Example #1
        public Bytes compress([NotNull] IBufferProtocol data)
            using var buffer = data.GetBuffer();
            byte[] input  = buffer.AsUnsafeArray() ?? buffer.ToArray();
            byte[] output = new byte[ZlibModule.DEFAULTALLOC];

            long start_total_out = zst.total_out;

            zst.next_in        = input;
            zst.next_in_index  = 0;
            zst.avail_in       = input.Length;
            zst.next_out       = output;
            zst.next_out_index = 0;
            zst.avail_out      = output.Length;

            int err = zst.deflate(Z_NO_FLUSH);

            while (err == Z_OK && zst.avail_out == 0)
                int length = output.Length;
                Array.Resize(ref output, output.Length * 2);

                zst.next_out  = output;
                zst.avail_out = length;

                err = zst.deflate(Z_NO_FLUSH);

            if (err != Z_OK && err != Z_BUF_ERROR)
                throw ZlibModule.zlib_error(this.zst, err, "while compressing");

            return(GetBytes(output, 0, (int)(zst.total_out - start_total_out)));
Example #2
 internal static IPythonBuffer?GetBufferNoThrow(this IBufferProtocol bufferProtocol, BufferFlags flags = BufferFlags.Simple)
     try {
     } catch (BufferException) {
Example #3
        public static unsafe int send(int handle, [NotNone] IBufferProtocol data)
            using var buffer = data.GetBuffer();
            var span = buffer.AsReadOnlySpan();

            fixed(byte *ptr = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(span))
            return(send(new IntPtr(handle), new IntPtr(ptr), span.Length, 0));
Example #4
 public void update([NotNone] IBufferProtocol data)
     using var buffer = data.GetBuffer();
     byte[] bytes = buffer.ToArray();
     lock (_hasher) {
         _hasher.TransformBlock(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, bytes, 0);
Example #5
        public static Bytes decompress([NotNone] IBufferProtocol data,
                                       int wbits   = MAX_WBITS,
                                       int bufsize = DEFAULTALLOC)
            using var buffer = data.GetBuffer();
            var bytes = Decompress(buffer.AsUnsafeArray() ?? buffer.ToArray(), wbits, bufsize);

Example #6
            public Bytes compress([NotNull] IBufferProtocol data)
                using var buffer = data.GetBuffer();
                byte[] bytes = buffer.AsUnsafeArray() ?? buffer.ToArray();

                this.bz2Output.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

Example #7
        public Bytes decompress([NotNone] IBufferProtocol data, int max_length = 0)
            if (max_length < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("max_length must be greater than zero");

            using var buffer = data.GetBuffer();
            byte[] input  = buffer.AsUnsafeArray() ?? buffer.ToArray();
            byte[] output = new byte[max_length > 0 && ZlibModule.DEFAULTALLOC > max_length ? max_length : ZlibModule.DEFAULTALLOC];

            long start_total_out = zst.total_out;

            zst.next_in        = input;
            zst.next_in_index  = 0;
            zst.avail_in       = input.Length;
            zst.next_out       = output;
            zst.next_out_index = 0;
            zst.avail_out      = output.Length;

            int err = zst.inflate(FlushStrategy.Z_SYNC_FLUSH);

            while (err == Z_OK && zst.avail_out == 0)
                if (max_length > 0 && output.Length >= max_length)

                int old_length = output.Length;
                Array.Resize(ref output, output.Length * 2);
                zst.next_out  = output;
                zst.avail_out = old_length;

                err = zst.inflate(FlushStrategy.Z_SYNC_FLUSH);

            if (max_length > 0)
                unconsumed_tail = GetBytes(zst.next_in, zst.next_in_index, zst.avail_in);

            if (err == Z_STREAM_END)
                unused_data += GetBytes(zst.next_in, zst.next_in_index, zst.avail_in);
                eof          = true;
            else if (err != Z_OK && err != Z_BUF_ERROR)
                throw ZlibModule.zlib_error(this.zst, err, "while decompressing");

            return(GetBytes(output, 0, (int)(zst.total_out - start_total_out)));
Example #8
        public static Bytes compress([NotNone] IBufferProtocol data,
                                     int level = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)
            using var buffer = data.GetBuffer();
            byte[] input  = buffer.AsUnsafeArray() ?? buffer.ToArray();
            byte[] output = new byte[input.Length + input.Length / 1000 + 12 + 1];

            ZStream zst = new ZStream();

            zst.next_in   = input;
            zst.avail_in  = input.Length;
            zst.next_out  = output;
            zst.avail_out = output.Length;

            int err = zst.DeflateInit(level);

            switch (err)
            case (Z_OK):

            case (Z_STREAM_ERROR):
                throw PythonOps.CreateThrowable(error,
                                                "Bad compression level");

                zlib_error(zst, err, "while compressing data");

            err = zst.deflate(FlushStrategy.Z_FINISH);

            if (err != Z_STREAM_END)
                throw zlib_error(zst, err, "while compressing data");

            err = zst.deflateEnd();

            if (err == Z_OK)
                var res = new byte[(int)zst.total_out];
                Array.Copy(output, res, res.Length);

            throw zlib_error(zst, err, "while finishing compression");
Example #9
            private int DoWrite(IBufferProtocol bufferProtocol)
                using var buffer = bufferProtocol.GetBuffer();
                var bytes = buffer.AsReadOnlySpan();

                if (bytes.Length == 0)

                EnsureSizeSetLength(_pos + bytes.Length);
                bytes.CopyTo(_data.AsSpan(_pos, bytes.Length));

                _pos += bytes.Length;
Example #10
 public MemoryView([NotNone] MemoryView @object)
     _exporter   = @object._exporter;
     _flags      = BufferFlags.RecordsRO;
     _buffer     = _exporter.GetBuffer(_flags);
     _offset     = @object._offset;
     _isReadOnly = @object._isReadOnly;
     _numDims    = @object._numDims;
     _format     = @object._format;
     _itemSize   = @object._itemSize;
     _shape      = @object._shape;
     _strides    = @object._strides;
     _isCContig  = @object._isCContig;
     _isFContig  = @object._isFContig;
     _numItems   = @object._numItems;
Example #11
            public Bytes decompress([NotNull] IBufferProtocol data)
                if (_finished)
                    throw PythonOps.EofError("End of stream was already found");

                using var buffer = data.GetBuffer();
                byte[] bytes = buffer.AsUnsafeArray() ?? buffer.ToArray();

                if (!InitializeMemoryStream(bytes))

                List <byte> output = new List <byte>();

                if (InitializeBZ2Stream())
                    long   memoryPosition = this.input.Position;
                    object state          = this.bz2Input.DumpState();

                    try {
                        // this is the same as what Read() does, so it's unlikely to be
                        // any slower. However, using blocks would require fewer state saves,
                        // which would probably be faster.
                        int b;
                        while ((b = this.bz2Input.ReadByte()) != -1)

                            memoryPosition = this.input.Position;
                            state          = this.bz2Input.DumpState();

                        this.lastSuccessfulPosition = this.input.Position;
                        this._finished = true;
                    } catch (IOException) {
                        // rewind the decompressor and the memory buffer to try again when
                        // more data arrives
                        this.input.Position = memoryPosition;

                return(new Bytes(output));
Example #12
        public static void PlaySound(CodeContext /*!*/ context, [NotNone] IBufferProtocol sound, int flags)
            if (((flags & SND_ASYNC) == SND_ASYNC) && ((flags & SND_MEMORY) == SND_MEMORY))
                throw PythonOps.RuntimeError("Cannot play asynchronously from memory");
            if ((flags & SND_MEMORY) == 0)
                throw PythonOps.TypeError($"'{nameof(sound)}' must be str or None, not '{PythonOps.GetPythonTypeName(sound)}'");

            using var buffer = sound.GetBuffer();

            if (!PlaySound(buffer.ToArray(), IntPtr.Zero, flags))
                throw PythonOps.RuntimeError("Failed to play sound");
Example #13
        public static Bytes byteswap(CodeContext /*!*/ context, [NotNone] IBufferProtocol fragment, int width)
            if (width < 1 || width > 4)
                throw PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(error(context), "Size should be 1, 2, 3 or 4");

            using var buffer = fragment.GetBuffer();
            if (buffer.NumBytes() % width != 0)
                throw PythonExceptions.CreateThrowable(error(context), "not a whole number of frames");

            var array = buffer.ToArray();

            if (width == 2)
                for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; i += width)
                    array.ByteSwap(i, i + 1);
            else if (width == 3)
                for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; i += width)
                    array.ByteSwap(i, i + 2);
            else if (width == 4)
                for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; i += width)
                    array.ByteSwap(i, i + 3);
                    array.ByteSwap(i + 1, i + 2);
Example #14
 private static IList <byte> ConvertFromBufferProtocolToByteListHelper(IBufferProtocol bp)
     using var buf = bp.GetBuffer(BufferFlags.Simple);
Example #15
 public Bytes([NotNull] IBufferProtocol source)
     using IPythonBuffer buffer = source.GetBuffer(BufferFlags.FullRO);
     _bytes = buffer.ToArray();
Example #16
        public MemoryView([NotNone] IBufferProtocol @object)
            _exporter = @object;

            // MemoryView should support all possible buffer exports (BufferFlags.FullRO)
            // but handling of suboffsets (BufferFlags.Indirect) is not implemented yet.
            // Hence the request is for BufferFlags.RecordsRO
            _flags  = BufferFlags.RecordsRO;
            _buffer = @object.GetBuffer(_flags);
            // doublecheck that we don't have to deal with suboffsets
            if (_buffer.SubOffsets != null)
                throw PythonOps.NotImplementedError("memoryview: indirect buffers are not supported");

            ReadOnlySpan <byte> memblock = _buffer.AsReadOnlySpan();

            if ((_buffer.ItemCount != 0 && !VerifyStructure(memblock.Length, _buffer.ItemSize, _buffer.NumOfDims, _buffer.Shape, _buffer.Strides, _buffer.Offset)) ||
                (_buffer.Shape == null && (_buffer.Offset != 0 || _buffer.NumBytes() != memblock.Length))
                throw PythonOps.BufferError("memoryview: invalid buffer exported from object of type {0}", PythonOps.GetPythonTypeName(@object));

            _offset     = _buffer.Offset;
            _isReadOnly = _buffer.IsReadOnly;
            _numDims    = _buffer.NumOfDims;

            // in flags we requested format be provided, check that the exporter complied
            if (_buffer.Format == null)
                throw PythonOps.BufferError("memoryview: object of type {0} did not report its format", PythonOps.GetPythonTypeName(@object));
            _format = _buffer.Format;

            _itemSize = _buffer.ItemSize;
            // for convenience _shape and _strides are never null, even if _numDims == 0 or _flags indicate no _shape or _strides
            _shape = _buffer.Shape ?? (_numDims > 0 ? new int[] { _buffer.ItemCount } : Array.Empty <int>());

            if (_shape.Count == 0)
                _strides   = _shape; // TODO: use a static singleton
                _isCContig = true;
            else if (_buffer.Strides != null)
                _strides   = _buffer.Strides;
                _isCContig = true;
                for (int i = _strides.Count - 1, curStride = _itemSize; i >= 0 && _isCContig; i--)
                    _isCContig &= _strides[i] == curStride;
                    curStride  *= _shape[i];
                _strides   = GetContiguousStrides(_shape, _itemSize);
                _isCContig = true;

            // invariants
            _numItems  = _buffer.ItemCount;
            _isFContig = _isCContig && _numDims <= 1;  // TODO: support for ND Fortran arrays not implemented

            // sanity check
            Debug.Assert(_numItems == 0 || VerifyStructure(memblock.Length, _itemSize, _numDims, _numDims > 0 ? _shape : null, _numDims > 0 ? _strides : null, _offset));
Example #17
 public static int adler32([NotNone] IBufferProtocol data, long value = 1L)
     using var buffer = data.GetBuffer();
     return((int)Adler32.GetAdler32Checksum(value, buffer.AsUnsafeArray() ?? buffer.ToArray(), 0, buffer.NumBytes()));
Example #18
            private object RFindWorker(IBufferProtocol bufferProtocol, long start, long end)
                using var pythonBuffer = bufferProtocol.GetBuffer();
                var s = pythonBuffer.AsReadOnlySpan();

                start = PythonOps.FixSliceIndex(start, _view.Capacity);
                end   = PythonOps.FixSliceIndex(end, _view.Capacity);

                if (s.Length == 0)
                    return(start <= end?ReturnLong(start) : -1);

                long findLength = end - start;

                if (s.Length > findLength)

                int         index        = -1;
                int         bufferLength = Math.Max(s.Length, PAGESIZE);
                CompareInfo c            = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

                if (findLength <= bufferLength * 2)
                    // In this case, the search area is not significantly larger than s, so we only need to
                    // allocate a single string to search through.
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[findLength];

                    findLength = _view.ReadArray(start, buffer, 0, (int)findLength);

                    index = buffer.AsSpan().LastIndexOf(s);
                    // We're matching s against a significantly larger file, so we partition the stream into
                    // sections twice the length of s and search each segment. Because a match could exist on a
                    // boundary, sections must overlap by s.Length. Data is saved in 2 buffers to avoid
                    // reading the same parts of the stream twice.
                    byte[] buffer0 = new byte[bufferLength];
                    byte[] buffer1 = new byte[bufferLength];

                    int remainder = (int)((end - start) % bufferLength);
                    if (remainder == 0)
                        remainder = bufferLength;

                    start       = end - bufferLength - remainder;
                    findLength -= bufferLength + remainder;

                    _view.ReadArray(start, buffer0, 0, bufferLength);
                    int bytesRead = _view.ReadArray(start + bufferLength, buffer1, 0, remainder);

                    while (findLength >= 0)
                        var combinedBuffer = CombineBytes(buffer0, buffer1, bytesRead);
                        index = combinedBuffer.AsSpan().LastIndexOf(s);

                        if (index != -1)
                            return(ReturnLong(index + start));

                        byte[] temp = buffer0;
                        buffer0 = buffer1;
                        buffer1 = temp;

                        start      -= bufferLength;
                        bytesRead   = _view.ReadArray(start, buffer0, 0, bufferLength);
                        findLength -= bytesRead;

                return(index == -1 ? -1 : ReturnLong(index + start));