/// <summary>
        /// Create an initial random population.
        /// </summary>
        public void Reset()
            // create the genome factory
            if (IsHyperNEAT)
                CODEC         = new HyperNEATCODEC();
                GenomeFactory = new FactorHyperNEATGenome();
                CODEC         = new NEATCODEC();
                GenomeFactory = new FactorNEATGenome();

            // create the new genomes

            // reset counters
            GeneIdGenerate.CurrentID       = 1;
            InnovationIDGenerate.CurrentID = 1;

            EncogRandom rnd = RandomNumberFactory.Factor();

            // create one default species
            BasicSpecies defaultSpecies = new BasicSpecies();

            defaultSpecies.Population = this;

            // create the initial population
            for (int i = 0; i < PopulationSize; i++)
                NEATGenome genome = GenomeFactory.Factor(rnd, this,
                                                         InputCount, OutputCount,
            defaultSpecies.Leader = defaultSpecies.Members[0];

            // create initial innovations
            Innovations = new NEATInnovationList(this);
        public void Render()
            NEATGenome     genome    = (NEATGenome)this.pop.BestGenome;
            Substrate      substrate = SubstrateFactory.factorSandwichSubstrate(resolution, resolution);
            HyperNEATCODEC codec     = new HyperNEATCODEC();
            NEATNetwork    phenotype = (NEATNetwork)codec.Decode(this.pop, substrate, genome);

            TrialEvaluation trial     = new TrialEvaluation(phenotype, this.testCase);
            IntPair         actualPos = trial.Query(resolution);

            // clear what was there before

            double boxWidth  = GridCanvas.ActualWidth / resolution;
            double boxHeight = GridCanvas.ActualHeight / resolution;
            double delta     = 2.0 / resolution;
            int    index     = 0;

            for (int row = 0; row < resolution; row++)
                double y    = -1 + (row * delta);
                double boxY = row * boxHeight;
                for (int col = 0; col < resolution; col++)
                    double x    = -1 + (col * delta);
                    double boxX = col * boxWidth;

                    Rectangle r = new Rectangle();
                    r.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, boxX);
                    r.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, boxY);
                    r.Width  = boxWidth;
                    r.Height = boxHeight;

                    if (this.testCase.GetPixel(x, y) > 0)
                        r.Fill = Brushes.Blue;
                        double          d = trial.Output[index];
                        int             c = trial.Normalize(d, 255);
                        SolidColorBrush b = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(255, (byte)c, 255));
                        r.Fill   = b;
                        r.Stroke = Brushes.Black;


            Rectangle target = new Rectangle();

            target.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, actualPos.X * boxWidth);
            target.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, actualPos.Y * boxHeight);
            target.Width  = boxWidth;
            target.Height = boxHeight;
            target.Fill   = Brushes.Red;