/// <summary>
 /// Construct the ICacheProvider implementation using the configuration provided, the
 /// logging implementation provided, and the cache adapter resolver provided. If
 /// any of these items are passed as null, the existing values/settings are used. If there
 /// are no existing settings, then the default implementation is used.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="config">Configuration to use when creating the cache engine. if NULL
 /// is passed in, then the configuration is created based on values in the configuration file.</param>
 /// <param name="logger">The logging implementation to use. If NULL is provided, then the
 /// generic logging implementation is used.</param>
 /// <param name="resolver">The CacheAdapter resolver to use. If NULL is provided, the
 /// default resolver is used. You would typically provided your own resolver if you
 /// wanted to use different dependency resolution engines such as Ninject or Autofac which
 /// provide much richer lifetime support.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static ICacheProvider ResolveCacheFromConfig(CacheConfig config, ILogging logger = null, ICacheAdapterResolver resolver = null)
     _config   = config;
     _logger   = logger;
     _resolver = resolver;
 private static void EnsureObjectPropertiesAreValidObjects()
     if (_config == null)
         _config = new CacheConfig();
     if (_logger == null)
         _logger = new Logger(_config);
     if (_resolver == null)
         _resolver = new CacheAdapterResolver(_logger);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialise the container with core dependencies. The cache/cache provider should be set to be
 /// singletons if adapting to use with a Dependency Injection mechanism
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>Note: In a .Net 4 web app, this method could be invoked using the new PreApplicationStartMethod attribute
 /// as in: <code>[assembly: PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(MyStaticClass), "PreStartInitialise")]</code>
 /// Also note this section should be replaced with the DependencyInjection container of choice. This
 /// code simply acts as a cheap and simple utility mechanism for this without requiring a dependency on a
 /// container that you dont like/use. You can opt to replace the ICacheAdapterResolver with
 /// your resolver of choice as well to utilise your own dependency resolution mechanism.
 /// </remarks>
 public static void PreStartInitialise(ILogging logger = null, CacheConfig config = null, ICacheAdapterResolver resolver = null)
     if (!_isInitialised)
         lock (_lockRef)
             if (!_isInitialised)
                     _cacheProvider = CacheBinder.ResolveCacheFromConfig(config, logger, resolver);
                     CacheBinder.Logger.WriteInfoMessage(string.Format("Initialised cache of type: {0}", CacheBinder.Configuration.CacheToUse));
                     _cache         = _cacheProvider.InnerCache;
                     _isInitialised = true;
                 catch (Exception ex)
                     var outerEx = new ApplicationException(string.Format("Problem initialising cache of type: {0}", CacheBinder.Configuration.CacheToUse), ex);
                     throw outerEx;
 public static void SetDependencies(ILogging logger = null, CacheConfig config = null, ICacheAdapterResolver resolver = null)
     _isInitialised = false;
     PreStartInitialise(logger, config, resolver);
 public static void SetResolver(ICacheAdapterResolver resolver)
     _isInitialised = false;
     PreStartInitialise(null, null, resolver);