public int Add(Salesperson person)
Example #2
        protected override void Seed(MyWebsite.Models.API.ApiDbContext context)
            if (!System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
            _context.Products.AddOrUpdate(new Product()
                ProductId   = "MWBLU99",
                ProductName = "Super Mineral Water",
                Size        = "Medium",
                Variety     = "Blueberry",
                Price       = 979,
                Status      = "ACTIVE"

            _context.Products.AddOrUpdate(new Product()
                ProductId   = "MWBLU01",
                ProductName = "Super Mineral Water",
                Size        = "Medium",
                Variety     = "Blueberry",
                Price       = 979,
                Status      = "ACTIVE"
            _context.Products.AddOrUpdate(new Product()
                ProductId   = "MWBLU02",
                ProductName = "Super Mineral Water",
                Size        = "Medium",
                Variety     = "Blueberry",
                Price       = 979,
                Status      = "ACTIVE"
            _context.Products.AddOrUpdate(new Product()
                ProductId   = "MWBLU03",
                ProductName = "Super Mineral Water",
                Size        = "Medium",
                Variety     = "Blueberry",
                Price       = 979,
                Status      = "ACTIVE"
            _context.Products.AddOrUpdate(new Product()
                ProductId   = "MWBLU04",
                ProductName = "Super Mineral Water",
                Size        = "Medium",
                Variety     = "Blueberry",
                Price       = 979,
                Status      = "ACTIVE"
            _context.Products.AddOrUpdate(new Product()
                ProductId   = "MWBLU05",
                ProductName = "Super Mineral Water",
                Size        = "Medium",
                Variety     = "Blueberry",
                Price       = 979,
                Status      = "ACTIVE"
            _context.Products.AddOrUpdate(new Product()
                ProductId   = "MWBLU06",
                ProductName = "Super Mineral Water",
                Size        = "Medium",
                Variety     = "Blueberry",
                Price       = 979,
                Status      = "ACTIVE"
            _context.Products.AddOrUpdate(new Product()
                ProductId   = "MWBLU07",
                ProductName = "Super Mineral Water",
                Size        = "Medium",
                Variety     = "Blueberry",
                Price       = 979,
                Status      = "ACTIVE"
            _context.Products.AddOrUpdate(new Product()
                ProductId   = "MWBLU08",
                ProductName = "Super Mineral Water",
                Size        = "Medium",
                Variety     = "Blueberry",
                Price       = 979,
                Status      = "ACTIVE"
            _context.Products.AddOrUpdate(new Product()
                ProductId   = "MWBLU09",
                ProductName = "Super Mineral Water",
                Size        = "Medium",
                Variety     = "Blueberry",
                Price       = 979,
                Status      = "ACTIVE"
            _context.Products.AddOrUpdate(new Product()
                ProductId   = "MWBLU10",
                ProductName = "Super Mineral Water",
                Size        = "Medium",
                Variety     = "Blueberry",
                Price       = 979,
                Status      = "ACTIVE"
            _context.Products.AddOrUpdate(new Product()
                ProductId   = "MWBLU11",
                ProductName = "Super Mineral Water",
                Size        = "Medium",
                Variety     = "Blueberry",
                Price       = 979,
                Status      = "ACTIVE"
            _context.Products.AddOrUpdate(new Product()
                ProductId   = "MWBLU12",
                ProductName = "Super Mineral Water",
                Size        = "Medium",
                Variety     = "Blueberry",
                Price       = 979,
                Status      = "ACTIVE"

            //------seed customers-------
            _context.Customers.AddOrUpdate(new Customer()
                CustomerId = 1,
                FirstName  = "Johny",
                LastName   = "Sullivan",
                Phone      = "204 428 0636",
                Address    = "1931 West London",
                City       = "London",
                State      = "MD",
                Zipcode    = "20851",
                Email      = "*****@*****.**"

            _context.Customers.AddOrUpdate(new Customer()
                CustomerId = 2,
                FirstName  = "Johny",
                LastName   = "Sullivan",
                Phone      = "204 428 0636",
                Address    = "1931 West London",
                City       = "London",
                State      = "MD",
                Zipcode    = "20851",
                Email      = "*****@*****.**"

            //-- seed Salesperson---
            _context.Salesperson.AddOrUpdate(new Salesperson()
                SalespersonId = 1,
                FirstName     = "Johny",
                LastName      = "Sullivan",
                Phone         = "204 428 0636",
                Address       = "1931 West London",
                City          = "London",
                State         = "MD",
                Zipcode       = "20851",
                Email         = "*****@*****.**"

            _context.Orders.AddOrUpdate(new Order()
                OrderId       = 1,
                CustomerId    = 1,
                Date          = DateTime.Now,
                SalespersonId = 1,
                Status        = "paid",
                TotalDue      = 9900

            _context.OrderItems.AddOrUpdate(new OrderItem()
                OrderId     = 1,
                OrderItemId = 1,
                ProductId   = "MWBLU10",
                Quantity    = 3


            //  This method will be called after migrating to the latest version.

            //  You can use the DbSet<T>.AddOrUpdate() helper extension method
            //  to avoid creating duplicate seed data. E.g.
            //    context.People.AddOrUpdate(
            //      p => p.FullName,
            //      new Person { FullName = "Andrew Peters" },
            //      new Person { FullName = "Brice Lambson" },
            //      new Person { FullName = "Rowan Miller" }
            //    );