public static Task SaveState_BindToJObject_AllFields( JObject saveStateParameters, [DaprState("{saveStateParameters.stateStore}")] IAsyncCollector <JObject> state) { return(state.AddAsync(saveStateParameters)); }
public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "patch", Route = Config.Http.Route)] HttpRequestMessage req, [CosmosDBTrigger(Config.Cosmos.Db, Config.Cosmos.Events.Collection, ConnectionStringSetting = Config.Cosmos.DbConnectionStringSetting)] IAsyncCollector <Command> commandsOut, ILogger log) { var correlationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // Deserialize & Validate UpdateRequest request = null; try { request = await req.Content.ReadAsAsync <UpdateRequest>(); log.LogInformation(Config.Logging.GetEventId(Config.Logging.EventType.ValidationSucceeded), Config.Logging.Template, Config.Logging.Trigger.Http.ToString(), correlationId, nameof(UpdateRequest), null, $"CreateWineEntryRequest {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request)}"); } catch (Exception ex) { log.LogError(Config.Logging.GetEventId(Config.Logging.EventType.ValidationSucceeded), ex, Config.Logging.Template, Config.Logging.Trigger.Http.ToString(), correlationId, nameof(UpdateRequest), null, $"CreateWineEntryRequest {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request)}"); } // Convert to commands Command command = null; try { command = new Command(Guid.NewGuid(), 0, EventName.WineEntryCreated, new JObject(request)); log.LogInformation(Config.Logging.GetEventId(Config.Logging.EventType.ProcessingSucceeded), Config.Logging.Template, Config.Logging.Trigger.Http.ToString(), correlationId, nameof(Command), command.AggregateId, $"Command {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(command)}"); // Write commands to data store await commandsOut.AddAsync(command); } catch (Exception ex) { log.LogError(Config.Logging.GetEventId(Config.Logging.EventType.ProcessingFailedUnhandledException), ex, Config.Logging.Template, Config.Logging.Trigger.Http.ToString(), correlationId, nameof(Command), command?.AggregateId, ex.Message); } // return return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Accepted)); }
public Task Send(Message message) { LogContext.Debug?.Log("Sending message: {MessageId}", message.MessageId); return(_collector.AddAsync(message, _cancellationToken)); }
private static async Task <IActionResult> GetMethod( IAsyncCollector <string> console, IDurableClient client, string name, string target) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(target)) { await console.AddAsync($"User {name} tried to get nothing."); return(new BadRequestObjectResult("Target is required.")); } var room = await name.GetEntityForUserOrThrow <Room>(client); if (room.InventoryList.Contains(target)) { // room loses inventory await client.SignalEntityAsync <IRoomOperations>( name.AsEntityIdFor <Room>(), operation => operation.RemoveInventory(target)); // user gains inventory await client.SignalEntityAsync <IUserOperations>( name.AsEntityIdFor <User>(), operation => operation.AddInventory(target)); // inventory moves to user await client.SignalEntityAsync <IInventoryOperations>( name.AsEntityIdFor <Inventory>(target), operation => operation.SetUser()); var list = await name.GetEntityForUserOrThrow <InventoryList>(client); var inventoryList = await list.DeserializeListForUserWithClient(name, client); var inventory = inventoryList.Where(i => i.Name == target) .Select(i => i).First(); await console.AddAsync($"User {name} successfully grabbed {target}."); if (inventory.IsTreasure) { await console.AddAsync($"User {name} nabbed the treasure."); var gameMonitor = await Global.FindJob( client, DateTime.UtcNow, nameof(MonitorFunctions.GameMonitorWorkflow), name, true, false); if (gameMonitor != null) { await client.RaiseEventAsync(gameMonitor.InstanceId, MonitorFunctions.GOTTREASURE); } } return(new OkResult()); } else { await console.AddAsync($"User {name} tried to get a {target} that wasn't there."); return(new BadRequestObjectResult("Target not found.")); } }
public static IActionResult Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, [Table("TemperatureHumidity")] out TemperatureHumidityReading output, [SignalR(HubName = "climate")] IAsyncCollector <SignalRMessage> signalRMessages, ILogger log) { req.FixCorsHeaders(); output = null; string requestBody; try { requestBody = new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEnd(); } catch (Exception e) { log.LogWarning(e, "Could not read the body of the request"); return(new BadRequestObjectResult("Could not read the body of the request")); } TemperatureHumidityInput input; try { input = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TemperatureHumidityInput>(requestBody); } catch (Exception e) { log.LogWarning(e, "The received json data ({Json}) could not be parsed", requestBody); return(new BadRequestObjectResult("The received json data could not be parsed")); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.SensorId)) { log.LogWarning("Sensor id missing"); return(new BadRequestObjectResult("Sensor id missing")); } var readAtUtc = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; output = new TemperatureHumidityReading { PartitionKey = input.SensorId, RowKey = readAtUtc.ToRowKey(), ReadAtUtc = readAtUtc, Temperature = input.Temperature, Humidity = input.Humidity }; signalRMessages.AddAsync( new SignalRMessage { Target = "notifyTemperatureHumidityUpdated", Arguments = new object[] { new { sensorId = input.SensorId, timestampWest = DateTimeOffsetHelper.ConvertToWest(readAtUtc), temperature = input.Temperature, humidity = input.Humidity } } }).Wait(); return(new OkResult()); }
public static void SendAsyncCollectorString([FakeQueue] IAsyncCollector <string> collector) { collector.AddAsync("first").Wait(); collector.AddAsync("second").Wait(); }
public async Task RunAsync( DateTime importStartDate, DateTime importEndDate, IAsyncCollector <DayInfo> changesPerDayCollection, IAsyncCollector <ProcessDayInfoForTitlesJobWorkerData> outputTitleWorkerStorage, IAsyncCollector <ProcessDayInfoForTitlesJob> outputTitleQueue, TraceWriter log) { // TODO: improve // // var commits = await _gitHubClient.Repository.Commit.GetAll(GitHubOwner, GitHubRepName, new CommitRequest { Since = importStartDate, Until = importEndDate } ); log.Info($"Processing {commits.Count} commits"); var commitsPerDays = commits.GroupBy(_ => _.Commit.Committer.Date.UtcDateTime.Date); log.Info($"Processing {commitsPerDays.Count()} days"); foreach (var commitsPerDay in commitsPerDays) { var dayInfo = new DayInfo { Id = commitsPerDay.Key, Date = commitsPerDay.Key, DocChanges = new List <DocChange>(), DeepLinksGenerated = true }; foreach (var commitOverview in commitsPerDay) { var commitDetail = await _gitHubClient.Repository.Commit.Get(GitHubOwner, GitHubRepName, commitOverview.Sha); foreach (var file in commitDetail.Files) { AddOrModifyFileChange(commitDetail.Sha, commitDetail.Parents.FirstOrDefault()?.Sha, file, dayInfo.DocChanges, commitOverview.Commit.Committer.Date.UtcDateTime, log); } } if (dayInfo.DocChanges.Count > 0) { await changesPerDayCollection.AddAsync(dayInfo); var filesToProcess = GetAllFiles(dayInfo); if (filesToProcess.Count > 0) { await outputTitleWorkerStorage.AddAsync(new ProcessDayInfoForTitlesJobWorkerData { DayInfoId = dayInfo.Date, FilesToProcess = filesToProcess, }); await outputTitleQueue.AddAsync(new ProcessDayInfoForTitlesJob() { DayInfoId = dayInfo.Date }); } log.Info($"Processed {dayInfo.DocChanges.Count} DocChanges for {dayInfo.Date}"); } else { log.Info($"No DocChanges for {dayInfo.Date}"); } } await changesPerDayCollection.FlushAsync(); }
public static async Task Run([TimerTrigger("0 0 0 * * *")] TimerInfo myTimer, [CosmosDB( databaseName: "Shared-Free", collectionName: "V1-pmdboard", ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDBConnection", Id = "internal-Pokémon-Blue-Rescue-Team", PartitionKey = "internal-Pokémon-Blue-Rescue-Team" )] V1GameMetadata runInfo, [CosmosDB( databaseName: "Shared-Free", collectionName: "V1-pmdboard", ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDBConnection" )] IAsyncCollector <V1CombinedRuns> entries, ILogger log) { log.LogInformation($"BRT Updater function started execution at: {DateTime.Now}"); var gameInfo = new V1CombinedRuns { id = "gameinfo-BRT", Title = "Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team", Categories = new List <Category>() }; //Category format: xxxxxxxx-Category Name //Platform format: xxxxxxxx-Platform Name //Language format: xxxxxxxx-ENG/JPN foreach (var category in runInfo.Categories) { var categoryInfo = category.Split('-'); var internalCategory = new Category { Name = categoryInfo[1], Runs = new List <InternalRun>() }; foreach (var platform in runInfo.Platforms) { var platformInfo = platform.Split('-'); foreach (var language in runInfo.Languages) { var languageInfo = language.Split('-'); string url = $"{runInfo.GameID}/category/{categoryInfo[0]}?var-{runInfo.PlatformID}={platformInfo[0]}&var-{runInfo.LanguageID}={languageInfo[0]}&top=1&embed=players"; log.LogInformation(url); var response = await FunctionHttpClient.httpClient.GetAsync(url); var resStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(); Response result = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync <Response>(resStream); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { if (result.ResponseBody.Players.PlayerList.Count > 0 && result.ResponseBody.RunList.Count > 0) { // Check whether the player is a guest or not string playerName; if (string.Equals(result.ResponseBody.Players.PlayerList[0].Role, "guest", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { var jsonString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); playerName = Utils.GetGuestUser(jsonString); } else { playerName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.ResponseBody.Players.PlayerList[0].Names.Name) ? result.ResponseBody.Players.PlayerList[0].Names.Name : result.ResponseBody.Players.PlayerList[0].Names.NameJP; } var runTime = result.ResponseBody.RunList[0].Run.Times.PrimaryTime; var runDate = result.ResponseBody.RunList[0].Run.RunDate; var srcID = result.ResponseBody.RunList[0].Run.Id; var internalRow = new InternalRun { Platform = platformInfo[1], Language = languageInfo[1], Version = string.Empty, Runner = playerName, RunDate = runDate, RunTime = runTime, SRCLink = srcID }; internalCategory.Runs.Add(internalRow); } } else { log.LogError($"Request to {url} failed. Error code: {response.StatusCode}"); } } } gameInfo.Categories.Add(internalCategory); } await entries.AddAsync(gameInfo); }
public static async Task <IActionResult> Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, [CosmosDB( databaseName: "UserInformation", collectionName: "UserInformation", ConnectionStringSetting = "UserInformationDBConnection")] DocumentClient outputTable, [Queue("NewUserInformations")] IAsyncCollector <KeyValuePair <string, string> > outputQueue, ILogger log) { log.LogInformation("Try to add a new question."); Shared.Models.UserInformation userToSave = null; try { userToSave = await System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync <Shared.Models.UserInformation>(req.Body, new JsonSerializerOptions() { AllowTrailingCommas = true, } ); } catch (System.Text.Json.JsonException ex) { return(new BadRequestObjectResult($"There was an error in the provided json: {ex.Message} -> {ex.InnerException.Message}")); } if (userToSave.RiskScore != null) { userToSave.RiskScore = null; } userToSave.Token = TokenGenerator.GenerateToken(); userToSave.Source = "covapp.charite"; await outputTable.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(new Database() { Id = "UserInformation" }); await outputTable.CreateDocumentCollectionIfNotExistsAsync(UriFactory.CreateDatabaseUri("UserInformation"), new DocumentCollection() { Id = "UserInformation", PartitionKey = new PartitionKeyDefinition() { Paths = new Collection <string>() { "/Source" } }, UniqueKeyPolicy = new UniqueKeyPolicy() { UniqueKeys = new Collection <UniqueKey>() { new UniqueKey() { Paths = new Collection <string>() { "/Token" } } } } }); await outputTable.CreateDocumentAsync("dbs/UserInformation/colls/UserInformation", userToSave); await outputQueue.AddAsync(userToSave.GetIdentifier()); return(new OkObjectResult(userToSave.Token)); }
//[return: ServiceBus("fundingallocationqueue", Connection = "ServiceBusConnection")] //public static async Task<IActionResult> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, ILogger log) public static async Task <IActionResult> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, [ServiceBus("logappfundingallocationqueue", Connection = "ServiceBusConnection")] IAsyncCollector <dynamic> logicAppOutputQueue, [ServiceBus("fundingallocationqueue", Connection = "ServiceBusConnection")] IAsyncCollector <dynamic> bizTalkOutputQueue, ILogger log) { log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request."); //string id = req.Query["id"]; //string issueType = req.Query["issueType"]; //string issueDescription = req.Query["issueDescription"]; //string geoLatCoordinate = req.Query["geoLatCoordinate"]; //string geoLongCoordinate = req.Query["geoLongCoordinate"]; //string uploadUserName = req.Query["uploadUserName"]; //string sendToBizTalk = req.Query["sendToBizTalk"]; string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync(); dynamic data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody); string id =; bool sendToBizTalk = data.sendToBizTalk; //issueType = issueType ?? data?.issueType; //issueDescription = issueDescription ?? data?.issueDescription; //geoLatCoordinate = geoLatCoordinate ?? data?.geoLatCoordinate; //geoLongCoordinate = geoLongCoordinate ?? data?.geoLongCoordinate; //uploadUserName = uploadUserName ?? data?.uploadUserName; ImageMetadata imageData = new ImageMetadata(); string sourceStorage = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NewImageSourceStorage"); string destStorage = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ValidImageDestStorage"); string metaContainerName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ImageMetadataContainer"); string metaname = id + ".json"; try { CloudStorageAccount sourceStorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(sourceStorage); CloudBlobClient metaBlobClient = sourceStorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient(); CloudBlobContainer metaContainer = metaBlobClient.GetContainerReference(metaContainerName); CloudBlockBlob metaBlob = metaContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(metaname); bool metaBlobExists = await metaBlob.ExistsAsync(); if (metaBlobExists) { string jsonMetaData = await metaBlob.DownloadTextAsync(); imageData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ImageMetadata>(jsonMetaData); log.LogInformation("Image Metadata timestamp: " + imageData.timestamp + " uploadedFileName: " + imageData.uploadedFileName); } else { log.LogInformation("No Metadata exists for uploaded image. Exiting Process."); throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Image has not yet been validated"); } string blobName = imageData.uploadedFileName; string imageContainerName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ImageContainerName"); CloudBlobClient imageBlobClient = sourceStorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient(); CloudBlobContainer imageContainer = imageBlobClient.GetContainerReference(imageContainerName); CloudBlockBlob imageBlob = imageContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(blobName); bool imageBlobExists = await imageBlob.ExistsAsync(); if (imageBlobExists) { log.LogInformation("Moving Blob: " + blobName + " to ProcessedImages container for further actions."); CloudStorageAccount destStorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(destStorage); CloudBlobClient destBlobClient = destStorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient(); string destContainerName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ValidImageDestContainer"); CloudBlobContainer destContainer = destBlobClient.GetContainerReference(destContainerName); await destContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(); string ext = Path.GetExtension(blobName); CloudBlockBlob newImageBlob = destContainer.GetBlockBlobReference( + ext); await newImageBlob.StartCopyAsync(imageBlob); string blobUrl = newImageBlob.StorageUri.PrimaryUri.AbsoluteUri; log.LogInformation("Blob Url: " + blobUrl); await imageBlob.DeleteIfExistsAsync(); imageData.blobUrl = blobUrl; imageData.issueType = data.issueType; imageData.issueDescription = data.issueDescription; imageData.geoLatCoordinate = data.geoLatCoordinate; imageData.geoLongCoordinate = data.geoLongCoordinate; imageData.uploadUserName = data.uploadUserName; string issueType = data.issueType; imageData.issueComplexity = getIssueComplexity(blobUrl, issueType); imageData.issueUrgency = getIssueUrgency(blobUrl, issueType); string metaJson = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize <ImageMetadata>(imageData); await metaBlob.UploadTextAsync(metaJson); } else { throw new FileNotFoundException("Blob: " + blobName + " does not exist in container: " + imageContainer + "."); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.LogInformation($"Error! Something went wrong: {ex.Message}"); } log.LogInformation($"sendToBizTalk Value: {sendToBizTalk}"); if (sendToBizTalk == true) { log.LogInformation("Sending to BizTalk FundingAllocationQueue"); await bizTalkOutputQueue.AddAsync(imageData); } else { log.LogInformation("Sending to LogicApp ValidImageQueue"); await logicAppOutputQueue.AddAsync(imageData); } string responseMessage = "Ok"; //return imageData; return(new OkObjectResult(responseMessage)); }
public static async Task Run([ServiceBusTrigger(Utils.PURGE_QUEUE_NAME, Connection = "ServiceBusConnection")] Message message, MessageReceiver messageReceiver, string lockToken, [ServiceBus(Utils.PURGE_QUEUE_NAME, Connection = "ServiceBusConnection", EntityType = EntityType.Queue)] IAsyncCollector <Message> queueCollector, [ServiceBus(Utils.REGISTRATION_QUEUE_NAME, Connection = "ServiceBusConnection", EntityType = EntityType.Queue)] IAsyncCollector <Message> registrationQueueCollector, ILogger log) { var feedStateItem = FeedState.DecodeFromMessage(message); log.LogInformation($"Purge Trigger Started: {}"); try { int itemCount = 0; var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); using (var db = new Database(SqlUtils.SqlDatabaseConnectionString, DatabaseType.SqlServer2012, SqlClientFactory.Instance)) { itemCount = await db.ExecuteAsync("DELETE_SOURCE @0",; } sw.Stop(); log.LogWarning($"PURGE TIMER {}: Deleted {itemCount} items from source '{}' in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms"); feedStateItem.purgedItems = itemCount; if (itemCount < 1000) { log.LogInformation($"Purge complete for '{}'"); // Check lock exists, as close to a transaction as we can get if (await messageReceiver.RenewLockAsync(lockToken) != null) { await messageReceiver.CompleteAsync(lockToken); // Attempt re-registration unless the proxy cache is being cleared if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ClearProxyCache")?.ToString() != "true") { feedStateItem.ResetCounters(); feedStateItem.totalPurgeCount++; await registrationQueueCollector.AddAsync(feedStateItem.EncodeToMessage(1)); } else { log.LogWarning($"Purge Successfully Cleaned: {}"); } } } else { feedStateItem.purgedItems += itemCount; // Check lock exists, as close to a transaction as we can get if (await messageReceiver.RenewLockAsync(lockToken) != null) { await messageReceiver.CompleteAsync(lockToken); await queueCollector.AddAsync(feedStateItem.EncodeToMessage(1)); } } } catch (SqlException ex) { log.LogError($"Error during DELETE_SOURCE stored procedure {ex.Number}: " + ex.ToString()); feedStateItem.lastError = ex.ToString(); feedStateItem.purgeRetries++; TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0); Random randomTest = new Random(); TimeSpan newSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(randomTest.Next(0, (int)timeSpan.TotalMinutes)); int delaySeconds = (int)newSpan.TotalSeconds; log.LogWarning($"Unexpected error purging items: Retrying '{}' attempt {feedStateItem.purgeRetries} in {delaySeconds} seconds"); // Check lock exists, as close to a transaction as we can get if (await messageReceiver.RenewLockAsync(lockToken) != null) { await messageReceiver.CompleteAsync(lockToken); await queueCollector.AddAsync(feedStateItem.EncodeToMessage(delaySeconds)); } } log.LogInformation($"Purge Trigger Complete: {}"); }
public static async Task Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post")] HttpRequest req, [SignalR(HubName = "chat")] IAsyncCollector <SignalRMessage> signalRMessages, ILogger log) { var serializedObject = new JsonSerializer() .Deserialize(new JsonTextReader(new StreamReader(req.Body))); var message = JsonConvert .DeserializeObject <ChatMessage>(serializedObject.ToString()); if (message.TypeInfo.Name == nameof(UserConnectedMessage)) { message = JsonConvert .DeserializeObject <UserConnectedMessage>(serializedObject.ToString()); await signalRMessages.AddAsync( new SignalRMessage { GroupName = message.GroupName, Target = "ReceiveMessage", Arguments = new[] { message } }); } else if (message.TypeInfo.Name == nameof(SimpleTextMessage)) { message = JsonConvert .DeserializeObject <SimpleTextMessage>(serializedObject.ToString()); var signalRMessage = new SignalRMessage { Target = "ReceiveMessage", Arguments = new[] { message } }; if (message.GroupName != null) { signalRMessage.GroupName = message.GroupName; } else if (message.Recipient != null) { signalRMessage.UserId = message.Recipient; } await signalRMessages.AddAsync(signalRMessage); } else if (message.TypeInfo.Name == nameof(PhotoMessage)) { var photoMessage = JsonConvert .DeserializeObject <PhotoMessage>(serializedObject.ToString()); var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(photoMessage.Base64Photo); var url = await StorageHelper.Upload(bytes, photoMessage.FileEnding); message = new PhotoUrlMessage(photoMessage.Sender) { Id = photoMessage.Id, Timestamp = photoMessage.Timestamp, Url = url, IsFile = photoMessage.IsFile }; await signalRMessages.AddAsync( new SignalRMessage { UserId = message.Recipient, Target = "ReceiveMessage", Arguments = new[] { message } }); } else if (message.TypeInfo.Name == nameof(VideoMessage)) { var photoMessage = JsonConvert .DeserializeObject <VideoMessage>(serializedObject.ToString()); var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(photoMessage.Base64Photo); var url = await StorageHelper.Upload(bytes, photoMessage.FileEnding); message = new VideoMessage(photoMessage.Sender) { Id = photoMessage.Id, Timestamp = photoMessage.Timestamp, IsVideo = photoMessage.IsVideo, VideoImage = photoMessage.VideoImage, VideoUrl = photoMessage.VideoUrl }; await signalRMessages.AddAsync( new SignalRMessage { UserId = message.Recipient, Target = "ReceiveMessage", Arguments = new[] { message } }); } }
public static async Task <IActionResult> Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest request, [CosmosDB(databaseName: Constants.DATABASE_NAME, collectionName: Constants.PLANETS_COLLECTION_NAME, ConnectionStringSetting = Constants.CONNECTION_STRING_SETTING, CreateIfNotExists = true)] IAsyncCollector <Planet> planetsCollector, [CosmosDB(databaseName: Constants.DATABASE_NAME, collectionName: Constants.CHARACTERS_COLLECTION_NAME, ConnectionStringSetting = Constants.CONNECTION_STRING_SETTING, CreateIfNotExists = true)] IAsyncCollector <Character> charactersCollector) { await planetsCollector.AddAsync(new Planet { WorldId = 1, Name = "Tatooine" }); await planetsCollector.AddAsync(new Planet { WorldId = 2, Name = "Alderaan" }); await planetsCollector.AddAsync(new Planet { WorldId = 8, Name = "Naboo" }); await planetsCollector.AddAsync(new Planet { WorldId = 10, Name = "Kamino" }); await planetsCollector.AddAsync(new Planet { WorldId = 14, Name = "Kashyyyk" }); await planetsCollector.AddAsync(new Planet { WorldId = 20, Name = "Stewjon" }); await planetsCollector.AddAsync(new Planet { WorldId = 21, Name = "Eriadu" }); await planetsCollector.AddAsync(new Planet { WorldId = 22, Name = "Corellia" }); await planetsCollector.AddAsync(new Planet { WorldId = 23, Name = "Rodia" }); await planetsCollector.AddAsync(new Planet { WorldId = 24, Name = "Nal Hutta" }); await planetsCollector.AddAsync(new Planet { WorldId = 26, Name = "Bestine IV" }); await charactersCollector.AddAsync(new Character { CharacterId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Luke Skywalker", BirthYear = "19BBY", HomeworldId = 1 }); await charactersCollector.AddAsync(new Character { CharacterId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "C-3PO", BirthYear = "112BBY", HomeworldId = 1 }); await charactersCollector.AddAsync(new Character { CharacterId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "R2-D2", BirthYear = "33BBY", HomeworldId = 8 }); await charactersCollector.AddAsync(new Character { CharacterId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Darth Vader", BirthYear = "41.9BBY", HomeworldId = 1 }); await charactersCollector.AddAsync(new Character { CharacterId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Leia Organa", BirthYear = "19BBY", HomeworldId = 2 }); await charactersCollector.AddAsync(new Character { CharacterId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Owen Lars", BirthYear = "52BBY", HomeworldId = 1 }); await charactersCollector.AddAsync(new Character { CharacterId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Beru Whitesun Lars", BirthYear = "47BBY", HomeworldId = 1 }); await charactersCollector.AddAsync(new Character { CharacterId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "R5-D4", BirthYear = "Unknown", HomeworldId = 1 }); await charactersCollector.AddAsync(new Character { CharacterId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Biggs Darklighter", BirthYear = "24BBY", HomeworldId = 1 }); await charactersCollector.AddAsync(new Character { CharacterId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Obi-Wan Kenobi", BirthYear = "57BBY", HomeworldId = 20 }); await charactersCollector.AddAsync(new Character { CharacterId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Anakin Skywalker", BirthYear = "41.9BBY", HomeworldId = 1 }); await charactersCollector.AddAsync(new Character { CharacterId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Wilhuff Tarkin", BirthYear = "64BBY", HomeworldId = 21 }); await charactersCollector.AddAsync(new Character { CharacterId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Chewbacca", BirthYear = "200BBY", HomeworldId = 14 }); await charactersCollector.AddAsync(new Character { CharacterId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Han Solo", BirthYear = "29BBY", HomeworldId = 22 }); await charactersCollector.AddAsync(new Character { CharacterId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Greedo", BirthYear = "44BBY", HomeworldId = 23 }); await charactersCollector.AddAsync(new Character { CharacterId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Jabba Desilijic Tiure", BirthYear = "600BBY", HomeworldId = 24 }); await charactersCollector.AddAsync(new Character { CharacterId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Wedge Antilles", BirthYear = "21BBY", HomeworldId = 22 }); await charactersCollector.AddAsync(new Character { CharacterId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Jek Tono Porkins", BirthYear = "Unknown", HomeworldId = 26 }); await charactersCollector.AddAsync(new Character { CharacterId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Palpatine", BirthYear = "82BBY", HomeworldId = 8 }); await charactersCollector.AddAsync(new Character { CharacterId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Boba Fett", BirthYear = "31.5BBY", HomeworldId = 10 }); return(new OkResult()); }
public static async Task <IActionResult> Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, [CosmosDB("vnaaats-net", "flights", ConnectionStringSetting = "DbConnectionString")] IAsyncCollector <object> flights, ILogger log) { try { // Deserialise the request string callsign = req.Query["callsign"]; string ac_type = req.Query["type"]; int assignedLevel = Convert.ToInt32(req.Query["level"]); int assignedMach = Convert.ToInt32(req.Query["mach"]); string track = req.Query["track"]; string route = req.Query["route"]; string routeEtas = req.Query["routeEtas"]; string departure = req.Query["departure"]; string arrival = req.Query["arrival"]; bool direction = req.Query["direction"] == "1" ? true : false; string etd = req.Query["etd"]; string selcal = req.Query["selcal"]; bool datalink = req.Query["connected_datalink"] == "1" ? true : false; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(req.Query["connectedDatalink"])) { datalink = false; } else { datalink = req.Query["datalink"] == "1" ? true : false; } bool isEquipped = req.Query["isEquipped"] == "1" ? true : false; string state = req.Query["state"]; bool relevant = req.Query["relevant"] == "1" ? true : false; TargetMode targetMode = (TargetMode)Convert.ToInt32(req.Query["targetMode"]); string trackedBy = req.Query["trackedBy"]; string trackedId = req.Query["trackedById"]; // Create data object FlightData fdata = new FlightData { callsign = callsign, type = ac_type, etd = etd, assignedLevel = assignedLevel, assignedMach = assignedMach, track = track, route = route, routeEtas = routeEtas, departure = departure, arrival = arrival, direction = direction, selcal = selcal, datalinkConnected = datalink, isEquipped = isEquipped, state = state, relevant = relevant, targetMode = targetMode, trackedBy = trackedBy, trackedById = trackedId, lastUpdated = DateTime.UtcNow }; // Add data object await flights.AddAsync(fdata); // Log and return success code log.LogInformation($"Item {fdata.callsign} inserted successfully."); return(new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status200OK)); } catch (Exception ex) { // Catch any errors log.LogError($"Could not insert flight data. Exception thrown: {ex.Message}."); return(new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError)); } }
public async Task Run([QueueTrigger("messagetomom", Connection = "AzureWebJobsStorage")] MessageToMom myQueueItem, [Queue("outputletter")] IAsyncCollector <FormLetter> letterCollector, ILogger log) { log.LogInformation($"{myQueueItem.Greeting} {myQueueItem.HowMuch} {myQueueItem.HowSoon}"); log.LogInformation($"C# Queue trigger function processed: {myQueueItem}"); //TODO parse flattery list into comma separated string //here I grabbed the information from myQueueItem and created a new string from it. string parsed = $"{myQueueItem.Flattery[0]}" + ", " + $"{myQueueItem.Flattery[1]}" + ", " + $"{myQueueItem.Flattery[2]}"; log.LogInformation($"{parsed}"); //TODO populate Header with salutation comma separated string and "Mother" //Not sure if the point was to use the myQueue.greeting so i did both possibilities string salutations2 = $"{myQueueItem.Greeting}, Mother"; FormLetter p = new FormLetter(); p.Heading = ($"salutation" + ", " + $"Mother"); //TODO calculate likelihood of receiving loan based on this decision tree // 100 percent likelihood (initial value) minus the probability expressed from the quotient of howmuch and the total maximum amount ($10000) //Not sure if I understood the goal of this one but it was some easy math. //grab the variable from myQueueItem.howMuch var division = (10000 / myQueueItem.HowMuch); var percent = (100 - division); log.LogInformation($"{percent}"); //TODO calculate approximate actual date of loan receipt based on this decision tree // funds will be made available 10 business days after day of submission // business days are weekdays, there are no holidays that are applicable //For this I grabbed the current DateTime, found out what day of the week that was. //Then ran that through some if else statements to figure out when the loan would be due. var dt = DateTime.Now; var day = dt.DayOfWeek; log.LogInformation($"{dt.DayOfWeek}"); if (day == DayOfWeek.Monday || day == DayOfWeek.Tuesday || day == DayOfWeek.Wednesday || day == DayOfWeek.Thursday || day == DayOfWeek.Friday) { var dueDay = dt.AddDays(14); log.LogInformation($"The actual date of loan receipt is, " + $"{dueDay}"); } else if (day == DayOfWeek.Saturday) { var dueDay = dt.AddDays(13); log.LogInformation($"The actual date of loan receipt is, " + $"{dueDay}"); } else if (day == DayOfWeek.Sunday) { var dueDay = dt.AddDays(12); log.LogInformation($"The actual date of loan receipt is, " + $"{dueDay}"); } //TODO use new values to populate letter values per the following: //Body:"Really need help: I need $5523.23 by December 12,2020" //ExpectedDate = calculated date //RequestedDate = howsoon //Heading=Greeting //Likelihood = calculated likelihood //for this I created a new FormLetter and defined some variables that I would need inside. FormLetter help = new FormLetter(); dt = DateTime.Now; day = dt.DayOfWeek; { var expected = dt; if (day == DayOfWeek.Monday || day == DayOfWeek.Tuesday || day == DayOfWeek.Wednesday || day == DayOfWeek.Thursday || day == DayOfWeek.Friday) { var dueDay = dt.AddDays(14); /* log.LogInformation($"The actual date of loan receipt is, " + $"{dueDay}");*/ expected = dueDay; } else if (day == DayOfWeek.Saturday) { var dueDay = dt.AddDays(13); expected = dueDay; } else if (day == DayOfWeek.Sunday) { var dueDay = dt.AddDays(12); expected = dueDay; } log.LogInformation($"This is in calculaeDates, {expected}"); string reallyNeedHelp = "Really need help: I need $5523.23 by December 12,2020"; DateTime requestDate = new DateTime(2020, 12, 12); //Then I applied all these variables into the FormLetter format. { help.Heading = $"{myQueueItem.Greeting}"; help.Likelihood = (100 - (10000 / 5523.23)); help.ExpectedDate = expected; help.RequestedDate = requestDate; help.Body = reallyNeedHelp; }; log.LogInformation($"This is the expected date, { expected}"); } await letterCollector.AddAsync(help); log.LogInformation($"{help.Heading}" + $"The likelihood of being about to make a loan in that amount is, " + $"{help.Likelihood}"); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, [Queue("messagetomom")] IAsyncCollector <newMessage> letterCollector, ILogger log) { log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request."); log.LogInformation($"This is req , {req}"); /* string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync(); * log.LogInformation("This is the request body", requestBody); * var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody); * //TODO model HttpRequest from fields of MessageToMom*/ string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync(); newMessage data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <newMessage>(requestBody); /* newMessage data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody);*/ data.Greeting = data.Greeting ?? data?.Greeting; /* Greeting = name ?? data?.Greeting; */ log.LogInformation($"This is Data, {data}"); newMessage obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <newMessage>(requestBody); var newNote = new newMessage { Flattery = data.Flattery, Greeting = data.Greeting, HowMuch = data.HowMuch, HowSoon = data.HowSoon, From = data.From }; await letterCollector.AddAsync(newNote); /* string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync(); * * log.LogInformation($"This is the request body {requestBody}"); * Message data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody); * * * * * * //This is how I thought I would solve this problem. I had a lot of trouble figuring out how to get the req.body out. * //I am still learning C# and it was quite different than what I have used before as far as api calls go. * * /* var formEntryToBeParsed = []; * req.Form.TryGetValue("out string", out formEntryToBeParsed); * { * log.LogInformation($"{formEntryToBeParsed}"); *//* List<string> fieldToBeAssigned1 = ToString(); //Parse the string value or values * string fieldToBeAssigned2; //Parse the string value or values * double fieldToBeAssigned3; //Parse the string value or values * DateTime fieldToBeAssigned4; //Parse the string value or value*//* * }*/ /* * var message = new MessageToMom * { * Flattery = fieldToBeAssigned1, * Greeting = fieldToBeAssigned2, * HowMuch = fieldToBeAssigned3, * HowSoon = fieldToBeAssigned4, * From = "*****@*****.**" * * };*/ //Map new model values (from HttpRequest) to MessageToMom below /* var message = new MessageToMom * { * Flattery = new List<string> { "amazing", "fabulous", "profitable" }, * Greeting = "So Good To Hear From You", * HowMuch = 1222.22M, * HowSoon = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1), * From = "*****@*****.**" * * }; * * await letterCollector.AddAsync(message);*/ /*return new OkObjectResult(message);*/ return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult($"Hello, Johnny")); }
public static async Task Run([EventGridTrigger] EventGridEvent eventGridEvent, [ServiceBus("%QueueName%", Connection = "ServiceBusConnectionString", EntityType = EntityType.Queue)] IAsyncCollector <Message> asyncCollector, ExecutionContext context, ILogger log) { try { if (eventGridEvent == null && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(eventGridEvent.EventType)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Null or Invalid Event Grid Event"); } log.LogInformation($@"New Event Grid Event: - Id=[{eventGridEvent.Id}] - EventType=[{eventGridEvent.EventType}] - EventTime=[{eventGridEvent.EventTime}] - Subject=[{eventGridEvent.Subject}] - Topic=[{eventGridEvent.Topic}]"); if (eventGridEvent.Data is JObject jObject) { // Create message var message = new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jObject.ToString())) { MessageId = eventGridEvent.Id }; switch (eventGridEvent.EventType) { case BlobCreatedEvent: { var blobCreatedEvent = jObject.ToObject <StorageBlobCreatedEventData>(); var storageDiagnostics = JObject.Parse(blobCreatedEvent.StorageDiagnostics.ToString()).ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None); log.LogInformation($@"Received {BlobCreatedEvent} Event: - Api=[{blobCreatedEvent.Api}] - BlobType=[{blobCreatedEvent.BlobType}] - ClientRequestId=[{blobCreatedEvent.ClientRequestId}] - ContentLength=[{blobCreatedEvent.ContentLength}] - ContentType=[{blobCreatedEvent.ContentType}] - ETag=[{blobCreatedEvent.ETag}] - RequestId=[{blobCreatedEvent.RequestId}] - Sequencer=[{blobCreatedEvent.Sequencer}] - StorageDiagnostics=[{storageDiagnostics}] - Url=[{blobCreatedEvent.Url}] "); // Set message label message.Label = "BlobCreatedEvent"; // Add custom properties message.UserProperties.Add("id", eventGridEvent.Id); message.UserProperties.Add("topic", eventGridEvent.Topic); message.UserProperties.Add("eventType", eventGridEvent.EventType); message.UserProperties.Add("eventTime", eventGridEvent.EventTime); message.UserProperties.Add("subject", eventGridEvent.Subject); message.UserProperties.Add("api", blobCreatedEvent.Api); message.UserProperties.Add("blobType", blobCreatedEvent.BlobType); message.UserProperties.Add("clientRequestId", blobCreatedEvent.ClientRequestId); message.UserProperties.Add("contentLength", blobCreatedEvent.ContentLength); message.UserProperties.Add("contentType", blobCreatedEvent.ContentType); message.UserProperties.Add("eTag", blobCreatedEvent.ETag); message.UserProperties.Add("requestId", blobCreatedEvent.RequestId); message.UserProperties.Add("sequencer", blobCreatedEvent.Sequencer); message.UserProperties.Add("storageDiagnostics", storageDiagnostics); message.UserProperties.Add("url", blobCreatedEvent.Url); // Add message to AsyncCollector await asyncCollector.AddAsync(message); // Telemetry telemetry.Context.Operation.Id = context.InvocationId.ToString(); telemetry.Context.Operation.Name = "BlobCreatedEvent"; telemetry.TrackEvent($"[{blobCreatedEvent.Url}] blob created"); var properties = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "BlobType", blobCreatedEvent.BlobType }, { "ContentType ", blobCreatedEvent.ContentType } }; telemetry.TrackMetric("ProcessBlobEvents Created", 1, properties); } break; case BlobDeletedEvent: { var blobDeletedEvent = jObject.ToObject <StorageBlobDeletedEventData>(); var storageDiagnostics = JObject.Parse(blobDeletedEvent.StorageDiagnostics.ToString()).ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None); log.LogInformation($@"Received {BlobDeletedEvent} Event: - Api=[{blobDeletedEvent.Api}] - BlobType=[{blobDeletedEvent.BlobType}] - ClientRequestId=[{blobDeletedEvent.ClientRequestId}] - ContentType=[{blobDeletedEvent.ContentType}] - RequestId=[{blobDeletedEvent.RequestId}] - Sequencer=[{blobDeletedEvent.Sequencer}] - StorageDiagnostics=[{storageDiagnostics}] - Url=[{blobDeletedEvent.Url}] "); // Set message label message.Label = "BlobDeletedEvent"; // Add custom properties message.UserProperties.Add("id", eventGridEvent.Id); message.UserProperties.Add("topic", eventGridEvent.Topic); message.UserProperties.Add("eventType", eventGridEvent.EventType); message.UserProperties.Add("eventTime", eventGridEvent.EventTime); message.UserProperties.Add("subject", eventGridEvent.Subject); message.UserProperties.Add("api", blobDeletedEvent.Api); message.UserProperties.Add("blobType", blobDeletedEvent.BlobType); message.UserProperties.Add("clientRequestId", blobDeletedEvent.ClientRequestId); message.UserProperties.Add("contentType", blobDeletedEvent.ContentType); message.UserProperties.Add("requestId", blobDeletedEvent.RequestId); message.UserProperties.Add("sequencer", blobDeletedEvent.Sequencer); message.UserProperties.Add("storageDiagnostics", storageDiagnostics); message.UserProperties.Add("url", blobDeletedEvent.Url); // Add message to AsyncCollector await asyncCollector.AddAsync(message); // Telemetry telemetry.Context.Operation.Id = context.InvocationId.ToString(); telemetry.Context.Operation.Name = "BlobDeletedEvent"; telemetry.TrackEvent($"[{blobDeletedEvent.Url}] blob deleted"); var properties = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "BlobType", blobDeletedEvent.BlobType }, { "ContentType ", blobDeletedEvent.ContentType } }; telemetry.TrackMetric("ProcessBlobEvents Deleted", 1, properties); } break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.LogError(ex, ex.Message); throw; } }
public static async Task <IActionResult> Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, [CosmosDB( databaseName: "ministries", collectionName: "diaconate", ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDBConnection")] IAsyncCollector <DiaconateDB> diaconateDocuments, ILogger log) { log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request."); var options = new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true, }; var requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync(); var diaconate = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <DiaconateDB>(requestBody, options); try { if ( == null) { = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } else { if (diaconate.meetingDate != diaconate.newMeetingDate) { var meetingUrl = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MeetingUrl"); DeaconMeeting meeting = new DeaconMeeting(); meeting.ZoomLink = diaconate.meetingUrl; meeting.DiaconateId =; meeting.Year = diaconate.year; if (DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo != null) { meeting.Month = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.GetMonthName(diaconate.month); } if (diaconate.newMeetingDate.HasValue) { var meetingTime = diaconate.newMeetingDate.Value.AddHours(-5); meeting.DeaconDate = meetingTime.ToLongDateString() + " " + meetingTime.ToShortTimeString(); } if (diaconate.meetingDate.HasValue) { meeting.OldMeetingDate = diaconate.meetingDate.Value.AddHours(-5).ToLongDateString(); } var registrantDb = JsonSerializer.Serialize <DeaconMeeting>(meeting); var client = new HttpClient(); _ = client.PostAsync(meetingUrl, new StringContent(registrantDb, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); diaconate.meetingDate = diaconate.newMeetingDate; } } diaconate.startDate = new DateTime(diaconate.year, diaconate.month, 1); diaconate.newMeetingDate = null; await diaconateDocuments.AddAsync(diaconate); } catch (Exception e) { log.LogInformation(e.ToString()); } return(new OkObjectResult(diaconate)); }
public static async Task <IActionResult> Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = "import")] HttpRequest req, [EventHub("%EventHubName%", Connection = "EventHubConnection")] IAsyncCollector <EventData> outputEvents, ILogger log) { log.LogInformation("FHIR Proxy - Import Function Invoked"); string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync(); /* Get/update/check current bearer token to authenticate the proxy to the FHIR Server * The following parameters must be defined in environment variables: * FS_URL = the fully qualified URL to the FHIR Server * FS_TENANT_NAME = the GUID or UPN of the AAD tenant that is hosting FHIR Server Authentication * FS_CLIENT_ID = the client or app id of the private client authorized to access the FHIR Server * FS_SECRET = the client secret to pass to FHIR Server Authentication * FS_RESOURCE = the audience or resource for the FHIR Server for Azure API for FHIR should be */ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FS_CLIENT_ID")) && (_bearerToken == null || FHIRClient.isTokenExpired(_bearerToken))) { lock (_lock) { log.LogInformation($"Obtaining new OAUTH2 Bearer Token for access to FHIR Server"); _bearerToken = FHIRClient.GetOAUTH2BearerToken(System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FS_TENANT_NAME"), System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FS_RESOURCE"), System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FS_CLIENT_ID"), System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FS_SECRET")); } } /* * Create User Custom Headers these headers are passed to the FHIR Server to communicate credentials of the authorized user for each proxy call * this is ensures accruate audit trails for FHIR server access. Note: This headers are honored by the Azure API for FHIR Server */ List <HeaderParm> auditheaders = new List <HeaderParm>(); auditheaders.Add(new HeaderParm("X-MS-AZUREFHIR-AUDIT-PROXY", "FHIREventProcessor-Import")); /* Preserve FHIR Specific change control headers and include in the proxy call */ List <HeaderParm> customandrestheaders = new List <HeaderParm>(); foreach (string key in req.Headers.Keys) { string s = key.ToLower(); if (s.Equals("etag")) { customandrestheaders.Add(new HeaderParm(key, req.Headers[key].First())); } else if (s.StartsWith("if-")) { customandrestheaders.Add(new HeaderParm(key, req.Headers[key].First())); } } /* Add User Audit Headers */ customandrestheaders.AddRange(auditheaders); /* Get a FHIR Client instance to talk to the FHIR Server */ log.LogInformation($"Instanciating FHIR Client Proxy"); FHIRClient fhirClient = new FHIRClient(System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FS_URL"), _bearerToken); //Check for transaction bundle JObject result = JObject.Parse(requestBody); List <string> effectedresources = new List <string>(); int updated = 0; if (result != null && ((string)result["resourceType"]).Equals("Bundle") && ((string)result["type"]).Equals("transaction")) { if (result["entry"] != null) { JArray entries = (JArray)result["entry"]; foreach (JToken tok in entries) { JObject res = (JObject)tok["resource"]; var rslt = fhirClient.SaveResource(res, "PUT", customandrestheaders.ToArray()); if (rslt.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK || rslt.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Created) { updated++; string msg = "{\"effectedresource\":\"" + (string)res["resourceType"] + "\",\"id\":\"" + (string)res["id"] + "\"}"; EventData dt = new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg)); await outputEvents.AddAsync(dt); } } } } else { if (result != null) { var rslt = fhirClient.SaveResource(result, "POST", customandrestheaders.ToArray()); if (rslt.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK || rslt.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Created) { updated++; string msg = "{\"effectedresource\":\"" + (string)result["resourceType"] + "\",\"id\":\"" + (string)result["id"] + "\"}"; EventData dt = new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg)); await outputEvents.AddAsync(dt); } } } string retval = "{\"updated\":\"" + updated + "\"}"; return(new JsonResult(JObject.Parse(retval))); }
public static async Task Run([IoTHubTrigger("iothubtrigger", Connection = "IoTHubEndpoint", ConsumerGroup = "FunctionGroup")] EventData[] eventMessages, [CosmosDB( databaseName: "FreeCosmosDB", collectionName: "TelemetryData", ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDBConnection" )] IAsyncCollector <dynamic> output, [SendGrid(ApiKey = "SendGridAPIKey")] IAsyncCollector <SendGridMessage> messageCollector, ExecutionContext context, ILogger log) { var config = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(context.FunctionAppDirectory) .AddJsonFile("local.settings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true) .AddEnvironmentVariables() .Build(); var SendEmailTo = config["SendEmailsTo"]; SendEmailFrom = config["SendEmailFrom"]; EmailsTo = new List <EmailAddress>(); List <string> emailList = SendEmailTo.Split(",").ToList(); foreach (var item in emailList) { EmailsTo.Add(new EmailAddress(item)); } log.LogInformation($"C# IoT Hub trigger function processed a message: {eventMessages.Length}"); string jsonStr; foreach (var eventData in eventMessages) { try { if (eventData.SystemProperties.EnqueuedTimeUtc >= DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1)) { jsonStr = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.Body.Array); } else { return; } if (JToken.Parse(jsonStr) is JObject) { JObject json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(jsonStr); log.LogInformation($"JObject: {json}"); if (json.Value <bool>("isHomeSecured")) { SendEmail(json, messageCollector); } //if (json.Value<string>("SourceInfo") == "Someone is at home: True" || json.Value<string>("SourceInfo") == "Someone is at home: False") // SendEmail(json, messageCollector); await output.AddAsync(json); } else //array, from the Stream Analytics it comes as an Array { JArray json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JArray>(jsonStr); foreach (JObject doc in json) { if (doc.Value <bool>("isHomeSecured")) { SendEmail(doc, messageCollector); } log.LogInformation($"JArray: {doc}"); await output.AddAsync(doc); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.LogInformation($"Caught exception: {ex.Message}"); } } }
public static async Task RunAsync( [EventHubTrigger("%EventHubName%", Connection = "EventHubConnectionString", ConsumerGroup = "%ConsumerGroup%")] EventData[] messages, [DocumentDB("%CosmosDBDataBase%", "%CosmosDBCollection%", ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDBConnectionString", CreateIfNotExists = false)] IAsyncCollector <dynamic> documents, ExecutionContext context, TraceWriter log) { CustomTelemetry.TrackMetric(context, "IoTHubMessagesReceived", messages.Length); var ticksUTCNow = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; var cutoffTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-5); // Track whether messages are arriving at the function late. DateTime?firstMsgEnqueuedTicksUtc = messages[0]?.EnqueuedTimeUtc; if (firstMsgEnqueuedTicksUtc.HasValue) { CustomTelemetry.TrackMetric( context, "IoTHubMessagesReceivedFreshnessMsec", (ticksUTCNow - firstMsgEnqueuedTicksUtc.Value).TotalMilliseconds); } int count = 0; int droppedMessages = 0; foreach (var message in messages) { // Drop stale messages, if (message.EnqueuedTimeUtc < cutoffTime) { log.Info($"Dropping late message batch. Enqueued time = {message.EnqueuedTimeUtc}, Cutoff = {cutoffTime}"); droppedMessages++; continue; } var text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.GetBytes()); log.Info($"Process message: {text}"); try { dynamic telemetry = JObject.Parse(text); if (telemetry.sensorType == DroneSensorEventType) { string position = telemetry.position; var(latitude, longitude) = DroneTelemetryConverter.ConvertPosition(position); await documents.AddAsync(new { id = telemetry.deviceId, deviceId = telemetry.deviceId, Location = new Point(longitude, latitude), Timestamp = message.EnqueuedTimeUtc }); count++; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Error processing message", ex); } } CustomTelemetry.TrackMetric( context, "IoTHubMessagesDropped", droppedMessages); CustomTelemetry.TrackMetric( context, "CosmosDbDocumentsCreated", count); }
public static async Task Run( [TimerTrigger("0 0 9 * * MON")] TimerInfo timer, // Every Monday @ 9:00 AM [SendGrid] IAsyncCollector <SendGridMessage> messageCollector, ILogger log) { var browsingContext = BrowsingContext.New(Configuration.Default.WithDefaultLoader()); string profileUrl = ""; var profileDocument = await browsingContext.OpenAsync(profileUrl); var solvedProblems = profileDocument .QuerySelector("#user-profile-tables table") .QuerySelectorAll("tr td a") .Select(e => e.TextContent?.Trim()) .Where(p => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p)) .ToHashSet(); log.LogInformation($"Profile URL opened, {solvedProblems.Count} solved problems found."); string problems151to200Url = ",start=150"; var problems151to200Document = await browsingContext.OpenAsync(problems151to200Url); var problems151to200 = problems151to200Document .QuerySelectorAll("table.problems tbody tr") .Select(e => e.QuerySelector("a")) .OfType <IHtmlAnchorElement>() .Select(a => a.Href.Split('/', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Last()?.Trim()) .Where(p => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p)) .ToArray(); log.LogInformation($"Problems 151 to 200 URL opened, {problems151to200.Length} problems found " + $"(first problem: {problems151to200.FirstOrDefault()}, last problem: {problems151to200.LastOrDefault()})."); if (solvedProblems.Count < 200 || solvedProblems.Distinct().Count() != solvedProblems.Count || solvedProblems.Any(p => !IsValidProblem(p)) || problems151to200.Length != 50 || problems151to200.Distinct().Count() != 50 || problems151to200.Any(p => !IsValidProblem(p))) { throw new Exception("There's something wrong with the way SPOJ is being scraped."); } var unsolvedProblems = problems151to200 .Select((p, i) => (problem: p, index: 151 + i)) .Where(p => !solvedProblems.Contains(p.problem)) .ToArray(); if (unsolvedProblems.Any()) { log.LogInformation($"Unsolved problems found: {string.Join(", ", unsolvedProblems)}."); var message = new SendGridMessage(); message.AddTo(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SendGridMessageTo")); message.SetSubject(unsolvedProblems.Length == 1 ? "A problem from SPOJ's top 200 needs to be solved!" : $"{unsolvedProblems.Length} problems from SPOJ's top 200 need to be solved!"); message.AddContent("text/plain", string.Join(Environment.NewLine, unsolvedProblems .Select(p => $"#{p.index}:{p.problem}"))); await messageCollector.AddAsync(message); } }
private static async Task <IActionResult> KillMethod( IAsyncCollector <string> console, IDurableClient client, string name, string target, string with, User userCheck) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(target)) { await console.AddAsync($"User {name} tried to kill nothing."); return(new BadRequestObjectResult("Target is required.")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(with)) { await console.AddAsync($"User {name} tried to kill {target} with no weapon."); return(new BadRequestObjectResult("With is required.")); } if (!userCheck.InventoryList.Contains(with)) { await console.AddAsync($"User {name} tried to use a non-existing {with}."); return(new BadRequestObjectResult($"User doesn't have {with}")); } var monster = await name.GetEntityForUserOrThrow <Monster>(client); if (!monster.IsAlive) { await console.AddAsync($"User {name} tried to kill an already dead {target}."); return(new BadRequestObjectResult($"{target} is already dead.")); } var monsterInventory = monster.InventoryList[0]; var inventoryNames = await name.GetEntityForUserOrThrow <InventoryList>(client); var room = await name.GetEntityForUserOrThrow <Room>(client); // monster dies await client.SignalEntityAsync <IMonsterOperations>( name.AsEntityIdFor <Monster>(), operation => operation.Kill()); // monster drops inventory, inventory => room await client.SignalEntityAsync <IInventoryOperations>( name.AsEntityIdFor <Inventory>(monsterInventory), operation => operation.SetRoom(room.Name)); // add inventory to room await client.SignalEntityAsync <IRoomOperations>( name.AsEntityIdFor <Room>(), operation => operation.AddInventory(monsterInventory)); await console.AddAsync($"User {name} valiantly killed {target} with {with}."); await console.AddAsync($"User {name} notices {target} dropped a {monsterInventory}."); var gameMonitor = await Global.FindJob( client, DateTime.UtcNow, nameof(MonitorFunctions.GameMonitorWorkflow), name, true, false); if (gameMonitor != null) { await client.RaiseEventAsync(gameMonitor.InstanceId, MonitorFunctions.KILLMONSTER); } return(new OkResult()); }
public override async Task <ICommandResult> HandleAsync(ComponentDeleteCommand command, IAsyncCollector <ICommand> commandQueue, IDurableOrchestrationContext orchestrationContext, ILogger log) { if (command is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(command)); } if (commandQueue is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(commandQueue)); } var commandResult = command.CreateResult(); try { commandResult.Result = await componentRepository .RemoveAsync(command.Payload, true) .ConfigureAwait(false); var existingComponentTasks = componentTaskRepository .ListAsync(commandResult.Result.Id) .Where(ct => ct.Type == ComponentTaskType.Custom && ct.TaskState.IsActive()); await foreach (var existingComponentTask in existingComponentTasks) { var cancelCommand = new ComponentTaskCancelCommand(command.User, existingComponentTask); await commandQueue .AddAsync(cancelCommand) .ConfigureAwait(false); } var componentTask = new ComponentTask { Organization = commandResult.Result.Organization, OrganizationName = commandResult.Result.OrganizationName, ComponentId = commandResult.Result.Id, ComponentName = commandResult.Result.Slug, ProjectId = commandResult.Result.ProjectId, ProjectName = commandResult.Result.ProjectName, Type = ComponentTaskType.Delete, RequestedBy = command.User.Id, InputJson = commandResult.Result.InputJson }; componentTask = await componentTaskRepository .AddAsync(componentTask) .ConfigureAwait(false); await commandQueue .AddAsync(new ComponentTaskRunCommand(command.User, componentTask)) .ConfigureAwait(false); commandResult.RuntimeStatus = CommandRuntimeStatus.Completed; } catch (Exception exc) { commandResult.Errors.Add(exc); } return(commandResult); }
public async Task Func([Test6("{k}")] IAsyncCollector <AlphaType> collector) { await collector.AddAsync(AlphaType.New("v1")); await collector.AddAsync(AlphaType.New("v2")); }
public static async Task RunOrchestrator( [OrchestrationTrigger] DurableOrchestrationContext context, [ServiceBus("machines", Connection = "ServiceBusConnection")] ICollector <string> machineOutput, [ServiceBus("logs", Connection = "ServiceBusConnection")] ICollector <string> logOutput, [EventHub("mainlogs", Connection = "EventHubConnectionAppSetting")] IAsyncCollector <string> outputEvents, ILogger log) { var settingsList = new List <Settings> { Settings.AverageProductionTime, Settings.ProductionTimeVariability, Settings.AverageFailureRate, Settings.FailureRateVariability, Settings.MachineFailureRate }; try { using (IDbConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SqlConnection"))) { var settingsRepo = new SettingRepository(conn); var machineRepo = new MachineRepository(conn); var settings = settingsRepo.GetSettings(settingsList).Result; var machines = machineRepo.GetActiveMachines().Result; var results = new List <MachineRun>(); foreach (var machine in machines) { var run = new MachineRun(machine, settings.ToList()); var result = RunMachine(run); results.Add(result); /* if (result.MachineBroken) * { * await context.CallActivityAsync("BreakMachine", result.Machine); * machineOutput.Add(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result.Machine, * new JsonSerializerSettings * { * ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() * })); * logOutput.Add($"{TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("US Eastern Standard Time")).ToLongTimeString()} Machine {result.Machine.Id} broken."); * }*/ } var runLog = await context.CallActivityAsync <MachineRunResults>("ProcessResults", results); if (runLog != null) { runLog.MachineRuns = results; var logResults = machineRepo.CreateRunResults(runLog).Result; outputEvents.AddAsync(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(runLog, new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() })).RunSynchronously(); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.LogError(e.Message); } }
public static async Task SayHello([ActivityTrigger] UserInfo userInfo, [Queue("informuserqueue", Connection = "StorageConnectionString")] IAsyncCollector <UserInfo> userInfos) { await userInfos.AddAsync(userInfo); await userInfos.FlushAsync(); }
public static async Task Run([EventHubTrigger("datashare", Connection = "source_EVENTHUB")] EventData[] events, [EventHub("datasource", Connection = "destination_EVENTHUB")] IAsyncCollector <string> outputEvents, ILogger log, ExecutionContext context) { var exceptions = new List <Exception>(); if (serviceClient == null) { var config = new ConfigurationBuilder().SetBasePath(context.FunctionAppDirectory).AddJsonFile("local.settings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true).AddEnvironmentVariables().Build(); var iothubCS = config.GetConnectionString("iothub_connection_string"); serviceClient = ServiceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(iothubCS); await serviceClient.OpenAsync(); } foreach (EventData eventData in events) { try { string messageBody = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.Body.Array, eventData.Body.Offset, eventData.Body.Count); // Send to SignalR service event hub dynamic envDataJson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(messageBody); if (envDataJson.GetType().Name == "JArray") { dynamic envData = envDataJson[0]; string envDataMsg = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(envData); await outputEvents.AddAsync(envDataMsg); // Send command to device when discomfort index become to high or become to low by threshold. // Notice: following logic can work only when number of devices is not so large. you should think that you move this logic to Stream Analytics. if (envData.temperature != null && envData.humidity != null && envData.deviceid != null) { string deviceId = envData.deviceid; double temperature = envData.temperature; double humidity = envData.humidity; double discomfortIndex = 0.81 * temperature + 0.01 * humidity * (0.99 * temperature - 14.3) + 46.3; string alertCommand = null; lock (alertingDevices) { bool isAlerting = false; if (alertingDevices.Contains(deviceId)) { isAlerting = true; } if (discomfortIndex > 80.0) { if (!isAlerting) { alertingDevices.Add(deviceId); alertCommand = "on"; } } else { if (isAlerting) { alertingDevices.Remove(deviceId); alertCommand = "off"; } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alertCommand)) { var command = new { command = new { alert = alertCommand } }; var commandMsg = new Message(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(command))); await serviceClient.SendAsync(deviceId, commandMsg); } } } // Replace these two lines with your processing logic. log.LogInformation($"C# Event Hub trigger function processed a message: {messageBody}"); await Task.Yield(); } catch (Exception e) { // We need to keep processing the rest of the batch - capture this exception and continue. // Also, consider capturing details of the message that failed processing so it can be processed again later. exceptions.Add(e); } } // Once processing of the batch is complete, if any messages in the batch failed processing throw an exception so that there is a record of the failure. if (exceptions.Count > 1) { throw new AggregateException(exceptions); } if (exceptions.Count == 1) { throw exceptions.Single(); } }
public static async Task <IActionResult> Run( [HttpTrigger( AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest request, [ServiceBus( "processtext", Connection = "ProcessTextQueueServicebusConnectionString")] IAsyncCollector <dynamic> processTextQueue, [CosmosDB( databaseName: "TextContent", collectionName: "Web", ConnectionStringSetting = "tkawchak-textanalysis_DOCUMENTDB")] IAsyncCollector <dynamic> outputDocument, ILogger log) { ObjectResult httpResponse; log.LogInformation("C# ProcessTextHttp function received request."); // format the data for the response message string bodyContent = string.Empty; string errorMessage = string.Empty; using (var reader = new StreamReader(request.Body)) { bodyContent = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); } ProcessTextRequest requestContent; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bodyContent)) { errorMessage = "Error processing request - Request Body is empty. Cannot process an empty body."; } requestContent = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ProcessTextRequest>(bodyContent); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requestContent.Title)) { errorMessage = "Error processing request - Title not specified"; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requestContent.Domain)) { errorMessage = "Error processing request - Domain not specified"; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errorMessage)) { log.LogError(errorMessage); httpResponse = new BadRequestObjectResult(errorMessage); return(httpResponse); } log.LogInformation($"Received request to store data for webpage at {requestContent.Url}"); var outputDoc = Utils.Converters.ConvertProcessTextRequestToProcessedTextDocument(requestContent); log.LogInformation($"Document Title: {outputDoc.Title}"); log.LogInformation($"Document Domain: {outputDoc.Domain}"); await processTextQueue.AddAsync(outputDoc); log.LogInformation($"Sent webpage data to process text queue"); await outputDocument.AddAsync(outputDoc); log.LogInformation($"Stored webpage data to storage"); string message = $"Successfully Processed request to store data for webpage at {requestContent.Domain}."; log.LogInformation(message); httpResponse = new OkObjectResult(message); return(httpResponse); }
public static Task SaveState_BindToStoreName( string storeName, [DaprState("{storeName}", Key = "key1")] IAsyncCollector <int> state) { return(state.AddAsync(42)); }