private static string GetParametersString(KBObject obj) { Tuple <int, string> type_access; List <Tuple <int, string> > parameters = new List <Tuple <int, string> >(); ICallableObject callableObject = obj as ICallableObject; foreach (Signature signature in callableObject.GetSignatures()) { foreach (RuleDefinition.ParameterDefinition param in signature.Data.GetParameters()) { parameters.Add(new Tuple <int, string>(param.Type.DataType, param.AccessType.ToString())); } } string paramstring = ""; parameters.Sort(Comparer <Tuple <int, string> > .Default); foreach (Tuple <int, string> parameter in parameters) { string accessor = ""; if (parameter.Item2 == "PARM_IN") { accessor = "I"; } if (parameter.Item2 == "PARM_INOUT") { accessor = "IO"; } if (parameter.Item2 == "PARM_OUT") { accessor = "O"; } paramstring += accessor + ":" + parameter.Item1.ToString() + " "; } return(paramstring.TrimEnd()); }
public Boolean call(ICallableObject caller) { // Loop over instructions foreach (Instruction ins in this.instructions) {; } return true; }
public override bool call(ICallableObject caller) { // Get the device. if (this.args.Length >= 3) { var device = this.cpu_ref.GetDevice(this.args[1]); Int64 flag = util.GetIntFromString(args[2]); device.flag((int)flag); } return false; }
public override bool call(ICallableObject caller) { // Get the top value off the stack. var top = this.cpu_ref.stack.Pop(); // Push it back on, but incremented. if(top is Int16 || top is Int32 || top is Int64) this.cpu_ref.stack.Push(Convert.ToInt64(top) + 1); else if (top is Double || top is Single) this.cpu_ref.stack.Push((Double) top + 1); else return false; return true; }
public override bool call(ICallableObject caller) { // Pull two items off the stack. var item1 = this.cpu_ref.stack.Pop(); var item2 = this.cpu_ref.stack.Pop(); // Type check if (item1 is Int64 && item2 is Int64) { this.cpu_ref.stack.Push(Convert.ToInt64(item1) + Convert.ToInt64(item2)); return true; } return false; }
private static int ParametersCountObject(KBObject obj) { int countparm = 0; ICallableObject callableObject = obj as ICallableObject; if (callableObject != null) { foreach (Signature signature in callableObject.GetSignatures()) { countparm = signature.ParametersCount; } } return(countparm); }
private static List <KBObject> GetObjectsWithProblems(List <KBObject> objs, IOutputService output) { int numObj = 0; int objWithProblems = 0; List <KBObject> objectsWithProblems = new List <KBObject>(); foreach (KBObject obj in objs) { ICallableObject callableObject = obj as ICallableObject; if (callableObject != null) { numObj += 1; if ((numObj % 100) == 0) { output.AddLine("KBDoctor", "Processing " + obj.Name); } foreach (Signature signature in callableObject.GetSignatures()) { Boolean someInOut = false; foreach (Parameter parm in signature.Parameters) { if (parm.Accessor.ToString() == "PARM_INOUT") { someInOut = true; break; } } if (someInOut) { string ruleParm = Utility.ExtractRuleParm(obj); if (ruleParm != "") { int countparms = ruleParm.Split(new char[] { ',' }).Length; int countsemicolon = ruleParm.Split(new char[] { ':' }).Length - 1; if (countparms != countsemicolon) { objWithProblems += 1; objectsWithProblems.Add(obj); OutputError err = new OutputError("Parameter without IN/OUT/INOUT ", MessageLevel.Error, new KBObjectPosition(obj.Parts.Get <RulesPart>())); output.Add("KBDoctor", err); } } } } } } return(objectsWithProblems); }
private static void PrintNewRuleParm(KBDoctorXMLWriter writer, KBObject obj, string oldParm, string newParm) { ICallableObject callableObject = obj as ICallableObject; if (callableObject != null) { foreach (Signature signature in callableObject.GetSignatures()) { foreach (Parameter parm in signature.Parameters) { string nameParm = parm.IsAttribute ? parm.Name : "&" + parm.Name; ListParmReferences(obj, nameParm, writer); } } } writer.AddTableData(new string[] { Functions.linkObject(obj), oldParm, "====" }); writer.AddTableData(new string[] { "", newParm, "=====" }); writer.AddTableData(new string[] { "======", "======", "=======" }); }
public static void MarkPublicObjects() { IKBService kbserv = UIServices.KB; IOutputService output = CommonServices.Output; bool success = true; string title = "KBDoctor - Mark Public Object"; output.StartSection(title); string outputFile = Functions.CreateOutputFile(kbserv, title); KBDoctorXMLWriter writer = new KBDoctorXMLWriter(outputFile, Encoding.UTF8); writer.AddHeader(title); writer.AddTableHeader(new string[] { "Object", "Type", "Description", "Visibility" }); MakeAllObjectPublic(kbserv, output); foreach (KBObject obj in kbserv.CurrentModel.Objects.GetAll()) { output.AddLine("Object " + obj.Name); ICallableObject callableObject = obj as ICallableObject; if (((callableObject != null) || obj is ExternalObject || obj is SDT || obj is DataSelector) && (!(obj is Transaction))) { ObjectVisibility objVisibility = obj.GetPropertyValue <ObjectVisibility>("ObjectVisibility"); ObjectVisibility newObjVisibility = RecoverVisibility(obj); if (objVisibility != newObjVisibility) { obj.SetPropertyValue("ObjectVisibility", newObjVisibility); Functions.SaveObject(output, obj); string objNameLink = Functions.linkObject(obj); writer.AddTableData(new string[] { objNameLink, obj.TypeDescriptor.Name, obj.Description, newObjVisibility.ToString() }); output.AddLine("....Change Object " + obj.Name); } } } output.AddLine(""); output.EndSection(title, success); writer.AddFooter(); writer.Close(); KBDoctorHelper.ShowKBDoctorResults(outputFile); }
public static bool ValidateINOUTinParm(KBObject obj) { bool err = false; ICallableObject callableObject = obj as ICallableObject; if (callableObject != null) { foreach (Signature signature in callableObject.GetSignatures()) { Boolean someInOut = false; foreach (Parameter parm in signature.Parameters) { if (parm.Accessor.ToString() == "PARM_INOUT") { someInOut = true; break; } } if (someInOut) { RulesPart rulesPart = obj.Parts.Get <RulesPart>(); if (rulesPart != null) { Regex myReg = new Regex("//.*", RegexOptions.None); Regex paramReg = new Regex(@"parm\(.*\)", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); string reglas = rulesPart.Source; reglas = myReg.Replace(reglas, ""); Match match = paramReg.Match(reglas); if (match != null) { int countparms = match.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }).Length; int countsemicolon = match.ToString().Split(new char[] { ':' }).Length - 1; err = (countparms != countsemicolon); } } } } } return(err); }
private static bool ValidateParms(KBObject obj) { bool result = true; // Object with parm() rule without in: out: or inout: IKBService kbserv = UIServices.KB; ICallableObject callableObject = obj as ICallableObject; if (callableObject != null) { foreach (Signature signature in callableObject.GetSignatures()) { Boolean someInOut = false; foreach (Parameter parm in signature.Parameters) { if (parm.Accessor.ToString() == "PARM_INOUT") { someInOut = true; break; } } if (someInOut) { string ruleParm = Functions.ExtractRuleParm(obj); if (ruleParm != "") { int countparms = ruleParm.Split(new char[] { ',' }).Length; int countsemicolon = ruleParm.Split(new char[] { ':' }).Length - 1; if (countparms != countsemicolon) { string objNameLink = Functions.LinkObject(obj); KBObjectCollection objColl = new KBObjectCollection(); result = false; } } } } } return(result); }
public override bool call(ICallableObject caller) { // Check the arguments. if (this.args.Length >= 2) { // Check type Object item; if (util.IsNumeric(this.args[1])) { item = Int64.Parse(this.args[1]); } else { item = this.args[1]; } this.cpu_ref.stack.Push(item); } else { return false; } return true; }
public abstract bool call(ICallableObject caller);
internal static void GetClassesTypesWithTheSameSignature(IEnumerable <KBObject> objects, out HashSet <int> classes, out Hashtable[] Classes_types) { int MAX_PARAMS = 512; int max_quantity = 0; classes = new HashSet <int>(); List <KBObject>[] Classes_quantity = new List <KBObject> [MAX_PARAMS]; //Divido el conjunto de objetos en clases determinadas por la cantidad de parametros (tomando en cuenta si son IN/OUT/INOUT). foreach (KBObject obj in objects) { ICallableObject callableObject = obj as ICallableObject; if (callableObject != null) { foreach (Signature signature in callableObject.GetSignatures()) { if (Classes_quantity[signature.ParametersCount] == null) { if (signature.ParametersCount > 0) { Classes_quantity[signature.ParametersCount] = new List <KBObject>(); classes.Add(signature.ParametersCount); if (signature.ParametersCount > max_quantity) { max_quantity = signature.ParametersCount; } } } if (signature.ParametersCount > 0) { Classes_quantity[signature.ParametersCount].Add(obj); } } } } //Divido el conjunto de objetos nuevamente por tipo de datos. Classes_types = new Hashtable[max_quantity]; foreach (int i in classes) { Hashtable Class_type = new Hashtable(); foreach (KBObject obj in Classes_quantity[i]) { string paramstring = GetParametersString(obj); List <KBObject> objects_list; if (Class_type.ContainsKey(paramstring)) { objects_list = Class_type[paramstring] as List <KBObject>; objects_list.Add(obj); Class_type[paramstring] = new List <KBObject>(objects_list); } else { objects_list = new List <KBObject>(); objects_list.Add(obj); Class_type.Add(paramstring, new List <KBObject>(objects_list)); } } Classes_types[i - 1] = new Hashtable(Class_type); } }
internal static void RemoveObjectsNotCalled(KBModel kbmodel, IOutputService output, out List <string[]> lineswriter) { int callers; string remove = ""; bool continuar = true; lineswriter = new List <string[]>(); do { continuar = false; foreach (KBObject obj in kbmodel.Objects.GetAll()) { ICallableObject callableObject = obj as ICallableObject; if ((callableObject != null) | (obj is Artech.Genexus.Common.Objects.Attribute) | obj is Artech.Genexus.Common.Objects.Table | obj is Domain | obj is ExternalObject | obj is Image | obj is SDT) { callers = 0; foreach (EntityReference reference in obj.GetReferencesTo(LinkType.UsedObject)) { callers = callers + 1; } if (callers == 0) { if ((obj is Transaction) | obj is Table | obj is Artech.Genexus.Common.Objects.Attribute | obj is Domain | obj is Image) { remove = ""; } else { remove = "<a href=\"gx://?Command=fa2c542d-cd46-4df2-9317-bd5899a536eb;RemoveObject&guid=" + obj.Guid.ToString() + "\">Remove</a>"; } string objNameLink = Utility.linkObject(obj); string isMainstr = (Utility.isMain(obj) ? "Main" : string.Empty); string isGeneratedstr = (Utility.isGenerated(obj) ? "Yes" : string.Empty); if (!Utility.isMain(obj)) { if (remove != "") { try { obj.Delete(); KBDoctorOutput.Message("REMOVING..." + obj.Name); remove = "REMOVED!"; objNameLink = obj.Name; continuar = true; } catch (Exception e) { }; } lineswriter.Add(new string[] { obj.TypeDescriptor.Name, objNameLink, remove, isGeneratedstr, isMainstr }); } if ((obj is Transaction) && (obj.GetPropertyValue <bool>(Artech.Genexus.Common.Properties.TRN.GenerateObject))) { try { obj.SetPropertyValue(Artech.Genexus.Common.Properties.TRN.GenerateObject, false); CleanObject(obj, output); } catch (Exception e) { }; } } } } } while (continuar); }
public static string ChangeRuleParmWithIN(KBObject obj) { string newParm = ""; string oldRules = ""; RulesPart rulesPart = obj.Parts.Get <RulesPart>(); ICallableObject callableObject = obj as ICallableObject; if (callableObject != null) { foreach (Signature signature in callableObject.GetSignatures()) { Boolean someInOut = false; foreach (Parameter parm in signature.Parameters) { if (parm.Accessor.ToString() == "PARM_INOUT") { someInOut = true; break; } } if (someInOut && (rulesPart != null)) { Regex myReg = new Regex("//.*", RegexOptions.None); Regex myReg2 = new Regex(@"/\*.*\*/", RegexOptions.Singleline); Regex paramReg = new Regex(@"parm\(.*\)", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); string reglas = rulesPart.Source; reglas = myReg.Replace(reglas, ""); reglas = myReg2.Replace(reglas, ""); string reglas2 = reglas.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " "); Match match = paramReg.Match(reglas2); if (match != null) { int countparms = match.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }).Length; int countsemicolon = match.ToString().Split(new char[] { ':' }).Length - 1; if (countparms != countsemicolon) { string objNameLink = Functions.linkObject(obj); Regex coma = new Regex(",", RegexOptions.None); newParm = coma.Replace(match.ToString(), ", IN:"); Regex inreg = new Regex("IN:", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); newParm = inreg.Replace(newParm, "IN:"); Regex outreg = new Regex("OUT:", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); newParm = outreg.Replace(newParm, "OUT:"); Regex IOreg = new Regex("INOUT:", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); newParm = IOreg.Replace(newParm, "INOUT:"); newParm = newParm.Replace(" ", ""); newParm = newParm.Replace("out:", "OUT:"); newParm = newParm.Replace("Out:", "OUT:"); newParm = newParm.Replace("InOut:", "INOUT:"); newParm = newParm.Replace("inout:", "INOUT:"); newParm = newParm.Replace("in:", "IN:"); newParm = newParm.Replace("In:", "IN:"); //---- CAMBIO REPETIDOS. newParm = newParm.Replace("()", "##"); //Por los vectores newParm = newParm.Replace("(", "(IN:"); newParm = newParm.Replace("IN:IN:", "IN:"); newParm = newParm.Replace("IN:OUT:", "OUT:"); newParm = newParm.Replace("IN:INOUT:", "INOUT:"); newParm = newParm.Replace("##", "()"); //Vuelvo el vector al original newParm = newParm + ";"; } } } } } return(newParm); }
public override bool call(ICallableObject caller) { return true; }
public Variant(ICallableObject value) { Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(value != null); this.type = VariantType.Function; this.funcValue = value; }