/// <summary>
        /// Gets the set of all fields that should not participate in Equals and GetHashCode generated because they're
        /// the target of [IgnoreDuringEquals].
        /// </summary>
        public static ISet <FieldDefDeclaration> GetIgnoredFields(IAnnotationRepositoryService annotations,
                                                                  ICompilerAdapterService compilerAdapterService)
            HashSet <FieldDefDeclaration>     fields = new HashSet <FieldDefDeclaration>();
            IEnumerator <IAnnotationInstance> ignoredFieldsAnnotations =
                annotations.GetAnnotationsOfType(typeof(IgnoreDuringEqualsAttribute), false, false);

            while (ignoredFieldsAnnotations.MoveNext())
                IAnnotationInstance annotationInstance = ignoredFieldsAnnotations.Current;
                MetadataDeclaration targetElement      = annotationInstance.TargetElement;
                if (targetElement is FieldDefDeclaration field)
                else if (targetElement is PropertyDeclaration propertyDeclaration)
                    FieldDefDeclaration backingField = compilerAdapterService.GetBackingField(propertyDeclaration);
                    if (backingField != null)
                        // The property is not an automatic property.
                        // It's ignored, because there is no backing field and we make equality by fields.
                        // We could emit a warning but I don't think that's a great idea. Like, yeah, ignoring a
                        // non-automatic property has no effect but so what: it's ignored, just like the user wanted.
