Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Shuts down the component.
 /// </summary>
 public void ShutdownComponent()
     _host             = null;
     _testDataProvider = null;
     _result           = null;
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// The component is being initialized
 /// </summary>
 public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
     this.host = host;
     this.resultsCache = (IResultsCache)(this.host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.ResultsCache));
     this.configCache = (IConfigCache)(this.host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.ConfigCache));
     this.testDataProvider = (ITestDataProvider)(this.host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.TestDataProvider));
Example #3
 internal QAMockTaskBuilder()
     _host             = null;
     _testDataProvider = null;
     _result           = null;
     _taskDone         = new AutoResetEvent(false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates an endpoint to act as a client
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pipeName">The name of the pipe to which we should connect.</param>
        /// <param name="host">The component host.</param>
        internal NodeEndpointOutOfProc(string pipeName, IBuildComponentHost host)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(host, "host");
            _componentHost = host;

        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates an endpoint to act as a client
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pipeName">The name of the pipe to which we should connect.</param>
        /// <param name="host">The component host.</param>
        internal NodeEndpointOutOfProc(string pipeName, IBuildComponentHost host)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(host, "host");
            _componentHost = host;

Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// The component is being initialized
 /// </summary>
 public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
     _host             = host;
     _resultsCache     = (IResultsCache)(_host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.ResultsCache));
     _configCache      = (IConfigCache)(_host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.ConfigCache));
     _testDataProvider = (ITestDataProvider)(_host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.TestDataProvider));
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Indicates to the TaskHost that it is no longer needed.
        /// Called by TaskBuilder when the task using the EngineProxy is done.
        /// </summary>
        internal void MarkAsInactive()
            lock (_callbackMonitor)
                _activeProxy = false;

                // Since the task has a pointer to this class it may store it in a static field. Null out
                // internal data so the leak of this object doesn't lead to a major memory leak.
                _host         = null;
                _requestEntry = null;

                // Don't bother clearing the tiny task location
                _taskLoggingContext    = null;
                _targetBuilderCallback = null;

                // Clear out the sponsor (who is responsible for keeping the EngineProxy remoting lease alive until the task is done)
                // this will be null if the engine proxy was never sent across an AppDomain boundary.
                if (_sponsor != null)
                    ILease lease = (ILease)RemotingServices.GetLifetimeService(this);

                    if (lease != null)

                    _sponsor = null;
Example #8
        public TaskHostTask(IElementLocation taskLocation, TaskLoggingContext taskLoggingContext, IBuildComponentHost buildComponentHost, IDictionary <string, string> taskHostParameters, LoadedType taskType
                            , AppDomainSetup appDomainSetup
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalNull(taskType, nameof(taskType));

            _taskLocation       = taskLocation;
            _taskLoggingContext = taskLoggingContext;
            _buildComponentHost = buildComponentHost;
            _taskType           = taskType;
            _appDomainSetup = appDomainSetup;
            _taskHostParameters = taskHostParameters;

            _packetFactory = new NodePacketFactory();

            (this as INodePacketFactory).RegisterPacketHandler(NodePacketType.LogMessage, LogMessagePacket.FactoryForDeserialization, this);
            (this as INodePacketFactory).RegisterPacketHandler(NodePacketType.TaskHostTaskComplete, TaskHostTaskComplete.FactoryForDeserialization, this);
            (this as INodePacketFactory).RegisterPacketHandler(NodePacketType.NodeShutdown, NodeShutdown.FactoryForDeserialization, this);

            _packetReceivedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            _receivedPackets     = new ConcurrentQueue <INodePacket>();
            _taskHostLock        = new Object();

            _setParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// The component is being initialized
 /// </summary>
 public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
     this.host             = host;
     this.resultsCache     = (IResultsCache)(this.host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.ResultsCache));
     this.configCache      = (IConfigCache)(this.host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.ConfigCache));
     this.testDataProvider = (ITestDataProvider)(this.host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.TestDataProvider));
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Shuts down the component.
        /// </summary>
        public void ShutdownComponent()
            _outOfProcTaskHostNodeProvider = null;
            _componentHost     = null;
            _componentShutdown = true;

Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the component
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host">The component host</param>
        public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_componentHost == null, "TaskHostNodeManager already initialized.");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(host != null, "We can't create a TaskHostNodeManager with a null componentHost");

            _componentHost = host;
            _outOfProcTaskHostNodeProvider = _componentHost.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.OutOfProcTaskHostNodeProvider) as INodeProvider;
            _componentShutdown             = false;
Example #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Shuts down the component.
 /// </summary>
 public void ShutdownComponent()
     this.host                  = null;
     this.testDataProvider      = null;
     this.testDefinition        = null;
     this.requestCallBack       = null;
     this.requestEntry          = null;
     this.projectLoggingContext = null;
Example #13
 public QAMockTargetBuilder()
     _host = null;
     _testDataProvider = null;
     _testDefinition = null;
     _requestCallBack = null;
     _requestEntry = null;
     _projectLoggingContext = null;
     _buildDone = new AutoResetEvent(false);
Example #14
 public QAMockTargetBuilder()
     this.host                  = null;
     this.testDataProvider      = null;
     this.testDefinition        = null;
     this.requestCallBack       = null;
     this.requestEntry          = null;
     this.projectLoggingContext = null;
     this.buildDone             = new AutoResetEvent(false);
Example #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor that takes in nothing.
 /// </summary>
 public QARequestBuilder()
     _host = null;
     _configCache = null;
     _resultsCache = null;
     _builderThread = null;
     _requestedEntry = null;
     _cancelEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
     _continueEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
     _threadStarted = new ManualResetEvent(false);
     _currentProjectDefinition = null;
Example #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor that takes in nothing.
 /// </summary>
 public QARequestBuilder()
     this.host                     = null;
     this.configCache              = null;
     this.resultsCache             = null;
     this.builderThread            = null;
     this.requestedEntry           = null;
     this.cancelEvent              = new AutoResetEvent(false);
     this.continueEvent            = new AutoResetEvent(false);
     this.threadStarted            = new ManualResetEvent(false);
     this.currentProjectDefinition = null;
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to create a matched pair of endpoints used by the Node Provider and
        /// the Node.  The inputs and outputs for each node are automatically configured.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mode">The communications mode for the endpoints.</param>
        /// <param name="host">The component host.</param>
        /// <returns>A matched pair of endpoints.</returns>
        internal static EndpointPair CreateInProcEndpoints(EndpointMode mode, IBuildComponentHost host)
            NodeEndpointInProc node    = new NodeEndpointInProc(mode, host);
            NodeEndpointInProc manager = new NodeEndpointInProc(mode, host);

            // NOTE: This creates a circular reference which must be explicitly broken before these
            // objects can be reclaimed by the garbage collector.
            node._peerEndpoint    = manager;
            manager._peerEndpoint = node;

            return(new EndpointPair(node, manager));
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates an endpoint to act as a client
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host">The component host.</param>
        /// <param name="enableReuse">Whether this node may be reused for a later build.</param>
        /// <param name="lowPriority">Whether this node is low priority.</param>
        internal NodeEndpointOutOfProc(
            IBuildComponentHost host,
            bool enableReuse,
            bool lowPriority)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(host, nameof(host));
            _componentHost = host;
            _enableReuse   = enableReuse;
            _lowPriority   = lowPriority;

Example #19
        public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_componentHost == null, "NodeManager already initialized.");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(host != null, "We can't create a NodeManager with a null componentHost");
            _componentHost = host;

            _inProcNodeProvider    = _componentHost.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.InProcNodeProvider) as INodeProvider;
            _outOfProcNodeProvider = _componentHost.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.OutOfProcNodeProvider) as INodeProvider;

            _componentShutdown = false;

            // DISTRIBUTED: Get the remote node provider.
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates an endpoint to act as a client
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pipeName">The name of the pipe to which we should connect.</param>
        /// <param name="host">The component host.</param>
        /// <param name="enableReuse">Whether this node may be reused for a later build.</param>
        internal NodeEndpointOutOfProc(
            string pipeName,
            IBuildComponentHost host,
            bool enableReuse,
            bool lowPriority)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(host, "host");
            _componentHost = host;
            _enableReuse   = enableReuse;
            _lowPriority   = lowPriority;

Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates a Node and initializes it to unconnected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commMode">The communications mode for this endpoint.</param>
        /// <param name="host">The component host.</param>
        private NodeEndpointInProc(EndpointMode commMode, IBuildComponentHost host)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(host, "host");

            _status        = LinkStatus.Inactive;
            _mode          = commMode;
            _componentHost = host;

            if (commMode == EndpointMode.Asynchronous)
                _asyncDataMonitor = new object();
Example #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host">The component host</param>
        /// <param name="requestEntry">The build request entry</param>
        /// <param name="taskLocation">The <see cref="ElementLocation"/> of the task.</param>
        /// <param name="targetBuilderCallback">An <see cref="ITargetBuilderCallback"/> to use to invoke targets and build projects.</param>
        public TaskHost(IBuildComponentHost host, BuildRequestEntry requestEntry, ElementLocation taskLocation, ITargetBuilderCallback targetBuilderCallback)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(host, "host");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(requestEntry, "requestEntry");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalNull(taskLocation, "taskLocation");

            _host                  = host;
            _requestEntry          = requestEntry;
            _taskLocation          = taskLocation;
            _targetBuilderCallback = targetBuilderCallback;
            _continueOnError       = false;
            _activeProxy           = true;
            _callbackMonitor       = new Object();
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the component.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host">The component host.</param>
        public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
            this.ComponentHost     = host;
            _nodeContexts          = new Dictionary <TaskHostContext, NodeContext>();
            _nodeIdToPacketFactory = new Dictionary <int, INodePacketFactory>();
            _nodeIdToPacketHandler = new Dictionary <int, INodePacketHandler>();
            _activeNodes           = new HashSet <int>();

            _noNodesActiveEvent = new ManualResetEvent(true);
            _localPacketFactory = new NodePacketFactory();

            (this as INodePacketFactory).RegisterPacketHandler(NodePacketType.LogMessage, LogMessagePacket.FactoryForDeserialization, this);
            (this as INodePacketFactory).RegisterPacketHandler(NodePacketType.TaskHostTaskComplete, TaskHostTaskComplete.FactoryForDeserialization, this);
            (this as INodePacketFactory).RegisterPacketHandler(NodePacketType.NodeShutdown, NodeShutdown.FactoryForDeserialization, this);
Example #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public InProcNode(IBuildComponentHost componentHost, INodeEndpoint inProcNodeEndpoint)
            _componentHost       = componentHost;
            _nodeEndpoint        = inProcNodeEndpoint;
            _receivedPackets     = new ConcurrentQueue <INodePacket>();
            _packetReceivedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            _shutdownEvent       = new AutoResetEvent(false);

            _buildRequestEngine = componentHost.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.RequestEngine) as IBuildRequestEngine;

            _engineExceptionEventHandler         = OnEngineException;
            _newConfigurationRequestEventHandler = OnNewConfigurationRequest;
            _requestBlockedEventHandler          = OnNewRequest;
            _requestCompleteEventHandler         = OnRequestComplete;
Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public InProcNode(IBuildComponentHost componentHost, INodeEndpoint inProcNodeEndpoint)
            _componentHost       = componentHost;
            _nodeEndpoint        = inProcNodeEndpoint;
            _receivedPackets     = new Queue <INodePacket>();
            _packetReceivedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            _shutdownEvent       = new AutoResetEvent(false);

            _configurationProjectsLoaded = new HashSet <NGen <int> >();

            _buildRequestEngine = componentHost.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.RequestEngine) as IBuildRequestEngine;

            _engineExceptionEventHandler         = new EngineExceptionDelegate(OnEngineException);
            _newConfigurationRequestEventHandler = new NewConfigurationRequestDelegate(OnNewConfigurationRequest);
            _requestBlockedEventHandler          = new RequestBlockedDelegate(OnNewRequest);
            _requestCompleteEventHandler         = new RequestCompleteDelegate(OnRequestComplete);
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates an endpoint to act as a client
        /// </summary>
        internal NodeEndpointOutOfProc(
            string clientToServerPipeHandle,
            string serverToClientPipeHandle,
            IBuildComponentHost host,
            bool enableReuse)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(host, "host");
            _componentHost = host;
            _enableReuse   = enableReuse;

            InternalConstruct(clientToServerPipeHandle, serverToClientPipeHandle);
Example #27
        /// <summary>
        /// The constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestEntry">The build request entry for the target.</param>
        /// <param name="targetBuilderCallback">The target builder callback.</param>
        /// <param name="targetSpecification">The specification for the target to build.</param>
        /// <param name="baseLookup">The lookup to use.</param>
        /// <param name="parentTarget">The parent of this entry, if any.</param>
        /// <param name="host">The Build Component Host to use.</param>
        /// <param name="stopProcessingOnCompletion">True if the target builder should stop processing the current target stack when this target is complete.</param>
        internal TargetEntry(BuildRequestEntry requestEntry, ITargetBuilderCallback targetBuilderCallback, TargetSpecification targetSpecification, Lookup baseLookup, TargetEntry parentTarget, IBuildComponentHost host, bool stopProcessingOnCompletion)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(requestEntry, "requestEntry");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(targetBuilderCallback, "targetBuilderCallback");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(targetSpecification, "targetName");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(baseLookup, "lookup");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(host, "host");

            _requestEntry          = requestEntry;
            _targetBuilderCallback = targetBuilderCallback;
            _targetSpecification   = targetSpecification;
            _parentTarget          = parentTarget;
            _expander   = new Expander <ProjectPropertyInstance, ProjectItemInstance>(baseLookup.ReadOnlyLookup, baseLookup.ReadOnlyLookup);
            _state      = TargetEntryState.Dependencies;
            _baseLookup = baseLookup;
            _host       = host;
            this.StopProcessingOnCompletion = stopProcessingOnCompletion;
Example #28
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets an instance of the component.
            /// </summary>
            public IBuildComponent GetInstance(IBuildComponentHost host)
                if (Pattern == CreationPattern.Singleton)
                    if (_singleton == null)
                        _singleton = _factory(ComponentType);


                IBuildComponent component = _factory(ComponentType);

Example #29
        public void ShutdownComponent()
            if (_inProcNodeProvider != null && _inProcNodeProvider is IDisposable)

            if (_outOfProcNodeProvider != null && _outOfProcNodeProvider is IDisposable)

            _inProcNodeProvider    = null;
            _outOfProcNodeProvider = null;
            _componentHost         = null;
            _componentShutdown     = true;

Example #30
 public void ShutdownComponent()
     _host  = null;
     _cache = null;
Example #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the component host
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="host">The component host</param>
 public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an instance of the wrapped ITask for a batch run of the task.
        /// </summary>
        internal ITask CreateTaskInstance(ElementLocation taskLocation, TaskLoggingContext taskLoggingContext, IBuildComponentHost buildComponentHost, IDictionary <string, string> taskIdentityParameters,
                                          AppDomainSetup appDomainSetup,
                                          bool isOutOfProc)
            bool useTaskFactory = false;
            IDictionary <string, string> mergedParameters = null;

            _taskLoggingContext = taskLoggingContext;

            // Optimization for the common (vanilla AssemblyTaskFactory) case -- only calculate
            // the task factory parameters if we have any to calculate; otherwise even if we
            // still launch the task factory, it will be with parameters corresponding to the
            // current process.
            if ((_factoryIdentityParameters != null && _factoryIdentityParameters.Count > 0) || (taskIdentityParameters != null && taskIdentityParameters.Count > 0))
                VerifyThrowIdentityParametersValid(taskIdentityParameters, taskLocation, _taskName, "MSBuildRuntime", "MSBuildArchitecture");

                mergedParameters = MergeTaskFactoryParameterSets(_factoryIdentityParameters, taskIdentityParameters);
                useTaskFactory   = !NativeMethodsShared.IsMono &&
                                   (_taskHostFactoryExplicitlyRequested ||
                // if we don't have any task host parameters specified on either the using task or the
                // task invocation, then we will run in-proc UNLESS "TaskHostFactory" is explicitly specified
                // as the task factory.
                useTaskFactory = _taskHostFactoryExplicitlyRequested;

            if (useTaskFactory)
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalNull(buildComponentHost, "buildComponentHost");

                mergedParameters = mergedParameters ?? new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                string runtime      = null;
                string architecture = null;

                if (!mergedParameters.TryGetValue(XMakeAttributes.runtime, out runtime))
                    mergedParameters[XMakeAttributes.runtime] = XMakeAttributes.MSBuildRuntimeValues.clr4;

                if (!mergedParameters.TryGetValue(XMakeAttributes.architecture, out architecture))
                    mergedParameters[XMakeAttributes.architecture] = XMakeAttributes.GetCurrentMSBuildArchitecture();

                TaskHostTask task = new TaskHostTask(taskLocation, taskLoggingContext, buildComponentHost, mergedParameters, _loadedType
                                                     , appDomainSetup
                AppDomain taskAppDomain = null;

                ITask taskInstance = TaskLoader.CreateTask(_loadedType, _taskName, taskLocation.File, taskLocation.Line, taskLocation.Column, new TaskLoader.LogError(ErrorLoggingDelegate)
                                                           , appDomainSetup
                                                           , isOutOfProc
                                                           , out taskAppDomain

                if (taskAppDomain != null)
                    _tasksAndAppDomains[taskInstance] = taskAppDomain;

Example #33
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the build component host.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="host">The component host.</param>
 public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
     _componentHost = host;
     _taskExecutionHost = new TaskExecutionHost(host);
Example #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the component host.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="host">The component host.</param>
 public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
     ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(host, "host");
     _componentHost = host;
Example #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        internal TaskExecutionHost(IBuildComponentHost host)
            _buildComponentHost = host;
            if (host != null && host.BuildParameters != null)
                _logTaskInputs = host.BuildParameters.LogTaskInputs;

            // If this is false, check the environment variable to see if it's there:
            if (!_logTaskInputs)
                _logTaskInputs = (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDLOGTASKINPUTS") == "1");
Example #36
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the build component host.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="host">The component host.</param>
 public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
     _componentHost = host;
Example #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor takes in the filename and the noTargetToBuild parameters.
 /// </summary>
 public RequestDefinition(string fileName, IBuildComponentHost host, bool noTargetsToBuild)
     : this(fileName, null, null, null, 0, null, host, noTargetsToBuild)
Example #38
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor takes in the filename and an array of child definitions.
 /// </summary>
 public RequestDefinition(string fileName, RequestDefinition[] childDefinitions, IBuildComponentHost host)
     : this(fileName, null, null, null, 0, childDefinitions, host)
 public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
     _host = host;
     _cache = new ResultsCache();
Example #40
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor takes the filename and the build execution time
 /// </summary>
 public RequestDefinition(string fileName, int executionTime, IBuildComponentHost host)
     : this(fileName, null, null, null, executionTime, null, host)
Example #41
 /// <summary>
 /// Save the configuration cache information from the host
 /// </summary>
 public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
     this.configurationCache = (IConfigCache)host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.ConfigCache);
     this.resultsCache = (IResultsCache)host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.ResultsCache);
 /// <inheritdoc cref="IBuildComponent.InitializeComponent"/>
 public virtual void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
     Host = host;
Example #43
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor allows you to set the filname, toolsversion, targets to build, build properties and execution time.
        /// Following are the defaults:
        /// ToolsVersion = "ToolsVersion"
        /// GlobalProperties = new BuildPropertyGroup()
        /// ExecutionTime = 0;
        /// Targets to build = "target1"
        /// </summary>
        public RequestDefinition(string fileName, string toolsVersion, string[] targets, PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance> properties, int executionTime, RequestDefinition[] childDefinitions, IBuildComponentHost host, bool noTargetsToBuild)
            if (noTargetsToBuild || targets == null)
                _targetsToBuild = new string[] { };
                _targetsToBuild = targets;

            _globalProperties = ((properties == null) ? new PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance>() : properties);
            _toolsVersion = ((toolsVersion == null) ? RequestDefinition.defaultToolsVersion : toolsVersion);
            _fileName = fileName;
            if (childDefinitions != null)
                _childDefinitions = new List<RequestDefinition>(childDefinitions);
                foreach (RequestDefinition bd in childDefinitions)
                _childDefinitions = new List<RequestDefinition>();

            _testProjectCompletedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            _executionTime = executionTime;
            _requestEngine = (IBuildRequestEngine)host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.RequestEngine);
            _testDataProvider = (ITestDataProvider)host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.TestDataProvider);
            _resultsCache = (IResultsCache)host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.ResultsCache);
            _projectDefinition = new ProjectDefinition(_fileName);
            _waitForCancel = false;
Example #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Shuts down the component.
        /// </summary>
        public void ShutdownComponent()
            _outOfProcTaskHostNodeProvider = null;
            _componentHost = null;
            _componentShutdown = true;

Example #45
 /// <summary>
 /// Shuts down this component.
 /// </summary>
 public void ShutdownComponent()
     _componentHost = null;
     _inProcNode = null;
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets an instance of the component.
            /// </summary>
            public IBuildComponent GetInstance(IBuildComponentHost host)
                if (Pattern == CreationPattern.Singleton)
                    if (_singleton == null)
                        _singleton = _factory(ComponentType);

                    return _singleton;
                    IBuildComponent component = _factory(ComponentType);
                    return component;
Example #47
 /// <summary>
 /// Shuts down the component.
 /// </summary>
 public void ShutdownComponent()
     _componentHost = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 public BuildComponentFactoryCollection(IBuildComponentHost host)
     _host = host;
     _componentEntriesByType = new Dictionary<BuildComponentType, BuildComponentEntry>();
Example #49
        /// <summary>
        /// Shuts down the component.
        /// </summary>
        public void ShutdownComponent()
            lock (_taskExecutionHostSync)
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_taskExecutionHost != null, "taskExecutionHost not initialized.");
                _componentHost = null;

                IDisposable disposable = _taskExecutionHost as IDisposable;
                if (disposable != null)

                _taskExecutionHost = null;
Example #50
 /// <summary>
 /// Shuts down this component
 /// </summary>
 public void ShutdownComponent()
     _host = null;
Example #51
        /// <summary>
        /// NotThreadSafe, this method should only be called from the component host thread
        /// Called by the build component host when a component is first initialized.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buildComponentHost">The component host for this object</param>
        /// <exception cref="InternalErrorException">When buildComponentHost is null</exception>
        /// <exception cref="InternalErrorException">Service has already shutdown</exception>
        public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost buildComponentHost)
            lock (_lockObject)
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_serviceState != LoggingServiceState.Shutdown, " The object is shutdown, should not do any operations on a shutdown component");
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(buildComponentHost != null, "BuildComponentHost was null");

                _componentHost = buildComponentHost;

                // Get the number of initial nodes the host is running with, if the component host does not have
                // this information default to 1
                _maxCPUCount = buildComponentHost.BuildParameters.MaxNodeCount;

                // Ask the component host if onlyLogCriticalEvents is true or false. If the host does
                // not have this information default to false.
                _onlyLogCriticalEvents = buildComponentHost.BuildParameters.OnlyLogCriticalEvents;

                _serviceState = LoggingServiceState.Initialized;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the component.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host">The component host.</param>
        public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
            this.ComponentHost = host;
            _nodeContexts = new Dictionary<TaskHostContext, NodeContext>();
            _nodeIdToPacketFactory = new Dictionary<int, INodePacketFactory>();
            _nodeIdToPacketHandler = new Dictionary<int, INodePacketHandler>();
            _activeNodes = new HashSet<int>();

            _noNodesActiveEvent = new ManualResetEvent(true);
            _localPacketFactory = new NodePacketFactory();

            (this as INodePacketFactory).RegisterPacketHandler(NodePacketType.LogMessage, LogMessagePacket.FactoryForDeserialization, this);
            (this as INodePacketFactory).RegisterPacketHandler(NodePacketType.TaskHostTaskComplete, TaskHostTaskComplete.FactoryForDeserialization, this);
            (this as INodePacketFactory).RegisterPacketHandler(NodePacketType.NodeShutdown, NodeShutdown.FactoryForDeserialization, this);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the component.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="host">The component host.</param>
 public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
     this.ComponentHost = host;
     _nodeContexts      = new Dictionary <int, NodeContext>();
Example #54
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the component
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host">The component host</param>
        public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_componentHost == null, "TaskHostNodeManager already initialized.");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(host != null, "We can't create a TaskHostNodeManager with a null componentHost");

            _componentHost = host;
            _outOfProcTaskHostNodeProvider = _componentHost.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.OutOfProcTaskHostNodeProvider) as INodeProvider;
            _componentShutdown = false;
Example #55
 public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
     _host  = host;
     _cache = new ResultsCache();
Example #56
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an instance of the wrapped ITask for a batch run of the task.
        /// </summary>
        internal ITask CreateTaskInstance(ElementLocation taskLocation, TaskLoggingContext taskLoggingContext, IBuildComponentHost buildComponentHost, IDictionary<string, string> taskIdentityParameters, AppDomainSetup appDomainSetup, bool isOutOfProc)
            bool useTaskFactory = false;
            IDictionary<string, string> mergedParameters = null;
            _taskLoggingContext = taskLoggingContext;

            // Optimization for the common (vanilla AssemblyTaskFactory) case -- only calculate 
            // the task factory parameters if we have any to calculate; otherwise even if we 
            // still launch the task factory, it will be with parameters corresponding to the 
            // current process. 
            if ((_factoryIdentityParameters != null && _factoryIdentityParameters.Count > 0) || (taskIdentityParameters != null && taskIdentityParameters.Count > 0))
                VerifyThrowIdentityParametersValid(taskIdentityParameters, taskLocation, _taskName, "MSBuildRuntime", "MSBuildArchitecture");

                mergedParameters = MergeTaskFactoryParameterSets(_factoryIdentityParameters, taskIdentityParameters);
                useTaskFactory = _taskHostFactoryExplicitlyRequested || !TaskHostParametersMatchCurrentProcess(mergedParameters);
                // if we don't have any task host parameters specified on either the using task or the 
                // task invocation, then we will run in-proc UNLESS "TaskHostFactory" is explicitly specified
                // as the task factory.  
                useTaskFactory = _taskHostFactoryExplicitlyRequested;

            if (useTaskFactory)
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalNull(buildComponentHost, "buildComponentHost");

                mergedParameters = mergedParameters ?? new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                string runtime = null;
                string architecture = null;

                if (!mergedParameters.TryGetValue(XMakeAttributes.runtime, out runtime))
                    mergedParameters[XMakeAttributes.runtime] = XMakeAttributes.MSBuildRuntimeValues.clr4;

                if (!mergedParameters.TryGetValue(XMakeAttributes.architecture, out architecture))
                    mergedParameters[XMakeAttributes.architecture] = XMakeAttributes.GetCurrentMSBuildArchitecture();

                TaskHostTask task = new TaskHostTask(taskLocation, taskLoggingContext, buildComponentHost, mergedParameters, _loadedType, appDomainSetup);
                return task;
                AppDomain taskAppDomain = null;

                ITask taskInstance = TaskLoader.CreateTask(_loadedType, _taskName, taskLocation.File, taskLocation.Line, taskLocation.Column, new TaskLoader.LogError(ErrorLoggingDelegate), appDomainSetup, isOutOfProc, out taskAppDomain);

                if (taskAppDomain != null)
                    _tasksAndAppDomains[taskInstance] = taskAppDomain;

                return taskInstance;
Example #57
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the component with the specified component host.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="host">The component host.</param>
 public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
     _componentHost = host;
     _resultsCache = (IResultsCache)_componentHost.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.ResultsCache);
     _configCache = (IConfigCache)_componentHost.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.ConfigCache);
Example #58
 /// <summary>
 /// The component is being initialized
 /// </summary>
 public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
     _host = host;
     _resultsCache = (IResultsCache)(_host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.ResultsCache));
     _configCache = (IConfigCache)(_host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.ConfigCache));
     _testDataProvider = (ITestDataProvider)(_host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.TestDataProvider));
 public void ShutdownComponent()
     _host = null;
     _cache = null;
Example #60
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor which sets most of the data members except for the noTargetsToBuild bool parameter
 /// </summary>
 public RequestDefinition(string fileName, string toolsVersion, string[] targets, PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance> properties, int executionTime, RequestDefinition[] childDefinitions, IBuildComponentHost host)
     : this(fileName, toolsVersion, targets, properties, executionTime, childDefinitions, host, false)