public void die(IBaseUnit killer) { if (this.dying) { return; } this.dying = true; long cur_clock_tm = DateTime.Now.ToBinary(); // 尝试触发死亡ai动作 this._trig_dying_act(cur_clock_tm); // TO DO : player die // 中断打坐 //this.try_stop_recover(); this.respawn_tm = cur_clock_tm + 30000; // 30 秒后安全复活 this.pinfo.isdie = true; pinfo.atking = null; pinfo.moving = null; if (pinfo.states != null) { bool _remark_pl_state = false; if (this.pinfo.states.state_par.Count > 0) { for (var idx = 0; idx < this.pinfo.states.state_par.Count; ++idx) { var val = this.pinfo.states.state_par[idx]; if (val.desc.die_keep == 1) continue; this.pinfo.states.state_par.RemoveAt(idx); --idx; _remark_pl_state = true; } } //pinfo.states.state = 0; //pinfo.states.mov_spd_mul = 1.0; //pinfo.states.atk_spd_mul = 1.0; //pinfo.states.mp2hp = 0; //pinfo.states.dmglnkper = 0; //re_calc_cha_data(); if (_remark_pl_state) Skill._remark_pl_state(this, pinfo); } if (pinfo.jumping != null) { // 跳跃中死亡,落在目标点 pinfo.x = pinfo.jumping.dest_x; pinfo.y = pinfo.jumping.dest_y; if (!this.is_in_lvl) { pinfo.lx = pinfo.x; = pinfo.y; } pinfo.jumping = null; } if (gmap != null) { if (gmap.blvlmap) { //if (this.gmap.worldsvr.is_lvlmis_lvl()) //{ // this.allow_respawn_tm = sys.clock_time() + 6000; // 侠客行副本中,必须6秒后复活 //} this.gmap.worldsvr.on_ply_die(this); } else { if (gmap.pk_seting != map_pk_setting_type.MPST_PK) {//经验惩罚 } } if (killer != null && killer.get_sprite_type() == map_sprite_type.MstMonster) { if (killer.owner_ply != null) { killer = killer.owner_ply; // 宠物击杀相当于玩家角色击杀 } } if (killer != null && killer.get_sprite_type() == map_sprite_type.MstPlayer) { IMapUnit killer_pl = killer.get_pack_data(); //local pkdp = true; if (!gmap.blvlmap) { // 添加仇敌 //_add_foes(this, killer.pinfo); //计算pk值 //是否为中立地图 if (gmap.pk_seting == map_pk_setting_type.MPST_NORMAL) { if (!this.can_atk_direct()) { //自己为正义玩家 //sys.dumpobj( defend_tm_map ); //sys.trace( sys.SLT_ERR, "killer.pinfo.cid = " + killer.pinfo.cid + "sys.time()" + sys.time() + "\n") int killer_cid = killer_pl.cid; long defend_en_tm = 0; long now_s = DateTime.Now.ToBinary(); defend_tm_map.TryGetValue(killer_cid, out defend_en_tm); if (defend_en_tm > 0) { //自己是正当防卫 则 if (defend_en_tm >= now_s) { //增加对方pk值 int add_val = 1; int pkv = killer_pl.pk_v; if (pkv < 0) {//击杀者 有正义值 则清除 add_val = 1 - pkv; } killer.add_pk_v(add_val); } else { defend_tm_map.Remove(killer_cid); } } } else {//可直接攻击的玩家 if (killer.is_justice()) {//击杀者 为正义玩家 降低PK值 killer.sub_pk_v(1, true); } } } this.check_tsk_attribute(true); } else { // 在副本中 // 增加击杀值; killer_pl.cur_kp++; this.gmap.worldsvr.on_kp(killer, this); } } // remove atking from atker // TO DO : 增加被锁定列表,死亡后清理被锁定列表中的对象的攻击信息即可 foreach (var val in gmap.map_sprites.Values) { val.on_spr_die(pinfo.iid); } } // 清理助攻列表 if (this.kp_asist_rec) { this.beatk_ply_cids.Clear(); } }