public void ProxyTargetVirtualMethodParameterAttributes()
            MarkerClass target = new MarkerClass();

            AdvisedSupport advised = new AdvisedSupport(new Type[] { typeof(IMarkerInterface) });

            advised.Target = target;
            IAopProxy aopProxy = CreateAopProxy(advised);

            object proxy = aopProxy.GetProxy();

            Assert.IsNotNull(proxy, "The proxy generated by a (valid) call to GetProxy() was null.");

            MethodInfo method = proxy.GetType().GetMethod("MarkerVirtualMethod");


            object[] attrs = method.GetParameters()[1].GetCustomAttributes(false);
            Assert.IsNotNull(attrs, "Should have had 1 attribute applied to the method's parameter.");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, attrs.Length, "Should have had 1 attribute applied to the method's parameter.");
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(MarkerAttribute), attrs[0].GetType(), "Wrong System.Type of Attribute applied to the method's parameter.");
        public void DoesNotProxyTargetVirtualMethodReturnValueAttributesWithProxyTargetAttributesEqualsFalse()
            MarkerClass target = new MarkerClass();

            AdvisedSupport advised = new AdvisedSupport(new Type[] { typeof(IMarkerInterface) });

            advised.Target = target;
            advised.ProxyTargetAttributes = false;
            IAopProxy aopProxy = CreateAopProxy(advised);

            object proxy = aopProxy.GetProxy();

            Assert.IsNotNull(proxy, "The proxy generated by a (valid) call to GetProxy() was null.");

            MethodInfo method = proxy.GetType().GetMethod("MarkerVirtualMethod");


            object[] attrs = method.ReturnTypeCustomAttributes.GetCustomAttributes(false);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, attrs.Length, "Should not have attribute applied to the method's return value.");
        public void ProxyCanBeClassAndInterface()
            TestObject target = new TestObject();

            target.Age = 32;
            AdvisedSupport advised = new AdvisedSupport();

            advised.TargetSource = mockTargetSource;
            IAopProxy aop = CreateAopProxy(advised);

            object proxy = aop.GetProxy();

            Assert.IsTrue(AopUtils.IsDecoratorAopProxy(proxy), "Should be a decorator-based proxy");
            Assert.IsTrue(proxy is ITestObject);
            Assert.IsTrue(proxy is TestObject);

            ITestObject itb = (ITestObject)proxy;

            Assert.AreEqual(32, itb.Age, "Incorrect age");
            TestObject tb = (TestObject)proxy;

            Assert.AreEqual(32, tb.Age, "Incorrect age");
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new proxy according to the settings in this factory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <p>
        /// Can be called repeatedly; the effect of repeated invocations will
        /// (of course) vary if interfaces have been added or removed.
        /// </p>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>An AOP proxy for target object.</returns>
        public virtual object GetProxy()
            IAopProxy proxy = CreateAopProxy();
