         * Creates Public Anon Channel
         * ********************************************************/
        public async Task CreatePublicAnonChannel(SocketGuild guild)
            var everyoneRole = guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsEveryone);

            Console.WriteLine($"Creating PublicChannel for Guild {guild.Name}");
            var text = await guild.CreateTextChannelAsync("Anon");

            ICategoryChannel category = guild.CategoryChannels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == CatagoryID);

            //if catagory exits make a new one
            if (category == null)
                category = await guild.CreateCategoryChannelAsync("Anonyomus Channels");

                await category.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(everyoneRole, PermissionsDenyAll);

            await text.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(everyoneRole, PermissionsReadOnly);

            await text.ModifyAsync(x => x.CategoryId = category.Id);

            var message = await text.SendMessageAsync($"**Welcome to {guild.Name}'s Anonamus Channel!**\n\n" +
                                                      "This channel allows all the users on the server to see the anonamous chat without being in it." +
                                                      "The bot grabs all messages sent by users and sends them to everyone elses channel. " +
                                                      "Becouse the bot posts the message you don't know who sent the message.\n\n" +
                                                      "You can view the source code at https://github.com/doc543/AnonBot \n");

            await message.PinAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("Created Text Channel: " + CatagoryID.ToString());
Example #2
        public async Task <RuntimeResult> Setup(int count = 3)
            IRole role = Context.Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == TTTService.RoleName);

            if (role == null)
                role = await Context.Guild.CreateRoleAsync(TTTService.RoleName, isMentionable : false);
            var existing = Context.Guild.VoiceChannels.Count(x => x.Name.StartsWith("ttt-"));
            ICategoryChannel category = Context.Guild.CategoryChannels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "TTT");

            if (category == null)
                category = await Context.Guild.CreateCategoryChannelAsync("TTT");

                await category.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(Context.Guild.EveryoneRole, Program.NoPerms);

                await category.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(role, Program.ReadPerms);
            for (int i = 0; i < (count * count); i++)
                IVoiceChannel vc = Context.Guild.VoiceChannels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.StartsWith($"ttt-{i}"));
                if (vc == null)
                    vc = await Context.Guild.CreateVoiceChannelAsync($"ttt-{i}", x =>
                        x.CategoryId = category.Id;
                var invites = await vc.GetInvitesAsync();

                IInvite invite = invites.FirstOrDefault();
                if (invite == null)
                    invite = await vc.CreateInviteAsync(maxAge : null, maxUses : 1, isTemporary : true);
                await vc.ModifyAsync(x => x.Name = $"ttt-{i}-{invite.Code}");
            return(Success("Server has been setup for tic tac toe."));
Example #3
        public async Task ArchiveProject()
            ICategoryChannel ProjectsCategory = CommandHelper.FindCategory(Context.Guild.CategoryChannels, Strings.ProjectCategoryName);
            ICategoryChannel ArchiveCategory  = CommandHelper.FindCategory(Context.Guild.CategoryChannels, Strings.ArchiveCategoryName);

            if (((ITextChannel)Context.Channel).CategoryId != ProjectsCategory.Id)
                await ReplyAsync("This channel is not a project channel!");


            if (ArchiveCategory is null) //Create the category
                ArchiveCategory = await Context.Guild.CreateCategoryChannelAsync(Strings.ArchiveCategoryName);

                await ArchiveCategory.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(Context.Guild.EveryoneRole, new OverwritePermissions(sendMessages : PermValue.Deny));

            await((IGuildChannel)Context.Channel).ModifyAsync(delegate(GuildChannelProperties ac) { ac.CategoryId = ArchiveCategory.Id; });

            List <ITextChannel> channels = new List <ITextChannel>(Context.Guild.TextChannels);

            channels.RemoveAll(x => x.CategoryId != ArchiveCategory.Id);

            await CommandHelper.OrderChannels(channels, ArchiveCategory.Id);

            IRole ProjectRole        = CommandHelper.FindRole(Context.Guild.Roles, Context.Channel.Name);
            IRole ProjectManagerRole = CommandHelper.FindRole(Context.Guild.Roles, $"{Context.Channel.Name}-Manager");

            await Context.Guild.GetRole(ProjectRole.Id).DeleteAsync();

            await Context.Guild.GetRole(ProjectManagerRole.Id).DeleteAsync();

            await ReplyAsync("Archived project and cleared role!");

            await((IGuildChannel)Context.Channel).AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(Context.Guild.EveryoneRole, (OverwritePermissions)ArchiveCategory.GetPermissionOverwrite(Context.Guild.EveryoneRole));
        /* **************************************************************
         * Create Anon Channel
         * 1. Creates a new channgel named after the user
         * 2. Checks if a catagory is made if not creates one and sets permissions
         * 4. Sets permissions on channel so the user can only see that channel
         * 5. Send Welcome message and pins it.
         * ****************************************************************/
        public async Task CreateAnonChannel(SocketGuildUser user)
            var everyoneRole = user.Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsEveryone);

            Console.WriteLine($"Creating Channel for {user.Username}! for  Guild {user.Guild.Name}");
            //create text channel
            var text = await user.Guild.CreateTextChannelAsync(user.Id.ToString());

            //find catagory named whatever
            ICategoryChannel category = user.Guild.CategoryChannels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == CatagoryID);

            //if catagory exits make a new one
            if (category == null)
                category = await user.Guild.CreateCategoryChannelAsync("Annoyamus Channels");

                await category.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(everyoneRole, PermissionsDenyAll);

            await text.ModifyAsync(x => x.CategoryId = category.Id);

            await text.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(everyoneRole, PermissionsDenyAll);

            await text.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(user, PermissionsAnnChannel);

            var msg = await text.SendMessageAsync($"**Welcome {user.Mention} to {user.Guild.Name}!**\n\n" +
                                                  "Everyone on this server is in a channel by themselves and the bot. " +
                                                  "The bot grabs all messages sent by users and sends them to everyone elses channel. " +
                                                  "Becouse the bot posts the message you don't know who sent the message.\n\n" +
                                                  "This bot does not log anything. You can view the source code at https://github.com/doc543/AnonBot \n" +
                                                  "Use \"\\help\" - Brings up help text.");

            await msg.PinAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("Created Text Channel: " + CatagoryID.ToString());
Example #5
        public async Task Challenge(SocketGuildUser user = null)
            // Create SocketGuildUser objects
            SocketGuildUser author = (Context.Message.Author as SocketGuildUser);

            // Creating objects
            string type1, type2;

            type1 = Convert.ToString(provider.GetFieldAwonaByID("type", Convert.ToString(author.Id), "discord_id", "users"));
            type2 = Convert.ToString(provider.GetFieldAwonaByID("type", Convert.ToString(user.Id), "discord_id", "users"));
            Archetype player1 = subcommand.CreateClass(type1, author);
            Archetype player2 = subcommand.CreateClass(type2, user);

            // If created successfully
            if (player1 == null)
                await ReplyAsync("Ошибка при создании первого игрока");

            else if (player2 == null)
                await ReplyAsync("Ошибка при создании второго игрока");


            await ReplyAsync(":white_check_mark: Создаю каналы...");

            ulong  context_id = Context.Channel.Id;
            ulong  channel_id = 823844887787077682;
            string answer     = "";

            if (!subcommand.ValidChecker(user, author, ref answer, channel_id, context_id))
                await ReplyAsync(answer);


            // Get everyone role, create new role, create permissions, set roles

            // Create user name and author name
            string authorname, username;

            authorname = Context.Message.Author.Username;
            username   = user.Username;
            // Create Roles
            IRole everyone   = Context.Guild.EveryoneRole;
            IRole publicrole = await Context.Guild.CreateRoleAsync($"{authorname}-vs-{username}", null, new Color(0xf5fffa), false, null);

            IRole firstplayer = await Context.Guild.CreateRoleAsync($"{authorname}#{authorname.Length}", null, new Color(0xf5fffa), false, null);

            IRole secondplayer = await Context.Guild.CreateRoleAsync($"{username}#{username.Length}", null, new Color(0xf5fffa), false, null);

            // Create Permissions
            OverwritePermissions noView  = new OverwritePermissions(viewChannel: PermValue.Deny);
            OverwritePermissions yesView = new OverwritePermissions(viewChannel: PermValue.Allow);

            // Add roles to first and second player
            await(Context.User as IGuildUser).AddRoleAsync(publicrole);
            await(Context.User as IGuildUser).AddRoleAsync(firstplayer);
            await(user as IGuildUser).AddRoleAsync(publicrole);
            await(user as IGuildUser).AddRoleAsync(secondplayer);

            // Create category, set permissions, create two channels

            // Create category and set permissions
            ICategoryChannel category = await Context.Guild.CreateCategoryChannelAsync($"{authorname}-vs-{username}");

            await category.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(everyone, noView);

            await category.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(firstplayer, yesView);

            await category.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(secondplayer, yesView);

            // Create channel 1
            ITextChannel authorchannel = await Context.Guild.CreateTextChannelAsync($"{authorname}-challenge");

            await authorchannel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(everyone, noView);

            await authorchannel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(firstplayer, yesView);

            await authorchannel.ModifyAsync(x => x.CategoryId = category.Id);

            // Create channel 2
            ITextChannel userchannel = await Context.Guild.CreateTextChannelAsync($"{username}-challenge");

            await userchannel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(everyone, noView);

            await userchannel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(secondplayer, yesView);

            await userchannel.ModifyAsync(x => x.CategoryId = category.Id);

            // Fight category

            // Start message
            provider.ExecuteSQL($"INSERT INTO duel VALUES (\"{authorname}-vs-{username}\", \"{authorname}\", \"{username}\", {author.Id}, {user.Id}, {authorchannel.Id}, {userchannel.Id}, \"Sleep\", \"Sleep\", {player1.Health}, {player2.Health}, false, false)");
            FightHandler fightHandler = new FightHandler();
            await fightHandler.StartMessage(author, user, userchannel, authorchannel);

            await ReplyAsync(":white_check_mark: Бой начат, каналы созданы");

            fightHandler.FightLoop(author, user, player1, player2, category, authorchannel, userchannel, publicrole, firstplayer, secondplayer);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a Category using the channel using roles provided
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task CreateCategory(CommandContext Context, string Category, [Optional] List <Permissions> Roles, [Optional] int?Position)
            // Get the list of Categories
            IReadOnlyCollection <IGuildChannel> categories = await Context.Guild.GetCategoriesAsync();

            // Check if the Category exists
            bool             exists      = false;
            ICategoryChannel newcategory = null;

            foreach (var categoryname in categories)
                if (categoryname.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim() == Category.ToString().ToLower().Trim())
                    // If the channel exists exit
                    newcategory = categoryname as ICategoryChannel;
                    exists      = true;
            // Create the Category
            if (exists == false)
                newcategory = await Context.Guild.CreateCategoryAsync(Category);

            // Wait for Category to Generate
            await Task.Delay(1000);

            if (newcategory != null)
                // Check if we are passing roles
                if (Roles != null)
                    // Parse in the roles to add them to the channel
                    foreach (Permissions role in Roles)
                        // Before we go any further let's see if the role already exists
                        // If the role exists exit the task
                        foreach (Discord.IRole existingrole in Context.Guild.Roles)
                            // Compare the list of roles in the discord with the Role
                            if (existingrole.Name.ToLower().Trim() == role.Role.ToLower().Trim())
                                // Add the selected roles to the channel using inhert as its base
                                await newcategory.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(existingrole, role.ChannelPermType);

                    // Remove the everyone permission if it's not in the list
                    bool permfound = false;
                    foreach (Permissions perm in Roles)
                        if (perm.Role.ToLower().Contains("everyone") == true)
                            permfound = true;
                    if (permfound == false)
                        foreach (Discord.IRole existingrole in Context.Guild.Roles)
                            // Compare the list of roles in the discord with the Role
                            if (existingrole.Name.ToLower() == "@everyone")
                                OverwritePermissions denypermissions = new OverwritePermissions(createInstantInvite: PermValue.Deny, manageChannel: PermValue.Deny, addReactions: PermValue.Deny, viewChannel: PermValue.Deny, sendMessages: PermValue.Deny, sendTTSMessages: PermValue.Deny, manageMessages: PermValue.Deny, embedLinks: PermValue.Deny, attachFiles: PermValue.Deny, readMessageHistory: PermValue.Deny, mentionEveryone: PermValue.Deny, useExternalEmojis: PermValue.Deny, connect: PermValue.Deny, speak: PermValue.Deny, muteMembers: PermValue.Deny, deafenMembers: PermValue.Deny, moveMembers: PermValue.Deny, useVoiceActivation: PermValue.Deny, manageRoles: PermValue.Deny, manageWebhooks: PermValue.Deny);
                                // Remove Everyones permissions
                                await newcategory.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(existingrole, denypermissions);

                // Check if a position was provided
                if (Position != null)
                    // Update its position
                    await newcategory.ModifyAsync(x =>
                        x.Position = Position.Value;