}", validLabelCol.Name, validLabelCol.Type);

                if (!matrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type.Equals(validMatrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type))
                    throw ch.ExceptParam(nameof(validData), "Train and validation sets' matrix-column types differed, {0} vs. {1}",
                                         matrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type, validMatrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type);
                if (!matrixRowIndexColInfo.Type.Equals(validMatrixRowIndexColInfo.Type))
                    throw ch.ExceptParam(nameof(validData), "Train and validation sets' matrix-row types differed, {0} vs. {1}",
                                         matrixRowIndexColInfo.Type, validMatrixRowIndexColInfo.Type);

            int colCount = matrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type.GetKeyCountAsInt32(_host);
            int rowCount = matrixRowIndexColInfo.Type.GetKeyCountAsInt32(_host);

            ch.Assert(rowCount > 0);
            ch.Assert(colCount > 0);

            // Checks for equality on the validation set ensure it is correct here.
            using (var cursor = data.Data.GetRowCursor(matrixColumnIndexColInfo, matrixRowIndexColInfo, data.Schema.Label.Value))
                // LibMF works only over single precision floats, but we want to be able to consume either.
                var labGetter = RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <float>(NumberDataViewType.Single, cursor, data.Schema.Label.Value.Index);
                var matrixColumnIndexGetter = RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <uint>(NumberDataViewType.UInt32, cursor, matrixColumnIndexColInfo.Index);
                var matrixRowIndexGetter    = RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <uint>(NumberDataViewType.UInt32, cursor, matrixRowIndexColInfo.Index);

                if (validData == null)
                    // Have the trainer do its work.
                    using (var buffer = PrepareBuffer())
                        buffer.Train(ch, rowCount, colCount, cursor, labGetter, matrixRowIndexGetter, matrixColumnIndexGetter);
                        predictor = new MatrixFactorizationModelParameters(_host, buffer, (KeyDataViewType)matrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type, (KeyDataViewType)matrixRowIndexColInfo.Type);
                    RecommenderUtils.CheckAndGetMatrixIndexColumns(validData, out var validMatrixColumnIndexColInfo, out var validMatrixRowIndexColInfo, isDecode: false);
                    using (var validCursor = validData.Data.GetRowCursor(matrixColumnIndexColInfo, matrixRowIndexColInfo, data.Schema.Label.Value))
                        ValueGetter <float> validLabelGetter = RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <float>(NumberDataViewType.Single, validCursor, validData.Schema.Label.Value.Index);
                        var validMatrixColumnIndexGetter     = RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <uint>(NumberDataViewType.UInt32, validCursor, validMatrixColumnIndexColInfo.Index);
                        var validMatrixRowIndexGetter        = RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <uint>(NumberDataViewType.UInt32, validCursor, validMatrixRowIndexColInfo.Index);

                        // Have the trainer do its work.
                        using (var buffer = PrepareBuffer())
                            buffer.TrainWithValidation(ch, rowCount, colCount,
                                                       cursor, labGetter, matrixRowIndexGetter, matrixColumnIndexGetter,
                                                       validCursor, validLabelGetter, validMatrixRowIndexGetter, validMatrixColumnIndexGetter);
                            predictor = new MatrixFactorizationModelParameters(_host, buffer, (KeyDataViewType)matrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type, (KeyDataViewType)matrixRowIndexColInfo.Type);
        private static void Save(IChannel ch, ModelSaveContext ctx, CodecFactory factory, ref VBuffer <ReadOnlyMemory <char> > values)
            ch.CheckValue(ctx, nameof(ctx));

            // *** Binary format ***
            // Codec parameterization: A codec parameterization that should be a ReadOnlyMemory codec
            // int: n, the number of bytes used to write the values
            // byte[n]: As encoded using the codec

            // Get the codec from the factory
            IValueCodec codec;
            var         result = factory.TryGetCodec(new VectorType(TextType.Instance), out codec);

            ch.Assert(codec.Type.VectorSize == 0);
            ch.Assert(codec.Type.ItemType.RawType == typeof(ReadOnlyMemory <char>));
            IValueCodec <VBuffer <ReadOnlyMemory <char> > > textCodec = (IValueCodec <VBuffer <ReadOnlyMemory <char> > >)codec;

            factory.WriteCodec(ctx.Writer.BaseStream, codec);
            using (var mem = new MemoryStream())
                using (var writer = textCodec.OpenWriter(mem))
                    writer.Write(ref values);

            // Make this resemble, more or less, the auxiliary output from the TermTransform.
            // It will differ somewhat due to the vector being possibly sparse. To distinguish
            // between missing and empty, empties are not written at all, while missings are.
            var v = values;

            char[] buffer = null;
                               writer =>
                writer.WriteLine("# Number of terms = {0} of length {1}", v.Count, v.Length);
                foreach (var pair in v.Items())
                    var text = pair.Value;
                    if (text.IsEmpty)
                    writer.Write("{0}\t", pair.Key);
                    // REVIEW: What about escaping this, *especially* for linebreaks?
                    // Do C# and .NET really have no equivalent to Python's "repr"? :(
                    if (text.IsEmpty)
                    Utils.EnsureSize(ref buffer, text.Length);

                    var span = text.Span;
                    for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                        buffer[i] = span[i];

                    writer.WriteLine(buffer, 0, text.Length);
Example #6
        public static void SavePredictor(IChannel ch, IPredictor predictor, RoleMappedSchema schema,
                                         Stream binaryModelStream = null, Stream summaryModelStream = null, Stream textModelStream = null,
                                         Stream iniModelStream    = null, Stream codeModelStream    = null)
            Contracts.CheckValue(ch, nameof(ch));
            ch.CheckValue(predictor, nameof(predictor));
            ch.CheckValue(schema, nameof(schema));

            int count = 0;

            if (binaryModelStream != null)
                ch.Info("Saving predictor as binary");
                using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(binaryModelStream, Encoding.UTF8, true))
                    PredictorUtils.SaveBinary(ch, predictor, writer);

            ch.CheckValue(schema, nameof(schema));

            if (summaryModelStream != null)
                ch.Info("Saving predictor summary");

                using (StreamWriter writer = Utils.OpenWriter(summaryModelStream))
                    PredictorUtils.SaveSummary(ch, predictor, schema, writer);

            if (textModelStream != null)
                ch.Info("Saving predictor as text");
                using (StreamWriter writer = Utils.OpenWriter(textModelStream))
                    PredictorUtils.SaveText(ch, predictor, schema, writer);

            if (iniModelStream != null)
                ch.Info("Saving predictor as ini");
                using (StreamWriter writer = Utils.OpenWriter(iniModelStream))
                    // Test if our predictor implements the more modern INI export interface.
                    // If it does not, use the old utility method.
                    ICanSaveInIniFormat saver = predictor as ICanSaveInIniFormat;
                    if (saver == null)
                        PredictorUtils.SaveIni(ch, predictor, schema, writer);
                        saver.SaveAsIni(writer, schema);

            if (codeModelStream != null)
                ch.Info("Saving predictor as code");
                using (StreamWriter writer = Utils.OpenWriter(codeModelStream))
                    PredictorUtils.SaveCode(ch, predictor, schema, writer);

            // Note that we don't check for this case up front so this command can be used to simply
            // check that the predictor is loadable.
            if (count == 0)
                ch.Info("No files saved. Must specify at least one output file.");