// Token: 0x06004FF4 RID: 20468 RVA: 0x00119534 File Offset: 0x00117734
        internal static IAssemblyReferenceEntry[] GetDependentAssemblies(ActivationContext activationContext)
            IAssemblyReferenceEntry[] array   = null;
            ICMS applicationComponentManifest = activationContext.ApplicationComponentManifest;

            if (applicationComponentManifest == null)
            ISection assemblyReferenceSection = applicationComponentManifest.AssemblyReferenceSection;
            uint     num = (assemblyReferenceSection != null) ? assemblyReferenceSection.Count : 0U;

            if (num > 0U)
                uint num2 = 0U;
                array = new IAssemblyReferenceEntry[num];
                IEnumUnknown enumUnknown = (IEnumUnknown)assemblyReferenceSection._NewEnum;
                int          num3        = enumUnknown.Next(num, array, ref num2);
                if (num2 != num || num3 < 0)
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            CalculadoraDeImpostos calculadora = new CalculadoraDeImpostos();
            Imposto iss  = new ISS();
            Imposto icms = new ICMS();
            Imposto ibb  = new IBB();
            Imposto brl  = new BRL();
            Imposto ihit = new IHIT();

            Orcamento orcamento = new Orcamento(500);

            orcamento.AdicionaItens(new Item("Caneta", 20));
            orcamento.AdicionaItens(new Item("Lápis", 15));
            orcamento.AdicionaItens(new Item("Borracha", 3));
            orcamento.AdicionaItens(new Item("Caneta", 300));
            //orcamento.AdicionaItens(new Item("Mochila", 200));
            //orcamento.AdicionaItens(new Item("6º elemento", 1));

            calculadora.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, iss);
            calculadora.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, icms);
            calculadora.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, ibb);
            calculadora.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, brl);
            calculadora.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, ihit);

            //double desconto = calculadora.Calcula(orcamento);
Example #3
        internal static IAssemblyReferenceEntry[] GetDependentAssemblies(ActivationContext activationContext)
            IAssemblyReferenceEntry[] entries = null;
            ICMS appManifest = activationContext.ApplicationComponentManifest;

            if (appManifest == null)

            ISection dependencySection = appManifest.AssemblyReferenceSection;
            uint     count             = (dependencySection != null) ? dependencySection.Count : 0;

            if (count > 0)
                uint fetched = 0;
                entries = new IAssemblyReferenceEntry[count];
                IEnumUnknown dependencyEnum = (IEnumUnknown)dependencySection._NewEnum;
                int          hr             = dependencyEnum.Next(count, entries, ref fetched);
                if (fetched != count || hr < 0)
                    return(null); //
        // Token: 0x06004FF3 RID: 20467 RVA: 0x00119454 File Offset: 0x00117654
        internal static void GetEntryPoint(ActivationContext activationContext, out string fileName, out string parameters)
            parameters = null;
            fileName   = null;
            ICMS applicationComponentManifest = activationContext.ApplicationComponentManifest;

            if (applicationComponentManifest == null || applicationComponentManifest.EntryPointSection == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_NoMain"));
            IEnumUnknown enumUnknown = (IEnumUnknown)applicationComponentManifest.EntryPointSection._NewEnum;
            uint         num         = 0U;

            object[] array = new object[1];
            if (enumUnknown.Next(1U, array, ref num) == 0 && num == 1U)
                IEntryPointEntry entryPointEntry = (IEntryPointEntry)array[0];
                EntryPointEntry  allData         = entryPointEntry.AllData;
                if (allData.CommandLine_File != null && allData.CommandLine_File.Length > 0)
                    fileName = allData.CommandLine_File;
                    object obj = null;
                    if (allData.Identity != null)
                        ((ISectionWithReferenceIdentityKey)applicationComponentManifest.AssemblyReferenceSection).Lookup(allData.Identity, out obj);
                        IAssemblyReferenceEntry assemblyReferenceEntry = (IAssemblyReferenceEntry)obj;
                        fileName = assemblyReferenceEntry.DependentAssembly.Codebase;
                parameters = allData.CommandLine_Parameters;
 private static ApplicationId ParseApplicationId(ICMS manifest)
     if (manifest.Identity == null)
     return(new ApplicationId(Hex.DecodeHexString(manifest.Identity.GetAttribute("", "publicKeyToken")), manifest.Identity.GetAttribute("", "name"), new Version(manifest.Identity.GetAttribute("", "version")), manifest.Identity.GetAttribute("", "processorArchitecture"), manifest.Identity.GetAttribute("", "culture")));
 private static System.ApplicationId ParseApplicationId(ICMS manifest)
     if (manifest.Identity == null)
         return null;
     return new System.ApplicationId(Hex.DecodeHexString(manifest.Identity.GetAttribute("", "publicKeyToken")), manifest.Identity.GetAttribute("", "name"), new Version(manifest.Identity.GetAttribute("", "version")), manifest.Identity.GetAttribute("", "processorArchitecture"), manifest.Identity.GetAttribute("", "culture"));
Example #7
        public void EmitirNotaFiscal(Pedido pedido)
            this.NumeroNotaFiscal = 99999;
            this.Serie            = new Random().Next(Int32.MaxValue);
            this.NomeCliente      = pedido.NomeCliente;

            this.EstadoDestino = pedido.EstadoOrigem;
            this.EstadoOrigem  = pedido.EstadoDestino;

            foreach (PedidoItem itemPedido in pedido.ItensDoPedido)
                NotaFiscalItem notaFiscalItem = new NotaFiscalItem();

                //Uso padrao de Projeto Clain of Responsability, para resolver o problema de manutanção e sujeira de codigo
                CalculaCfop cfop = new CalculaCfop();
                notaFiscalItem.Cfop = cfop.ObtemCfop(pedido);

                //Centralizo para cada classe responsavel
                notaFiscalItem.AliquotaIcms = ICMS.ObtemAliquotaIcms(pedido);
                notaFiscalItem.TipoIcms     = ICMS.ObtemTipoIcms(pedido);
                notaFiscalItem.BaseIcms     = ICMS.CalculaBaseIcms(notaFiscalItem.Cfop, itemPedido.ValorItemPedido);
                notaFiscalItem.ValorIcms    = ICMS.CalculaValorIcms(notaFiscalItem);

                if (itemPedido.Brinde)
                    notaFiscalItem.TipoIcms     = "60";
                    notaFiscalItem.AliquotaIcms = 0.18;
                    notaFiscalItem.ValorIcms    = notaFiscalItem.BaseIcms * notaFiscalItem.AliquotaIcms;
                notaFiscalItem.NomeProduto   = itemPedido.NomeProduto;
                notaFiscalItem.CodigoProduto = itemPedido.CodigoProduto;

                // caulculo IPI
                notaFiscalItem.AliquotaIpi = IPI.CalculaAliquotaIpi(itemPedido.Brinde);
                notaFiscalItem.BaseIpi    += itemPedido.ValorItemPedido;
                notaFiscalItem.ValorIpi    = IPI.CalculaValorIpi(notaFiscalItem.BaseIpi, notaFiscalItem.AliquotaIpi);

                //Desconto Sudeste
                notaFiscalItem.Desconto = DescontosSudeste.ObtemDesconto(this.EstadoDestino);


            //Validação se persistiu xml com sucesso
            if (!Xml.Exportar(pedido))
                throw new Exception("Problemas para gravar Xml");

            // Salvando no Banco
            var idNota = NotaFiscalRepository.InsertNotaFiscal(this);

            foreach (var item in this.ItensDaNotaFiscal.ToList())
                item.IdNotaFiscal = idNota;
        public void TestaValorLiquido()
            ItensNotasFiscais i = new ItensNotasFiscais();

            i.Quantidade    = 10;
            i.ValorUnitario = 10;
            i.Imposto       = ICMS.CalculaICMS(i.ValorTotal);

            Assert.AreEqual(i.ValorLiquido, 92);
Example #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IImposto iss  = new ISS();
            IImposto icms = new ICMS();

            Orcamento orcamento = new Orcamento(500.0);

            CalculadorDeImpostos calculador = new CalculadorDeImpostos();

            calculador.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, iss);
            calculador.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, icms);
Example #10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IImposto        iss  = new ISS();
            IImposto        icms = new ICMS();
            IImposto        iccc = new ICCC();
            CalcularImposto calc = new CalcularImposto();

            Console.WriteLine("Entre com o Orçamento!!");
            var valor = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("O  valor é de : " + calc.RealizaCalculoImposto(valor, iss));
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IImposto iss = new ISS();

            IImposto icms = new ICMS();

            var orcamento = new Orcamento(500.0);

            var calculador = new CalculadorDeImpostos();

            calculador.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, iss);
            calculador.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, icms);
        public void RetornaImpostoUsadoDadoUmImpostoDeICMSComUmOrcamentoValido(decimal impostoEsperado, decimal valorOrcamento)
            // Arrange
            var orcamento           = new Orcamento(valorOrcamento);
            var imposto             = new ICMS();
            var calculadorDeImposto = new CalculadorDeImposto(orcamento, imposto);

            // Act
            var impostoCalculado = calculadorDeImposto.CalculaImposto();

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(impostoEsperado, impostoCalculado);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // testando implementação do strategy
            IImposto iss  = new ISS();
            IImposto icms = new ICMS();

            var orcamento = new Orcamento(1000);

            var calculadorDeImpostos = new CalculardorDeImpostos();

            calculadorDeImpostos.RealizarCalculo(orcamento, iss);
            calculadorDeImpostos.RealizarCalculo(orcamento, icms);
Example #14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IImposto iss       = new ISS();
            IImposto icms      = new ICMS();
            IImposto iccc      = new ICCC();
            var      orcamento = new Orcamento(500.0);

            Console.WriteLine("Valor Orçamemto: " + orcamento.Valor);
            CalculadorDeImposto.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, iss);
            CalculadorDeImposto.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, icms);
            CalculadorDeImposto.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, iccc);
Example #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IImposto iss  = new ISS();
            IImposto icms = new ICMS();
            IImposto ihit = new IHIT();
            IImposto ikcv = new IKCV();
            IImposto icpp = new ICPP();

            Orcamento            orcamento  = new Orcamento(500.0);
            CalculadorDeImpostos calculador = new CalculadorDeImpostos();

            // Calculando o ISS
            calculador.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, iss);

            // Calculando o ICMS
            calculador.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, icms);

            // Calculando o IHIT
            calculador.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, ihit);

            // Calculando o IKCV
            calculador.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, ikcv);

            // Calculando o ICPP
            calculador.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, icpp);

            Console.WriteLine("\nPressione qualquer tecla para continuar.");

            IList <Conta> contaList = new List <Conta>();

            contaList.Add(new Conta("Josivaldo", 123, 321, 459));
            contaList.Add(new Conta("Rosemari", 456, 654, 12378));
            contaList.Add(new Conta("Marinalva", 890, 098, 66789));

            RelatorioSimples relatorioSimples = new RelatorioSimples();

            Console.WriteLine("\n--- Relatório Simples ---");

            RelatorioComplexo relatorioComplexo = new RelatorioComplexo();

            Console.WriteLine("\n--- Relatório Complexo ---");

            Console.WriteLine("\nPressione qualquer tecla para continuar.");
Example #16
        internal static string GetFriendlyName(ActivationContext activationContext)
            ICMS deplManifest = activationContext.DeploymentComponentManifest;
            IMetadataSectionEntry     metadataSectionEntry     = (IMetadataSectionEntry)deplManifest.MetadataSectionEntry;
            IDescriptionMetadataEntry descriptionMetadataEntry = metadataSectionEntry.DescriptionData;
            string friendlyName = String.Empty;

            if (descriptionMetadataEntry != null)
                DescriptionMetadataEntry entry = descriptionMetadataEntry.AllData;
                friendlyName = (entry.Publisher != null ? String.Format("{0} {1}", entry.Publisher, entry.Product) : entry.Product);
        public static void Execute()
            var iss  = new ISS();
            var icms = new ICMS();

            var budget = new Budget(500.0);

            var taxCalculator = new TaxCalculator();

            Console.Write("ISS: ");
            taxCalculator.PerformCalculation(budget, iss);
            Console.Write("ICMS: ");
            taxCalculator.PerformCalculation(budget, icms);
        // Token: 0x06004FF9 RID: 20473 RVA: 0x0011967C File Offset: 0x0011787C
        internal static string GetFriendlyName(ActivationContext activationContext)
            ICMS deploymentComponentManifest = activationContext.DeploymentComponentManifest;
            IMetadataSectionEntry     metadataSectionEntry = (IMetadataSectionEntry)deploymentComponentManifest.MetadataSectionEntry;
            IDescriptionMetadataEntry descriptionData      = metadataSectionEntry.DescriptionData;
            string result = string.Empty;

            if (descriptionData != null)
                DescriptionMetadataEntry allData = descriptionData.AllData;
                result = ((allData.Publisher != null) ? string.Format("{0} {1}", allData.Publisher, allData.Product) : allData.Product);
Example #19
        public void DeveRetornarCincoPorCentoDadoUmOrcamentoComValorValido()
            // Arrange
            var orcamento = new Orcamento((decimal)1000.0);
            var icms      = new ICMS();

            // Act
            var impostoCalculado = icms.Calcula(orcamento);

            // Assert
            var valorEsperado = (decimal)(1000.0 * 0.05 + 50.0);

Example #20
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Orcamento orcamento = new Orcamento(500);

            orcamento.AdicionaItens(new Item("Caneta", 20));
            orcamento.AdicionaItens(new Item("Lápis", 15));
            orcamento.AdicionaItens(new Item("Borracha", 3));
            orcamento.AdicionaItens(new Item("Mochila", 300));

            CalculadoraDeImpostos calculadora = new CalculadoraDeImpostos();
            Imposto iss = new ICMS(new IBB());

            calculadora.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, iss);
Example #21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Imposto iss       = new ISS();
            Imposto icms      = new ICMS();
            Imposto issretido = new ISSRetido();

            Orcamento            orcamento  = new Orcamento(250.00);
            CalculadordeImpostos calculador = new CalculadordeImpostos();

            Console.WriteLine($"Valor ISS: {calculador.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, iss)}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Valor ICMS: {calculador.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, icms)}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Valor ISSRetido: {calculador.RealizaCalculo(orcamento, issretido)}");

Example #22
        private ICMS ICMS(string CSTCSOSNICMS, string orig, string modBCICMS, string vBCICMS, string pICMS)
            var ICMS = new ICMS();

            if (CSTCSOSNICMS == "00")
                ICMS = new ICMS
                    ICMS00 = new ICMS00
                        CST   = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CSTCSOSNICMS) ? CSTCSOSNICMS : null,
                        Orig  = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(orig) ? orig : null,
                        modBC = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(modBCICMS) ? modBCICMS : null,
                        vBC   = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(vBCICMS) ? vBCICMS : null,
                        pICMS = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pICMS) ? pICMS : null,
                        vICMS = null
            else if (CSTCSOSNICMS == "40")
                ICMS = new ICMS
                    ICMS40 = new ICMS40
                        CST        = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CSTCSOSNICMS) ? CSTCSOSNICMS : null,
                        Orig       = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(orig) ? orig : null,
                        vICMSDeson = null, //sem parametros recebidos da função
                        motDesICMS = null  //sem parametros recebidos da função
            else if (CSTCSOSNICMS == "60")
                ICMS = new ICMS
                    ICMS40 = new ICMS40
                        CST        = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CSTCSOSNICMS) ? CSTCSOSNICMS : null,
                        Orig       = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(orig) ? orig : "0",
                        vBCSTRet   = null, //sem parametros recebidos da função
                        vICMSSTRet = null  //sem parametros recebidos da função

Example #23
        public IImposto[] Processar(DetalhesProdutos prod)
            var dados = new DadosRN.Tipo90(this)
                CST    = Detalhamento.TipoICMSRN.Substring(0, 2),
                Origem = Detalhamento.Origem
            var imposto = new ICMS
                Corpo = (ComumICMS)dados.Processar(prod)

            return(new IImposto[1] {
Example #24
        public CMSFacade()
            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                          .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true);

            IConfigurationRoot configuration    = builder.Build();
            string             connectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection").ToString();

            var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ljgbContext>();


            db       = new ljgbContext(optionsBuilder.Options);
            this.dep = new CMSRepository(db);
Example #25
        public IImposto[] Processar(DetalhesProdutos prod)
            var dados = new DadosSN.Tipo201(this)
                CSOSN  = Detalhamento.TipoICMSSN,
                Origem = Detalhamento.Origem
            var imposto = new ICMS
                Corpo = (ComumICMS)dados.Processar(prod)

            return(new IImposto[1] {
        public void RetornaImpostoDoCMSDadoUmImpostoDeICMSComUmOrcamentoValido()
            // Arrange
            var valor               = (decimal)1000.0;
            var orcamento           = new Orcamento(valor);
            var imposto             = new ICMS();
            var calculadorDeImposto = new CalculadorDeImposto(orcamento, imposto);

            // Act
            var impostoCalculado = calculadorDeImposto.CalculaImposto();

            // Assert
            var impostoEsperado = decimal.Add(decimal.Multiply(valor, (decimal)0.05), (decimal)50.0);

            Assert.Equal(impostoEsperado, impostoCalculado);
Example #27
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Olá, bem-vindo!");

            string valorLido;
            double valor;
            bool   temErros;

                temErros = false;
                Console.Write("Digite um valor para calcular os impostos aplicados: ");
                valorLido = Console.ReadLine();
                if (!double.TryParse(valorLido, out valor))
                    Console.WriteLine("Digite um valor numérico válido!");
                    temErros = true;
            } while (temErros);

            Imposto icms   = new ICMS();
            Imposto ipi    = new IPI();
            Imposto cofins = new COFINS();

            double valorIcms   = icms.CalculaImposto(valor);
            double valorIpi    = ipi.CalculaImposto(valor);
            double valorCofins = cofins.CalculaImposto(valor);

            Console.WriteLine("O valor do ICMS é: {0:0.0000}", valorIcms);
            Console.WriteLine("O valor do IPI é: {0:0.0000}", valorIpi);
            if (valorCofins == 0.00)
                Console.WriteLine("O COFINS não se aplica sobre esse valor");
                Console.WriteLine("O valor do COFINS é: {0:0.0000}", valorCofins);

            double valorTotal = valor + valorIcms + valorIpi + valorCofins;

            Console.WriteLine("O valor total com os impostos é: {0:0.0000}", valorTotal);
Example #28
        internal static void GetEntryPoint(ActivationContext activationContext, out string fileName, out string parameters)
            parameters = (string)null;
            fileName   = (string)null;
            ICMS componentManifest = activationContext.ApplicationComponentManifest;

            if (componentManifest == null || componentManifest.EntryPointSection == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_NoMain"));
            IEnumUnknown enumUnknown = (IEnumUnknown)componentManifest.EntryPointSection._NewEnum;
            uint         num1        = 0;

            object[] objArray = new object[1];
            int      num2     = 1;

            object[] rgelt = objArray;
            // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
            // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
            uint& celtFetched = @num1;

            if (enumUnknown.Next((uint)num2, rgelt, celtFetched) != 0 || (int)num1 != 1)
            EntryPointEntry allData = ((IEntryPointEntry)objArray[0]).AllData;

            if (allData.CommandLine_File != null && allData.CommandLine_File.Length > 0)
                fileName = allData.CommandLine_File;
                object ppUnknown = (object)null;
                if (allData.Identity != null)
                    ((ISectionWithReferenceIdentityKey)componentManifest.AssemblyReferenceSection).Lookup(allData.Identity, out ppUnknown);
                    IAssemblyReferenceEntry assemblyReferenceEntry = (IAssemblyReferenceEntry)ppUnknown;
                    fileName = assemblyReferenceEntry.DependentAssembly.Codebase;
            parameters = allData.CommandLine_Parameters;
        private void CreateFromNameAndManifests(ApplicationIdentity applicationIdentity, string[] manifestPaths)
            if (applicationIdentity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("applicationIdentity");
            if (manifestPaths == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("manifestPaths");
            this._applicationIdentity = applicationIdentity;
            IEnumDefinitionIdentity identity = this._applicationIdentity.Identity.EnumAppPath();

            this._manifests     = new ArrayList(2);
            this._manifestPaths = new string[manifestPaths.Length];
            IDefinitionIdentity[] definitionIdentity = new IDefinitionIdentity[1];
            int index = 0;

            while (identity.Next(1, definitionIdentity) == 1)
                ICMS icms = (ICMS)IsolationInterop.ParseManifest(manifestPaths[index], null, ref IsolationInterop.IID_ICMS);
                if (!IsolationInterop.IdentityAuthority.AreDefinitionsEqual(0, icms.Identity, definitionIdentity[0]))
                    throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_IllegalAppIdMismatch"));
                this._manifestPaths[index] = manifestPaths[index];
            if (index != manifestPaths.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_IllegalAppId"));
            if (this._manifests.Count <= 1)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidAppId"));
            this._definitionIdentities = null;
            this._actContext           = null;
            this._form        = ContextForm.Loose;
            this._appRunState = ApplicationStateDisposition.Undefined;
Example #30
        internal static void GetEntryPoint(ActivationContext activationContext, out string fileName, out string parameters)
            parameters = null;
            fileName   = null;

            ICMS appManifest = activationContext.ApplicationComponentManifest;

            if (appManifest == null || appManifest.EntryPointSection == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_NoMain"));

            IEnumUnknown refEnum = (IEnumUnknown)appManifest.EntryPointSection._NewEnum;
            uint         count   = 0;

            Object[] entries = new Object[1];
            // Look for the first entry point. ClickOnce semantic validation ensures exactly one entry point is present.
            if (refEnum.Next(1, entries, ref count) == 0 && count == 1)
                IEntryPointEntry iref      = (IEntryPointEntry)entries[0];
                EntryPointEntry  reference = iref.AllData;
                if (reference.CommandLine_File != null && reference.CommandLine_File.Length > 0)
                    fileName = reference.CommandLine_File;
                    // Locate the dependent assembly that is being refered to. Well-formed manifests should have an identity.
                    IAssemblyReferenceEntry refEntry = null;
                    object assemblyObj = null;
                    if (reference.Identity != null)
                        ((ISectionWithReferenceIdentityKey)appManifest.AssemblyReferenceSection).Lookup(reference.Identity, out assemblyObj);
                        refEntry = (IAssemblyReferenceEntry)assemblyObj;
                        fileName = refEntry.DependentAssembly.Codebase;
                parameters = reference.CommandLine_Parameters;
Example #31
        internal static IAssemblyReferenceEntry[] GetDependentAssemblies(ActivationContext activationContext)
            IAssemblyReferenceEntry[] rgelt   = null;
            ICMS applicationComponentManifest = activationContext.ApplicationComponentManifest;

            if (applicationComponentManifest != null)
                ISection assemblyReferenceSection = applicationComponentManifest.AssemblyReferenceSection;
                uint     celt = (assemblyReferenceSection != null) ? assemblyReferenceSection.Count : 0;
                if (celt <= 0)
                uint celtFetched = 0;
                rgelt = new IAssemblyReferenceEntry[celt];
                int num3 = ((IEnumUnknown)assemblyReferenceSection._NewEnum).Next(celt, rgelt, ref celtFetched);
                if ((celtFetched == celt) && (num3 >= 0))
Example #32
        internal static void GetEntryPoint(ActivationContext activationContext, out string fileName, out string parameters)
            parameters = null;
            fileName   = null;
            ICMS applicationComponentManifest = activationContext.ApplicationComponentManifest;

            if ((applicationComponentManifest == null) || (applicationComponentManifest.EntryPointSection == null))
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_NoMain"));
            IEnumUnknown unknown     = (IEnumUnknown)applicationComponentManifest.EntryPointSection._NewEnum;
            uint         celtFetched = 0;

            object[] rgelt = new object[1];
            if ((unknown.Next(1, rgelt, ref celtFetched) == 0) && (celtFetched == 1))
                IEntryPointEntry entry   = (IEntryPointEntry)rgelt[0];
                EntryPointEntry  allData = entry.AllData;
                if ((allData.CommandLine_File != null) && (allData.CommandLine_File.Length > 0))
                    fileName = allData.CommandLine_File;
                    IAssemblyReferenceEntry entry3 = null;
                    object ppUnknown = null;
                    if (allData.Identity != null)
                        ((ISectionWithReferenceIdentityKey)applicationComponentManifest.AssemblyReferenceSection).Lookup(allData.Identity, out ppUnknown);
                        entry3   = (IAssemblyReferenceEntry)ppUnknown;
                        fileName = entry3.DependentAssembly.Codebase;
                parameters = allData.CommandLine_Parameters;
Example #33
        private static bool ParseManifest(ICMS cms, ParsedData parsedData)
            // parsedData is safely initialized to requestsShellIntegration:false/supportUrl:null/authenticodedPublisher:null  //deploymentProviderCodebase:null
                if (cms != null)
                    // Extract SupportUrl and Shell Visibility
                    if (cms.MetadataSectionEntry != null)
                        IMetadataSectionEntry metaDataSectionEntry = cms.MetadataSectionEntry as IMetadataSectionEntry;
                        if (metaDataSectionEntry != null)
                            IDescriptionMetadataEntry description = metaDataSectionEntry.DescriptionData;
                            if (description != null)
                                parsedData.SupportUrl = description.SupportUrl;
                                parsedData.AppName = description.Product;
                                parsedData.AppPublisher = description.Publisher;

                            IDeploymentMetadataEntry deployment = metaDataSectionEntry.DeploymentData;
                            if (deployment != null)
                                parsedData.RequestsShellIntegration = ((deployment.DeploymentFlags & 
                                    (uint)(CMS_ASSEMBLY_DEPLOYMENT_FLAG.CMS_ASSEMBLY_DEPLOYMENT_FLAG_INSTALL)) != 0);
                                // parsedData.DeploymentProviderCodebase = deployment.DeploymentProviderCodebase;

                            if ((metaDataSectionEntry.ManifestFlags & (uint)CMS_MANIFEST_FLAG.CMS_MANIFEST_FLAG_USEMANIFESTFORTRUST) != 0)
                                parsedData.UseManifestForTrust = true;
                                parsedData.UseManifestForTrust = false;
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Fail("Error parsing manifest: " + e.Message);
                return false;
            return true;
Example #34
        private unsafe static bool ExtractManifestContent(ICMS cms, out MemoryStream ms)
            ms = new MemoryStream();
                System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream pStream = cms as System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream;
                if (pStream == null)
                    return false;

                byte[] pv = new byte[4096];
                int size = 4096;
                do {
                    pStream.Read(pv, size, new IntPtr(&size));
                    ms.Write(pv, 0, size);
                while (size == 4096);
                ms.Position = 0;
                return true;
            catch (Exception)
                Debug.Fail("Exception occurred in ExtractDeploymentManifestContent.");
                return false;