public static void DoShowWhenKeystroke(IAddSymbolView viewToShow, Key key)
     if (key >= Key.A && key <= Key.Z ||
         key >= Key.D0 && key <= Key.D9 ||
         key >= Key.NumPad0 && key <= Key.NumPad9)
         // When A-Z, 0-9 is keyed in, we show the element attached in this property
         if (viewToShow != null)
             if (viewToShow.Visibility != Visibility.Visible)
                 viewToShow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
     else if (key == Key.Escape)
         // When ESC is keyed in, we hide the element attached in this property
         if (viewToShow != null)
             viewToShow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
 public static void SetShowWhenKeystroke(DependencyObject element, IAddSymbolView value)
     element.SetValue(ShowWhenKeystrokeProperty, value);