Example #1
        /// <param name="rootPath">
        ///     Root path under which per-database backup folders are found; the folder names must match database names exactly.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="targetTime">
        ///     Optional, point in time to restore to; latest if null
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="worker">
        ///     Optional, to report progress to and implement cancellation from.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="targetServer">
        ///     Self-explanatory
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="namingConvention">
        ///     Defines historical backup directory structure.
        /// </param>
        public MultiRestorer(string rootPath, DateTime?targetTime, BackgroundWorker worker, string targetServer, IBackupDirectoryNamingConvention namingConvention)
            Check.DoRequireArgumentNotNull(rootPath, "rootPath");
            Check.DoRequireArgumentNotNull(targetServer, "targetServer");
            Check.DoRequireArgumentNotNull(namingConvention, "namingConvention");

            NamingConvention = namingConvention;
            RootPath         = rootPath;
            TargetTime       = targetTime;
            _worker          = worker;

            var bld = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder()
                IntegratedSecurity = true,
                DataSource         = targetServer,
                InitialCatalog     = "master",
                ConnectTimeout     = 2,          // seconds;

            // keep same connection to be able to use single user mode for databases when restoring
            var conn = new ServerConnection(new SqlConnection(bld.ToString()));

            Server = new Server(conn);
            Server.ConnectionContext.StatementTimeout = 0;

            // read actual names
            var existingLogins = string.Join(", ", Server.Logins.Cast <Login>().Select(x => x.Name));

            Log.InfoFormat("Existing logins: {0}", existingLogins);
Example #2
        public BackupFileCatalog(
            IBackupDirectoryNamingConvention namingConvention
            , string databaseBackupFolder)
            Check.DoRequireArgumentNotNull(namingConvention, "namingConvention");
            Check.DoRequireArgumentNotNull(databaseBackupFolder, "databaseBackupFolder");

            NamingConvention        = namingConvention;
            DatabaseBackupDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(databaseBackupFolder);
            Check.DoCheckArgument(DatabaseBackupDirectory.Exists, () => string.Format("Backup folder {0} does not exist", databaseBackupFolder));

            _backupFileFolders = GetBackupFolders();