/// <summary>
        ///  MakeMove - Сделать ход
        /// Attempt to make the specified move on the board starting at the given position if present
        /// Попытка сделать указанное движение на доске, начиная с заданной позиции, если присутствует
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="move">
        /// The move
        /// Движение
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="startPosition">
        /// The starting position of the move if this move is a jump continuation
        /// Начальная позиция хода, если этот ход является продолжением прыжка
        /// </param>
        public void MakeMove(Move move, int?startPosition)
            const int INVALID_POSITION = -1;
            int       origin           = move.Origin ?? INVALID_POSITION;

            if (origin == INVALID_POSITION)
                HandleInvalidMove(move, "Move contains no steps");//ход не содержит шагов
            else if ((startPosition.HasValue) && (origin != startPosition.Value))
                HandleInvalidMove(move, "You must finish jump");//Вы должны закончить прыжок
                Piece      piece      = board[origin];
                Player     player     = BoardUtilities.GetPlayer(piece);
                PlayerInfo playerInfo = GetPlayerInfo(player);
                MoveStatus moveStatus = MoveStatus.Illegal;
                move = boardRules.ResolveAmbiguousMove(board, move);

                if (piece == Piece.None)
                    HandleInvalidMove(move, "No piece selected");//Не выбрано ни одного предмета
                else if (playerInfo != turn)
                    HandleInvalidMove(move, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Not {0}'s turn", playerInfo.Player.ToString()));//Не ход {0}
                else if ((moveStatus = boardRules.IsValidMove(board, move, turn.Player)) == MoveStatus.Illegal)
                    HandleInvalidMove(move, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Invalid move: {0}", move));//  Неверный ход: {0}
                else if (!boardRules.ApplyMove(board, move))
                    HandleInvalidMove(move, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Unable to apply move move: {0}", move));//     Невозможно применить ход перемещения: {0}

                    // swap turn if the player has a complete move (no jumps)
                    // меняем ход, если у игрока полный ход (без прыжков)
                    if (moveStatus == MoveStatus.Incomplete)
                        // at this point the move was valid and hence must have a destination
                        // в этот момент перемещение было допустимым и, следовательно, должно иметь пункт назначения
                        view.LockPlayer(turn.Player, true);
      /// <summary>
      /// Attempt to make the specified move on the board starting at the given position if present
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="move">The move</param>
      /// <param name="startPosition">The starting position of the move if this move is a jump continuation</param>
      public void MakeMove(Move move, int? startPosition)
         const int INVALID_POSITION = -1;
         int origin = move.Origin ?? INVALID_POSITION;

         if (origin == INVALID_POSITION)
            HandleInvalidMove(move, "Move contains no steps");
         else if ((startPosition.HasValue) && (origin != startPosition.Value))
            HandleInvalidMove(move, "You must finish jump");
            Piece piece = board[origin];
            Player player = BoardUtilities.GetPlayer(piece);
            PlayerInfo playerInfo = GetPlayerInfo(player);
            MoveStatus moveStatus = MoveStatus.Illegal;
            move = boardRules.ResolveAmbiguousMove(board, move);

            if (piece == Piece.None)
               HandleInvalidMove(move, "No piece selected");
            else if (playerInfo != turn)
               HandleInvalidMove(move, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Not {0}'s turn", playerInfo.Player.ToString()));
            else if ((moveStatus = boardRules.IsValidMove(board, move, turn.Player)) == MoveStatus.Illegal)
               HandleInvalidMove(move, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Invalid move: {0}", move));
            else if (!boardRules.ApplyMove(board, move))
               HandleInvalidMove(move, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Unable to apply move move: {0}", move));

               // swap turn if the player has a complete move (no jumps)
               if (moveStatus == MoveStatus.Incomplete)
                  // at this point the move was valid and hence must have a destination
                  view.LockPlayer(turn.Player, true);