Example #1
        public async Task ListWithoutLocalDb()
            // Choose a dblock size that is small enough so that more than one volume is needed.
            Dictionary <string, string> options = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions)
                ["dblock-size"] = "10mb",
                ["no-local-db"] = "true"

            // Run a full backup.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            // Run a partial backup.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = await this.RunPartialBackup(c).ConfigureAwait(false);

                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

                List <IListResultFileset> filesets = c.List().Filesets.ToList();
                Assert.AreEqual(2, filesets.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[1].IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.PARTIAL_BACKUP, filesets[0].IsFullBackup);
Example #2
        public void Recover(string buildIndexWithFiles)
            // Files to create in MB.
            int[] fileSizes = { 10, 20, 30 };
            foreach (int size in fileSizes)
                byte[] data = new byte[size * 1024 * 1024];
                Random rng  = new Random();
                File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(this.DATAFOLDER, size + "MB"), data);

            const string subdirectoryName = "subdirectory";
            string       subdirectoryPath = Path.Combine(this.DATAFOLDER, subdirectoryName);

            foreach (int size in fileSizes)
                byte[] data = new byte[size * 1024 * 1024];
                Random rng  = new Random();
                File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(subdirectoryPath, size + "MB"), data);

            // Run a backup.
            Dictionary <string, string> options = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions);
            string backendURL = "file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER;

            using (Controller c = new Controller(backendURL, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            // Download the backend files.
            string downloadFolder = Path.Combine(this.RESTOREFOLDER, "downloadedFiles");

            int status = CommandLine.RecoveryTool.Program.RealMain(new[] { "download", $"{backendURL}", $"{downloadFolder}", $"--passphrase={options["passphrase"]}" });

            Assert.AreEqual(0, status);

            // Create the index.
            status = CommandLine.RecoveryTool.Program.RealMain(new[] { "index", $"{downloadFolder}", $"--build-index-with-files={buildIndexWithFiles}" });
            Assert.AreEqual(0, status);

            // Restore to a different folder.
            string restoreFolder = Path.Combine(this.RESTOREFOLDER, "restoredFiles");

            status = CommandLine.RecoveryTool.Program.RealMain(new[] { "restore", $"{downloadFolder}", $"--targetpath={restoreFolder}" });
            Assert.AreEqual(0, status);

            // Since this.DATAFOLDER is a folder, Path.GetFileName will return the name of the
            // last folder in the path.
            string baseFolder = Path.GetFileName(this.DATAFOLDER);

            TestUtils.AssertDirectoryTreesAreEquivalent(this.DATAFOLDER, Path.Combine(restoreFolder, baseFolder), false, "Verifying restore using RecoveryTool.");
Example #3
        public void RepairMissingIndexFiles(string noEncryption)
            Dictionary <string, string> options = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions)
                ["no-encryption"] = noEncryption

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            string[] dindexFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(this.TARGETFOLDER, "*dindex*").ToArray();
            Assert.Greater(dindexFiles.Length, 0);
            foreach (string f in dindexFiles)

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IRepairResults repairResults = c.Repair();
                Assert.AreEqual(0, repairResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, repairResults.Warnings.Count());

            foreach (string file in dindexFiles)
                Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(Path.Combine(this.TARGETFOLDER, file)));
        public void CustomRemoteURL()
            string customTargetFolder = Path.Combine(this.TARGETFOLDER, "destination");


            List <string> customCommands = new List <string>
                $"echo --remoteurl = \"{customTargetFolder}\""

            Dictionary <string, string> options = this.TestOptions;

            options["run-script-before"] = CreateScript(0, null, null, 0, customCommands);
            using (Controller c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            string[] targetEntries = Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(this.TARGETFOLDER).ToArray();
            Assert.AreEqual(1, targetEntries.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(customTargetFolder, targetEntries[0]);

            // We expect a dblock, dlist, and dindex file.
            IEnumerable <string> customTargetEntries = Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(customTargetFolder);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, customTargetEntries.Count());
        public void ExcludeProblematicPaths()
            // A normal path that will be backed up.
            string normalFilePath = Path.Combine(this.DATAFOLDER, "normal");

            File.WriteAllBytes(normalFilePath, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2 });

            // A long path to exclude.
            string longFile = SystemIO.IO_OS.PathCombine(this.DATAFOLDER, new string('y', 255));

            WriteFile(longFile, new byte[] { 0, 1 });

            // A folder that ends with a dot to exclude.
            string folderWithDot = Path.Combine(this.DATAFOLDER, "folder_with_dot.");


            // A folder that ends with a space to exclude.
            string folderWithSpace = Path.Combine(this.DATAFOLDER, "folder_with_space ");


            // A file that ends with a dot to exclude.
            string fileWithDot = Path.Combine(this.DATAFOLDER, "file_with_dot.");

            WriteFile(fileWithDot, new byte[] { 0, 1 });

            // A file that ends with a space to exclude.
            string fileWithSpace = Path.Combine(this.DATAFOLDER, "file_with_space ");

            WriteFile(fileWithSpace, new byte[] { 0, 1 });

            FilterExpression filter = new FilterExpression(longFile, false);

            filter = FilterExpression.Combine(filter, new FilterExpression(Util.AppendDirSeparator(folderWithDot), false));
            filter = FilterExpression.Combine(filter, new FilterExpression(Util.AppendDirSeparator(folderWithSpace), false));
            filter = FilterExpression.Combine(filter, new FilterExpression(fileWithDot, false));
            filter = FilterExpression.Combine(filter, new FilterExpression(fileWithSpace, false));

            Dictionary <string, string> options = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions);

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER }, filter);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IListResults listResults = c.List("*");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Warnings.Count());

                string[] backedUpPaths = listResults.Files.Select(x => x.Path).ToArray();
                Assert.AreEqual(2, backedUpPaths.Length);
                Assert.Contains(Util.AppendDirSeparator(this.DATAFOLDER), backedUpPaths);
                Assert.Contains(normalFilePath, backedUpPaths);
Example #6
        public void ProblematicSuffixes(string pathComponent, bool skipOnWindows)
            if (Platform.IsClientWindows && skipOnWindows)

            string folderPath = SystemIO.IO_OS.PathCombine(this.DATAFOLDER, pathComponent);


            string filePath = SystemIO.IO_OS.PathCombine(folderPath, pathComponent);

            byte[] fileBytes = { 0, 1, 2 };
            TestUtils.WriteFile(filePath, fileBytes);

            Dictionary <string, string> options = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions);

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            Dictionary <string, string> restoreOptions = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions)
                ["restore-path"] = this.RESTOREFOLDER

            // Restore just the file.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, restoreOptions, null))
                IRestoreResults restoreResults = c.Restore(new[] { filePath });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Warnings.Count());

            string restoreFilePath = SystemIO.IO_OS.PathCombine(this.RESTOREFOLDER, pathComponent);

            TestUtils.AssertFilesAreEqual(filePath, restoreFilePath, true, pathComponent);

            // Restore the entire directory.
            string pathSpec = $"[{Regex.Escape(Util.AppendDirSeparator(this.DATAFOLDER))}.*]";

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, restoreOptions, null))
                IRestoreResults restoreResults = c.Restore(new[] { pathSpec });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Warnings.Count());

            TestUtils.AssertDirectoryTreesAreEquivalent(this.DATAFOLDER, this.RESTOREFOLDER, true, pathComponent);
        public void RestoreEmptyFile()
            string folderPath = Path.Combine(this.DATAFOLDER, "folder");

            string filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, "empty_file");

            File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, new byte[] { });

            Dictionary <string, string> options = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions);

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            // Issue #4148 described a situation where the folders containing the empty file were not recreated properly.
            Dictionary <string, string> restoreOptions = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions)
                ["restore-path"] = this.RESTOREFOLDER,
                ["dont-compress-restore-paths"] = "true"

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, restoreOptions, null))
                IRestoreResults restoreResults = c.Restore(new[] { filePath });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Warnings.Count());

            // We need to strip the root part of the path.  Otherwise, Path.Combine will simply return the second argument
            // if it's determined to be an absolute path.
            string rootString  = SystemIO.IO_OS.GetPathRoot(filePath);
            string newPathPart = filePath.Substring(rootString.Length);

            if (Platform.IsClientWindows)
                // On Windows, the drive letter is included in the path when the dont-compress-restore-paths option is used.
                // The drive letter is assumed to be the first character of the path root (e.g., C:\).
                newPathPart = Path.Combine(rootString.Substring(0, 1), filePath.Substring(rootString.Length));

            string restoredFilePath = Path.Combine(restoreOptions["restore-path"], newPathPart);

        public void LongPath()
            string folderPath = Path.Combine(this.DATAFOLDER, new string('x', 10));


            string fileName = new string('y', 255);
            string filePath = SystemIO.IO_OS.PathCombine(folderPath, fileName);

            byte[] fileBytes = { 0, 1, 2 };
            WriteFile(filePath, fileBytes);

            Dictionary <string, string> options = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions);

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            Dictionary <string, string> restoreOptions = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions)
                ["restore-path"] = this.RESTOREFOLDER

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, restoreOptions, null))
                IRestoreResults restoreResults = c.Restore(new[] { filePath });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Warnings.Count());

            string restoreFilePath = SystemIO.IO_OS.PathCombine(this.RESTOREFOLDER, fileName);


            MemoryStream restoredStream = new MemoryStream();

            using (FileStream fileStream = SystemIO.IO_OS.FileOpenRead(restoreFilePath))
                Utility.CopyStream(fileStream, restoredStream);

            Assert.AreEqual(fileBytes, restoredStream.ToArray());
Example #9
        public void RunScriptAfter(int exitCode)
            const string  expectedMessage = "Hello";
            string        expectedFile    = Path.Combine(this.RESTOREFOLDER, "hello.txt");
            List <string> customCommands  = new List <string>
                $"echo {expectedMessage}>\"{expectedFile}\""

            Dictionary <string, string> options = this.TestOptions;

            options["run-script-after"] = CreateScript(exitCode, null, null, 0, customCommands);
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });

                switch (exitCode)
                case 0:
                case 1:
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

                case 2:
                case 3:
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

                    Assert.AreEqual(1, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

                string[] targetEntries = Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(this.RESTOREFOLDER).ToArray();
                Assert.AreEqual(1, targetEntries.Length);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedFile, targetEntries[0]);

                string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(expectedFile);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, lines.Length);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedMessage, lines[0]);
Example #10
        public async Task KeepVersionsRetention()
            // Choose a dblock size that is small enough so that more than one volume is needed.
            Dictionary <string, string> options = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions)
                ["dblock-size"] = "10mb"

            // Run a full backup.
            DateTime firstBackupTime;

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                firstBackupTime = c.List().Filesets.First().Time;

            // Run a partial backup.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = await this.RunPartialBackup(c).ConfigureAwait(false);

                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            // Run a partial backup.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = await this.RunPartialBackup(c).ConfigureAwait(false);

                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            // Run a full backup.
            DateTime fourthBackupTime;

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                fourthBackupTime = c.List().Filesets.First().Time;

            // Run a partial backup.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                options["keep-versions"] = "2";
                IBackupResults backupResults = await this.RunPartialBackup(c).ConfigureAwait(false);

                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                DateTime fifthBackupTime = c.List().Filesets.First().Time;

                // Partial backups that are followed by a full backup can be deleted.
                List <IListResultFileset> filesets = c.List().Filesets.ToList();
                Assert.AreEqual(3, filesets.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(firstBackupTime, filesets[2].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[2].IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(fourthBackupTime, filesets[1].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[1].IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(fifthBackupTime, filesets[0].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.PARTIAL_BACKUP, filesets[0].IsFullBackup);

            // Run a full backup.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                DateTime sixthBackupTime = c.List().Filesets.First().Time;

                // Since the last backup was full, we can now expect to have just the 2 most recent full backups.
                List <IListResultFileset> filesets = c.List().Filesets.ToList();
                Assert.AreEqual(2, filesets.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(fourthBackupTime, filesets[1].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[1].IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(sixthBackupTime, filesets[0].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[0].IsFullBackup);
Example #11
        public void DirectoriesWithWildcards()
            const string  file        = "file";
            List <string> directories = new List <string>();

            // Keep expected match counts since they'll differ between
            // Linux and Windows.
            var questionMarkWildcardShouldMatchCount = 0;
            var verbatimAsteriskShouldMatchCount     = 0;

            const string asterisk        = "*";
            string       dirWithAsterisk = Path.Combine(this.DATAFOLDER, asterisk);

            // Windows does not support literal asterisks in paths.
            if (!Platform.IsClientWindows)
                WriteFile(SystemIO.IO_OS.PathCombine(dirWithAsterisk, file), new byte[] { 0 });

            const string questionMark        = "?";
            string       dirWithQuestionMark = Path.Combine(this.DATAFOLDER, questionMark);

            // Windows does not support literal question marks in paths.
            if (!Platform.IsClientWindows)
                WriteFile(SystemIO.IO_OS.PathCombine(dirWithQuestionMark, file), new byte[] { 1 });

            // Include at least one single character directory in Windows
            // for a '?' wildcard can match on
            const string singleCharacterDir     = "X";
            string       dirWithSingleCharacter = Path.Combine(this.DATAFOLDER, singleCharacterDir);

            WriteFile(SystemIO.IO_OS.PathCombine(dirWithSingleCharacter, file), new byte[] { 2 });

            const string dir       = "dir";
            string       normalDir = Path.Combine(this.DATAFOLDER, dir);

            WriteFile(SystemIO.IO_OS.PathCombine(normalDir, file), new byte[] { 3 });

            // Backup all files.
            Dictionary <string, string> options = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions);

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            // Restore all files.
            Dictionary <string, string> restoreOptions = new Dictionary <string, string>(options)
                ["restore-path"] = this.RESTOREFOLDER

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, restoreOptions, null))
                IRestoreResults restoreResults = c.Restore(null);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Warnings.Count());

                foreach (string directory in directories)
                    string directoryName = SystemIO.IO_OS.PathGetFileName(directory);
                    foreach (string expectedFilePath in SystemIO.IO_OS.EnumerateFiles(directory))
                        string fileName         = SystemIO.IO_OS.PathGetFileName(expectedFilePath);
                        string restoredFilePath = SystemIO.IO_OS.PathCombine(this.RESTOREFOLDER, directoryName, fileName);
                        Assert.IsTrue(TestUtils.CompareFiles(expectedFilePath, restoredFilePath, expectedFilePath, false));

                // List results using * should return a match for each directory.
                IListResults listResults = c.List(SystemIO.IO_OS.PathCombine(dirWithAsterisk, file));
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Warnings.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(directories.Count, listResults.Files.Count());

                listResults = c.List(SystemIO.IO_OS.PathCombine(dirWithQuestionMark, file));
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Warnings.Count());
                // List results using ? should return 3 matches in Linux,
                // one for the directory with '*' and one for the directory
                // with '?', plus one for directory 'X'; but should return
                // 1 matches in Windows just for directory 'X'.
                Assert.AreEqual(questionMarkWildcardShouldMatchCount, listResults.Files.Count());

            SystemIO.IO_OS.DirectoryDelete(this.RESTOREFOLDER, true);

            // Restore one file at a time using the verbatim identifier.
            foreach (string directory in directories)
                foreach (string expectedFilePath in SystemIO.IO_OS.EnumerateFiles(directory))
                    using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, restoreOptions, null))
                        string verbatimFilePath = "@" + expectedFilePath;

                        // Verify that list result using verbatim identifier contains only one file.
                        IListResults listResults = c.List(verbatimFilePath);
                        Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Errors.Count());
                        Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Warnings.Count());
                        Assert.AreEqual(1, listResults.Files.Count());
                        Assert.AreEqual(expectedFilePath, listResults.Files.Single().Path);

                        IRestoreResults restoreResults = c.Restore(new[] { verbatimFilePath });
                        Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Errors.Count());
                        Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Warnings.Count());

                        string fileName         = SystemIO.IO_OS.PathGetFileName(expectedFilePath);
                        string restoredFilePath = SystemIO.IO_OS.PathCombine(this.RESTOREFOLDER, fileName);
                        Assert.IsTrue(TestUtils.CompareFiles(expectedFilePath, restoredFilePath, expectedFilePath, false));


            // Backup with asterisk in include filter should include all directories.
            FilterExpression filter = new FilterExpression(dirWithAsterisk);

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER }, filter);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(directories.Count, backupResults.ExaminedFiles);

            // Backup with verbatim asterisk in include filter should include
            // one directory in Linux and zero directories in Windows.
            filter = new FilterExpression("@" + SystemIO.IO_OS.PathCombine(dirWithAsterisk, file));
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER }, filter);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(verbatimAsteriskShouldMatchCount, backupResults.ExaminedFiles);
Example #12
        public void DeleteAllRemoteFiles()
            string filePath = Path.Combine(this.DATAFOLDER, "file");

            File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2 });

            Dictionary <string, string> firstOptions = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions);

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, firstOptions, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            // Keep track of the backend files from the first backup configuration so that we can
            // check that they remain after we remove the backend files from the second backup
            // configuration.
            string[] firstBackupFiles = Directory.GetFiles(this.TARGETFOLDER);
            Assert.Greater(firstBackupFiles.Length, 0);

            Dictionary <string, string> secondOptions = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions)
                ["dbpath"] = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName())

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, secondOptions, null))
                // An exception should be thrown due to unrecognized files in the target folder.
                // ReSharper disable once AccessToDisposedClosure
                Assert.That(() => c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER }), Throws.Exception);

            // We should be able to safely remove backend files from the second backup by referring
            // to the local database.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, secondOptions, null))
                IListRemoteResults listResults = c.DeleteAllRemoteFiles();
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Warnings.Count());

            // After we delete backend files from the second backup configuration, those from the first
            // configuration should remain (see issues #3845, and #4244).
            foreach (string file in firstBackupFiles)

            // Configure and run a second backup with a different prefix.  This should run without error.
            secondOptions["prefix"] = new Options(firstOptions).Prefix + "2";
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, secondOptions, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            // Even without a local database, we should be able to safely remove backend files from
            // the second backup due to the prefix.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, secondOptions, null))
                IListRemoteResults listResults = c.DeleteAllRemoteFiles();
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Warnings.Count());

            // After we delete backend files from the second backup configuration, those from the first
            // configuration should remain (see issue #2678).
            foreach (string file in firstBackupFiles)

            // The first backup configuration should still run normally.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, firstOptions, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
Example #13
        public async Task StopNow()
            // Choose a dblock size that is small enough so that more than one volume is needed.
            Dictionary <string, string> options = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions)
                ["dblock-size"] = "10mb", ["disable-synthetic-filelist"] = "true"

            // Run a complete backup.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

                List <IListResultFileset> filesets = c.List().Filesets.ToList();
                Assert.AreEqual(1, filesets.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[0].IsFullBackup);

            // Interrupt a backup with "stop now".
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                // ReSharper disable once AccessToDisposedClosure
                Task backupTask = Task.Run(() => c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER }));

                // Block for a small amount of time to allow the ITaskControl to be associated
                // with the Controller.  Otherwise, the call to Stop will simply be a no-op.

                await backupTask.ConfigureAwait(false);

            // The next backup should proceed without issues.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

                List <IListResultFileset> filesets = c.List().Filesets.ToList();
                Assert.AreEqual(2, filesets.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[1].IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[0].IsFullBackup);

            // Restore from the backup that followed the interruption.
            Dictionary <string, string> restoreOptions = new Dictionary <string, string>(options)
                ["restore-path"] = this.RESTOREFOLDER

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, restoreOptions, null))
                IListResults lastResults      = c.List("*");
                string[]     fullVersionFiles = lastResults.Files.Select(x => x.Path).Where(x => !Utility.IsFolder(x, File.GetAttributes)).ToArray();
                Assert.AreEqual(this.fileSizes.Length, fullVersionFiles.Length);

                IRestoreResults restoreResults = c.Restore(fullVersionFiles);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Warnings.Count());

                foreach (string filepath in fullVersionFiles)
                    string filename = Path.GetFileName(filepath);
                    TestUtils.AssertFilesAreEqual(filepath, Path.Combine(this.RESTOREFOLDER, filename ?? String.Empty), false, filename);
Example #14
        public async Task FilesetFiles()
            // Choose a dblock size that is small enough so that more than one volume is needed.
            Dictionary <string, string> options = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions)
                ["dblock-size"] = "10mb",

                // This allows us to inspect the dlist files without needing the BackendManager (which is inaccessible here) to decrypt them.
                ["no-encryption"] = "true"

            // Run a full backup.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            // Run a partial backup.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = await this.RunPartialBackup(c).ConfigureAwait(false);

                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            Dictionary <DateTime, int> GetBackupTypesFromRemoteFiles(Controller c, out List <string> filelistFiles)
                Dictionary <DateTime, int> map = new Dictionary <DateTime, int>();

                filelistFiles = new List <string>();

                IListRemoteResults remoteFiles = c.ListRemote();

                foreach (IFileEntry file in remoteFiles.Files)
                    IParsedVolume volume = VolumeBase.ParseFilename(file);
                    if (volume != null && volume.FileType == RemoteVolumeType.Files)
                        string dlistFile = Path.Combine(this.TARGETFOLDER, volume.File.Name);
                        VolumeBase.FilesetData filesetData = VolumeReaderBase.GetFilesetData(volume.CompressionModule, dlistFile, new Options(options));
                        map[volume.Time] = filesetData.IsFullBackup ? BackupType.FULL_BACKUP : BackupType.PARTIAL_BACKUP;


            // Purge a file and verify that the fileset file exists in the new dlist files.
            List <string> dlistFiles;
            Dictionary <DateTime, int> backupTypeMap;

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IPurgeFilesResults purgeResults = c.PurgeFiles(new Library.Utility.FilterExpression($"*{this.fileSizes[0]}*"));
                Assert.AreEqual(0, purgeResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, purgeResults.Warnings.Count());

                List <IListResultFileset> filesets = c.List().Filesets.ToList();
                Assert.AreEqual(2, filesets.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets.Single(x => x.Version == 1).IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.PARTIAL_BACKUP, filesets.Single(x => x.Version == 0).IsFullBackup);

                backupTypeMap = GetBackupTypesFromRemoteFiles(c, out dlistFiles);

            int[] backupTypes = backupTypeMap.OrderByDescending(x => x.Key).Select(x => x.Value).ToArray();
            Assert.AreEqual(2, backupTypes.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, backupTypes[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.PARTIAL_BACKUP, backupTypes[0]);

            // Remove the dlist files.
            foreach (string dlistFile in dlistFiles)

            // Run a repair and verify that the fileset file exists in the new dlist files.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IRepairResults repairResults = c.Repair();
                Assert.AreEqual(0, repairResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, repairResults.Warnings.Count());

                List <IListResultFileset> filesets = c.List().Filesets.ToList();
                Assert.AreEqual(2, filesets.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets.Single(x => x.Version == 1).IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.PARTIAL_BACKUP, filesets.Single(x => x.Version == 0).IsFullBackup);

                backupTypeMap = GetBackupTypesFromRemoteFiles(c, out _);

            backupTypes = backupTypeMap.OrderByDescending(x => x.Key).Select(x => x.Value).ToArray();
            Assert.AreEqual(2, backupTypes.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, backupTypes[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.PARTIAL_BACKUP, backupTypes[0]);
Example #15
        public async Task StopAfterCurrentFile()
            // Choose a dblock size that is small enough so that more than one volume is needed.
            Dictionary <string, string> options = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions)
                ["dblock-size"] = "10mb"

            // Run a complete backup.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

                Assert.AreEqual(1, c.List().Filesets.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, c.List().Filesets.Single(x => x.Version == 0).IsFullBackup);

            // Run a partial backup.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = await this.RunPartialBackup(c).ConfigureAwait(false);

                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

                // If we interrupt the backup, the most recent Fileset should be marked as partial.
                Assert.AreEqual(2, c.List().Filesets.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, c.List().Filesets.Single(x => x.Version == 1).IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.PARTIAL_BACKUP, c.List().Filesets.Single(x => x.Version == 0).IsFullBackup);

            // Restore files from the partial backup set.
            Dictionary <string, string> restoreOptions = new Dictionary <string, string>(options)
                ["restore-path"] = this.RESTOREFOLDER

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, restoreOptions, null))
                IListResults lastResults         = c.List("*");
                string[]     partialVersionFiles = lastResults.Files.Select(x => x.Path).Where(x => !Utility.IsFolder(x, File.GetAttributes)).ToArray();
                Assert.GreaterOrEqual(partialVersionFiles.Length, 1);

                foreach (string filepath in partialVersionFiles)
                    string filename = Path.GetFileName(filepath);
                    TestUtils.AssertFilesAreEqual(filepath, Path.Combine(this.RESTOREFOLDER, filename ?? String.Empty), false, filename);

            // Recreating the database should preserve the backup types.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IRepairResults repairResults = c.Repair();
                Assert.AreEqual(0, repairResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, repairResults.Warnings.Count());

                Assert.AreEqual(2, c.List().Filesets.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, c.List().Filesets.Single(x => x.Version == 1).IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.PARTIAL_BACKUP, c.List().Filesets.Single(x => x.Version == 0).IsFullBackup);

            // Run a complete backup.  Listing the Filesets should include both full and partial backups.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(3, c.List().Filesets.Count());

                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, c.List().Filesets.Single(x => x.Version == 2).IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.PARTIAL_BACKUP, c.List().Filesets.Single(x => x.Version == 1).IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, c.List().Filesets.Single(x => x.Version == 0).IsFullBackup);

            // Restore files from the full backup set.
            restoreOptions["overwrite"] = "true";
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, restoreOptions, null))
                IListResults lastResults      = c.List("*");
                string[]     fullVersionFiles = lastResults.Files.Select(x => x.Path).Where(x => !Utility.IsFolder(x, File.GetAttributes)).ToArray();
                Assert.AreEqual(this.fileSizes.Length, fullVersionFiles.Length);

                IRestoreResults restoreResults = c.Restore(fullVersionFiles);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Warnings.Count());

                foreach (string filepath in fullVersionFiles)
                    string filename = Path.GetFileName(filepath);
                    TestUtils.AssertFilesAreEqual(filepath, Path.Combine(this.RESTOREFOLDER, filename ?? String.Empty), false, filename);
Example #16
        public void RunScriptParsedResult(int exitCode)
            string        parsedResultFile = Path.Combine(this.RESTOREFOLDER, "result.txt");
            List <string> customCommands   = new List <string>();

            if (Platform.IsClientWindows)
                customCommands.Add($"echo %DUPLICATI__PARSED_RESULT%>\"{parsedResultFile}\"");
                customCommands.Add($"echo $DUPLICATI__PARSED_RESULT>\"{parsedResultFile}\"");

            Dictionary <string, string> options = this.TestOptions;

            options["run-script-before"] = this.CreateScript(exitCode);
            options["run-script-after"]  = this.CreateScript(0, null, null, 0, customCommands);
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });

                bool   expectBackup;
                string expectedParsedResult;
                switch (exitCode)
                case 0:     // OK, run operation
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                    expectBackup         = true;
                    expectedParsedResult = ParsedResultType.Success.ToString();

                case 1:     // OK, don't run operation
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                    expectBackup         = false;
                    expectedParsedResult = ParsedResultType.Success.ToString();

                case 2:     // Warning, run operation
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                    expectBackup         = true;
                    expectedParsedResult = ParsedResultType.Warning.ToString();

                case 3:     // Warning, don't run operation
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                    expectBackup         = false;
                    expectedParsedResult = ParsedResultType.Warning.ToString();

                case 4:     // Error, run operation
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                    expectBackup         = true;
                    expectedParsedResult = ParsedResultType.Error.ToString();

                default:     // Error don't run operation
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                    expectBackup         = false;
                    expectedParsedResult = ParsedResultType.Error.ToString();

                IEnumerable <string> targetEntries = Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(this.TARGETFOLDER);
                if (expectBackup)
                    // We expect a dblock, dlist, and dindex file.
                    Assert.AreEqual(3, targetEntries.Count());
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, targetEntries.Count());

                string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(parsedResultFile);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, lines.Length);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedParsedResult, lines[0]);
Example #17
        private void RunCommands(int blocksize, int basedatasize = 0, Action <Dictionary <string, string> > modifyOptions = null)
            var testopts = TestOptions;

            testopts["blocksize"] = blocksize.ToString() + "b";

            var filenames = WriteTestFilesToFolder(DATAFOLDER, blocksize, basedatasize);

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new string[] { DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());

                // TODO: This sometimes results in a "No block hash found for file: C:\projects\duplicati\testdata\backup-data\a-0" warning.
                // Because of this, we don't check for warnings here.

            // After the first backup we remove the --blocksize argument as that should be auto-set

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { version = 0 }), null))
                IListResults listResults = c.List("*");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Warnings.Count());
                //Console.WriteLine("In first backup:");
                //Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, r.Files.Select(x => x.Path)));

            // Do a "touch" on files to trigger a re-scan, which should do nothing
            //foreach (var k in filenames)
            //if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(DATAFOLDER, "a" + k.Key)))
            //File.SetLastWriteTime(Path.Combine(DATAFOLDER, "a" + k.Key), DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(5));

            var data = new byte[filenames.Select(x => x.Value).Max()];

            new Random().NextBytes(data);
            foreach (var k in filenames)
                File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(DATAFOLDER, "b" + k.Key), data.Take(k.Value).ToArray());

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                var r = c.Backup(new string[] { DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Warnings.Count());

                if (!Library.Utility.Utility.ParseBoolOption(testopts, "disable-filetime-check"))
                    if (r.OpenedFiles != filenames.Count)
                        throw new Exception($"Opened {r.OpenedFiles}, but should open {filenames.Count}");
                    if (r.ExaminedFiles != filenames.Count * 2)
                        throw new Exception($"Examined {r.ExaminedFiles}, but should examine open {filenames.Count * 2}");

            var rn = new Random();

            foreach (var k in filenames)
                File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(DATAFOLDER, "c" + k.Key), data.Take(k.Value).ToArray());

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new string[] { DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { version = 0 }), null))
                var r = c.List("*");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Warnings.Count());
                //ProgressWriteLine("Newest before deleting:");
                //ProgressWriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, r.Files.Select(x => x.Path)));
                Assert.AreEqual((filenames.Count * 3) + 1, r.Files.Count());

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { version = 0, no_local_db = true }), null))
                var r = c.List("*");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Warnings.Count());
                //ProgressWriteLine("Newest without db:");
                //ProgressWriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, r.Files.Select(x => x.Path)));
                Assert.AreEqual((filenames.Count * 3) + 1, r.Files.Count());

            testopts["dbpath"] = this.recreatedDatabaseFile;

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                IRepairResults repairResults = c.Repair();
                Assert.AreEqual(0, repairResults.Errors.Count());

                // TODO: This sometimes results in a "No block hash found for file: C:\projects\duplicati\testdata\backup-data\a-0" warning.
                // Because of this, we don't check for warnings here.

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                IListResults listResults = c.List();
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Warnings.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(3, listResults.Filesets.Count());

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { version = 2 }), null))
                var r = c.List("*");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Warnings.Count());
                //ProgressWriteLine("V2 after delete:");
                //ProgressWriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, r.Files.Select(x => x.Path)));
                Assert.AreEqual((filenames.Count * 1) + 1, r.Files.Count());

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { version = 1 }), null))
                var r = c.List("*");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Warnings.Count());
                //ProgressWriteLine("V1 after delete:");
                //ProgressWriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, r.Files.Select(x => x.Path)));
                Assert.AreEqual((filenames.Count * 2) + 1, r.Files.Count());

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { version = 0 }), null))
                var r = c.List("*");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Warnings.Count());
                //ProgressWriteLine("Newest after delete:");
                //ProgressWriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, r.Files.Select(x => x.Path)));
                Assert.AreEqual((filenames.Count * 3) + 1, r.Files.Count());

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { restore_path = RESTOREFOLDER, no_local_blocks = true }), null))
                var r = c.Restore(null);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Warnings.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(filenames.Count * 3, r.RestoredFiles);

            TestUtils.VerifyDir(DATAFOLDER, RESTOREFOLDER, !Library.Utility.Utility.ParseBoolOption(testopts, "skip-metadata"));

            using (var tf = new Library.Utility.TempFolder())
                using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { restore_path = (string)tf, no_local_blocks = true }), null))
                    var r = c.Restore(new string[] { Path.Combine(DATAFOLDER, "a") + "*" });
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Errors.Count());
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Warnings.Count());
                    Assert.AreEqual(filenames.Count, r.RestoredFiles);
Example #18
        public async Task KeepTimeRetention()
            // Choose a dblock size that is small enough so that more than one volume is needed.
            Dictionary <string, string> options = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions)
                ["dblock-size"] = "10mb"

            // First, run two complete backups followed by a partial backup.  We will then set the keep-time
            // option so that the threshold lies between the first and second backups.
            DateTime firstBackupTime;

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                firstBackupTime = c.List().Filesets.First().Time;

            // Wait before the second backup so that we can more easily define the keep-time threshold
            // to lie between the first and second backups.
            DateTime secondBackupTime;

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                secondBackupTime = c.List().Filesets.First().Time;

            // Run a partial backup.
            DateTime thirdBackupTime;

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = await this.RunPartialBackup(c).ConfigureAwait(false);

                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                thirdBackupTime = c.List().Filesets.First().Time;

            // Set the keep-time option so that the threshold lies between the first and second backups
            // and run the delete operation.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                options["keep-time"] = $"{(int) ((DateTime.Now - firstBackupTime).TotalSeconds - (secondBackupTime - firstBackupTime).TotalSeconds / 2)}s";
                IDeleteResults deleteResults = c.Delete();
                Assert.AreEqual(0, deleteResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, deleteResults.Warnings.Count());

                List <IListResultFileset> filesets = c.List().Filesets.ToList();
                Assert.AreEqual(2, filesets.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(secondBackupTime, filesets[1].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[1].IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(thirdBackupTime, filesets[0].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.PARTIAL_BACKUP, filesets[0].IsFullBackup);

            // Run another partial backup.  We will then verify that a full backup is retained
            // even when all the "recent" backups are partial.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = await this.RunPartialBackup(c).ConfigureAwait(false);

                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                DateTime fourthBackupTime = c.List().Filesets.First().Time;

                // Set the keep-time option so that the threshold lies after the most recent full backup
                // and run the delete operation.
                options["keep-time"] = "1s";
                IDeleteResults deleteResults = c.Delete();
                Assert.AreEqual(0, deleteResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, deleteResults.Warnings.Count());

                List <IListResultFileset> filesets = c.List().Filesets.ToList();
                Assert.AreEqual(3, filesets.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(secondBackupTime, filesets[2].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[2].IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(thirdBackupTime, filesets[1].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.PARTIAL_BACKUP, filesets[1].IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(fourthBackupTime, filesets[0].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.PARTIAL_BACKUP, filesets[0].IsFullBackup);
Example #19
        public void RepairMissingBlocklistHashes()
            byte[] data = new byte[150 * 1024];
            Random rng  = new Random();

            for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
                File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(this.DATAFOLDER, $"{k}"), data);

            Dictionary <string, string> options = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions);

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            // Mimic a damaged database that needs to be repaired.
            const string  selectStatement     = @"SELECT BlocksetID, ""Index"", Hash FROM BlocklistHash ORDER BY Hash ASC";
            List <int>    expectedBlocksetIDs = new List <int>();
            List <int>    expectedIndexes     = new List <int>();
            List <string> expectedHashes      = new List <string>();

            using (IDbConnection connection = SQLiteLoader.LoadConnection(options["dbpath"]))
                // Read the contents of the BlocklistHash table so that we can
                // compare them to the contents after the repair operation.
                using (IDbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())
                    using (IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(selectStatement))
                        while (reader.Read())

                using (IDbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())
                    command.ExecuteNonQuery(@"DELETE FROM BlocklistHash");
                    using (IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(selectStatement))

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IRepairResults repairResults = c.Repair();
                Assert.AreEqual(0, repairResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, repairResults.Warnings.Count());

            List <int>    repairedBlocksetIDs = new List <int>();
            List <int>    repairedIndexes     = new List <int>();
            List <string> repairedHashes      = new List <string>();

            using (IDbConnection connection = SQLiteLoader.LoadConnection(options["dbpath"]))
                using (IDbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())
                    using (IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(selectStatement))
                        while (reader.Read())

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedBlocksetIDs, repairedBlocksetIDs);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedIndexes, repairedIndexes);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedHashes, repairedHashes);

            // A subsequent backup should run without errors.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
Example #20
        public void RunCommands()
            var testopts = TestOptions;

            var data = new byte[1024 * 1024 * 10];

            File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(DATAFOLDER, "a"), data);
            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new string[] { DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { version = 0 }), null))
                var r = c.List("*");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Warnings.Count());
                Console.WriteLine("In first backup:");
                Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, r.Files.Select(x => x.Path)));

            new Random().NextBytes(data);
            File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(DATAFOLDER, "b"), data);
            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new string[] { DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { version = 0 }), null))
                var r = c.List("*");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Warnings.Count());
                Console.WriteLine("Newest before deleting:");
                Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, r.Files.Select(x => x.Path)));
                Assert.AreEqual(3, r.Files.Count());

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { version = 0, no_local_db = true }), null))
                var r = c.List("*");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Warnings.Count());
                Console.WriteLine("Newest without db:");
                Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, r.Files.Select(x => x.Path)));
                Assert.AreEqual(3, r.Files.Count());

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                IRepairResults repairResults = c.Repair();
                Assert.AreEqual(0, repairResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, repairResults.Warnings.Count());

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                IListResults listResults = c.List();
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Warnings.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(listResults.Filesets.Count(), 2);

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { version = 1 }), null))
                var r = c.List("*");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Warnings.Count());
                Console.WriteLine("Oldest after delete:");
                Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, r.Files.Select(x => x.Path)));
                Assert.AreEqual(2, r.Files.Count());

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { version = 0 }), null))
                var r = c.List("*");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Warnings.Count());
                Console.WriteLine("Newest after delete:");
                Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, r.Files.Select(x => x.Path)));
                Assert.AreEqual(3, r.Files.Count());
Example #21
        public void TestEmptyFolderExclude()
            var source = DATAFOLDER;

            // Top level folder with no contents
            Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(source, "empty-toplevel"));

            // Top level folder with contents in one leaf
            Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(source, "toplevel"));
            // Empty folder
            Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(source, "toplevel", "empty"));
            // Folder with an excluded file
            Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(source, "toplevel", "filteredempty"));
            // Folder with contents
            Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(source, "toplevel", "normal"));
            // Folder with excludefile
            Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(source, "toplevel", "excludefile"));

            // Write a file that we will use for exclude target
            File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(source, "toplevel", "excludefile", "exclude.me"), new string[] { });
            File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(source, "toplevel", "excludefile", "anyfile.txt"), new string[] { "data" });

            // Write a file that we will filter
            File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(source, "toplevel", "filteredempty", "myfile.txt"), new string[] { "data" });

            // Write a file that we will not filter
            File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(source, "toplevel", "normal", "standard.txt"), new string[] { "data" });

            // Get the default options
            var testopts = TestOptions;

            // Create a fileset with all data present
            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new string[] { DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            // Check that we have 4 files and 7 folders
            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { version = 0 }), null))
                var r = c.List("*");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Warnings.Count());
                var folders = r.Files.Count(x => x.Path.EndsWith(Util.DirectorySeparatorString, StringComparison.Ordinal));
                var files   = r.Files.Count(x => !x.Path.EndsWith(Util.DirectorySeparatorString, StringComparison.Ordinal));

                if (folders != 7)
                    throw new Exception($"Initial condition not satisfied, found {folders} folders, but expected 7");
                if (files != 4)
                    throw new Exception($"Initial condition not satisfied, found {files} files, but expected 4");

            // Toggle the exclude file, and build a new fileset
            testopts["ignore-filenames"] = "exclude.me";
            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new string[] { DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            // Check that we have 2 files and 6 folders after excluding the "excludefile" folder
            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { version = 0 }), null))
                var r = c.List("*");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Warnings.Count());
                var folders = r.Files.Count(x => x.Path.EndsWith(Util.DirectorySeparatorString, StringComparison.Ordinal));
                var files   = r.Files.Count(x => !x.Path.EndsWith(Util.DirectorySeparatorString, StringComparison.Ordinal));

                if (folders != 6)
                    throw new Exception($"Initial condition not satisfied, found {folders} folders, but expected 6");
                if (files != 2)
                    throw new Exception($"Initial condition not satisfied, found {files} files, but expected 2");

            // Toggle empty folder excludes, and run a new backup to remove them
            testopts["exclude-empty-folders"] = "true";
            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new string[] { DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            // Check that the two empty folders are now removed
            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { version = 0 }), null))
                var r = c.List("*");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Warnings.Count());
                var folders = r.Files.Count(x => x.Path.EndsWith(Util.DirectorySeparatorString, StringComparison.Ordinal));
                var files   = r.Files.Count(x => !x.Path.EndsWith(Util.DirectorySeparatorString, StringComparison.Ordinal));

                if (folders != 4)
                    throw new Exception($"Empty not satisfied, found {folders} folders, but expected 4");
                if (files != 2)
                    throw new Exception($"Empty not satisfied, found {files} files, but expected 2");

            // Filter out one file and rerun the backup to exclude the folder
            var excludefilter = new Library.Utility.FilterExpression($"*{System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}myfile.txt", false);

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new string[] { DATAFOLDER }, excludefilter);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            // Check that the empty folder is now removed
            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { version = 0 }), null))
                var r = c.List("*");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Warnings.Count());
                var folders = r.Files.Count(x => x.Path.EndsWith(Util.DirectorySeparatorString, StringComparison.Ordinal));
                var files   = r.Files.Count(x => !x.Path.EndsWith(Util.DirectorySeparatorString, StringComparison.Ordinal));

                if (folders != 3)
                    throw new Exception($"Empty not satisfied, found {folders} folders, but expected 3");
                if (files != 1)
                    throw new Exception($"Empty not satisfied, found {files} files, but expected 1");

            // Delete the one remaining file and check that we only have the top-level folder in the set
            File.Delete(Path.Combine(source, "toplevel", "normal", "standard.txt"));
            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new string[] { DATAFOLDER }, excludefilter);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            // Check we now have only one folder and no files
            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { version = 0 }), null))
                var r = c.List("*");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, r.Warnings.Count());
                var folders = r.Files.Count(x => x.Path.EndsWith(Util.DirectorySeparatorString, StringComparison.Ordinal));
                var files   = r.Files.Count(x => !x.Path.EndsWith(Util.DirectorySeparatorString, StringComparison.Ordinal));

                if (folders != 1)
                    throw new Exception($"Empty not satisfied, found {folders} folders, but expected 1");
                if (files != 0)
                    throw new Exception($"Empty not satisfied, found {files} files, but expected 0");
Example #22
        public void PurgeBrokenFilesTest()
            var blocksize    = 1024 * 10;
            var basedatasize = 0;

            var testopts = TestOptions;

            testopts["blocksize"] = blocksize.ToString() + "b";

            var filenames = BorderTests.WriteTestFilesToFolder(DATAFOLDER, blocksize, basedatasize).Select(x => "a" + x.Key).ToList();

            var round1 = filenames.Take(filenames.Count / 3).ToArray();
            var round2 = filenames.Take((filenames.Count / 3) * 2).ToArray();

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                var res = c.Backup(new string[] { DATAFOLDER }, new Library.Utility.FilterExpression(round1.Select(x => "*" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + x)));
                Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Warnings.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(res.AddedFiles, round1.Length);

            var dblock_file = SystemIO.IO_OS
                              .GetFiles(TARGETFOLDER, "*.dblock.zip.aes")
                              .Select(x => new FileInfo(x))
                              .OrderBy(x => x.LastWriteTimeUtc)
                              .Select(x => x.FullName)

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                var res = c.Backup(new string[] { DATAFOLDER }, new Library.Utility.FilterExpression(round2.Select(x => "*" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + x)));
                Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Warnings.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(round2.Length - round1.Length, res.AddedFiles);

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                var res = c.Backup(new string[] { DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Warnings.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(filenames.Count - round2.Length, res.AddedFiles);


            long[] affectedfiles;

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                var brk = c.ListBrokenFiles(null);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, brk.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, brk.Warnings.Count());
                var sets  = brk.BrokenFiles.Count();
                var files = brk.BrokenFiles.Sum(x => x.Item3.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(3, sets);
                Assert.True(files > 0);

                affectedfiles = brk.BrokenFiles.OrderBy(x => x.Item1).Select(x => x.Item3.LongCount()).ToArray();

            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { version = i }), null))
                    var brk = c.ListBrokenFiles(null);
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, brk.Errors.Count());
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, brk.Warnings.Count());
                    var sets  = brk.BrokenFiles.Count();
                    var files = brk.BrokenFiles.Sum(x => x.Item3.Count());
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, sets);
                    Assert.AreEqual(affectedfiles[i], files);

            // A dry-run should run without exceptions (see issue #4379).
            Dictionary <string, string> dryRunOptions = new Dictionary <string, string>(testopts)
                ["dry-run"] = "true"

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, dryRunOptions, null))
                IPurgeBrokenFilesResults purgeResults = c.PurgeBrokenFiles(null);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, purgeResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, purgeResults.Warnings.Count());

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                var brk = c.PurgeBrokenFiles(null);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, brk.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, brk.Warnings.Count());

                var modFilesets = 0L;
                if (brk.DeleteResults != null)
                    modFilesets += brk.DeleteResults.DeletedSets.Count();
                if (brk.PurgeResults != null)
                    modFilesets += brk.PurgeResults.RewrittenFileLists;

                Assert.AreEqual(3, modFilesets);

            // A subsequent backup should be successful.
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
Example #23
        public void SymLinkPolicy(Options.SymlinkStrategy symlinkPolicy)
            // Create symlink target directory
            const string targetDirName = "target";
            var          targetDir     = systemIO.PathCombine(this.DATAFOLDER, targetDirName);

            // Create files in symlink target directory
            var fileNames = new[] { "a.txt", "b.txt", "c.txt" };

            foreach (var file in fileNames)
                var targetFile = systemIO.PathCombine(targetDir, file);
                TestUtils.WriteFile(targetFile, Encoding.Default.GetBytes(file));

            // Create actual symlink directory linking to the target directory
            const string symlinkDirName = "symlink";
            var          symlinkDir     = systemIO.PathCombine(this.DATAFOLDER, symlinkDirName);

                systemIO.CreateSymlink(symlinkDir, targetDir, asDir: true);
            catch (Exception e)
                // If client cannot create symlinks, mark test as ignored
                Assert.Ignore($"Client could not create a symbolic link.  Error reported: {e.Message}");

            // Backup all files with given symlink policy
            Dictionary <string, string> restoreOptions = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions)
                ["restore-path"] = this.RESTOREFOLDER
            Dictionary <string, string> backupOptions = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions)
                ["symlink-policy"] = symlinkPolicy.ToString()

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, backupOptions, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
            // Restore all files
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, restoreOptions, null))
                IRestoreResults restoreResults = c.Restore(null);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Warnings.Count());

                // Verify that symlink policy was followed
                var restoreSymlinkDir = systemIO.PathCombine(this.RESTOREFOLDER, symlinkDirName);
                switch (symlinkPolicy)
                case Options.SymlinkStrategy.Store:
                    // Restore should contain an actual symlink to the original target
                    Assert.That(systemIO.IsSymlink(restoreSymlinkDir), Is.True);
                    var restoredSymlinkFullPath = systemIO.PathGetFullPath(systemIO.GetSymlinkTarget(restoreSymlinkDir));
                    var symlinkTargetFullPath   = systemIO.PathGetFullPath(targetDir);
                    Assert.That(restoredSymlinkFullPath, Is.EqualTo(symlinkTargetFullPath));

                case Options.SymlinkStrategy.Follow:
                    // Restore should contain a regular directory with copies of the files in the symlink target
                    Assert.That(systemIO.IsSymlink(restoreSymlinkDir), Is.False);
                    TestUtils.AssertDirectoryTreesAreEquivalent(targetDir, restoreSymlinkDir, true, "Restore");

                case Options.SymlinkStrategy.Ignore:
                    // Restore should not contain the symlink or directory at all
                    Assert.That(systemIO.DirectoryExists(restoreSymlinkDir), Is.False);
                    Assert.That(systemIO.FileExists(restoreSymlinkDir), Is.False);

                    Assert.Fail($"Unexpected symlink policy");
Example #24
        public void RestoreInheritanceBreaks()
            if (!Platform.IsClientWindows)

            string folderPath = Path.Combine(this.DATAFOLDER, "folder");

            string filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, "file");

            File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, new byte[] { 0 });

            // Protect access rules on the file.
            FileSecurity fileSecurity = File.GetAccessControl(filePath);

            fileSecurity.SetAccessRuleProtection(true, true);
            File.SetAccessControl(filePath, fileSecurity);

            Dictionary <string, string> options = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions);

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            // First, restore without restoring permissions.
            Dictionary <string, string> restoreOptions = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions)
                ["restore-path"] = this.RESTOREFOLDER

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, restoreOptions, null))
                IRestoreResults restoreResults = c.Restore(new[] { filePath });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Warnings.Count());

                string restoredFilePath = Path.Combine(this.RESTOREFOLDER, "file");

                FileSecurity restoredFileSecurity = File.GetAccessControl(restoredFilePath);

                // Remove the restored file so that the later restore avoids the "Restore completed
                // without errors but no files were restored" warning.

            // Restore with restoring permissions.
            restoreOptions["overwrite"]           = "true";
            restoreOptions["restore-permissions"] = "true";
            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, restoreOptions, null))
                IRestoreResults restoreResults = c.Restore(new[] { filePath });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, restoreResults.Warnings.Count());

                string restoredFilePath = Path.Combine(this.RESTOREFOLDER, "file");

                FileSecurity restoredFileSecurity = File.GetAccessControl(restoredFilePath);
Example #25
        public void PurgeTest()
            var blocksize    = 1024 * 10;
            var basedatasize = 0;

            var testopts = TestOptions;

            testopts["blocksize"] = blocksize.ToString() + "b";

            var filenames = BorderTests.WriteTestFilesToFolder(DATAFOLDER, blocksize, basedatasize).Select(x => "a" + x.Key).ToList();

            var round1 = filenames.Take(filenames.Count / 3).ToArray();
            var round2 = filenames.Take((filenames.Count / 3) * 2).ToArray();
            var round3 = filenames;

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                var res = c.Backup(new string[] { DATAFOLDER }, new Library.Utility.FilterExpression(round1.Select(x => "*" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + x)));
                Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Warnings.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(res.AddedFiles, round1.Length);

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                var res = c.Backup(new string[] { DATAFOLDER }, new Library.Utility.FilterExpression(round2.Select(x => "*" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + x)));
                Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Warnings.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(res.AddedFiles, round2.Length - round1.Length);

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                var res = c.Backup(new string[] { DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Warnings.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(res.AddedFiles, filenames.Count - round2.Length);

            var last_ts = DateTime.Now;

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { list_sets_only = true }), null))
                var inf = c.List();
                Assert.AreEqual(0, inf.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, inf.Warnings.Count());
                var filesets = inf.Filesets.Count();
                Assert.AreEqual(3, filesets, "Incorrect number of initial filesets");

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                IListResults listResults = c.List("*");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Warnings.Count());
                var filecount = listResults.Files.Count();
                Assert.AreEqual(filenames.Count + 1, filecount, "Incorrect number of initial files");

            var allversion_candidate     = round1.First();
            var single_version_candidate = round1.Skip(1).First();

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                var res = c.PurgeFiles(new Library.Utility.FilterExpression("*" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + allversion_candidate));
                Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Warnings.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(3, res.RewrittenFileLists, "Incorrect number of rewritten filesets after all-versions purge");
                Assert.AreEqual(3, res.RemovedFileCount, "Incorrect number of removed files after all-versions purge");

            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts.Expand(new { version = i }), null))
                    var res = c.PurgeFiles(new Library.Utility.FilterExpression(Path.Combine(this.DATAFOLDER, single_version_candidate)));
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Errors.Count());
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Warnings.Count());
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, res.RewrittenFileLists, "Incorrect number of rewritten filesets after single-versions purge");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, res.RemovedFileCount, "Incorrect number of removed files after single-versions purge");

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                var res = c.PurgeFiles(new Library.Utility.FilterExpression(round2.Skip(round1.Length).Take(2).Select(x => "*" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + x)));
                Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Warnings.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(2, res.RewrittenFileLists, "Incorrect number of rewritten filesets after 2-versions purge");
                Assert.AreEqual(4, res.RemovedFileCount, "Incorrect number of removed files after 2-versions purge");

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                var res = c.PurgeFiles(new Library.Utility.FilterExpression(round3.Skip(round2.Length).Take(2).Select(x => "*" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + x)));
                Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Warnings.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, res.RewrittenFileLists, "Incorrect number of rewritten filesets after 1-versions purge");
                Assert.AreEqual(2, res.RemovedFileCount, "Incorrect number of removed files after 1-versions purge");

            // Since we make the operations back-to-back, the purge timestamp can drift beyond the current time
            var wait_target = last_ts.AddSeconds(10) - DateTime.Now;

            if (wait_target.TotalMilliseconds > 0)

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                var listinfo = c.List("*");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listinfo.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listinfo.Warnings.Count());
                var filecount = listinfo.Files.Count();
                listinfo = c.List();
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listinfo.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listinfo.Warnings.Count());
                var filesets = listinfo.Filesets.Count();

                Assert.AreEqual(3, filesets, "Incorrect number of filesets after purge");
                Assert.AreEqual(filenames.Count - 6 + 1, filecount, "Incorrect number of files after purge");

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new string[] { DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());

            using (var c = new Library.Main.Controller("file://" + TARGETFOLDER, testopts, null))
                var listinfo = c.List("*");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listinfo.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listinfo.Warnings.Count());
                var files     = listinfo.Files.ToArray();
                var filecount = files.Length;
                listinfo = c.List();
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listinfo.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, listinfo.Warnings.Count());
                var filesets = listinfo.Filesets.ToArray();

                Console.WriteLine("Listing final version information");

                Console.WriteLine("  " + string.Join(Environment.NewLine + "  ", filesets.Select(x => string.Format("{0}: {1}, {2} {3}", x.Version, x.Time, x.FileCount, x.FileSizes))));
                Console.WriteLine("  " + string.Join(Environment.NewLine + "  ", files.Select(x => string.Format("{0}: {1}", x.Path, string.Join(" - ", x.Sizes.Select(y => y.ToString()))))));

                Assert.AreEqual(4, filesets.Length, "Incorrect number of filesets after final backup");
                Assert.AreEqual(filenames.Count + 1, filecount, "Incorrect number of files after final backup");
Example #26
        public async Task RetentionPolicyRetention()
            Dictionary <string, string> options = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.TestOptions)
                // Choose a dblock size that is small enough so that more than one volume is needed.
                ["dblock-size"] = "10mb",

                // This test assumes that we can perform 3 backups within 1 minute.
                ["retention-policy"]        = "1m:59s,U:1m",
                ["no-backend-verification"] = "true"

            DateTime firstBackupTime;

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                firstBackupTime = c.List().Filesets.First().Time;

                List <IListResultFileset> filesets = c.List().Filesets.ToList();
                Assert.AreEqual(1, filesets.Count);

                backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                DateTime secondBackupTime = c.List().Filesets.First().Time;

                // Since the most recent backup is not considered in the retention logic, the only backup in the first time frame
                // is the initial one.  As a result, we should have 2 backups.
                filesets = c.List().Filesets.ToList();
                Assert.AreEqual(2, filesets.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(firstBackupTime, filesets[1].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[1].IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(secondBackupTime, filesets[0].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[0].IsFullBackup);

            // Wait so that the next backups fall in the next retention interval.
            Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1, 0));

            DateTime thirdBackupTime;

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = await this.RunPartialBackup(c).ConfigureAwait(false);

                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                thirdBackupTime = c.List().Filesets.First().Time;

                // Since the most recent backup is not considered in the retention logic, there are no backups in the first time
                // frame.  The original 2 backups have now spilled over to the U:1m specification.  Since we keep the first
                // backup in the interval, we should be left with the first backup, as well as the third partial one.
                List <IListResultFileset> filesets = c.List().Filesets.ToList();
                Assert.AreEqual(2, filesets.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(firstBackupTime, filesets[1].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[1].IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(thirdBackupTime, filesets[0].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.PARTIAL_BACKUP, filesets[0].IsFullBackup);

            DateTime fourthBackupTime;

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                fourthBackupTime = c.List().Filesets.First().Time;

                // Since the most recent backup is not considered in the retention logic, the third backup is the only backup
                // in the first time frame.  There is no further spillover, so we simply add the fourth backup to the
                // collection of retained backups.
                List <IListResultFileset> filesets = c.List().Filesets.ToList();
                Assert.AreEqual(3, filesets.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(firstBackupTime, filesets[2].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[2].IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(thirdBackupTime, filesets[1].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.PARTIAL_BACKUP, filesets[1].IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(fourthBackupTime, filesets[0].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[0].IsFullBackup);

                backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                DateTime fifthBackupTime = c.List().Filesets.First().Time;

                // Since the most recent backup is not considered in the retention logic, we now have two backups in the
                // first time frame: the third (partial) and fourth (full).  Since the first backup in each interval is
                // kept, we would typically keep just the third backup.  However, since we should not discard a full
                // backup in favor of a partial one, we keep the fourth as well.  We also still have the initial backup.
                filesets = c.List().Filesets.ToList();
                Assert.AreEqual(4, filesets.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(firstBackupTime, filesets[3].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[3].IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(thirdBackupTime, filesets[2].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.PARTIAL_BACKUP, filesets[2].IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(fourthBackupTime, filesets[1].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[1].IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(fifthBackupTime, filesets[0].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[0].IsFullBackup);

            // Wait so that the next backups fall in the next retention interval.
            Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1, 0));

            using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, options, null))
                IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] { this.DATAFOLDER });
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count());
                DateTime sixthBackupTime = c.List().Filesets.First().Time;

                // Since the most recent backup is not considered in the retention logic, we now have three backups in the
                // second time frame: the third (partial), fourth (full), and fifth (full).  Since we keep up to the first
                // full backup in each time frame, we now drop the fifth backup.
                List <IListResultFileset> filesets = c.List().Filesets.ToList();
                Assert.AreEqual(4, filesets.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(firstBackupTime, filesets[3].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[3].IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(thirdBackupTime, filesets[2].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.PARTIAL_BACKUP, filesets[2].IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(fourthBackupTime, filesets[1].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[1].IsFullBackup);
                Assert.AreEqual(sixthBackupTime, filesets[0].Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(BackupType.FULL_BACKUP, filesets[0].IsFullBackup);