public Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Pdf GetCatalog() { productsList = productDao.GetAll(); CategoryList = categoryDao.GetAll(); Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Pdf pdf = new Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Pdf(); pdf.IsTruetypeFontMapCached = false; // If you have purchased a license, // Set license like this: // string licenseFile = MapPath("License") + "\\Aspose.Pdf.lic"; // Aspose.Pdf.License lic = new Aspose.Pdf.License(); // lic.SetLicense(licenseFile); string xmlFile = Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/xml/Catalog.xml"); string path = Server.MapPath("~/img"); pdf.BindXML(xmlFile, null); Section section = pdf.Sections["section1"]; Paragraph logoPara = section.Paragraphs["Logo"]; Image logoImage = (Image)logoPara; logoImage.ImageInfo.File = path + "\\FallCatalog.jpg"; logoImage.ImageScale = 0.77F; Section section2 = pdf.Sections["section2"]; Paragraph beveragePara = section2.Paragraphs["BeverageTable"]; Table beverageTable = (Table)beveragePara; Row row1 = beverageTable.Rows[0]; Cell row1Cell2 = row1.Cells[1]; Image beverageImage = (Image)row1Cell2.Paragraphs[0]; beverageImage.ImageInfo.File = path + "\\Beverage.jpg"; Table beveragesTable1 = (Table)section2.Paragraphs["BeverageTable1"]; FillTable(beveragesTable1, GetProductsByCateGoryID(1)); Paragraph condimentsPara = section2.Paragraphs["CondimentsTable"]; Table condimentsTable = (Table)condimentsPara; Row row1CondimentTable = condimentsTable.Rows[0]; Cell row1Cell2CondimentTable = row1CondimentTable.Cells[1]; Image condimentsImage = (Image)row1Cell2CondimentTable.Paragraphs[0]; condimentsImage.ImageInfo.File = path + "\\Condiments.jpg"; Table condimentsTable1 = (Table)section2.Paragraphs["CondimentsTable1"]; FillTable(condimentsTable1, GetProductsByCateGoryID(2)); Paragraph confectionsPara = section2.Paragraphs["ConfectionsTable"]; Table confectionsTable = (Table)confectionsPara; Row row1ConfectionsTable = confectionsTable.Rows[0]; Cell row1Cell2ConfectionsTable = row1ConfectionsTable.Cells[1]; Image confectionsImage = (Image)row1Cell2ConfectionsTable.Paragraphs[0]; confectionsImage.ImageInfo.File = path + "\\Confections.jpg"; Table confectionsTable1 = (Table)section2.Paragraphs["ConfectionsTable1"]; FillTable(confectionsTable1, GetProductsByCateGoryID(3)); Paragraph dairyPara = section2.Paragraphs["DairyTable"]; Table dairyTable = (Table)dairyPara; Row row1DairyTable = dairyTable.Rows[0]; Cell row1Cell2DairyTable = row1DairyTable.Cells[1]; Image diaryImage = (Image)row1Cell2DairyTable.Paragraphs[0]; diaryImage.ImageInfo.File = path + "\\Dairy.jpg"; Table dairyTable1 = (Table)section2.Paragraphs["DairyTable1"]; FillTable(dairyTable1, GetProductsByCateGoryID(4)); Paragraph grainsPara = section2.Paragraphs["GrainsTable"]; Table grainsTable = (Table)grainsPara; Row row1GrainsTable = grainsTable.Rows[0]; Cell row1Cell2GrainsTable = row1GrainsTable.Cells[1]; Image grainsImage = (Image)row1Cell2GrainsTable.Paragraphs[0]; grainsImage.ImageInfo.File = path + "\\Grains.jpg"; Table grainsTable1 = (Table)section2.Paragraphs["GrainsTable1"]; FillTable(grainsTable1, GetProductsByCateGoryID(5)); Paragraph meatPara = section2.Paragraphs["MeatTable"]; Table meatTable = (Table)meatPara; Row row1MeatTable = meatTable.Rows[0]; Cell row1Cell2MeatTable = row1MeatTable.Cells[1]; Image meatImage = (Image)row1Cell2MeatTable.Paragraphs[0]; meatImage.ImageInfo.File = path + "\\Meat.jpg"; Table meatTable1 = (Table)section2.Paragraphs["MeatTable1"]; FillTable(meatTable1, GetProductsByCateGoryID(6)); Paragraph producePara = section2.Paragraphs["ProduceTable"]; Table produceTable = (Table)producePara; Row row1ProduceTable = produceTable.Rows[0]; Cell row1Cell2ProduceTable = row1ProduceTable.Cells[1]; Image produceImage = (Image)row1Cell2ProduceTable.Paragraphs[0]; produceImage.ImageInfo.File = path + "\\Produce.jpg"; Table produceTable1 = (Table)section2.Paragraphs["ProduceTable1"]; FillTable(produceTable1, GetProductsByCateGoryID(7)); Paragraph seafoodPara = section2.Paragraphs["SeafoodTable"]; Table seafoodTable = (Table)seafoodPara; Row row1SeafoodTable = seafoodTable.Rows[0]; Cell row1Cell2SeafoodTable = row1SeafoodTable.Cells[1]; Image seafoodImage = (Image)row1Cell2SeafoodTable.Paragraphs[0]; seafoodImage.ImageInfo.File = path + "\\Seafood.jpg"; Table seafoodTable1 = (Table)section2.Paragraphs["SeafoodTable1"]; FillTable(seafoodTable1, GetProductsByCateGoryID(8)); return(pdf); }
public Workbook CreateProductsByCategory() { productsList = productDao.GetAll(); CategoryList = categoryDao.GetAll(); List <ProductCategory> productCatList = (from product in productsList join category in CategoryList on product.CategoryID equals category.CategoryID orderby category.CategoryName, product.ProductName select new ProductCategory { CategoryName = category.CategoryName, ProductName = product.ProductName, UnitsInStock = product.UnitsInStock }).ToList <ProductCategory>(); //Open a template file string designerFile = MapPath("~/App_Data/xls/Northwind.xls"); Workbook workbook = new Workbook(designerFile); DataTable dataTable1 = ConvertToDataTable(productCatList); //Get a worksheet Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets["Sheet7"]; //Name it sheet.Name = "Products By Category"; //Get the cells Aspose.Cells.Cells cells = sheet.Cells; //Get the sheet vertical page breaks VerticalPageBreakCollection vPageBreaks = sheet.VerticalPageBreaks; //Set row heights cells.SetRowHeight(4, 20.25); cells.SetRowHeight(5, 18.75); ushort currentRow = 4; byte currentColumn = 0; string lastCategory = ""; string thisCategory, nextCategory; int productsCount = 0; SetProductsByCategoryStyles(workbook); //Fill cells by inputing the values and apply styles to the data for (int i = 0; i < dataTable1.Rows.Count; i++) { thisCategory = (string)dataTable1.Rows[i]["CategoryName"]; if (thisCategory != lastCategory) { currentRow = 4; if (i != 0) { currentColumn += 4; } CreateProductsByCategoryHeader(workbook, cells, currentRow, currentColumn, thisCategory); lastCategory = thisCategory; currentRow += 2; } cells[currentRow, currentColumn].PutValue((string)dataTable1.Rows[i]["ProductName"]); cells[currentRow, (byte)(currentColumn + 1)].PutValue((short)dataTable1.Rows[i]["UnitsInStock"]); if (i != dataTable1.Rows.Count - 1) { nextCategory = (string)dataTable1.Rows[i + 1]["CategoryName"]; if (thisCategory != nextCategory) { Aspose.Cells.Style style = workbook.Styles["ProductsCount"]; cells[currentRow + 1, currentColumn].PutValue("Number of Products:"); cells[currentRow + 1, currentColumn].SetStyle(style); style = workbook.Styles["CountNumber"]; cells[currentRow + 1, (byte)(currentColumn + 1)].PutValue(productsCount + 1); cells[currentRow + 1, (byte)(currentColumn + 1)].SetStyle(style); currentRow++; productsCount = 0; vPageBreaks.Add(0, currentColumn + 1); } else { productsCount++; } } else { Aspose.Cells.Style style = workbook.Styles["ProductsCount"]; cells[currentRow + 1, currentColumn].PutValue("Number of Products:"); cells[currentRow + 1, currentColumn].SetStyle(style); style = workbook.Styles["CountNumber"]; cells[currentRow + 1, (byte)(currentColumn + 1)].PutValue(productsCount + 1); cells[currentRow + 1, (byte)(currentColumn + 1)].SetStyle(style); } currentRow++; } //Remove the unnecessary worksheets in the workbook for (int i = 0; i < workbook.Worksheets.Count; i++) { sheet = workbook.Worksheets[i]; if (sheet.Name != "Products By Category") { workbook.Worksheets.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } //Get the generated workbook return(workbook); }
public List <Category> GetAll() { return(_categoryDao.GetAll()); }
public Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Pdf GetProductsByCategory() { IList <Product> productsList = productDao.GetAll(); IList <Category> CategoryList = categoryDao.GetAll(); Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Pdf pdf = new Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Pdf(); pdf.IsTruetypeFontMapCached = false; // If you have purchased a license, // Set license like this: // string licenseFile = MapPath("License") + "\\Aspose.Pdf.lic"; // Aspose.Pdf.License lic = new Aspose.Pdf.License(); // lic.SetLicense(licenseFile); string xmlFile = Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/xml/ProductsByCategory.xml"); pdf.BindXML(xmlFile, null); Section section = pdf.Sections["section1"]; Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Table table1 = new Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Table(section); section.Paragraphs.Add(table1); table1.ColumnWidths = "314 314 314"; table1.Border = new BorderInfo((int)BorderSide.Top, 4, new Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Color(204)); table1.IsRowBroken = false; table1.DefaultCellPadding.Top = table1.DefaultCellPadding.Bottom = 15; table1.DefaultCellTextInfo.FontSize = 14; table1.Margin.Top = 10; int j; Row curRow = null; Cell curCell = null; Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Table curSubTab = null; string[] names = new string[] { "Catagory: Beverages", "Catagory: Condiments", "Catagory: Confections", "Catagory: Dairy Products", "Catagory: Grains/Cereals", "Catagory: Meat/Poultry", "Catagory: Produce", "Catagory: Seafood" }; for (j = 1; j <= 8; j++) { if (j == 1 || j == 4 || j == 7) { curRow = table1.Rows.Add(); } curCell = curRow.Cells.Add(); curSubTab = new Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Table(curCell); curSubTab.DefaultCellPadding.Top = curSubTab.DefaultCellPadding.Bottom = 3; curCell.Paragraphs.Add(curSubTab); curSubTab.ColumnWidths = "214 90"; Row row0 = curSubTab.Rows.Add(); Aspose.Pdf.Generator.TextInfo tf1 = new Aspose.Pdf.Generator.TextInfo(); tf1.FontSize = 16; tf1.FontName = "Times-Bold"; row0.Cells.Add(names[j - 1], tf1); IList <Product> filteredProductsList = (from productsTable in productsList where (productsTable.Discontinued == false) && (productsTable.CategoryID == j) orderby productsTable.ProductName select productsTable).ToList <Product>(); DataTable dataTable1 = ConvertToDataTable(filteredProductsList); curSubTab.ImportDataTable(dataTable1, true, 1, 0); curSubTab.Rows[1].Border = new BorderInfo((int)(BorderSide.Top | BorderSide.Bottom), 4, new Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Color(204)); Row lastRow = curSubTab.Rows[curSubTab.Rows.Count - 1]; foreach (Cell cCell in lastRow.Cells) { cCell.Padding.Bottom = 20; } lastRow = curSubTab.Rows.Add(); lastRow.Cells.Add("number of products:"); lastRow.Cells.Add(dataTable1.Rows.Count.ToString()); lastRow.Border = new BorderInfo((int)BorderSide.Top, new Aspose.Pdf.Generator.Color(204)); } curRow.Cells.Add(); return(pdf); }
public IDataResult <List <Category> > GetAll() { return(new SuccessDataResult <List <Category> >(_categoryDao.GetAll()));; }
public Workbook CreateCatalog() { //Open a template file string designerFile = MapPath("~/App_Data/xls/Northwind.xls"); Workbook workbook = new Workbook(designerFile); productsList = productDao.GetAll(); CategoryList = categoryDao.GetAll(); //Create a new datatable DataTable dataTable2 = new DataTable(); //Get a worksheet Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets["Sheet2"]; //Name the sheet sheet.Name = "Catalog"; //Get the worksheet cells Aspose.Cells.Cells cells = sheet.Cells; int currentRow = 55; //Add LightGray color to color palette workbook.ChangePalette(Color.LightGray, 55); //Get the workbook's styles collection StyleCollection styles = workbook.Styles; //Set CategoryName style with formatting attributes int styleIndex = styles.Add(); Style styleCategoryName = styles[styleIndex]; styleCategoryName.Font.Size = 14; styleCategoryName.Font.Color = Color.Blue; styleCategoryName.Font.IsBold = true; styleCategoryName.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"; //Set Description style with formatting attributes styleIndex = styles.Add(); Style styleDescription = styles[styleIndex]; styleDescription.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"; styleDescription.Font.Color = Color.Blue; styleDescription.Font.IsItalic = true; //Set ProductName style with formatting attributes styleIndex = styles.Add(); Style styleProductName = styles[styleIndex]; styleProductName.Font.IsBold = true; //Set Title style with formatting attributes styleIndex = styles.Add(); Style styleTitle = styles[styleIndex]; styleTitle.Font.IsBold = true; styleTitle.Font.IsItalic = true; styleTitle.ForegroundColor = Color.LightGray; styleIndex = styles.Add(); Style styleNumber = styles[styleIndex]; styleNumber.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"; styleNumber.Number = 8; //Create the styleflag struct StyleFlag styleflag = new StyleFlag(); styleflag.All = true; //Get the horizontal page breaks collection HorizontalPageBreakCollection hPageBreaks = sheet.HorizontalPageBreaks; DataTable dataTable1 = ConvertCategoriesToDataTable(CategoryList); for (int i = 0; i < dataTable1.Rows.Count; i++) { currentRow += 2; cells.SetRowHeight(currentRow, 20); cells[currentRow, 1].SetStyle(styleCategoryName); DataRow categoriesRow = dataTable1.Rows[i]; //Write CategoryName cells[currentRow, 1].PutValue((string)categoriesRow["CategoryName"]); //Write Description currentRow++; cells[currentRow, 1].PutValue((string)categoriesRow["Description"]); cells[currentRow, 1].SetStyle(styleDescription); dataTable2.Clear(); dataTable2 = GetProductsByCateGoryID(Convert.ToInt32(categoriesRow["CategoryID"].ToString())); currentRow += 2; //Import the datatable to the sheet cells.ImportDataTable(dataTable2, true, currentRow, 1); //Create a range Range range = cells.CreateRange(currentRow, 1, 1, 4); //Apply style to the range range.ApplyStyle(styleTitle, styleflag); //Create a range range = cells.CreateRange(currentRow + 1, 1, dataTable2.Rows.Count, 1); //Apply style to the range range.ApplyStyle(styleProductName, styleflag); //Create a range range = cells.CreateRange(currentRow + 1, 4, dataTable2.Rows.Count, 1); //Apply style to the range range.ApplyStyle(styleNumber, styleflag); currentRow += dataTable2.Rows.Count; //Apply horizontal page breaks hPageBreaks.Add(currentRow, 0); } //Remove the unnecessary worksheets in the workbook for (int i = 0; i < workbook.Worksheets.Count; i++) { sheet = workbook.Worksheets[i]; if (sheet.Name != "Catalog") { workbook.Worksheets.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } //Return the generated workbook return(workbook); }
public IEnumerable <Category> GetAll() { return(_categoryDao.GetAll()); }