public void OutputBuilderTests_BuildProductLines_NullProductValue_ThrowsException()
            var     sut   = new OutputBuilder();
            IMinMax range = GetMinMaxMock(1, 5, 3); // Irrelevant to this test

            IAccumulatedProduct[] mockData =
                GetAccumulatedProductMock("a", new double[0]),
                GetAccumulatedProductMock("b", null),
                GetAccumulatedProductMock("c", new double[0]),
            IAccumulatedProducts mockDatas = GetAccumulatedProductsMock(range, mockData);
            bool   exceptionThrown         = false;
            string exceptionMessage        = "";

            catch (InvalidOperationException e)
                exceptionThrown  = true;
                exceptionMessage = e.Message;
            Assert.AreEqual("Accumulated product 1 value: not allowed to be null", exceptionMessage);
        public void OutputBuilderTests_BuildProductLines_CorrectProductName_StringStartsWithProductNameAndAComma()
            var     sut   = new OutputBuilder();
            IMinMax range = GetMinMaxMock(1, 5, 3); // Irrelevant to this test
            string  names = "Working";

            IAccumulatedProduct[] mockData  = { GetAccumulatedProductMock(names, new double[0]) };
            IAccumulatedProducts  mockDatas = GetAccumulatedProductsMock(range, mockData);
            List <string> outputString = sut.BuildProductLines(mockDatas);

            Assert.AreEqual("Working, ", outputString.First());
Example #3
        public List <string> BuildProductLines(IAccumulatedProducts products)
            if (products == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(products));
            if (products.Products == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The list of accumulated products is not allowed to be null");
            if (!products.Products.Any())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The list of accumulated products is not allowed to be empty");

            List <string> productLines = new List <string>();
            int           index        = 0;

            foreach (IAccumulatedProduct product in products.Products)
                if (product == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Accumulated product {index}: Not allowed to be null");
                if (product.Name == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Accumulated product {index} name: Not allowed to be null");
                if (product.Values == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Accumulated product {index} value: not allowed to be null");
                string toOutput    = string.Join(", ", product.Values);
                string finalOutput = product.Name + ", " + toOutput;

        public void OutputBuilderTests_BuildProductLines_IfNoDataIn_ThrowsException()
            var     sut   = new OutputBuilder();
            IMinMax range = GetMinMaxMock(1, 5, 3); // Irrelevant to this test
            IAccumulatedProducts mockDatas = GetAccumulatedProductsMock(range, new IAccumulatedProduct[] { });
            bool   exceptionThrown         = false;
            string exceptionMessage        = "";

            catch (InvalidOperationException e)
                exceptionThrown  = true;
                exceptionMessage = e.Message;
            Assert.AreEqual("The list of accumulated products is not allowed to be empty", exceptionMessage);