Example #1
        private void Insert(IBenchmarkObject benchmarkObject, string parentFkColumn, object parentFkValue)
            // Create table or add columns.
            DbTableInfo tableInfo = benchmarkObject.GetTableInfo();


            Type       type = benchmarkObject.GetType();
            SqlCommand cmd  = CreateCommand();

            // Prepare command.
            string insert = string.Format("INSERT INTO [{0}].[{1}] (", Schema, tableInfo.TableName);
            string values = "VALUES (";

            bool   first     = true;
            bool   autoIncPk = false;
            object pkValue   = null;

            foreach (DbColumnInfo columnInfo in tableInfo.DbColumns)
                // Skip auto-incremented values.
                if (columnInfo.DbAutoIncrement)
                    autoIncPk = true;

                // Skip values for which we do not have a property or they do not match the parent table.
                object value = null;
                if (columnInfo.DbColumn == parentFkColumn)
                    value = parentFkValue;
                    if (columnInfo.Property != null)
                        PropertyInfo propertyInfo = type.GetProperty(columnInfo.Property);
                        if (propertyInfo != null)
                            value = propertyInfo.GetValue(benchmarkObject);
                if (value == null)

                if (columnInfo.DbPrimaryKey)
                    pkValue = value;

                if (!first)
                    insert += ", ";
                    values += ", ";

                string paramName = "@" + columnInfo.DbColumn;

                value = ConvertValue(value);

                if (value is string)
                    AdjustColumnMaxLength(tableInfo, columnInfo, (string)value);

                insert += string.Format("[{0}]", columnInfo.DbColumn);
                values += paramName;
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(paramName, value);

                first = false;

            insert         += ")";
            values         += ")";
            cmd.CommandText = insert + Environment.NewLine + values;

            // Run the command.

            // Retrieve scope identity.
            if (autoIncPk)
                SqlCommand cmdGetIdentity = CreateCommand();
                cmdGetIdentity.CommandText = "SELECT IDENT_CURRENT(@fullTableName)";
                cmdGetIdentity.Parameters.AddWithValue("fullTableName", string.Format("[{0}].[{1}]", Schema, tableInfo.TableName));
                pkValue = cmdGetIdentity.ExecuteScalar();

            // Insert recursive.
            foreach (Benchmark.DbDependentTableInfo dependentTable in tableInfo.DbDependentTables)
                PropertyInfo propertyInfo = type.GetProperty(dependentTable.Property);
                if (propertyInfo != null)
                    object collection = propertyInfo.GetValue(benchmarkObject);
                    if (collection is IEnumerable e)
                        foreach (IBenchmarkObject childObject in e)
                            Insert(childObject, dependentTable.DbFkColumn, pkValue);