public void InsertDeleteTest() { var cache = new Cache { Id = -1, Name = "my special test cache", CreationDate = new DateTime(2010, 10, 17), TerrainDifficulty = 1.9, CacheDifficulty = 2.5, Size = "Regular", OwnerId = 223, Position = new GeoPosition(47.451, 13.89), Description = "this is a test unit test cache" }; int id = target.Insert(cache); Assert.IsTrue(id > 0); Cache newState = target.GetById(id); Assert.AreEqual(cache.TerrainDifficulty, newState.TerrainDifficulty); Assert.AreEqual(cache.Name, newState.Name); Assert.AreEqual(cache.OwnerId, newState.OwnerId); bool success = target.Delete(cache.Id); Assert.IsTrue(success); Assert.IsNull(target.GetById(id)); }
public bool DeleteCache(int cacheId) { ValidateCacheOwner(cacheId); // check if there are no assigned log entries or ratings if (logEntryDao.GetLogEntriesForCache(cacheId).Count == 0 || ratingDao.GetRatingsForCache(cacheId).Count == 0) { imageDao.DeleteAllForCache(cacheId); return(cacheDao.Delete(cacheId)); } throw new Exception("Error: Unable to delete cache due to assigned log entries/ratings."); }