private async Task <List <SearchResult> > Search(SearchQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            _logger.LogInformation($"Search for surname: {request.Surname} uln: {request.Uln} made by {request.EpaOrgId}");

            var thisEpao = await _organisationRepository.Get(request.EpaOrgId);

            if (thisEpao == null)
                _logger.LogInformation($"{LoggingConstants.SearchFailure} - Invalid EpaOrgId", request.EpaOrgId);
                return(new List <SearchResult>());

            var intStandards = await GetEpaoStandards(thisEpao);

            var ilrResults = await _ilrRepository.SearchForLearnerByUln(request.Uln);

            var likedSurname = request.Surname.Replace(" ", "");

            var listOfIlrResults = ilrResults?.ToList();

            if (request.IsPrivatelyFunded && (listOfIlrResults == null || (!listOfIlrResults.Any())))
                //Learner not in ILR so try to create an in memory record with details from found certificate and request information
                listOfIlrResults = new List <Ilr> {
                    new Ilr {
                        Uln = request.Uln, EpaOrgId = request.EpaOrgId, FamilyNameForSearch = request.Surname, FamilyName = request.Surname
                likedSurname = DealWithSpecialCharactersAndSpaces(request, likedSurname, listOfIlrResults);
                var certificate =
                    await _certificateRepository.GetCertificateByOrgIdLastname(request.Uln, request.EpaOrgId, likedSurname);

                if (certificate == null)
                    //Now check if exists for uln and surname without considering org
                    certificate = await _certificateRepository.GetCertificateByUlnLastname(request.Uln, likedSurname);

                    if (certificate != null)
                        if (certificate?.Status == CertificateStatus.Deleted)
                            var result = GetDeletedOrFailedCertificateResult(certificate, request);
                            if (result.Any())

                        if (intStandards?.Contains(certificate.StandardCode) ?? false)
                            var standard = await _standardService.GetStandard(certificate.StandardCode);

                            return(new List <SearchResult>
                                new SearchResult {
                                    UlnAlreadyExits = true, FamilyName = likedSurname, Uln = request.Uln, IsPrivatelyFunded = true, Standard = standard?.Title, Level = standard?.StandardData.Level.GetValueOrDefault() ?? 0
                        return(new List <SearchResult> {
                            new SearchResult {
                                UlnAlreadyExits = true, Uln = request.Uln, IsPrivatelyFunded = true, IsNoMatchingFamilyName = true
                    //If we got here then certifcate does not exist with uln and surename so
                    //lastly check if there is a certificate that exist with the given uln only disregarding org and surname

                    var deletedCert = await _certificateRepository.GetCertificateDeletedByUln(request.Uln);

                    if (deletedCert != null)
                        var result = GetDeletedOrFailedCertificateResult(deletedCert, request);
                        if (result.Any())

                    var certificateExist = await _certificateRepository.CertifciateExistsForUln(request.Uln);

                        ? new List <SearchResult> {
                        new SearchResult {
                            UlnAlreadyExits = true, Uln = request.Uln, IsPrivatelyFunded = true, IsNoMatchingFamilyName = true
                        : new List <SearchResult>());

                if (certificate?.Status == CertificateStatus.Deleted)
                    var result = GetDeletedOrFailedCertificateResult(certificate, request);
                    if (result.Any())

                //We found the certifate, check if standard in certificate exists in standards registered by calling org
                if (intStandards?.Contains(certificate.StandardCode) ?? false)
                    listOfIlrResults[0].StdCode = certificate.StandardCode;
                likedSurname = DealWithSpecialCharactersAndSpaces(request, likedSurname, listOfIlrResults);

            ilrResults = listOfIlrResults?.Where(r => (
                                                     r.EpaOrgId == thisEpao.EndPointAssessorOrganisationId ||
                                                     (r.EpaOrgId != thisEpao.EndPointAssessorOrganisationId && intStandards.Contains(r.StdCode))) &&
                                                 string.Equals(r.FamilyNameForSearch.Trim(), likedSurname.Trim(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)).ToList();

            if (request.IsPrivatelyFunded && ilrResults != null && !ilrResults.Any())
                var certificate = await _certificateRepository.GetCertificateByUlnLastname(request.Uln, likedSurname);

                //If privately funded and uln found in ilr but existing certificate is marked as deleted
                if (certificate?.Status == CertificateStatus.Deleted)
                    var result = GetDeletedOrFailedCertificateResult(certificate, request);
                    if (result.Any())

                //If privately funded and uln found in ilr but due to the previous checks the result was empty then set uln exist flag
                return(new List <SearchResult> {
                    new SearchResult {
                        UlnAlreadyExits = true, Uln = request.Uln,
                        IsPrivatelyFunded = request.IsPrivatelyFunded, IsNoMatchingFamilyName = true

            if (request.IsPrivatelyFunded)
                var certificate = await _certificateRepository.GetCertificateByUlnLastname(request.Uln, likedSurname);

                if (certificate?.IsPrivatelyFunded == true &&
                    certificate?.Status != CertificateStatus.Deleted &&
                    certificate?.Status != CertificateStatus.Draft)
                    var certData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Domain.JsonData.CertificateData>(certificate?.CertificateData);
                    if (certData != null && certData.OverallGrade != CertificateGrade.Fail)
                        return(new List <SearchResult> {
                            new SearchResult {
                                FamilyName = likedSurname, UlnAlreadyExits = true, Uln = request.Uln,
                                IsPrivatelyFunded = true, IsNoMatchingFamilyName = false, StdCode = certificate.StandardCode
                        }.PopulateStandards(_standardService, _logger));
                        var result = GetDeletedOrFailedCertificateResult(certificate, request);
                        if (result.Any())

            _logger.LogInformation((ilrResults != null && ilrResults.Any())? LoggingConstants.SearchSuccess : LoggingConstants.SearchFailure);

            var searchResults = Mapper.Map <List <SearchResult> >(ilrResults)
                                .MatchUpExistingCompletedStandards(request, _certificateRepository, _contactRepository, _organisationRepository, _logger)
                                .PopulateStandards(_standardService, _logger);
