public void JustMovingBones_WeightRemained_NeverCallSetMesh()
            var root        = m_Model.bones.ElementAt(0);
            var child_1     = m_Model.bones.ElementAt(1);
            var child_1_2   = m_Model.bones.ElementAt(3);
            var child_1_2_2 = m_Model.bones.ElementAt(5);


            m_CacheManager.SetSpriteBoneRawData(m_SpriteId, m_Model.GetRawData());

            m_MeshDPMock.DidNotReceiveWithAnyArgs().SetVertices(Arg.Any <GUID>(), Arg.Any <Vertex2DMetaData[]>());
        private void MoveBoneNode(IBone bone, Vector3 d)
            RecordUndo(bone, "bone bone move");

            // In normal movement mode, moving a bone node will move only the node (head) but keep the tip intact (retaining tip's position).
            // All its offspring will not be affected by this movement.
            // If the parent tip is snapped to this bone, the parent tip will move together with this bone.
            // If any sibling(s) bone is snapped to this bone, those will move together too.
            if (!state.freeMoving)
                var offspringOfSelected   = m_OffspringOfSelected[bone];
                var offspringOfParent     = m_OffspringOfParent[bone];
                var siblingToMoveTogether = m_SiblingToMoveTogether[bone];

                // Backup the old tip's position, moving the bone will alter the tip, since tip is calculated from bone's position.
                var oldtip = bone.tip;

                // Move the bone to the destinate position, snap if necessary.
                var snapped = false;
                if (!bone.isRoot && ShouldSnap(d, bone.parent.tip))
                    m_Model.MoveBone(bone, bone.parent.tip);
                    snapped = true;
                else if (!bone.isRoot && ShouldSnap(d, bone.parent.position))
                    m_Model.MoveBone(bone, bone.parent.position);

                    snapped = true;
                if (!snapped)
                    m_Model.MoveBone(bone, d);

                // Restore the tip to its old position
                m_Model.MoveTip(bone, oldtip);

                // Sibling bones should move together if they snapped to the bone before.
                foreach (var siblingBone in siblingToMoveTogether)
                    // Move, restore tip.
                    var oldChildTip = siblingBone.tip;
                    m_Model.MoveBone(siblingBone, d);
                    m_Model.MoveTip(siblingBone, oldChildTip);

                // Update parent's tip position if this bone was snapped to the tip before.
                if (m_UpdateParentTip[bone])
                    m_Model.MoveTip(bone.parent, d);
            // In free movement mode, moving a bone will move the head but keep the tip intact.
            // All its offspring will not be affected by this movement.
            // Unlike normal movement mode, sibling and parent tip will not be affected by this movement.
                var oldtip = bone.tip;
                m_Model.MoveBone(bone, d);
                m_Model.MoveTip(bone, oldtip);
