/// <summary>
        /// Loads a tile variant from the given XML element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromElem">The XML element to load from.</param>
        /// <param name="tile">The tile type being loaded.</param>
        /// <param name="tileset">The tileset being loaded.</param>
        private static void LoadVariant(XElement fromElem, IsoTileType tile, TileSet tileset)
            XAttribute imageAttr       = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.VARIANT_IMAGE_ATTR);
            XAttribute transpColorAttr = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.VARIANT_TRANSPCOLOR_ATTR);

            if (imageAttr == null)
                throw new TileSetException("Image not defined for tile variant!");
            if (transpColorAttr == null)
                throw new TileSetException("Transparent color not defined for tile variant!");

            /// Read the image data.
            string imagePath = Path.Combine(tmpImageDir, imageAttr.Value);

            byte[] imageData = File.ReadAllBytes(imagePath);

            /// Create the new TileVariant object and add it to the tile type.
            IsoTileVariant newVariant = new IsoTileVariant(imageData, XmlHelper.LoadColor(transpColorAttr.Value), tileset);


            /// Load the cell data changesets.
            foreach (XElement childElem in fromElem.Elements())
                ICellDataChangeSet changeset = LoadCellDataChangeSet(childElem, tileset);

            /// Register the variant to the tileset.
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a cell data changeset to this terrain object type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="changeset">The changeset operation to add.</param>
        public void AddCellDataChangeset(ICellDataChangeSet changeset)
            if (changeset == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("changeset");
            if (changeset.Tileset != this.tileset)
                throw new TileSetException("The given ICellDataChangeSet is in another TileSet!");
            if (this.tileset.IsFinalized)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("TileSet already finalized!");

        /// <summary>
        /// Load a cell data changeset from the given XML element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromElem">The XML element to load from.</param>
        /// <param name="tileset">The tileset being loaded.</param>
        /// <returns>The loaded cell data changeset.</returns>
        private static ICellDataChangeSet LoadCellDataChangeSet(XElement fromElem, TileSet tileset)
            ICellDataChangeSet retObj   = null;
            ICellDataModifier  modifier = null;

            /// Load the name of the target field.
            XAttribute fieldAttr = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.CELLDATACHANGESET_FIELD_ATTR);

            if (fieldAttr == null)
                throw new TileSetException("Field name not defined for a data changeset element!");

            if (fieldAttr.Value == XmlTileSetConstants.CELLDATA_ISWALKABLE_NAME)
                modifier = new WalkabilityFlagModifier(XmlHelper.LoadBool(fromElem.Value));
            else if (fieldAttr.Value == XmlTileSetConstants.CELLDATA_ISBUILDABLE_NAME)
                modifier = new BuildabilityFlagModifier(XmlHelper.LoadBool(fromElem.Value));
            else if (fieldAttr.Value == XmlTileSetConstants.CELLDATA_GROUNDLEVEL_NAME)
                modifier = new GroundLevelModifier(XmlHelper.LoadInt(fromElem.Value));
            if (modifier == null)
                throw new TileSetException("Unexpected field name defined for a data changeset element!");

            switch (fromElem.Name.LocalName)
            case XmlTileSetConstants.CELLDATACHANGESET_ALL_ELEM:
                retObj = new CellDataChangeSetBase(modifier, tileset);

            case XmlTileSetConstants.CELLDATACHANGESET_CELL_ELEM:
                XAttribute cellAttr = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.CELLDATACHANGESET_CELL_CELL_ATTR);
                if (cellAttr == null)
                    throw new TileSetException("Cell not defined for a cell data changeset element!");
                retObj = new CellChangeSet(XmlHelper.LoadIntVector(cellAttr.Value), modifier, tileset);

            case XmlTileSetConstants.CELLDATACHANGESET_COL_ELEM:
                XAttribute colIndexAttr = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.CELLDATACHANGESET_COL_INDEX_ATTR);
                if (colIndexAttr == null)
                    throw new TileSetException("Column not defined for a column data changeset element!");
                retObj = new ColumnChangeSet(XmlHelper.LoadInt(colIndexAttr.Value), modifier, tileset);

            case XmlTileSetConstants.CELLDATACHANGESET_QUARTER_ELEM:
                XAttribute quarterAttr = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.CELLDATACHANGESET_QUARTER_WHICH_ATTR);
                if (quarterAttr == null)
                    throw new TileSetException("Quarter not defined for a quarter data changeset element!");
                MapDirection quarter;
                if (!EnumMap <MapDirection, string> .TryDemap(quarterAttr.Value, out quarter))
                    throw new TileSetException(string.Format("Unexpected quarter '{0}' defined for quarter data changeset!", quarterAttr.Value));
                retObj = new IsoQuarterChangeSet(quarter, modifier, tileset);

            case XmlTileSetConstants.CELLDATACHANGESET_RECT_ELEM:
                XAttribute rectAttr = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.CELLDATACHANGESET_RECT_RECT_ATTR);
                if (rectAttr == null)
                    throw new TileSetException("Rectangle not defined for a rectangle data changeset element!");
                retObj = new RectangleChangeSet(XmlHelper.LoadIntRectangle(rectAttr.Value), modifier, tileset);

            case XmlTileSetConstants.CELLDATACHANGESET_ROW_ELEM:
                XAttribute rowIndexAttr = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.CELLDATACHANGESET_ROW_INDEX_ATTR);
                if (rowIndexAttr == null)
                    throw new TileSetException("Row not defined for a row data changeset element!");
                retObj = new RowChangeSet(XmlHelper.LoadInt(rowIndexAttr.Value), modifier, tileset);

                throw new TileSetException(string.Format("Unexpected data changeset element '{0}'!", fromElem.Name));

            if (retObj == null)
                throw new TileSetException("Unable to load cell data changeset!");
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a terrain object definition from the XML element into the given tileset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromElem">The XML element to load from.</param>
        /// <param name="tileset">The TileSet to load to.</param>
        private static void LoadTerrainObject(XElement fromElem, TileSet tileset)
            XAttribute nameAttr        = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_NAME_ATTR);
            XAttribute imageAttr       = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_IMAGE_ATTR);
            XAttribute quadSizeAttr    = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_QUADSIZE_ATTR);
            XAttribute transpColorAttr = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_TRANSPCOLOR_ATTR);

            if (nameAttr == null)
                throw new TileSetException("Name not defined for terrain object!");
            if (imageAttr == null)
                throw new TileSetException("Image not defined for terrain object!");
            if (quadSizeAttr == null)
                throw new TileSetException("Quadratic size not defined for terrain object!");
            if (transpColorAttr == null)
                throw new TileSetException("Transparent color not defined for terrain object!");

            /// Read the image data.
            string imagePath = Path.Combine(tmpImageDir, imageAttr.Value);

            byte[] imageData = File.ReadAllBytes(imagePath);

            TerrainObjectType terrainObj = tileset.GetTerrainObjectTypeImpl(nameAttr.Value);

            /// Apply the defined area exclusions.
            foreach (XElement excludeAreaElem in fromElem.Elements(XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_EXCLUDEAREA_ELEM))
                XAttribute rectAttr = excludeAreaElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_EXCLUDEAREA_RECT_ATTR);
                if (rectAttr == null)
                    throw new TileSetException("The rectangle of the excluded area not defined!");

            /// Load the constraints and the cell data changesets.
            foreach (XElement childElem in fromElem.Elements())
                if (childElem.Name.LocalName == XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_TILECONSTRAINT_ELEM)
                    ITerrainObjectConstraint constraint = LoadTileConstraint(childElem, terrainObj, tileset);
                else if (childElem.Name.LocalName != XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_EXCLUDEAREA_ELEM)
                    ICellDataChangeSet changeset = LoadCellDataChangeSet(childElem, tileset);
                /// TODO: loading other constraint types can take place here!