Example #1
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var attemptQuestions = _attamtedQuestionsService.GetAll().ToList();

            foreach (var item in attemptQuestions)
                item.Marks = 0;

            ChooseTeam2comboBox.SelectedValue = 0;
            ChooseTeam1comboBox.SelectedValue = 0;
            ChooseTeam3comboBox.SelectedValue = 0;
            ChooseTeam4comboBox.SelectedValue = 0;

            DScorelabel.Visible = false;
            BScorelabel.Visible = false;
            AScorelabel.Visible = false;
            CScorelabel.Visible = false;
Example #2
        private void ShowAnswerbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            int questionnid = Convert.ToInt32(questionidlabel.Text);
            int LevelId     = Convert.ToInt32(Level.Split(',')[1]);
            int RoundId     = Convert.ToInt32(Round.Split(',')[1]);

            var checkforattamt = _attamtedQuestionsService.GetAll().Where(x => x.LevelId == LevelId && x.RoundId == RoundId &&
                                                                          x.QuestionId == questionnid && x.AcademicYear == Program.CurrAcademicYear).ToList();

            if (checkforattamt.Count() == 0)
                AttamtedQuestions attamtedQuestions = new AttamtedQuestions();
                attamtedQuestions.QuestionId = Convert.ToInt32(questionidlabel.Text);
                attamtedQuestions.LevelId    = Convert.ToInt32(Level.Split(',')[1]);
                attamtedQuestions.RoundId    = Convert.ToInt32(Round.Split(',')[1]);

                if (CorrecttextBox.Text != "" && WrongtextBox.Text != "")
                    attamtedQuestions.Marks = Convert.ToInt32(CorrecttextBox.Text) * 10 + Convert.ToInt32(WrongtextBox.Text) * (-5);

                attamtedQuestions.TeamId       = _quizTeamService.GetAll().Where(x => x.Name == TeanNamelabel.Text).Select(x => x.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                attamtedQuestions.TeamName     = TeanNamelabel.Text;
                attamtedQuestions.AcademicYear = AcademicYearlabel.Text;
                attamtedQuestions.IsTrue       = true;
                attamtedQuestions.CreatedBy    = "Admin";
                attamtedQuestions.CreatedDate  = DateTime.Now;


                QuizTeam quizTeam = _quizTeamService.FindBy(x => x.Id == attamtedQuestions.TeamId).FirstOrDefault();
                quizTeam.Marks += attamtedQuestions.Marks;


                MessageBox.Show("You have already attempted this question, please go to next question", "Alert");
Example #3
        private void GetQuestion()
            List <QuizQuestion> unattemptQuestions = null;

            Timelabel.BackColor = Color.OrangeRed;
            string AcademicYear = Program.CurrAcademicYear;
            int    LevelId      = Convert.ToInt32(Level.Split(',')[1]);
            int    RoundId      = Convert.ToInt32(Round.Split(',')[1]);

            var attempted = _attamtedQuestionsService.GetAll().Where(x => x.AcademicYear == AcademicYear).ToList();

            var questions = _quizQuestionService.GetAll().Where(x => x.LevelId == LevelId && x.RoundId == RoundId &&
                                                                x.AcademicYear == AcademicYear).ToList();

            if (attempted.Count() > 0)
                unattemptQuestions = (from qu in questions
                                      where !attempted.Any(x => x.QuestionId == qu.Id)
                                      select qu).ToList();
                unattemptQuestions = questions;

            if (unattemptQuestions.Count() > 0)
                var question = unattemptQuestions.ElementAt(RandomNumber(0, unattemptQuestions.Count()));

                Questionlabel.Text = question.Question;

                questionidlabel.Text    = question.Id.ToString();
                AcademicYearlabel.Text  = question.AcademicYear;
                CorrectAnswerlabel.Text = question.CorrectAnswer;

                Timelabel.Text = question.Time.ToString().Split('.')[0];
                quick          = Convert.ToInt32(question.Time);

                if (Convert.ToInt16(TeamIndexlabel.Text) >= Teams.Count())
                    Teamindex = 0;
                    Teamindex = Convert.ToInt16(TeamIndexlabel.Text);

                QuizLevelandRoundlabel.Text = "Quiz " + Level.Split(',')[0] + " " + Round.Split(',')[0];

                if (IsSkip == false)
                    QuestionForlabel.Text = "Question for Team " + Teams.ElementAt(Teamindex);
                    TeanNamelabel.Text    = Teams.ElementAt(Teamindex);
                    TeamIndexlabel.Text   = (Teamindex + 1).ToString();

                QuespictureBox.ImageLocation = startupPath + "" + question.DocUrl;
                MessageBox.Show(Level.Split(',')[0] + " " + Round.Split(',')[0] + " questions are finished", "Alert");
                button1.Enabled = false;
        private void GetQuestion()
            BuzzPressTeamlbl.Text = "";
            label2.BackColor      = Color.OrangeRed;
            TAbutton.BackColor    = Color.Brown;
            TBbutton.BackColor    = Color.Brown;
            TCbutton.BackColor    = Color.Brown;
            TDbutton.BackColor    = Color.Brown;
            TDbutton.ForeColor    = Color.White;
            TBbutton.ForeColor    = Color.White;
            TCbutton.ForeColor    = Color.White;
            TAbutton.ForeColor    = Color.White;

            List <QuizQuestion> unattemptQuestions = null;

            string AcademicYear = Program.CurrAcademicYear;
            int    LevelId      = Convert.ToInt32(Level.Split(',')[1]);
            int    RoundId      = Convert.ToInt32(Round.Split(',')[1]);

            var attempted = _attamtedQuestionsService.GetAll().Where(x => x.AcademicYear == AcademicYear).ToList();

            var questions = _quizQuestionService.GetAll().Where(x => x.LevelId == LevelId && x.RoundId == RoundId &&
                                                                x.AcademicYear == AcademicYear).ToList();

            if (attempted.Count() > 0)
                unattemptQuestions = (from qu in questions
                                      where !attempted.Any(x => x.QuestionId == qu.Id)
                                      select qu).ToList();
                unattemptQuestions = questions;

            if (unattemptQuestions.Count() > 0)
                var question = unattemptQuestions.ElementAt(RandomNumber(0, unattemptQuestions.Count()));

                Questionlabel.Text = question.Question;

                questionidlabel.Text    = question.Id.ToString();
                AcademicYearlabel.Text  = question.AcademicYear;
                CorrectAnswerlabel.Text = question.CorrectAnswer;

                label2.Text = question.Time.ToString().Split('.')[0];
                quick       = Convert.ToInt32(question.Time);

                if (Convert.ToInt16(TeamIndexlabel.Text) >= Teams.Count())
                    Teamindex = 0;
                    Teamindex = Convert.ToInt16(TeamIndexlabel.Text);

                QuizLevelandRoundlabel.Text = "Quiz " + Level.Split(',')[0] + " " + Round.Split(',')[0];

                if (IsSkip == false)
                    QuestionForlabel.Text = "Question for all team";
                    TeanNamelabel.Text    = Teams[Teamindex];
                    TeamIndexlabel.Text   = (Teamindex + 1).ToString();


                if (question.QuestionType == "Audio" || question.QuestionType == "Video")
                    ImageBox.Visible = false;
                    axWindowsMediaPlayer1.Visible = true;
                    axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL     = startupPath + "" + question.DocUrl;
                else if (question.QuestionType == "Image")
                    axWindowsMediaPlayer1.Visible = false;
                    ImageBox.Visible       = true;
                    ImageBox.ImageLocation = startupPath + "" + question.DocUrl;
                MessageBox.Show(Level.Split(',')[0] + " " + Round.Split(',')[0] + " questions are finished", "Alert");
                button3.Enabled = false;