public AppElementViewModel(IAppStoreItem appItem, bool usePhoneFeed)
            if (appItem == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("appItem");

            _usePhoneFeed = usePhoneFeed;

            AppStoreId = ExtractAppId(appItem.Id);
            PackageFamilyName = appItem.PackageFamilyName;
            ThumbnailUrl = GetThumbnailUrl(appItem);
            AppName = appItem.Name;

            //Price value from feed comes in en-US culture format so we need to make sure it works when OS is set to a different culture.
            CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            NumberStyles style = NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint;
            double price;
            Double.TryParse(appItem.Price, style, culture, out price);

            if (usePhoneFeed)
                Rating = appItem.Rating / 2; // Converting rating score to [0 to 5 stars] range.
                Price = price;
                Rating = appItem.Rating; //Rating range is [0 to 5] stars
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appItem.Price))
                    //Discounted price is missing so use full price
                    Price = appItem.FullPrice;
                    Price = price;

            NumRatings = appItem.NumOfReviews;
            _currencySymbol = appItem.CurrencySymbol;
            Category = GetCatogoryName(appItem);

            if (usePhoneFeed)
                //Remove leading characters from app Id
                AppStoreLink = string.Format(_baseStoreUrlPhone, AppStoreId);
                AppStoreLink = string.Format(_baseStoreUrl, appItem.PackageFamilyName);
        private string GetThumbnailUrl(IAppStoreItem appItem)
            if (null != appItem && null != appItem.Assets && appItem.Assets.Count > 0)
                var asset = appItem.Assets.FirstOrDefault();
                if (null != asset && null != asset.Images && asset.Images.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var image in asset.Images)
                        // Check image size to see if it's the square tile
                        if (image.Size == 1)
                            if (image.Url == string.Empty)
                                return "Assets/LightGray.png"; // Renturn place holder image
                            if (_usePhoneFeed)
                                return _storeImagesUrlPhone + ExtractAppId(image.Url);
                                return _storeImagesUrl + ExtractAppId(image.Url);

            return string.Empty;
 private string GetCatogoryName(IAppStoreItem appItem)
     if (null != appItem && null != appItem.Category && null != appItem.Category.Name)
         return appItem.Category.Name;
         return _resloader.GetString("NoCategory");