public async Task <IHttpActionResult> MakeABid([FromBody] BidViewModel bid, string auctionId) { bid.DateTime = DateTime.Now; var auction = config.AuctionHouses.Search(auctionId); if (auction == null) { BadRequest(); } Auctions.SetAuction(auction); var product = await _productService.GetProductAsync(bid.ProductId); if (product == null) { BadRequest(); } var user = await _customUserManager.FindByIdAsync(bid.UserId.ToString()); if (user == null) { BadRequest(); } var lastBid = await _bidService.ShowLastBidForProductAsync(product.Id); bid.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); if (lastBid == null && bid.Price > BidStep) { await _bidService.AddBidAsync(Mapper.Map <BussinessLogic.Models.Bid>(bid)); return(Ok()); } if (bid.Price >= lastBid.Price + BidStep && lastBid.DateTime < bid.DateTime) { await _bidService.AddBidAsync(Mapper.Map <BussinessLogic.Models.Bid>(bid)); return(Ok()); } return(BadRequest()); }
public async Task <JsonResult> Create(string data) { dynamic answerFromServer = new ExpandoObject(); answerFromServer.errorMessage = string.Empty; answerFromServer.response = string.Empty; answerFromServer.userName = string.Empty; BidViewModel bid = new BidViewModel() { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { try { dynamic bidClient = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(data); var auctionModel = config.AuctionHouses.Search(; if (auctionModel != null) { Auctions.SetAuction(auctionModel); } if ((bidClient.userId == null) || (bidClient.productId == null)) { return(answerFromServer.errorMessage = "userId or productId not found in database"); } bid.UserId = (bidClient.userId == null) ? Guid.Empty : Guid.Parse(bidClient.userId.ToString()); var user = await _customUserManager.FindByIdAsync(bid.UserId.ToString()); bid.DateTime = DateTime.Now.Add(TimeZoneHelper.ConverTimeToServer(user.TimezoneId)); bid.Price = Convert.ToInt32(bidClient.price); bid.ProductId = Guid.Parse(bidClient.productId.ToString()); var lastBid = await _bidService.ShowLastBidForProductAsync(bid.ProductId); ProductDTO product = new ProductDTO(); if (lastBid == null) { product = await _productService.GetProductAsync(bid.ProductId); } if ((lastBid == null && bid.Price >= product.StartPrice + BidStep) || (lastBid.DateTime < bid.DateTime && lastBid.Price + BidStep <= bid.Price && bid.UserId != Guid.Empty)) { answerFromServer.userName = user.FullName; answerFromServer.response = bid; _logger.Info(string.Format("user make to bid on product - {0}, username -{1}, timezone - {2}, auction - {3} , productId - {4}", user.Id, user.FullName, user.TimezoneId, auctionModel, product.Id)); await _bidService.AddBidAsync(Mapper.Map <Bid>(bid)); } else { answerFromServer.errorMessage = "Not valid params. Obviously this problem to start when not correct price/data "; } } catch { answerFromServer.errorMessage = "not valid data"; } } return(Json(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(answerFromServer, Formatting.None))); }