public static void ScaleUpDown(IAppServicePlan appServicePlan) { WriteSection("Applying a possible scale up/down fix"); PricingTier _default = appServicePlan.PricingTier; PricingTier _next = GetNextTier(_default); Log("Scaling Up App Service Plan: " + _next.ToString()); appServicePlan.Update().WithPricingTier(_next).Apply(); LetsWaitALittle(); Log("Scaling Down App Service Plan: " + _default.ToString()); appServicePlan.Update().WithPricingTier(_default).Apply(); LetsWaitALittle(); }
// Creates a web app under a new app service plan and cleans up those resources when done public static void ConfigureAppService(IAzure azure) { string appName = "MyConfiguredApp"; string rgName = "MyConfiguredRG"; Console.WriteLine("Creating resource group, app service plan and web app."); // Create Web app in a new resource group with a new app service plan var webApp = azure.WebApps.Define(appName).WithRegion(Region.USWest).WithNewResourceGroup(rgName).WithNewWindowsPlan(PricingTier.StandardS1).Create(); var plan = webApp.AppServicePlanId; Console.WriteLine("Resources created. Check"); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to scale up app service."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Scaling up the app service."); // Scale out the app service IAppServicePlan appPlan = azure.AppServices.AppServicePlans.GetById(plan); appPlan.Update().WithCapacity(appPlan.Capacity * 2).Apply(); Console.WriteLine("App service scaled up."); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to clean up resources."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Cleaning up resources."); // Delete resources one-by-one // Note: might be most efficient to delete by resource group, but wanted to learn code for each piece. (This is a learning exercise afterall!) azure.WebApps.DeleteById(webApp.Id); azure.AppServices.AppServicePlans.DeleteById(plan); azure.ResourceGroups.DeleteByName(rgName); Console.WriteLine("Resources cleaned."); }