Example #1
        public void TestAdvanceToEndSimpleRegex()
            SimpleTestPathRegex regex = new SimpleTestPathRegex("A1B");
            IBeforeItemGraphkenState <string, int, Func <string, bool>, Func <int, bool> > initState = regex.CreateState();

            Func <Func <string, bool>, string, bool> itemMatch = (f, i) => f(i);
            Func <Func <int, bool>, int, bool>       dependencyMatch = (f, d) => f(d);
            bool atEnd, atCount;

            IBeforeDependencyGraphkenState <string, int, Func <string, bool>, Func <int, bool> > stateAfterA =
                initState.Advance("A", itemMatch, out atEnd, out atCount);


            IBeforeItemGraphkenState <string, int, Func <string, bool>, Func <int, bool> > stateAfter1 =
                stateAfterA.Advance(1, dependencyMatch, out atCount);


            IBeforeDependencyGraphkenState <string, int, Func <string, bool>, Func <int, bool> > stateAfterB =
                stateAfter1.Advance("B", itemMatch, out atEnd, out atCount);

Example #2
        public void TestCreateStateFromSimpleRegex()
            SimpleTestPathRegex regex = new SimpleTestPathRegex("A1B");

            IBeforeItemGraphkenState <string, int, Func <string, bool>, Func <int, bool> > initState = regex.CreateState();

        private TUpInfo Traverse([NotNull] TItem tail, [NotNull] Dictionary <TItem, TDependency[]> incidentDependencies,
                                 IBeforeDependencyGraphkenState <TItem, TDependency, ItemMatch, DependencyMatch> beforeDependencyState,
                                 TDownInfo rawDown, HashSet <TPathState> statesOnPath)
            if (!beforeDependencyState.CanContinue)
                throw new ArgumentException("Traverse must be called with continueable state", nameof(beforeDependencyState));

            TUpInfo upSum;
            bool    visitSuccessors = ShouldVisitSuccessors(tail, _currentPath, out upSum);

            if (visitSuccessors)
                // We are at this item for the first time - check whether we find a path to some defined end

                TDependency[] dependencies;
                if (!incidentDependencies.TryGetValue(tail, out dependencies))
                    dependencies = NO_DEPENDENCIES;
                foreach (var nextDep in dependencies)
                    bool dependencyIsCounted;
                    IBeforeItemGraphkenState <TItem, TDependency, ItemMatch, DependencyMatch> beforeItemState =
                        beforeDependencyState.Advance(nextDep, (m, d) => m.IsMatch(d), out dependencyIsCounted);
                    if (beforeItemState.CanContinue)
                        TItem nextTail = nextDep.UsedItem;
                        bool  atEnd;
                        bool  itemIsCounted;
                        IBeforeDependencyGraphkenState <TItem, TDependency, ItemMatch, DependencyMatch> beforeNextDependencyState =
                            beforeItemState.Advance(nextTail, (m, i) => ItemMatch.IsMatch(m, i), out atEnd, out itemIsCounted);


                        CountedEnum counted =
                            dependencyIsCounted ? CountedEnum.DependencyCounted :
                            itemIsCounted ? CountedEnum.UsedItemCounted :

                        var  stateElement = CreateStateElement(beforeNextDependencyState, nextDep);
                        bool newOnPath    = statesOnPath.Add(stateElement);

                        DownAndHere downAndHere = AfterPushDependency(_currentPath, atEnd, !newOnPath, counted, rawDown);

                        TUpInfo childUp;
                        if (_currentPath.Count < _maxRecursionDepth &&
                            beforeNextDependencyState.CanContinue &&
                            childUp = Traverse(nextTail, incidentDependencies, beforeNextDependencyState,
                                               downAndHere.Down, statesOnPath);
                            childUp = default(TUpInfo); // ??? as above ____
                        upSum = BeforePopDependency(_currentPath, atEnd, !newOnPath, counted, rawDown, downAndHere.Save, upSum, childUp);

            upSum = AfterVisitingSuccessors(visitSuccessors, tail, _currentPath, upSum);

Example #4
        private IBeforeDependencyGraphkenState <string, int, Func <string, bool>, Func <int, bool> > AdvanceToEnd(
            string pattern, string msg, string[] objects)
            SimpleTestPathRegex regex = new SimpleTestPathRegex(pattern);


            IBeforeItemGraphkenState <string, int, Func <string, bool>, Func <int, bool> > beforeItemState =


            Func <Func <string, bool>, string, bool> itemMatch       = (f, i) => f(i);
            Func <Func <int, bool>, int, bool>       dependencyMatch = (f, d) => f(d);

            for (int i = 0; ; i++)
                bool atCount;
                IBeforeDependencyGraphkenState <string, int, Func <string, bool>, Func <int, bool> > beforeDependencyState;
                    string item = objects[i];
                    bool   atEnd;
                    beforeDependencyState = beforeItemState.Advance(item.TrimStart('+', '#', '$'), itemMatch, out atEnd,
                                                                    out atCount);
                    Assert.AreNotEqual(item.Contains("#"), beforeDependencyState.CanContinue,
                                       "CanContinue wrong for " + item + msg);
                    Assert.AreEqual(item.Contains("-"), atEnd, "AtEnd wrong for " + item + msg);
                    Assert.AreEqual(item.Contains("$"), atCount, "AtCount wrong for " + item + msg);
                if (++i >= objects.Length)
                    string dependency = objects[i];
                    beforeItemState = beforeDependencyState.Advance(int.Parse(dependency.TrimStart('+', '#', '$')),
                                                                    dependencyMatch, out atCount);
                    Assert.AreNotEqual(dependency.Contains("#"), beforeItemState.CanContinue,
                                       "CanContinue wrong for " + dependency + msg);
                    Assert.AreEqual(dependency.Contains("$"), atCount, "AtCount wrong for " + dependency + msg);
        protected TUpInfo Traverse([NotNull] TItem root, [NotNull] Dictionary <TItem, TDependency[]> incidentDependencies,
                                   Func <TItem, bool, TDownInfo> down)
            IBeforeItemGraphkenState <TItem, TDependency, ItemMatch, DependencyMatch> initState = _regex.CreateState();
            bool atEnd, atCount;
            IBeforeDependencyGraphkenState <TItem, TDependency, ItemMatch, DependencyMatch> beforeDependencyState = initState.Advance(root, (m, i) => ItemMatch.IsMatch(m, i), out atEnd, out atCount);

            if (beforeDependencyState.CanContinue)
                return(Traverse(root, incidentDependencies, beforeDependencyState, down(root, atCount),
                                new HashSet <TPathState> {
                    CreateFirstStateElement(beforeDependencyState, root)
                return(default(TUpInfo)); // ??????????