Example #1
 public Spaceship(ISpaceshipEngine engine, IArmour armour, IWeapon weapon, string model)
     this.Engine = engine;
     this.Armour = armour;
     this.Weapon = weapon;
     this.Model  = model;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ArmorViewModel"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="armour">The armour.</param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">IArmour is null</exception>
 public ArmorViewModel(IArmour armour)
     if (armour == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("IArmour is null");
     Armour = armour;
 protected Monster(string name, int acc, int str, IWeapon wep, IArmour arm)
     CreatureName          = name;
     CreatureBaseAccuracy  = acc;
     CreatureBaseStrength  = str;
     CreatureDefaultWeapon = wep;
     CreatureDefaultArmour = arm;
Example #4
 public EquipmentSummaryViewModel(IEquipment equipment)
     Equipment          = equipment;
     _Weapon            = Equipment as IWeapon;
     _MisseleWeapon     = Equipment as IMisseleWeapon;
     _CloseCombatWeapon = Equipment as ICloseCombatWeapon;
     _Armor             = Equipment as IArmour;
        /// <summary>
        /// Formats the save modifier.
        /// E.g. Light Armour gives a save of 6+, but is stored as a 1
        /// Thus (7-1) = 6+
        /// A Shield  gives a save of +1, but is stored as a 1
        /// Thus represent as  +1
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="armour">The armour.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static string FormatSaveModifier(IArmour armour)
            if (armour.Save != 0)

Example #6
 private void Start()
     rbd               = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
     stats             = GetComponent <Stats>();
     movementDirection = setCameraDirection(cameraView);
     animatorFacade    = new AnimatorFacade(GetComponentInChildren <ICharacterAnimator>(), this);
     movement        = movements[MovementEnum.Ground];
     healthComponent = new HealthComponent(this);
     armour          = new Armour(this);
     attackManager   = new AttackManager(animatorFacade, this);
Example #7
 private void Start()
     _rbd               = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
     _stats             = GetComponent <Stats>();
     _movementDirection = SetCameraDirection(cameraView);
     _animatorFacade    = new AnimatorFacade(GetComponentInChildren <ICharacterAnimator>(), this);
     InitMovements();                                    // creating all movements
     _movement        = _movements[MovementEnum.Ground]; // setting the current movement as Ground One
     _healthComponent = new HealthComponent(this);
     _armour          = new Armour(this);
     _attackManager   = new AttackManager(_animatorFacade, this);
Example #8
        private int CalculateArmourSave()
            int calculatedArmorSave = ARMOUR_SAVE_NONE;

            foreach (IEquipment item in _Warrior.Equipment)
                IArmour armour = item as IArmour;
                if (armour != null)
                    calculatedArmorSave += armour.Save;
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Puts on a piece of armour. Can possibily be interrupted with a 
        /// confirmation to remove a peice if that delegate is !null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aArmour">The peice of armour to put on</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void PutOn(IArmour aArmour, bool confirm = true)
            if (WornArmour.ContainsKey(aArmour.ArmourLocation))
                if (TakeOff(WornArmour[aArmour.ArmourLocation], confirm))
                    WornArmour.Add(aArmour.ArmourLocation, aArmour);
            else WornArmour.Add(aArmour.ArmourLocation, aArmour);

            // fire off events.
            if (OnFinishedDressingManeuver != null)
                    new EquipmentEventArgs<DressingActionType, IArmour>(
                    DressingActionType.PutOn, aArmour));
        public IPlayer CreatePlayer(IRegistration playerParameters)
            string name, spaceshipModel, engineModel, armourModel, weaponModel;

            name           = playerParameters.ParametersForPlayer["name"];
            spaceshipModel = playerParameters.ParametersForPlayer["ship"];
            engineModel    = playerParameters.ParametersForPlayer["engine"];
            armourModel    = playerParameters.ParametersForPlayer["armour"];
            weaponModel    = playerParameters.ParametersForPlayer["weapon"];

            ISpaceshipEngine engine = engineFactory.CreateEngine(engineModel);
            IArmour          armour = armourFactory.CreateArmour(armourModel);
            IWeapon          weapon = weaponFactory.CreateWeapon(weaponModel.ToLower());

            weapon.Bullet = bulletFactory.CreateBullet();
            ISpaceShip spaceship = spaceshipFactory.CreateSpaceship(spaceshipModel, engine, armour, weapon);
            IPlayer    player    = playerFactory.CreatePlayer(name, spaceship);

Example #11
 public DrossMashupSpaceship(ISpaceshipEngine engine, IArmour armour, IWeapon weapon, string model)
     : base(engine, armour, weapon, model)
        public ISpaceShip CreateSpaceship(string model, ISpaceshipEngine engine, IArmour armour, IWeapon weapon)
            var command = this.autofacContext.ResolveNamed <ISpaceShipService>(model.ToLower());

            return(command.CreateSpaceship(model, engine, armour, weapon));
 public SpaceshipMock(ISpaceshipEngine engine, IArmour armour, IWeapon weapon, string model) : base(engine, armour, weapon, model)
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Take off a piece of worn armour.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="?"></param>
        public bool TakeOff(IArmour aArmour, bool confirm = true)
            if (WornArmour.ContainsKey(aArmour.ArmourLocation))
                if (RemoveArmourConfirm != null && confirm)
                    if (RemoveArmourConfirm(
                        string.Format("Remove {0}?", aArmour.Name))) { }
                else WornArmour.Remove(aArmour.ArmourLocation);

                // fire off events.
                if (OnFinishedDressingManeuver != null)
                        new EquipmentEventArgs<DressingActionType, IArmour>(
                            DressingActionType.TakeOff, aArmour));

                return true;

            if (OnFinishedDressingManeuver != null)
                    new EquipmentEventArgs<DressingActionType, IArmour>(
                        DressingActionType.Neither, aArmour));

            return false;
Example #15
 public ISpaceShip CreateSpaceship(string model, ISpaceshipEngine engine, IArmour armour, IWeapon weapon)
     return(new FuturisticSpaceship(engine, armour, weapon, model));